GIMP :: Edit One Pixel At Time?
Nov 24, 2013
I have a picture, I am looking to take one pixel of color and copy it nearby over another pixel. How do I do this? try to inform me about the exact brush and size I need to select as I cannot figure out the correct combo to do so.
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May 16, 2012
As a pixel artist, I could not find the following:
1) I have been searching for a way to edit my color pallette indexes in real time (preferrably through a RGB/HSV slider). Is this currently possible through any means?
2) Is there a way to cause a pixelated effect with the gradient tool (or any tool)? This can be used for quick background effects, speeding up a process for a piece.
3) Turn off the dimming from the navigator window when I zoom in.
4) (See attachment) Adjust the status bar to be more useful than just simple tips. I also don't need a scaling indicator if the navigator window forces me to have one. It would be nice to turn this off for the navigator window as well. Being able to maximize the space for that window would be ideal for more detailed previews.
I already use GIMP for stilled pixel art, and would like to maximize my speed and efficiency doing so.
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Mar 13, 2011
I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?
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Jul 26, 2012
We are developing an application using functionality of Gimp´s channel mixer with java.
Our problem is that we don’t Know how channel mix works exactly for transforming pixel by pixel in Java.
For example,
We have an image an do on it the next mix:
Output Channel = Red
For simulate that, we transform all pixels with Red Component *2 and 255 (maximum) if is greater.
Our problem is:
Output Channel = Red
How can I simulate that?
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Jun 4, 2013
What tool or tools do I have to use to erase or fill a single pixel at a time?
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Jan 15, 2014
Trying to resize photo and photoshop will not let me edit the pixel dimensions.
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Apr 27, 2013
Is there a way to bulk edit photos by pixel size? I'm going through an eBay nightmare where the minimum pixel size on the longest side will need to be 500. I have thousands of images. First: will corel 12 sort images by pixel dimensions? or is there a program somewhere that will? Second: can I then take the smaller images and bulk resample them to 500 pixels on the longest side?
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Jun 10, 2013
When I attempt to set a specific capture time, it behaves just like LR4.x but NOTHING CHANGES after hitting "Change".
The progress bar at the upper left of the screen appears briefly as though the changes are being made, but when going back to edit, again the capture time remains unchanged.
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Jun 25, 2003
How do I edit multiple layers all at once, the images is phpBB forum images and they look the same at the edges but have different graphics in the middle, I want to edit the edges of the small Icons all at once.
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Aug 11, 2012
How do you edite all animation frames at the same time? Can't figure out how to do it...
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May 16, 2013
I often color code layers in the layers panel.
In CS5 I could select several layers and change the color for all at once. Doesn't seem to work anymore in CS6.
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Mar 30, 2013
I tried to edit the capture time on NEF files. I set -5 hours in "Metadata" > "Edit Capture Time", selected "Write date or time changes into proprietary raw files" and clicked "Save to Metadata" but the file does not change. There is just a new XMP file created, but i would like to edit this in raw files.
When I tried the above steps witha JPEG file everything works fine, but also when I try to change capture time on files, which exists in JPEG and NEF, neither the JPEG nor the NEF changes. Only the XMP.
It's the same problem like this, but even there is no answer:[URL].....
I run Lightroom 4.3 on Windows 7.
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Dec 1, 2013
When I select a bunch of images and try to change the capture time by an hour (Metadata/Edit Capture Time) there is no check box or button for "change all". I know I've done this in the past, but can't do it now and don't see change all. I'm using LR 5.2 and selecting the images I want to change in grid view.
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Jan 31, 2013
I am inserting a block (strSectionBlk) into an AutoCAD 13 drawing using VB .NET. This block has an attribute with tag "FAB_HEIGHT" and I want to edit its string to the value of a variable "strFabHeight" at the time of the insertion of the block. The insertion of the block is fine but I've failed to edit the attibute.
Public Sub InsertSection()
'Call the Function that decides the name of the head section block strSectionBlk
getSectionDwg(strModel, strHeadType)
'Start the database
Dim db As Database
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May 10, 2012
I'm getting very long run times to edit x refs in place. Once the exref drawing opens, sometimes after 2 or three minutes, and I make my edit, It can take ten minuted to close the xref.
Drawing are clean, purged, -purged, recovered audited. Computer is new workstation and dedicated to CAD only. Very little opportunity for corrupted files.
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Jul 31, 2008
Ive got a problem with a drawing from a client and the text is in multi-line format and is currently at the correct angle, however, when I go to edit the text is rotate's it's self round 270 deg....
