InDesign :: Multiple Records Data Merge Doesn't Generate Multiple Text Boxes?

Feb 18, 2014

Is it possible to do a multiple-records data merge that doesn't generate multiple text boxes? And if so, how?
For publications such as a directory with contact information, it would be easier to manage the layout by merging multiple records into one text box. However, it seems like the only option in InDesign is to merge the records into each of their own text boxes.

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InDesign :: Merge Data Into Document Set Up With Multiple Records With Same Margins / Spacing

Feb 7, 2014

I have two questions about data merging....
1) I am going to consistently need to merge into a document that I will also set up with mulitple records with the same margins, spacing, etc.  Is there a way to 'save' templates so I don't have to start over each time I create a multiple record layout??
2) If I want to merge in a single document, but have the same column 'name' laid out various time, do I keep inserting 'name' from the data source? How will it know to proceed to the next one on the list and not repeat the same one over and over?

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InDesign :: CC Data Merge Multi Records Shift Off PAGE?

Feb 25, 2014

When I do a data merge and select multi records it shift them way off the page. The only time it does the multi page correctly is when I use the default page size (8.5x11). This happens whether I preview it or export it with out the preview. Is there a patch coming out for this or asome setting I am missing? My CS5 did not have this issue.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Print Merge - Multiple Records On One Page?

May 7, 2012

I am putting together a form for a soccer team, where I have a number of players with their info put into a nice table for scouting college coaches to have at their fingertips. It would be nice to automate this, but I don't see how to merge say 8 players' info onto one page. Any thoughts?

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InDesign :: Multiple Language Data Source?

Feb 20, 2014

InDesign and a multiple language data source.
I am not sure if this is possible with CSV, XML, MySQL, or if there is a third-party plugin available for this...but here it goes:
I have some data:

What I need to be able to do is insert the SOURCE fieldnames/placeholders throughout a document and then depending on what language I select (either through a text variable, or manual selection), the translated terms are automatically inserted in place.

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GIMP :: Editing Multiple Text Boxes?

Dec 21, 2011

I want to do a glow effect on a logo that I am working on.. the problem is that all the tutorials I've seen are for single text boxes. I will need to have different sizes and fonts so it requires more than one text box. I can edit the first text box to where I can "path from text," add a new layer, "select from path," create an outline using the "grow" effect and then blur the it so it looks like a soft edge with a different color than the text. I would like to do this for each text box, but when I add a new layer for a new letter and attempt to "select from path" it will only highlight the letter that I've already completed with the glow effect. I'm thinking I will have to save the file each time I create a new glow letter and reopen as a new file to add one more glow letter... but is there a faster way? I've attached a screen shot... the whole logo will read like this:


The A,W, and G will be larger and in a different font than the lowercase letters when its done. SO I will have 6 text boxes total.

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AutoCad 2D :: Deleting Masking On Multiple Text Boxes?

Apr 11, 2012

I am having a problem with a blueprint for a house. the plan was sent to me dwg. We use pdf factory to print the plans. This leaves a black spot where ever the dwg has mask on the dimensions. Which happens to be throughout the plan and it will only let me take it off one text box at a time. There is way too many dimensions in the plan for this to be practical. how to remove this mask from all? I am using autocad lt and pdf factory to print.

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AutoCad :: Single Text Box To Multiple Text Boxes?

Dec 23, 2011

I want to convert a single text box to two separate text boxes (not multiline text). Let's say after the fifth character.

For example:

"Hello World"

And I want to change it into:

"Hello" "World"

And I will move them separately like:

"Hello" _______ "World"


_______ "World"

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit Multiple Text Boxes Instead Of One At Time?

Oct 7, 2013

I would like to find a way to edit multiple text boxes in inventor instead of one at a time.

For example, in autocad, when multiple text boxes are selected, any values that are different in the properties window are represented as "varies".

Is there a way to select multiple text boxes and do things such as change the text height, justification, font, etc, just as it works in autocad?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Format Of Multiple Text Boxes On Drawing

Mar 27, 2013

I'm using Inventor 2011.

Is it possible to edit text formatting (e.g. font, font size, alignment) on mulitple text boxes, rather than having to right click each and click Edit Text?  Ctrl+right click doesn't bring the option up to edit text.

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InDesign :: Data Jumbled And Repeating In Data Merge?

Feb 1, 2013

I'm creating a catalog, using data merge in InDesign CS5.5 for the first time. I'm using dummy data to start, naming the products with a naming convention Product 1, Product 2, etc.
Everything seemed to be working, but then I noticed that the merge is all jumbled, such as:

Page 1 has Product 15 repeated, with the product description, price and other information from product 6. This repeats five times down the first page.Page 2 starts with Product name, price and number for Product 7, but the description for product 6. Continuing on page 2, everything seems one off. Product names mixed with data from the next product. Page 3-15 are the same as page 1, all Product 15 with the description for Product 6.  

