When I command + click a layer or mask to select the contents therein I get the 'marching ants'. After flattening + copying the selection + creating a new document with preset sizes + and pasting the selection onto the new image I get a 1 pixel border around 1 edge of the image.
I can tell I have extra space because when I change the default bkg of the 'Background' layer to black I can see the black on one side...
First image shows my selection...
Second image shows a zoom of the selection... aka: it has no extra space
Third image shows the blk background behind the copy / pasted image to show the extra space that somehow got added...
Many times, when I set up a set of slices and export the html and images, I discover that an extra row has been added by ImageReady along the top and right side of the table. It is 1 pixel high along the top, 1 pixel wide along the side. How can I prevent this?
After I move an image or line of type to where I want it on a Photoshop CS5.1 layer, it moves an extra pixel. It is incredibly annoying and want it to stop before I start screaming. I've turned off all "Snap" and "Snap To" menu items.
I am using the type tool in Photoshop CS6 (windows XP pro) and I am running into this weird issue. I have never seen anything like it before. It isn't my keyboard or computer, it only happens in Photoshop. When I am typing and I mess up and use backspace to delete a character, the next character I type in gets doubled. Random letters will pop up as well - such as when I type "S", the letter "U" shows up... when I press the spacebar, it adds an extra letter instead of a space (the following letter or previous letter used). The cursor gets placed before that second character too. I can delete it using backspace or delete but then if I press spacebar to continue, it shows up again and again. I can't get rid of the extra characters!
I've tried activating and de-activating various key locks on my keyboard to no avail. Is there some button I pushed or weird formatting I somehow accidently implemented?
I have spent hours trying to do this simple task in Gimp without luck. What I'm looking for is the border effect (without outer shadow) seen in the three embedded screenshots in this image: [URL]
In inkscape it's a matter of adding a square on top of the image with identical dimensions and making the stroke colour semitransparent and the fill colour completely transparent, but image quality suffers badly when exporting from svg to png or jpg again, and I'd prefer doing it in Gimp.
So, take image, say 100 by 100, add 1 pixel inner transparent border - how? I have seen this effect enough to suspect it's a filter option but haven't found anything in my filters.
ALL users of Draw who use it for web-design. If this is intended to be this way and understanding that it's a pain for most users why not just offer the option of having it cropped automatically in the export dialogue?
When resizing a layer with a layer mask and using any bicubic method, the layer maks scales 1 pixel differently from the other layers. Is this normal due to some component of bicubic interpolation or is it a bug?
Try the following:
Create a new image in Photoshop at 800 px x 800 px
Leave the locked BG layer and create a new layer
Fill the new layer with green (or your favorite color)
Add a layer mask to the green layer and fill the mask with black (via Fill with foreground color or Alt+Del) to completely remove any visible green from your document
Now use Image-> Image Size (Opt+Cmd+I) to resize your document using any bicubic scaling method. Resize to 600 px by 600 px.
Now zoom in on the document's edge at the pixel level. Is it completely white as it should be?In my case, no. However, if I use 'nearest neighbor' interpolation method when scaling, I do get a solid white edge. Even more strange, if I fill the layer mask with black by inverting it rather than filling it the problem does not happen.
I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?
The problem is almost prehistoric. It dates from the very beginning as far I can tell... whatever image you like to export and whatever its format: png, gif, jpg, there is always one grey pixel border line at the edges. This happens when AA is activated (and deactivate it is not an option if you know what I mean).
I have been reading some threads and no matter what I do: Exporting with or without the background or changing its color... it's always happening.
I Have now installed the trial version of Corel Draw X5 (sp1 included) as I do with every release in order to check out if the problem persist... but no luck for me: nobody seems to be taking care of this issue. I really don't know why Corel is bumping off some many (potentially) buyers like me and many others... why Corel is keeping this issue unresolved year after year, release after release?
I'm making an ebook cover with a white background and I want to put a grey pixel cell frame around it but I don't know how to do it. I'm only getting started with getpaint.net.
