Xara :: Export Edited Photos With 72 Dpi And 843*403 Pixels Or 72 Dpi And 404*404 Pixels?
Dec 6, 2012
I've just started using Xara to edit my photos. I have a problem I can�t solve: how can I export the edited photos with 72 dpi and 843*403 pixels;or 72 dpi and 404*404 pixels?
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?
If I am constantly making frames in photoshop for use in the video world (ie. They will be on TV) the pixels need to be rectangular (or 4x3) in aspect and not square.
I know in programs like After Effects and Combustion you can set when saving an image whether or not it is square or rectangular pixels.
Somehow I must have activated an option to only be able to move any object a certain distance at a time. For example, I have a circle that I want in a certain position but I can not move it there with my mouse. Instead it insists on moving 18,9 pixels in any given direction whenever I'm moving it with my mouse. To get a specific position I have to enter its position manually.
I can't seem where or how to fix this. I'm on the latest verion of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 7, and for some reason, when I go to create a shape, everything is in inches instead of pixels. It won't let me just type in pixels, it just reverts back to inches and won't change the shape. I am pulling my hair out trying to find the setting or preference. where I can change the settings so that things are always in pixels and not inches?
I'm really enjoying Xara Designer 6 these days except for this one problem that is popping up in all my exported images. all of the text in my images are surrounded by intermittent blue pixels which makes the text less crisp or even muddy.
The McDaily Deals text on the following facebook page is an example. Zoom in on the image to see what I'm talking about URL....
Every time I open Xara I have to change the default settings under "Utilities", "Options", "Units" from inches to pixels. There are other default settings I'd like to change as well, but my question is how do I change those settings to default so that when I open Xara, I don't have to go reset them? This is a PITA! I have searched through the help files and don't see any info on changing the standard default settings!
I know very little about setting image sizes in LR and usually use Pixrl. I have to have my photos 576 pixels wide and constrain propstions for a website.
I have a PSB file which is about 70,000 pixels wide. Height is much lower. I am not able to save it as PNG unless i made the width 30,000 pixel or below.
When I am exporting a jpg from CorelDraw X6, I keep getting random columns of white pixels to the right of the graphic image. If I switch the matte color in the export dialogue to black, I get random amounts of black pixels. In X4, when I would export a jpg, the resulting file would be cropped right to the image edge, with no extra pixels. I'm getting anywhere from 1 to as many as 8 columns of extra pixels on the right hand side, which is problematic for utilizing the resulting files for page layout.
I achieve the same results when choosing "Export for Office" and "Export for Web".
I'm running a 64-bit install on a Win 7 64-bit box.
I did a bunch of editing on a large group of photos but did not export them from RAW to jpegs. Is there a way to do this without doing them one by one, like a batch export?
I have a little problem with Adobe Lightroom 4. I just started using the program and it was all workin well. I do a lot of editing through the "develop" section. Anyways, I started to export some of the photos (made them be re named to edit# according to the original number of the photo) and I found that now the "last edited" on my exported pictures said 2014/04/09. Why has the edited time changed?
Exporting files to hard disk with the original item set for file type. dng file shows up on the exported directory as the cropped / edited photo and there is no sidecar file.
When I click on the history panel for this export panel, it brings the photo up in the non cropped version just as I would wish.
I did do an unclick on "embed fast load data" in preferences and then an update dng preview as the fix for the banding problems when viewing dng files in irfanview and picassa and that worked, but hope it did not create my problem described above.
when i have a picture open and i click on paint brush tool or anything else and click on the picture to use it, that part goes blurry until i realise it?
I've done a lot of web design with photoshop. Often times it's best to make a large picture and then cut it up into smaller pieces to fit the spreadsheet layout of an html page, but I've always found it very time consuming. I basically have to make rectangle marquees until I get the correct dimensions, usually making a conservative estimate, then zooming in to slowly count the pixels needed. Is there a way to type in a pixel number to automatically select to that point?
I'm doing science fair right now and i need to figure out how many pixels are in a certain selection (a laso). Is there a way other than knowing the width and height, a way to know exacly how many pixels are in a selection? or even how many pixels of a certain color are in a selection? if there isnt, does anyone know a program that can do this?
I work for a small magazine and were running a feature on old school games, my question is this. The foreground is going to have a screen shot of lets say Super Mario Brothers. How can I enlarge the foreground image so that the pixels stay blocky and nothing gets smoothed out. The only work around I have for the mean time is using transform and screen capturing the transform before it smooths out the pixels again.
I'm having problems with the magic wand tool. I try selecting an area which works fine but when I try to subtract an area from it I get this message: "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible." I googled this and came up with a few solutions but none worked. The most common solution was to reduce feathering to zero. When I tried to do that I got the message: "A number between 0.2 and 250.0 is required. Closest value inserted." Any idea what I'm doing wrong and how to get rid of these annoying error messages?
Pixel/Cloning question: I have 2 images- one imports as 16.7%, 4000/3000 pixel dimension, 180 res, the other at 33.3%, 2400/1800 pixels and 72 res. When choosing the pixel size for the cloning brush, how does the number of pixels I choose relate to the image size that photoshop has imported your image as? If I decide to work on an image at a different %- zooming in or out, how does that affect the pixel size that I have chosen? Since the actual dimension of the pixel is variable, what criteria is photoshop using to determine the actual size of the pixel, and how does that change at different percents of zoom?
I am trying to work throught the photo restoration book. I am putting together a photo that has been torn into pieces. I have to select each piece using the lasso tool, use the option key with magic wand to select it in more detail, then make a new layer to store each piece in.
The first torn piece worked out fine, when I tried to select the second piece, I used the lasso successfully, then tried to hold down the option and click the magic want, it said that there were no pixels selected. I have run into this problem before.... I started over and over reselecting this piece and every time, it said that there were no pixels selected.
I have a diagram scanned in one pixel mode (b&w). I want to change the line color from black to blue.
I tried this:
In the toolbox I altered the foreground color to blue. In the 'Select' menu I used the 'By color' option. I made sure the settings in the toolbox for 'Select by color' were set at default, then I clicked on a black pixel in the image. The black lines in the image became outlined with a dotted line. I then used the 'Fill with FG color' option from the edit menu. The sample color to the left of the menu item was blue. The image briefly 'repainted'. I removed the selection using 'Select' 'None' but the image lines remain black.
I rotated some pixels, but afterwards when I do something else, the pixels become unrotated. I tried saving the image, but that reverts the rotation, too. Why won't the pixels stay put?
I have made a drawing but ive noticed the hands on the figure seem to long, how can i make the change by moving hand pixels to where i think looks better.on the drawing,
I'm trying to copy an exact measurement from one item to another but Illustrator is rounding the measurements down to the cloest decimal pont. For example I want my icon to sit on 66.21 px but it rounds it down to 66 px. Below in the middle is the icon that I amtrying to align. I want the 4 red squares to sit in the same middle as the stroked sqaure surrounding it. The surrounding sqaure is expanded because I am using this at various sizes and want the stroke to be consistent.