In short, this is very weird. I am saving the data in a CSV comma deliminated (also tried text with tab delineations.) I don't think there are any text breaks in the data, nor blanks. The odd thing is also that the preview looks perfect before I merge the document.
Here's Page 1:

Here's page 2:

By the way, all numbers (except pupil price) relay the product number. For example, Product 1 has a price of $1.00, an item number of H1, and the description "This is product 1".

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InDesign :: Change Text In Multiple Textboxes

Mar 27, 2014

I've got a document on 24 pages. On each pages I've got a textbox with the exact same text, formatting etc.It is already set up to easily change the formatting on all boxes at once, but what if I want to change the text? Do I have to manually change it on each page or is there a clever and easy way to set the textboxes up to change the text in them all at once?

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Illustrator :: Scale Multiple Text Boxes On Time Scale Without Scaling The Text?

Jun 12, 2013

Im working for a geological firm that use timescales to describe their work (depths at times etc). I need to compress the time bar but not alter the text but cant find  way to do it. Im only scaling in 1 direction.

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InDesign :: Data Merge / Import Through CSV File

Mar 12, 2014

First i got a big Adobe InDesign File where I already have designed a catalog. It's made through tables.
It looks like this:
So here's my problem. The article numbers are already filled in. And I have a .csv file with 3 different colums. Art.Number, StandardPrice, DaliPrice It looks like this:
So now i want to import only the prices from this file, because the article numbers are already filled in. If i try to import the .csv file through data merge --> create merged document i am not able to choose this field which i marked blue (dataset). I don't know why... maybe i have to format my csv file different?
And also if i try to show the preview it only takes the data from the first line in my csv file. So somehow i have to merge the fields from the csv file with the article number which is already in my indesign file.
All those fields who look like this------>

are from an plugin which is calls easy catalog... but i think i won't need this plugin... i am sure it's also possible with data merge.

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InDesign :: Find Empty Entries After Data Merge?

Mar 25, 2014

I would like to know if it is somehow possible to search for empty entries after Data Merge is completed?
The 'Entries' are shown with Hidden Characters visible as you can see in attached screenshot:

I can copy those and insert into the Find/Change window but nothing can be found. I think these are not real hidden characters.

remove blank lines for empty fields before data merging

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InDesign :: Cannot Remove Blank Line In Data Merge

Mar 7, 2014

I am placing addresses on a mailer. I need to remove lines where there is a blank field (ex. apartment numbers are on some but not others). I have checked the remove blank lines option in the data merge drop down menu but it doesn't seem to work. I also did the find/change option once the file was created and it also didn't work. I am not sure what possibly could be going on. I am using INdesign CS6 on a mac. Here is a screen shot of the file before the merge, the setting menu, the file after merge and the csv file.

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InDesign :: Data Merge Not Compatible With Arabic Language?

Mar 4, 2014

I am using Data Merge in InDesign CS6 (Middle Eastern version) with Arabic language content. The resulting text is all gibberish (mostly rectangles).

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InDesign :: RTF / Ungroup Imported Text Boxes From Parent Text Box

Apr 3, 2014

I have hundreds of diagrams in Microsoft word that need importing to Indesign. I have imported the illustration part of the diagrams via Illustrator but i now need to bring in the diagrams' text labelling.
The diagrams have a lot of text labels which each appear in their own text box, but if I save the .doc as an rtf and import it into InDesign, it imports all my individual textboxes into 1 large textbox which I can't seem to separate them from.
If I select one of my labels in Indesign and copy and paste it, it is now a separate text box - great, but InDesign won't let me select multiple text boxes within it's large text box and it just is not feasible for me to be selecting each box individually to cut and paste it.
Edit: Each individual text box (within the large textbox they have been imported into) appears to have been anchored on import. If I release the anchor this does what I need in the same way as cutting and pasting, but again, indesign won't let me select more than one and it would take far too long to select each box individually to release it. So I guess I'm either asking for a different import methos, or a way to select multiple textboxes that have been imported into a single text box.

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InDesign :: Threading Two Different Text Boxes?

Mar 4, 2014

How do you thread two different text box with two different text format? Eg. Text Box

1: Font Size 50pt...Text box
2: Font Size 10pt..

Once you thread the two text boxes; and delete the content in Text box 1, what ever the content that flows to Text box 1 from text box 2 should auto format to Font Size 50.

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InDesign :: Odd Number Display Beneath Text Boxes?

