why when i export artboards there are not the size i specify but 1 px more than the one i wanted.(fil>export>artboards checked).i checked if it overlapping or not it s the same result
When I export from Illustrator CS5 with "Use Artboards" checked it adds a "-01" to the end of my file name before the extention. I'm assuming that its because its artboard #1 or something. It happens with the all or the range button checked. It doesnt show the -01 when you are saving the file name. This is pretty annoying because I have to go back and re name the files when this happens.
When drawing a path with the brush tool and then placing the brush back over an anchor point to continue the path, sometimes it continues the path and sometimes it deletes the path and just starts a new one. Why does it sometimes add to the existing path and sometimes start a new one?
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?
I'm trying to copy an exact measurement from one item to another but Illustrator is rounding the measurements down to the cloest decimal pont. For example I want my icon to sit on 66.21 px but it rounds it down to 66 px. Below in the middle is the icon that I amtrying to align. I want the 4 red squares to sit in the same middle as the stroked sqaure surrounding it. The surrounding sqaure is expanded because I am using this at various sizes and want the stroke to be consistent.
If I am constantly making frames in photoshop for use in the video world (ie. They will be on TV) the pixels need to be rectangular (or 4x3) in aspect and not square.
I know in programs like After Effects and Combustion you can set when saving an image whether or not it is square or rectangular pixels.
I've just started using Xara to edit my photos. I have a problem I can�t solve: how can I export the edited photos with 72 dpi and 843*403 pixels;or 72 dpi and 404*404 pixels?
I am new to illustrator and photoshop I don't have the DPI on my Illustrator and photoshop I only have Pixels/inches and centimeters, How can I have a good resolution equal to 300 DPI that is required for my project?
When saving a pdf from Illustrator, close cropped PSD images have a dark edge of pixels in the final PDF. It looks like a black outline when viewed in Acrobat. I have since found if I flatten the transparency before saving as a PDF , it displays fine. Why is the PDF having problems with Illustrator’s use of transparency?
Units: pixels - Is there really no way to get keyboard increments smaller than .01 for the ultra-fine nudging? In previous versions (at least to CS4 tmk, allowed for increments up to 4 or 5 decimal points. Granted, I don't use below .001 that much, but I definitely use that quite a bit.
I have scale 9 grids on a symbol. The symbol has been correctly created with all anchor points on whole number coordinates. Setting a width and coordinates to align with whole number values (pixels) causes Illustrator either bleed the left or right pixels for apparently no reason. For example, setting the width 224 causes it to bleed on the right. Setting it to 225 causes the pixels to bleed on the left which makes **** all sense since the paths on the left shouldn't have changed. I think this is a bug in the impelementation in regards to how the origin works in Illustrator in that it is the center of the object.
I need to make two banners one is 10ftX14ft and the other is 6ftX8ft. When I create a new doccument there is no option for feet. I need to convert Feet into Inches or Pixels, how can I do that, So illustrator will except the size?
Illustrator has the 'Transform Each' dialog, but it only allows you to scale multiple objects by specifying a percentage. Is there any way to specify the size in pixels? More specifically, imagine I have 10 rectangles on my canvas, and I want them all to be of a specific height. The rectangle position on the canvas matters, so I can't do the 'vertical align to top and then resize group height' trick - they need to be resized in place.
I have just begun using Illustrator CS6. I have a very simple image (.png file) that I would like to annotate with some arrows and some text. This file is what I guess you would consider a raster image (no vector graphics) that has a very limited color range. It has less than ten basic colors plus a gradient fill (shades of gray) in a few places.
I want to use illustrator to annotate this image with some lines with arrows and some text, but first, there are a few stray lines that I would like to eliminate. For example, there is a black line that I would like to "erase" by replacing all the black pixels in this line with white pixels. I tried to do this by selecting the "Paint Brush" tool and then selecting white as both my fill and my stroke color. After doing this, I position the cursor over the pixels I want to change but the cursor appears as a circle with a line through it, and it doesn't do anything.
