Photoshop :: Using Pixels Instead Of Inches When Recording An Action?
Mar 3, 2007
I have recorded an action that will automatically place a logo in the upper left corner of every image. There are 4 steps after pasting the logo onto the image (and before saving it):
1. Align current layer (using: top edges)
2. Align current layer (using: left edges)
3. Set selection (to: none)
4. Move current layer (to: 0.139 inches, 0.139 inches)
There are no errors when I use File > Automate > Batch on a large number of pictures. However, the problem I'm encountering is that it has recorded the "move current layer" measurements in inches. Since each picture is a different size, it's moving the logo much farther on some pictures than on others.
Is there a way to edit the actions dialog to use pixels when I'm recording an action? Or another alternative way to get it to record the location of the logo so that it's consistent no matter what the size of the picture?
How do I record an action that will mimic my doing these clicks (assume that I've selected what I want to transform)  1. Edit 2. Transform -> Scale 3. Maintain Aspect Ratio  Now I want it to wait for me to manually adjust the scale, then I'll hit "Enter" when I'm done.
I am working with CS6. Recently I have been recording a few actions that I like to run on a lot of my photos. Before I am done recording these actions I like to group them. Here is where the problem comes into play however...First time I play the action it shows up perfectly in the layer panel. The 2nd,3rd attempt an so on, the action that is grouped (the same action or another grouped action) will show up all jumbled in the layers panel. Sometimes the adjustment layers show up outside of the group while others the group appears to have "eaten" the first group of actions I ran. why can't I stack the actions I have written?
I was recording some actions for photoshop elements using paths and noticed something strange in photoshop cs6 13.01 on windows 8. . Recording an action of filling a path or making a selection from a path, didn't seem to record the settings. Â Steps to reproduce: Â 1. Select the Rectangle Tool and set the option to paths in the tool options bar. Â 2. Draw out a rectangle. Â 3. Save the workpath in the paths panel by double clicking on the path thumbnail in the paths panel. Â 4. Make a new action and hit the record button. Â 5. Try using the Fill Path (from the flyout menu in the paths panel) with dialog and set to whatever option you want. Â Â Â (i used 50% Gray in my test) Â 6. Try using the Make Selection with dialog from the flyout menu in the paths panel. Â Â Neither action seems to record the parameters (settings). Playing back the action uses whatever the last settings were. Â I expected the settings to be recored as photoshop 7 does (second action in the screenshot below) Photoshop cs6 13.01 is the first action shown.
when I'm using the rectangle tool or the marquee selection I get this awesome little 'context' box that shows how big the object I'm drawing is.. but it's on inches. How do I change this to pixels?
How do I make it so a new document in Photoshop uses Inches as its units instead of pixels? I have it set to inches in the preferences -> units & rulers but every time I make a new document it defaults to pixels for the dimensions. way to make that default to inches?
There is still an issue with making new actions that include saving for web. While recording the action, save for web functions as it should. But once the action is played, regardless of the original format the saved image should be, it gives it an html filename extension. Â [URL] Â I have spoken about this bug with a friend that is a computer programmer. Considering that the action is saving the file correctly, and it's only the name that is not saving properly indicates that this is a superficial error, and not an issue that would require rewriting the code completely. Also consider that this WAS functioning properly in CS5, and that this is a very easily reproducible bug.
I'm creating a few PS actions and I wrote a piece of text that I want to show by a "insert stop" rule at the begining of every action. Â Problem is this: when I copy the text (from TextEdit) and go to the dialogue box on Photoshop, text simply doesn't paste. If i have to write it on every single action it will be a neverending work!
I created a new image with the dimensions 11x8.5 inches and now when I scale ANYTHING it uses inches and I want it pixels, I CANNOT figure out how to convert the units into pixels!! it is NOT under 'units' in the menu!
I am new to illustrator and photoshop I don't have the DPI on my Illustrator and photoshop I only have Pixels/inches and centimeters, How can IÂ have a good resolution equal to 300 DPI that is required for my project?
I can't seem where or how to fix this. I'm on the latest verion of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7, and for some reason, when I go to create a shape, everything is in inches instead of pixels. It won't let me just type in pixels, it just reverts back to inches and won't change the shape. I am pulling my hair out trying to find the setting or preference. where I can change the settings so that things are always in pixels and not inches?
I need to make two banners one is 10ftX14ft and the other is 6ftX8ft. When I create a new doccument there is no option for feet. I need to convert Feet into Inches or Pixels, how can I do that, So illustrator will except the size?
Every time I open Xara I have to change the default settings under "Utilities", "Options", "Units" from inches to pixels. There are other default settings I'd like to change as well, but my question is how do I change those settings to default so that when I open Xara, I don't have to go reset them? This is a PITA! I have searched through the help files and don't see any info on changing the standard default settings!
This is for Rectangle Select. I read somewhere else that it's possible but it didn't say how. I would also like to change the default for fixed ratio from 4:3 to something like 1:1 (square).
I have a client who has a set of .ai files they need resized to meet various epub layout specs. Apple and Kindle both are different sizes so I need to know the best way to resize an .ai file 11.25 x 5.65 inches into a smaller dimension in pixels while retaining the layers.
I am trying to create an action that will work with some product images. Every image document I make is the same size (1000 x 1000px). The layer that I paste onto that document will always vary in size. I like my product images to all have the exact same margin. So I always use the transform command to specify that the width of any layer should be exactly 930px. This gives me exactly the same margin on my 1000 x 1000px document every time, regardless of the original layer size. I want to create an action for this to speed up the process but when I press record I hit a stumbling block.
In reality, I choose transform and set width to 930px.
Photoshop records me choosing transform then setting the width to 97% (or whatever).Percentages are useless to me as my original layers vary radically in size. I need to transform by pixels.why photoshop is recording my transform by percentage and not the pixels that I actually use?
Out of nowhere my AutoCAD commands such as line, offset, circle, etc will only work if i type in the amount in inches. I use feet / inches when i use these commands. It says specify second point... Not sure what this means. For example I want to offset a line 15'-8". It won't let me do that. If i offset a line at 146" it lets me do it.
If I am constantly making frames in photoshop for use in the video world (ie. They will be on TV) the pixels need to be rectangular (or 4x3) in aspect and not square.
I know in programs like After Effects and Combustion you can set when saving an image whether or not it is square or rectangular pixels.
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?
I've just started using Xara to edit my photos. I have a problem I can�t solve: how can I export the edited photos with 72 dpi and 843*403 pixels;or 72 dpi and 404*404 pixels?
I upgraded to CS6 two weeks ago and so far I haven't recorded a single action that has not been EFFED UP in some way! I'll record the action on a test file, but when I run it on another file or a batch of files it will have at least one bizarre the saturation will be set to 100%...or a channel in Selective Color might be set to -78%...or the opacity of a layer will be 100% instead of whatever lesser value I set it to when I recorded the action! I check the test file and it is always fine.
I can not find how to set this new option I want record an action that records brush strokes... Its grayed out in my actions fly-out menu... Does it require OpenGL?
I've been using PS for a long time now but never really had to use the actions in PS, now I know how to record actions in a specific order and whatnot, but I have a minor issue; I have about 2220 images I need to re-size, crop, cut certain pixels etc. etc. etc. out of - all these images are and will be the same size when I'm done, but the thing is I don't know how to get the program to do all the pictures on it's own.
My first step I recorder was opening the image, so I opened the first image, made all the required adjustments to it, saved it, and closed it. Now if I play the actions all over it opens the one image I opened when I did the recording and goes through the steps and that's it - but I want it to open the next image and go through the same steps, and the next one, and the next one and so on.