Feb 12, 2014

I've opened an older InDesign document (I don't know with which version it was created) and found odd little number/letter "coordinates" [Example: 21W(13)] displayed beneath each and every text box in the document. They are the same color as the layer they inhabit, they don't disappear when I turn off invisibles,  they move with the text box,  they don't appear under image boxes, and the numbers are all different but the "W" always follows the first number.  After some experimenting I learned that the number in parens refers to character count. I can't figure out what the "number/W" signifies. I've searched all over the web for information about this and found nothing. I've checked preferences, palettes, settings, views, etc. and also found nothing. I've worked in InDesign since its inception and have never seen such a thing. The styles in the document are all messed up, I'm wondering if these numbers are causing the problem. Can they be shut off? What are they? Does this have something to do with InCopy?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Files For Multiple IParts

Sep 13, 2012

I have generated around 1200 iParts from my drawing and I would like to generate every ipart in an individual ipt. file.

This is easily done by right-clicking the iPart and clicking on Generating Files. But I can't manage to generate all the ipt files in one go. I noticed that I can hold Ctrl and selecting all the iPart, but I would prefer not spending a couple of hours selecting 1200 iPart.

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AutoCad :: Multiple Stretch Boxes Per Linear Parameter

Jul 6, 2012

If there was a way to have multiple stretch boxes when selecting one linear parameter.

I am currently working on 2D isometric drawings. I have lined up my views horizontally, so one stretch block is sufficient for stretching things vertically (I just drag the box over all my views), but I cannot find a way to efficiently stretch several views horizontally.

I was hoping that a solution to this will allow me to either select one grip and move at most 4 views horizontally, or just enter ONE value in the quick properties window.

The only idea I can think of now is to just make 4 linear dimensions, 4 grips, and have 4 quick properties inputs .

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Photoshop :: Merge Multiple Images

Aug 29, 2011

For my work, I use a microscope that scans a slide to take an image. It takes around 20 photos and creates a single image, but each one is still clearly visible as an individual image within the overall one, due to shadowing etc. and imperfect alignment of the images. Is there a way to correct this across the whole image, at least to remove the shadowing if not the alignment?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Merge Multiple DWG To One

Apr 26, 2012

Using Auto CAD 2012 I have recived 12 DWG displaying claims blocks in an area. How I can merge all dwg(s) in one dwg and eventualy save the final dwg as new CAD file?

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Photoshop :: Multiple .pdf Files And Merge

Apr 22, 2009

I havefour different .pdf files that I'm trying to merge into one file.

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Lightroom :: How To Merge Multiple Subfolders

Aug 14, 2013

In LR5 is there any way to merge multiple subfolders? For example, in my 2012 folder, I have lots of subfolders that were created when I imported my photos and organized them by date.
But now that 2012 is over I don't need that granularity anymore and I want to consolited multiple folders into one folder.
I tried selecting a group of folders and right clicking but I haven't found any option for merging folder.

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InDesign :: How To Fit Placed Items Multiple Up

Apr 10, 2014

Any way to automatically fill a blank document with placed items making it multiple up?
A simple example would be a business card that I designed in InDesign. I have the margins, document size and bleed edges set, I would like to place them multiple up on various sizes to see what size would hold the most to trim. 8up typically go on a letter sized document etc. But now many could I fit on 12"x18", etc.
What I am trying to accomplish not having to align each one manually which is slowing my work flow down. Plus when customers have odd sized documents they want cut and padded etc, having the abilitiy for the software to automatically place items that are all alligned by their trim edges would save a lot of proofing and re laying items out.
The idea comes from my Silouette Cameo personal cutting plotter. The software lets you fill the cut area with a design and it is filled equally.
There has to be a way commercial users can do this with out figuring all the math?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Selections To Multiple Layers Or Multiple Files With One Go?

May 26, 2013

how to convert multiple selections to multiple layers or multiple files with one go?

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Illustrator :: How To Merge Multiple Slices Into One Object

Jun 27, 2012

I have a logo for an organization I volunteer for that I guess was originally made in such a way that it consists of a large number of "slices" on top of each other. I don't mean slices in the same meaning as the tool in Illustrator, but rather separate, horizontal objects on top of one another that together form the logo. They are not overlapping but have common anchor points.
Here is a crop of the logo file: [URL]....
How do I merge these slices into one object? I'd like to clean up the logo and the paths are quite hard to modify as it is

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Photoshop :: CS6 InDesign In Multiple Languages

Apr 16, 2012

In CS6, will the English version of InDesign still require purchasing a separate program for Japanese, or will it be able to handle both? CS5 and earlier could only handle the most rudimentary of typesetting tasks for Japanese.

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AutoCad :: Convert Multiple Single Text Objects Into Multiple Mtext Objects

Jul 3, 2013

I have long used the following lisp to convert multiple single text objects into multiple mtext objects (i.e. make each text entity into separate mtext entities).

; T2M - convert individual Texts/Dtexts to individual MTexts
; modified by Xanadu -
(defun C:T2M (/ ss i elist)


However, the mtext entity always moves position slightly (compared to the original text entity) after converting the object. better lisp that converts multiple text entities into mtext entities (which are all separate still, i.e. not joined together) without the position of the entity changing?

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