Illustrator :: DPI And Pixels / Inches Or Centimeters
Feb 11, 2014
I am new to illustrator and photoshop I don't have the DPI on my Illustrator and photoshop I only have Pixels/inches and centimeters, How can IÂ have a good resolution equal to 300 DPI that is required for my project?
When I want to edit a solid part in Inventor 2012, I click the "Edit Form" button which automatically launches Fusion. Units are defaulted to cm every time (I don't understand why it can't autodetect units) and the first thing I do is switch them to inches (english). I edit my part then return to Inventor. The part has been resized (smaller by a factor of 2.54) and moved off my original origin. I cannot figure out how to get around this HUGE problem. This has made Fusion useless to me and has drastically reduced the functionality of my ablility to solid edit.
If Fusion is intigrated into Inventor, why does it behave as a totally different product (reversed scroll wheel direction, different units, no refrencing between Inventor features and Fusion, etc.)? It's as if the Fusion programing team and the Inventor programming team met for just long enough to put the Fusion button in Inventor and nothing more.
I need to make two banners one is 10ftX14ft and the other is 6ftX8ft. When I create a new doccument there is no option for feet. I need to convert Feet into Inches or Pixels, how can I do that, So illustrator will except the size?
I have a client who has a set of .ai files they need resized to meet various epub layout specs. Apple and Kindle both are different sizes so I need to know the best way to resize an .ai file 11.25 x 5.65 inches into a smaller dimension in pixels while retaining the layers.
I created a new image with the dimensions 11x8.5 inches and now when I scale ANYTHING it uses inches and I want it pixels, I CANNOT figure out how to convert the units into pixels!! it is NOT under 'units' in the menu!
when I'm using the rectangle tool or the marquee selection I get this awesome little 'context' box that shows how big the object I'm drawing is.. but it's on inches. How do I change this to pixels?
I have recorded an action that will automatically place a logo in the upper left corner of every image. There are 4 steps after pasting the logo onto the image (and before saving it):
1. Align current layer (using: top edges) 2. Align current layer (using: left edges) 3. Set selection (to: none) 4. Move current layer (to: 0.139 inches, 0.139 inches)
There are no errors when I use File > Automate > Batch on a large number of pictures. However, the problem I'm encountering is that it has recorded the "move current layer" measurements in inches. Since each picture is a different size, it's moving the logo much farther on some pictures than on others.
Is there a way to edit the actions dialog to use pixels when I'm recording an action? Or another alternative way to get it to record the location of the logo so that it's consistent no matter what the size of the picture?
How do I make it so a new document in Photoshop uses Inches as its units instead of pixels? I have it set to inches in the preferences -> units & rulers but every time I make a new document it defaults to pixels for the dimensions. way to make that default to inches?
I can't seem where or how to fix this. I'm on the latest verion of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7, and for some reason, when I go to create a shape, everything is in inches instead of pixels. It won't let me just type in pixels, it just reverts back to inches and won't change the shape. I am pulling my hair out trying to find the setting or preference. where I can change the settings so that things are always in pixels and not inches?
Every time I open Xara I have to change the default settings under "Utilities", "Options", "Units" from inches to pixels. There are other default settings I'd like to change as well, but my question is how do I change those settings to default so that when I open Xara, I don't have to go reset them? This is a PITA! I have searched through the help files and don't see any info on changing the standard default settings!
This is for Rectangle Select. I read somewhere else that it's possible but it didn't say how. I would also like to change the default for fixed ratio from 4:3 to something like 1:1 (square).
Out of nowhere my AutoCAD commands such as line, offset, circle, etc will only work if i type in the amount in inches. I use feet / inches when i use these commands. It says specify second point... Not sure what this means. For example I want to offset a line 15'-8". It won't let me do that. If i offset a line at 146" it lets me do it.
I have just reloaded CS5 onto my laptop with Windows 7 and I can't change the unit preference to inches. Every time I try to select it, it immediately reverts back to points.
In Illustrator you can set inches for the units by doing the following:
Go under "Illustrator Menu" Select "Units " under "Preferences" menu item Set "Stroke" to inches Set "Type" to inches  How can I make a startup script so those values are set to inches for "Stroke" and "Type"??  So when a student makes a new document its already set to inches.  For Indesign I did the following with Applescript:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6" tell view preferences set ruler origin to page origin set horizontal measurement units to inches set vertical measurement units to inches end tell end tell   Can't get it scripted for Illustrator to default to inches. how I would go about scripting this?
tell application "Adobe Illustrator" tell startup presets set ruler units to inches end tell end tell
I need to show specific ratios on the image, e.g., this distance is to this as that is to that. A measuring tool that works in pixels is pretty cumbersome. IS it possible to re-calibrate the ruler tool to measure in millimeters, centimeters, etc.? Pixels don't really make it for me. It seems like an obvious choice, but I can't figure out how to do it.
When I try to import from a twain bron. Canoscan lide 210 says the picture is 10x15 cm = about 4x6 inch. Looks alright. But after import the size of the picture in PSP x4 and X5 is 4x6 centimeters. So somewhere it's going wrong.
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?
I'm trying to copy an exact measurement from one item to another but Illustrator is rounding the measurements down to the cloest decimal pont. For example I want my icon to sit on 66.21 px but it rounds it down to 66 px. Below in the middle is the icon that I amtrying to align. I want the 4 red squares to sit in the same middle as the stroked sqaure surrounding it. The surrounding sqaure is expanded because I am using this at various sizes and want the stroke to be consistent.
If I am constantly making frames in photoshop for use in the video world (ie. They will be on TV) the pixels need to be rectangular (or 4x3) in aspect and not square.
I know in programs like After Effects and Combustion you can set when saving an image whether or not it is square or rectangular pixels.
I've just started using Xara to edit my photos. I have a problem I can�t solve: how can I export the edited photos with 72 dpi and 843*403 pixels;or 72 dpi and 404*404 pixels?