I have found that edited grpahics that were previously fine start to be pixelated instead of vector. I can still edit the lines and anchor points but it is shown with pixels.
This has happened under a number of circumstances.
- copy a graphic from one drawing to another .. the first one is fine, the 2nd ..... - I completed a drawing then renamed it to edit it .. the edits are no longer displayed as vectors.
Why is the pixel ratio of a project in illustrator different than that of the same pixel ratio of a project in Photoshop? Example: A project can in Illustrator can have an artboard of 950px X 950px and be 12in and in Photoshop that same pixel ratio will be 4 3/4in.
Somehow I've managed to disable a feature in Illustrator CS6 that does two things: 1) it causes a small box to follow the cursor when I'm drawing an object 2) the light green lines or x's are gone now, too. How can I get them back? Are they only visible under certain circumstances?
Why does adding a FX (Distort - Ocean Ripple) to text (converted to outlines) or a basic shape, change it back to pixels and blocky? Why doesn't it stay as smooth bezier curves? Is this a possible bug?
I have a client who has a set of .ai files they need resized to meet various epub layout specs. Apple and Kindle both are different sizes so I need to know the best way to resize an .ai file 11.25 x 5.65 inches into a smaller dimension in pixels while retaining the layers.
Recently, my freehand lasso tool in CS2 has been, by default, adding to the first selection I make without me asking it to. Usually you would have to hold shift down to do this, but it is doing it automatically. How do I stop this?
Caps lock is not on.
I would prefer it to be back to normal because I often deselect using the lasso tool by clicking out of a faulty selection I have made.
way to stop Photoshop from adding the 'copy' suffix to files when you save them as additional formats? I'm working accross multiple Photoshop versions on multiple computers and would like to standardize the save functions.
I'm using InDesign CS 5. It's on a MacBook Pro runiing OS 10.9.1.
I have a document that was sent from a client. The client's doc was in ID CS 6. I have used the Find Font command to change ALL of the the fonts to one font, Alegreya Regular, an OpenType font from Google. I saved the doc and Quit ID CS 5.
When I copy and paste from the old document to the new one, the text appears as Futura. I have deleted all instances of Futura from the old file, and there are not any style sheets with Futura in the old file. Why does the supposedly-deleted formatting persist, and how can I get rid of it for real (and forever)?
I recently upgraded from Photoshop 7 to 11 and now I'd finding that my photos have been automatically assigned additional and incorrect keyword tags. Most prevalent seems to be place and event mistaking. I'm now going back through all my photos to verify the correct tags and remove the incorrect.
With CS6 on my Mac Pro desktop, in cloning skin color the newly cloned areas are perceptably more red. I have on occassion played with color mixes (not knowing what I was doing, just experimenting) and may have screwed something up.
I've been receiving the same basic files from a client for a few years now. The Illustrator (15.10.) file is saved as an Acrobat (10.1.3) PDF then opened in Photoshop (12.1 x64).
In the art is a 50% grey blur like shadow that's some imported raster shape. That blur is over the artboard, with no further tone, color or layers beneath it, so, theoretically, it's on white. Up until this current set of files i'd have no problems importing the pdf in Photoshop, flattening and saving, the blur would transition to white and everything was good. But now, even though when still layered it shows the white to be 0/0/0/0 in cmyk, as soon as I flatten it, that white area is now 0/0/0/3.
I've gone through the Illustrator file and cannot find an new elements, and when I take a previous PDF who's tif file is fine, and open that pdf in Photoshop, I get the same addition of tone. So this tells me something has changed in Photoshop, be it a setting or preference that's been altered.
When I command + click a layer or mask to select the contents therein I get the 'marching ants'. After flattening + copying the selection + creating a new document with preset sizes + and pasting the selection onto the new image I get a 1 pixel border around 1 edge of the image.
I can tell I have extra space because when I change the default bkg of the 'Background' layer to black I can see the black on one side...
First image shows my selection...
Second image shows a zoom of the selection... aka: it has no extra space
Third image shows the blk background behind the copy / pasted image to show the extra space that somehow got added...