GIMP :: How To Make Clean Image Without Deleting Pixel By Pixel
Mar 13, 2011
I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?
I have some picture look like a line of graph, but it has only one-pixel line width (for an example in attach file) and it can't be seen when I put it in presentation slide. So I want to make line thicker, like 3-5 pixel width. How can I do this?
I have a number of photo images which I need to convert to 6 specific colours and pixelate the image and then sit on a grid (like if you were to make an image using a Rubicks cube to define colour and the grided system).
How would I do this? The grid needs to be 450 x 450 grid cubes (not pixels as I need to show the grid also). Like I say imagine you are using the rubiks cubes to make an image.
I am using Gimp 2.8.0 but only understand about 5% or less of it. (It is running on Win.7 Hm. Prm., Vsn 6.1, Sp-1.)
How can I define or adjust the pencil tool so it draws at the one pixel size in a new ".gif" work area. (That would be one pixel in the image to one pixel on the screen.) I found how to define the work area in pixels for a ".gif". The predefined pencil tool sizes (chosen by assorted dots) "went away" several versions of Gimp back as far as I know.
The object of this effort is to produce "TrainGifs" for use in other applications. Should you be interested just Google "TrainGifs" and you will be able to check out multiple site for this hobby.
I have spent hours trying to do this simple task in Gimp without luck. What I'm looking for is the border effect (without outer shadow) seen in the three embedded screenshots in this image: [URL]
In inkscape it's a matter of adding a square on top of the image with identical dimensions and making the stroke colour semitransparent and the fill colour completely transparent, but image quality suffers badly when exporting from svg to png or jpg again, and I'd prefer doing it in Gimp.
So, take image, say 100 by 100, add 1 pixel inner transparent border - how? I have seen this effect enough to suspect it's a filter option but haven't found anything in my filters.
"Image > Print Size" really IS the command you are looking for.
The key is to pay attention to the units-of-measure shown on the Print Size dialogue box:- The "Width" and "Height" values under Print Size are displayed in real-world units (inches, mm, etc.), not image pixels.- The "Resolution" values are displayed in pixels-per-unit.- You cannot change your image's pixel dimensions (aka scale the image) from the Print Size dialogue. That's what the "Scale Image" command is for.Remember the relation between pixel and print sizes is:(print size) = (pixel size) / (print resolution)
When you change the image's print resolution, of course the real-world size (the "width" or "height" shown in the Print Size dialog) of your image will update to reflect the new print resolution -- that value is calculated from your image's actual pixel size and whatever resolution value you just entered. This is totally normal behavior -- in fact, it's expected. If you change an image's resolution from, say, 150 pixels/inch to 75 pixels/inch, this doubles the print size of your image but only the print size; the image's pixel size remains precisely the same as before. (You can confirm this by comparing "Image > Canvas Size..." before and after changing the resolution.)
And as others have stated, if you're using the image for Web viewing then its print resolution has absolutely zero effect on how it will appear onscreen (print resolution only affects, well, actual printing), in which case you'll want to use the "Scale Image" command to actually scale your image larger or smaller.
I have two art objects on two layers. I want to match to the pixel the two objects that otherwise could be exactly the same but one layered object was imported slightly smaller.
The scale tool has good scale handling, I just want to measure the tool spots to the pixel to gain an exact scale size factor and match sizes.
It blows my mind that somthing this simple isnt all that simple. I used the eyedropper tool to slect a color from another photo, then used the brush while fully magnified to change the color of each pixel.
It was coming out a weird greyish color, and I noticed that if I clicked more than once, it got darker, but so did the pixels directly around the one i was editing. So, i copied both pictures, loaded them into paint, and went to town.
It worked, but then when i copied it back into photoshop, it had a black background (there was no background in the original pictures) around the sprite I was editing. I tried to use the magic wand tool to get rid of it, but it took parts of the sprite with it, so...
Is there any way that I can edit the color of a single pixel (or hell, even a group of pixels if they share the same exact color would be nice...preferred, even) accurately? If not, what program could I use that would keep the transparent background?
I'm attempting to tilt this image for use in a game im writing. I've been using Map Object and rotation (Y) but this then causes pixel color changes on the boundary with the background color. How would I tilt this picture without getting the problem?
Does anyone know in Photoshop how I could make a rectangular image smile. I've tried using the Distort Filter > Polar Coordinates but the results are unpredictable and I need it to be exact.