I've spent most of today doing some print design in xdp7, I like the software a lot especially the live effects, however there seems to be a problem I'm experiencing using them in that once I have used an effect, xdp7 adds a load of white space to my image, like thousands of pixels, obviously I customised the size of the image before I began, and when I export the image it reads some of the time as the desired size, and some of the time the much larger size. I've tried cropping but it doesn't make any difference, I've tried changing the image size in the utilities option, but still the image I created is there along with the white space.
So how do I make sure what I save is just what I am creating, and how do I stop this from happening or counteract it. Also why does it do this?
I am having an issue with Gimp after taking a heart shaped transparent bg image and filling the transparent parts with a flame pattern, and adding new image objects as layers, every time I flatten the image or export the image to jpg, there is a noticeable white border around the heart! I DON'T want that!!! how can I export or flatten the image without?
My question concenrs this photo: [URL] ... (this is my own photo by the way). Just so you know what I mean with 'sky' later on: you're looking at balconies.
I want to extend it on the left so I can make it a desktop wallpaper. However, the original photo does not extend far enough to allow me to just crop differently. How can I, using GIMP, fill up the new space so that it looks like the sky that's already there?
i have images resized up to 35'000 pixels in length; the photos are in 8-bit mode, but ps does not show me the option for saving them to jpeg but only ps or tiff ....
This problem just developed. When I use the crop tool either by double clicking or using the tool bar the image immediately shrinks to one pixel. P.S.CS3 running on OSX10.5.8
I resize and image, Photoshop "brightens" the borders, Why? I would like to just shrink an image, but it adds a one pixel border to the image that is lighter in color than all the pixels next to it making it blatantly obvious that its there. What could that conceivably be useful for, and how do I resize an image without it doing this?
I'm using a Canon 40D, Photoshop 6 and a Mac Mini running OSX 10.8.4.
I'm loading a RAW image from my Camera into Photoshop in 16 bit mode. As I understand it, my Canon 40D has a 12-bit A/D and RAW images have a 12 bit depth out of the camera. Loading them in 8-bit depth would lose some dynamic range/resolution, so I choose to load them in 16 bit mode.
Once the RAW image is in Photoshop in 16 bits, I scroll over parts of the image with the color picker to see the pixel values. This is where I lose understanding of what's going on. The color picker shows pure white values as 32768 and pure black values as zero. Apparently Photoshop (or Camera Raw) is shifting the 12-bit camera data up to fill the top 16 bits in Photoshop. But this is not entirely true! If it truly shifted all 12 camera bits into the 12 MSBs of the 16 bit Photoshop value, wouldn't the max white value be 65535?? If the 12 bits were shifted into the 15th bit, wouldn't the max value be 32767?? Where does 32768 come from? Also, what is Photoshop putting into the LSBs after it does the shifting?
I'm trying to do some averaging of lots of low light exposures using Linear Dodge in 16 bit mode. If photoshop indeed shifts the 12-bit camera values to the MSB of the 16 bit word, I'll eventually run into clipping when I sum my images. I'd have to go to 32-bit mode and that really slows down my system, almost to the point of uselessness.
I'm newbie in graphics, so the problem is: I've got an image (495*500) of not perfect quality. I need to make it ~ twice bigger and take off this ****, that appears, when the image is larger - pixel dirt, dust, noise, blur, bad color and other crap .....
I have a number of photo images which I need to convert to 6 specific colours and pixelate the image and then sit on a grid (like if you were to make an image using a Rubicks cube to define colour and the grided system).
How would I do this? The grid needs to be 450 x 450 grid cubes (not pixels as I need to show the grid also). Like I say imagine you are using the rubiks cubes to make an image.
I'm trying to script a simple action. I would like to make a frame matte around an image, fill it with black, then make a white stroke around the image but have it a few pixels away from the image itself... like this: Attachment 18286
What I normally do is just create a shape on a layer underneath the image that is the exact size of the image... then transform that shape adding a specified amount of pixels (percent doesn't work, it comes out uneven) to each value. Now, this would be fine if all my images were the same size... but I need to be able to add a set number of pixels... say 10... to an arbitrary set of dimensions (changes each time I crop).
I want to put a old TV as the border for my gif animation. I deleted the tv screen and made it transparent, but I have no clue how add it as a border. My animation has over a 100 frames so it would be impossible to line them all up evenly.