AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Multiple Text Boxes Instead Of One At Time?
Oct 7, 2013
I would like to find a way to edit multiple text boxes in inventor instead of one at a time.
For example, in autocad, when multiple text boxes are selected, any values that are different in the properties window are represented as "varies".
Is there a way to select multiple text boxes and do things such as change the text height, justification, font, etc, just as it works in autocad?
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Jun 12, 2013
Im working for a geological firm that use timescales to describe their work (depths at times etc). I need to compress the time bar but not alter the text but cant find way to do it. Im only scaling in 1 direction.
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Mar 27, 2013
I'm using Inventor 2011.
Is it possible to edit text formatting (e.g. font, font size, alignment) on mulitple text boxes, rather than having to right click each and click Edit Text? Ctrl+right click doesn't bring the option up to edit text.
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Feb 18, 2014
Is it possible to do a multiple-records data merge that doesn't generate multiple text boxes? And if so, how?
For publications such as a directory with contact information, it would be easier to manage the layout by merging multiple records into one text box. However, it seems like the only option in InDesign is to merge the records into each of their own text boxes.
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Dec 23, 2011
I want to convert a single text box to two separate text boxes (not multiline text). Let's say after the fifth character.
For example:
"Hello World"
And I want to change it into:
"Hello" "World"
And I will move them separately like:
"Hello" _______ "World"
_______ "World"
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Apr 11, 2012
I am having a problem with a blueprint for a house. the plan was sent to me dwg. We use pdf factory to print the plans. This leaves a black spot where ever the dwg has mask on the dimensions. Which happens to be throughout the plan and it will only let me take it off one text box at a time. There is way too many dimensions in the plan for this to be practical. how to remove this mask from all? I am using autocad lt and pdf factory to print.
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Jun 25, 2003
How do I edit multiple layers all at once, the images is phpBB forum images and they look the same at the edges but have different graphics in the middle, I want to edit the edges of the small Icons all at once.
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May 16, 2013
I often color code layers in the layers panel.
In CS5 I could select several layers and change the color for all at once. Doesn't seem to work anymore in CS6.
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Dec 21, 2011
I want to do a glow effect on a logo that I am working on.. the problem is that all the tutorials I've seen are for single text boxes. I will need to have different sizes and fonts so it requires more than one text box. I can edit the first text box to where I can "path from text," add a new layer, "select from path," create an outline using the "grow" effect and then blur the it so it looks like a soft edge with a different color than the text. I would like to do this for each text box, but when I add a new layer for a new letter and attempt to "select from path" it will only highlight the letter that I've already completed with the glow effect. I'm thinking I will have to save the file each time I create a new glow letter and reopen as a new file to add one more glow letter... but is there a faster way? I've attached a screen shot... the whole logo will read like this:
The A,W, and G will be larger and in a different font than the lowercase letters when its done. SO I will have 6 text boxes total.
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Sep 18, 2013
Why is the text size in the instructional boxes "File", "Edit", "Image" etc: so small that they are almost unreadable. I know its me, but I can't figure out how to fix it.
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Nov 22, 2013
I'm missing transform handles and unable to edit objects or text boxes in Illustrator CC. How do I fix this?
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Jul 31, 2008
Ive got a problem with a drawing from a client and the text is in multi-line format and is currently at the correct angle, however, when I go to edit the text is rotate's it's self round 270 deg....
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Jan 31, 2002
I need to change a text item in about 200 drawings. I would rather do this at one time if at all possible.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have Inventor professional 2011 & AutoCAD 2011.Both these programs are showing the same error. This is only affecting one PC out of 20 installed with the software
The text beneath the icons at the top of the screen appear as empty rectangular boxes. It would appear to be unable to render the character (as if it was a foriegn language set)
The PC language is set to UK English as is the keyboard.
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Jan 25, 2011
The PC (running XP PRO 32bit) in question is at a middle school, so I'm sure someone was playing with settings, but I cannot find what they changed. underneath each screen icon that should say INVENTOR STUDIO, APPLICATION OPTIONS, SHEETMETAL, MODEL, etc. etc...all that shows is boxes; it's like they've either changed the language for the app to chinese (or other unsupported/unloaded in our OS) or some system font is haywire, but this only is affecting Inventor 2011 so far so I believe they changed a setting in the app. Once I get into a menu option; the text for each tab is correctly displayed. Where would one set the text/font for all icons in the Inventor 2011 interface?
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May 25, 2012
LDT had a command for editing multiple lines of text without exiting the command. This made renumbering and relabeling very easy and saved time.
Currently I am getting an error.
Command: (load "tedit")
; error: LOAD failed: "tedit"
Is there a similar command in C3D? Or can I edit the old command to be compatible with C3D?
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Jul 15, 2013
I'd like to constrain about 100 parts at the same time to the same plane. They are the same part, copied over and over.
Is there any way to do this quickly? A component pattern is not an option in this situation as the spacing is very irregular.
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May 6, 2013
I am working on Dynamic Simulation. I ran the simulation for 4 secs, in real time it took more than 4secs but on the screen it was showing it ran for 4 secs. Is it correct? Can we edit settings to make it run for real time 4 secs?