If I use a pencil, I can draw one pixel at a time. However, if I switch to the Dodge or Burn tools, even selecting 1 pixel width, it still is soft. One click effects 8 pixels. How can I truly harden the tool to only darken 1 pixel at a time?
I am trying to take a jpg file of an image, and write each RGB pixel color's value into a 3 component integer vector corresponding to the RGB components of the color for that pixel. For each pixel in the jpg, I wish to write the corresponding 3 by 1 integer vector into a matrix after which I plan to do a SVD decomposition of the newly constructed matrix to do an image analysis.
Any plug-in that allows one to efficiently iterate through each pixel in a jpg, and convert the pixel data to a RGB integer vector, and say write to a file?
Specific Details: I am using gimp 2.6 as my image editor, and wish to collect all the RGB 3 by 1 integer vectors (where each 3 by 1 integer vector corresponds to RGB color of exactly one pixel in the jpg image) into a matrix of integer so that I can do a reduced SVD decomposition of that matrix to analyse the pixel data: I wish to compare two similar images by using the SVD decomposition of integer matrices corresponding to the two images saved as jpg files pic1.jpg and pic2.jpg.
I have a picture, I am looking to take one pixel of color and copy it nearby over another pixel. How do I do this? try to inform me about the exact brush and size I need to select as I cannot figure out the correct combo to do so.
I need to look at the pixel intensity of a gray scale image to write some code. I have used some trivial softwares like paintshop pro earlier where you can see the pixel intensity being displayed along with the co ordinates of the pixels as you slide your mouse pointer across. In Gimp 2.8 for windows, i can see the co ordinates but not the intensity. My image is a grayscale image.
I have an image which i would like to measure the pixel intensity along a specific vector. I do not want the total pixel intensity for the entire image, i would like to draw a line, ie with the measurement tool and get a graph showing the pixel intensity as you travel along that line.
I have a 1024x768 canvas and I want to draw two 1 pixel columns, one starting in column 0 and one in column 1023 (basically two tall white strips on the far left and far right)
How can I make this as a png which is transparent in the middle. I need to put this on top of another image and cover the left and right edges.
When I set my pencil brush tool to 1px, to make some pixel art, it is not 1 pixel, it adds an extra pixel to the left. I dont know why this happens, but im the height IS 1 pixel, but the width adds an extra pixel to the left or right (mainly left). even when i position it ExACTLY in the center of the grid, which is set to 1px by 1px, it STILL adds an extra pixel
OK im working on Zelda a link to the past images and those things are like 24 pixels an object is there a way i can make the pixel bigger without stretching or re sizing cause that make it all blurry
Look okif you cant see them here
THE LITTLE ONE IS THE NORMAL SIZE then i re size it and it looks blurry you might not see it but in the game it looks too real
I would like ot make a smart fodler in LightRoom that will capture all my Instagram photos in one place. The parameter that seems obvious to me is the size 2048x2048.
I cannot see any way to make this an attribute in a smart folder, I am new to LightRoom.
I have a 2013 Macbook Pro 15 with discrete graphics and plenty of RAM, so I cannot image the computer is to blame. I have 2.8.10. When using features like auto white balance it takes way too long to change the pixel colors. I have installed GIMP in parallels and it runs faster through the Windows application than it does directly on my Mac. Is this just the result of the mac build being not as refined? Is there a setting that I need to change? I have the Tile Cache on 8GB and number of processors on 8 (4 actual, 4 virtual).
I am trying to do some pixel art. what i want to do is take my concept art which is pretty good size and make a video game sprite over the top of it. So i would need to have a background image which is large and a foreground that is WAY SMALLER but lines up with it.
Is there a way to change the origin of the y-axis from the top to the bottom, with the positive being on top and negative on bottom?
Also, I notice that exact pixel coordinates are split down the center of the actual pixel. When I hover the mouse over a pixel, it will only show the correct coordinate of that pixel in the top left quadrant of that pixel. The attached picture represents a single pixel at (0,0). If I put the mouse over the red quadrant, I correctly get (0,0). If I put it over the Blue quadrants, I get (1,0) and (0,1). The Green displays as (1,1). This is rather inconvenient for me, as I'm working on pixel art, so I always have to make sure to mouse over the top left 1/4th of the pixel that I'm trying to find the coordinate of.