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Dec 11, 2013
this is probally the most noob question ever but I can't get a 1 pixel brush, 3x3 is the smallest brush I can get
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Nov 25, 2013
Everytime I open photoshop to edit a simple photo it crashes. Almost as soon as I press clone tool or any other tool it crashes. Its not my computer, or the space on my computer or my video drives. I was going to uninstall then re-install but I am scared because I have the CD but not my serial number.
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Dec 13, 2013
I imported a number of Powerpoint slides into VideoStudio Pro X6 and am now recording voice audio for them. My problem is: I don't know how to stretch each slide's duration to match its audio. By default, all the slides came in with a 3 sec duration. I can increase each to a max of 6 sec, but that's not long enough for my audio.
I've dug around the internet and watched tutorials on Corel's site, but they don't work. Everything I've looked at (even page 60 in the User's Guide for X5) says that to change a photo's duration, double-click it and select "Speed/Time-Lapse" on the Edit screen.
When I double-click a photo, there isn't a "Speed/Time-Lapse" option on my Edit screen (see image). So how am I supposed to change the slide's duration?
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Oct 7, 2013
I would like to find a way to edit multiple text boxes in inventor instead of one at a time.
For example, in autocad, when multiple text boxes are selected, any values that are different in the properties window are represented as "varies".
Is there a way to select multiple text boxes and do things such as change the text height, justification, font, etc, just as it works in autocad?
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Dec 7, 2011
I am trying to take a jpg file of an image, and write each RGB pixel color's value into a 3 component integer vector corresponding to the RGB components of the color for that pixel. For each pixel in the jpg, I wish to write the corresponding 3 by 1 integer vector into a matrix after which I plan to do a SVD decomposition of the newly constructed matrix to do an image analysis.
Any plug-in that allows one to efficiently iterate through each pixel in a jpg, and convert the pixel data to a RGB integer vector, and say write to a file?
Specific Details: I am using gimp 2.6 as my image editor, and wish to collect all the RGB 3 by 1 integer vectors (where each 3 by 1 integer vector corresponds to RGB color of exactly one pixel in the jpg image) into a matrix of integer so that I can do a reduced SVD decomposition of that matrix to analyse the pixel data: I wish to compare two similar images by using the SVD decomposition of integer matrices corresponding to the two images saved as jpg files pic1.jpg and pic2.jpg.
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Jun 20, 2012
I need to look at the pixel intensity of a gray scale image to write some code. I have used some trivial softwares like paintshop pro earlier where you can see the pixel intensity being displayed along with the co ordinates of the pixels as you slide your mouse pointer across. In Gimp 2.8 for windows, i can see the co ordinates but not the intensity. My image is a grayscale image.
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Jul 25, 2013
I have an image which i would like to measure the pixel intensity along a specific vector. I do not want the total pixel intensity for the entire image, i would like to draw a line, ie with the measurement tool and get a graph showing the pixel intensity as you travel along that line.
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Oct 15, 2013
In V12, for the large Catalog that I have converted from V8: After closing in the PSE Editor the edit of a photo, the horizontal red bar with the text "Edit in Progress" takes typically much too much time to disappear from the PSE Organizer. I am seeing this problem wrhen using the large V12 PSE Catalog (around 70'000 cataloged folto files, including the multiple versions within Version sets), that I have converted from PSE V8. With V12, typically for the jpeg photo Files that i have shot this year with my Nikon D5000, it takes around 16-18 seconds between
- the time where I complete within the Editor closing the edit
- and the time until the red bar disappears from the Organizer.With V8, this took only a couple of seconds.
I noticed that for my older photos shot in 2004 wih a Canon compact camera (and originally cataloged with PSE Version V3) , in V12 this is much faster: a couple of seconds (I will need to measure that more precisely), even though I use the same V12 PSE Catalog, the same PSE Preferences and the same Windows 7 based PC for the tests with the recent photos of my recent D5000 cameras and for the tests with the old photos of my old Canon compact camera.
I do not understand, why these timing differences between the photos shot with my modern NIKON D5000 and the photos shot with my old Canon compact camera. There is a difference in the file size (around 3.4 MB vs around 14.MB ); but I doubt whether this can be the explanation.
Also, I noticed that in "Information --> Metadata --> GPS" the Organizer sjows me for my Nikon D5000 photos (just) the following entry: GPS Version (something that is not shown for the photos shot with my old Canon compact camera). Myself do not use GPS datza (at least: not concsiously). There are probably also other differences in the Metadata.