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Jun 22, 2010
I have a .dwg file which contains numerous blocks (70 or so) and they all have unique names.All these blocks have nested text.
I want to edit the attributes of all the text, in all these blocks, such that they assume the same text style, text layer and colour.
Obviously, with so many blocks, I want to avoid clicking on the text and editing the attributes individually.
I tried a lisp file called ATcolour.lisp, but even this is very time consuming.
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Nov 29, 2004
I am using Photoshop 7.0
Can I format multiple layers of text at one time?
Also, can I write in paragraph format - so lines get evenly spaced?
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Sep 16, 2012
I need to be able to batch process a bunch of title block attributes automatically.
Block Name: Title Block
Tag Name: SH
Currently they come out with just the number 1, 2 , 3 etc I need to add a leading zero ie 01, 02, 03 etc
All the scripts I have will just replace the number with another
I just want to append the zero infront of the existing number
ie the code will need to read the existing number and decide if its less than 10. if it is less than 10, then the code just needs to append the leading 0. if its 10 or over, then do nothing.
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Feb 5, 2013
I have one large assembly for hose routing it consists of around 1000 hoses all hoses are coming in main assembly but delivery date is very short. My plan is work on same assembly 5 people how it works?
One idea is like working in sub assemblies but in my case only one assembly consist of all hoses.
How to work multiple users in single assembly file at same time. like in solid works enable collabarative mode.
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Nov 16, 2011
Is there a way to edit multiple holes of the same kind.,or do i have to change each one seperately.
eg. Plain Holes To Tapped Holes
Iv 2010
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Dec 4, 2007
I have an assembly drawing .IDW with more than 50 instances of an O-ring (same ipt.). Is it possible to edit the hatching of the O-ring and all 50 will update without having to edit each individually. ?
Inv 2008 sp1
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Feb 7, 2013
Im working on a plastic enclosure, I needed to make a hole for a connector but this hole would cut into both the top and bottom of the enclosure. Normally when I edit parts in an assembly I just double click them, they become transparent and I can do all my edits. Since I need to make a hole that cuts into both parts, I just went to the 3D Model tab started a new sketch and extruded out the cut.
However doing it this way does not reflect the changes when the parts are opened on their own. Is there a way to have these changes trickle down to the part files?
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Mar 10, 2011
I have photoshop cs4. Here some questions:
1) how to edit multiple text or shape layers (text size, color, size etc..)? i tried link the layers and hold shift key, but it does not work.
2) Why when i drew shape i don't have ideal edge. Every time i need to zoom and fix with transform tool. Even when i drew with rules, grids this happens.
3) How to make like this? when you save file for web as image black part don't show up and you don't need crop this?
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Oct 11, 2012
I'm using Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 in Windows 7. I'm trying to type-set a file and some of the lines of text aren't regularly editable. When selecting a letter it's chopped up in to a bunch of smaller images, thus rendering it impossible to change the font. The customer wants the title on their business card to be un-bolded and I am unable to edit the title. How can I release the type back to an editable form?
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Feb 2, 2014
I'm trying to change "capture time" of multiple photos to a specific time.
I know that there is "Edit Capture Time" feature under Metadata. But when I try to edit multiple photos, it says that "Modify the capture time stored in the selected photos by entering the correct time adjustment for the photo displayed to the left. Other photos (but not vidieos) will be adjusted by the same amount of time". And it really does.
For example,
If A file's capture time is 1/11/2011
B file's capture time is 1/11/2012
C file's capture time is 1/11/2013
I would like to change their capture time to 1/11/2014. All the three files.
But the current "Edit Capture Time" feature of Lightroom just adds three years to each file like this:
A file's capture time -> 1/11/2014
B file -> 1/11/2015
C file -> 1/11/2016
So their capture times remain as different ones. And this is not I want...
I've googled a lot and tried several programs other than lightroom as well, but the "Capture time" recognized by lightroom could not be changed by other programs.
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Jul 6, 2012
If there was a way to have multiple stretch boxes when selecting one linear parameter.
I am currently working on 2D isometric drawings. I have lined up my views horizontally, so one stretch block is sufficient for stretching things vertically (I just drag the box over all my views), but I cannot find a way to efficiently stretch several views horizontally.
I was hoping that a solution to this will allow me to either select one grip and move at most 4 views horizontally, or just enter ONE value in the quick properties window.
The only idea I can think of now is to just make 4 linear dimensions, 4 grips, and have 4 quick properties inputs .
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Mar 27, 2012
Autocad Architecture 2012 crashed during hatch. Upon recovery, all my text was replaced with boxes. I suspect there is a system variable which was changed as part of the recovery process, but I can't find it.
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Jun 28, 2011
When I open up an editing box. ie Local Tone Mapping, Adjust Brightness/contrast etc etc, the box that opens up is only partially on screen, you cant drag it into a different position because the top part where you click to drag is off screen, even if I semi minimise the window it is still off screen. Is there a way when these are opened to dock them to one side or to a permanent position. Windows 7 64bit - PSPP X3
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