I remembder that many years ago, I was seeing similar long times for some activities (I do not fremember which ones). After some investigations, it turned out that the reason for these long times was a component that was trying to adccess rersouces that were not located on my PC but were instead located remotely on the Laptop of my wife (which was in the same Windows Home networjk)
Sees in V12 long time for the red horizontal bar to disappear? Do you have an explanation for that?Some Notes about my current environment:
In the Preferences of the Organizer: All Media Analysis Options are disabled/unckecked: in the Preferences of the Organizer: Adobe Revel Agent is disabled and none of the Dialog fields in the "Adobe Revel" panel have been set..Thumbnails are all built (at least, this is my impression)t Watch Folder is diable. Killing the Elements.I have deactivated the Adobe Active File Monitors of all PSE Versions that I have installed - this did not work..I have not installed PRE V12 (but have previous Versions of PRE installed)
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Jan 19, 2014
I have a 2013 Macbook Pro 15 with discrete graphics and plenty of RAM, so I cannot image the computer is to blame. I have 2.8.10. When using features like auto white balance it takes way too long to change the pixel colors. I have installed GIMP in parallels and it runs faster through the Windows application than it does directly on my Mac. Is this just the result of the mac build being not as refined? Is there a setting that I need to change? I have the Tile Cache on 8GB and number of processors on 8 (4 actual, 4 virtual).
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Jan 8, 2014
I am trying to do some pixel art. what i want to do is take my concept art which is pretty good size and make a video game sprite over the top of it. So i would need to have a background image which is large and a foreground that is WAY SMALLER but lines up with it.
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Mar 28, 2012
Is there a way to change the origin of the y-axis from the top to the bottom, with the positive being on top and negative on bottom?
Also, I notice that exact pixel coordinates are split down the center of the actual pixel. When I hover the mouse over a pixel, it will only show the correct coordinate of that pixel in the top left quadrant of that pixel. The attached picture represents a single pixel at (0,0). If I put the mouse over the red quadrant, I correctly get (0,0). If I put it over the Blue quadrants, I get (1,0) and (0,1). The Green displays as (1,1). This is rather inconvenient for me, as I'm working on pixel art, so I always have to make sure to mouse over the top left 1/4th of the pixel that I'm trying to find the coordinate of.
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Sep 19, 2011
I'd like to accomplish:
Having a single color background with multiple thin vertical layers that will be equal distance apart, thus giving a striped look. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble positioning the layer exactly using pixel coordinates. I'm not even sure if that can be done.
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Jun 12, 2012
I'm trying to create 1 pixel wide borders for some web buttons. I've tried to use the GIMP path tool to do this but I can't figure out how to get it looking right. See attached image.
1 - copied from a button I found on a web-page. This is what I want - single pixel horizontal and vertical lines with feathering on the curved bits.
2 - path that I used to generate the images on the right.
3 - 'Stroke Path' with 1px brush size & no antialiasing. Corners are not smooth.
4 - 'Stroke Path' with 1px brush size & anti-aliasing. Straight lines are too fuzzy as they are 2 pixel wide rather than 1.
Is there a way to do this with the path tool or any other way with the GIMP?
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Jun 1, 2011
Due to that nature of Video, which I work in, pixels are shaped differently for televisions than they are for computers or print. Standard Deffinition is 720x480 pixels yet you can get the pixel aspect ratio in 4:3 or widescreen which is 16:9 yet it is still considered 720x480 pixels. Is there a way to compensate for this? I author DVDs for clients and would like to use GIMP to create menus for the DVDs. I can start a PSD in Adobe Encore CS4, save it as a PSD, open it in GIMP and work in more detail there yet when I save it from GIMP and open it back up in Encore, because of the pixel aspect ratio, the size of the image and menu is stuck at 4:3. Can I save 720x480 pixels in the 16:9 format or do I need to just change the pixels?
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Nov 14, 2012
I am using Gimp 2.8.0 but only understand about 5% or less of it. (It is running on Win.7 Hm. Prm., Vsn 6.1, Sp-1.)
How can I define or adjust the pencil tool so it draws at the one pixel size in a new ".gif" work area. (That would be one pixel in the image to one pixel on the screen.) I found how to define the work area in pixels for a ".gif". The predefined pencil tool sizes (chosen by assorted dots) "went away" several versions of Gimp back as far as I know.
The object of this effort is to produce "TrainGifs" for use in other applications. Should you be interested just Google "TrainGifs" and you will be able to check out multiple site for this hobby.
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