GIMP :: Windows Freezing And Resize Buttons Disappearing

Mar 21, 2012

I am having problems with Gimp windows freezing and the resize buttons disappearing. I am not able to move the windows around, change window etc.

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GIMP :: Text Disappearing When Trying To Resize?

Nov 28, 2012

Regarding Gimp version 2.8.2, I'm posting text to a picture, the trouble is when I highlight and try to resize the text it disappears. The text layer is still on top and the eye is still visable, so the text should be visable.. I have tried different fonts and colors and sizes with no success.

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GIMP :: Stop Layer Windows To Resize?

Sep 17, 2012

is it possible for gimp to have those windows with text(small in layers) to keep same height-width..

its very annoying to make something in gimp with a lot of layers, they become small! too small, and then when i want to delete many layers, they stay small.

I want to be big windows all the time.

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Photoshop :: Windows 7 / Bridge Is Freezing Up?

Oct 16, 2012

bridge is freezing up.  Win7.  installed latest upgrades etc. 

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Photoshop :: CS5 Freezing In Windows XP / Re-installed Twice?

Feb 20, 2013

My Photoshop CS5 freezes the first time I try to open a JPEG file. As soon as I choose the Open command and try to being in a jpeg file it locks up.
I had uninstalled and re-installed the program twice now with no change. My operating system is Windows XP Pro.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Hanging / Stalling / Freezing - Windows 7 SP1 64bit

Apr 21, 2011

My ACAD hangs when I try to open/save. I've reinstalled the computer with only Op + ACAD. The second a explorer window opens, ACAD hangs. Tried different install options for 3 days now.

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Paint.NET :: Minimize / Restore Buttons For Tool Windows

May 3, 2011

I'm always having to move my tool windows around, out of the way, or close them entirely when trying to see and work with my images.

Wouldn't it be great if we could simply minimize one or more of the tool windows to the bottom of the application screen? Then the tools remain INSIDE the current dimensions of the app, and can be restored to normal size with a keystroke or a click. Shouldn't be too hard to implement.

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Lightroom :: Can't See Minimize / Maximize / Close Buttons Normally In Windows 7 Title Bar

Jun 14, 2012

Am running the system as above and can't ever see the minimize/maximize/close buttons normally in Win 7's title bar.This means I have to keep quitting the program if I want to do anything else.Am I doing something wrong here or is this a bug of this particular implementation?

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Photoshop :: CS5 Interface Locking Up And Windows Disappearing In OSX Mountain Lion?

Oct 9, 2012

This has suddenly started happening to me using Photoshop CS5 on my mac running the latest version of Mountain Lion.  When I open a PSD file at first it doesn't appear to be there.  If I check under the "view" menu the interface says that the document is open.  If I use tab to switch between views, the document appears and the palettes on the right disappear. Tab again and the interface reappears around the document,  palettes are still gone but they are replaced by transparent grey blocks where the palettes should be.  I can't bring up any new palettes and I can't move the document window.  If I have multiple documents open, one remains in front even though the titles in the title bar change.
I've reinstalled Java.  Unistalled and reinstalled Photoshop CS5 but nothing is working.  I've opened Photoshop CS3 and it works fine.

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GIMP :: Animated GIF Freezing?

Mar 15, 2013

I've never been into animation very much but recently, while making an avatar, I couldn't make up my mind which of the three chipmunks from Alvin and the Chipmunks I should put into it. I decided to try an animated gif and put them all in a constant loop one-by-one. How hard can it be, I thought.

Well, turns out it wasn't and here it is:

On paper, it works fine but in practise, it doesn't for reasons I can't fathom. I've tested it on three forums and on every one of them, it occasionally freezes in the last frame and refuses to execute the animation while other people's animated signatures and avatars animate just fine so it's safe to assume that there's something wrong with my gif.

Here are the settings I used while exporting:

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GIMP :: 2.8.6 Freezing On Startup?

Jul 1, 2013

I've had Gimp 2.8.6 for awhile now but suddenly within the past week it has begun to freeze during the startup process. It will get to 'loading fonts' and then it will stop. I don't have any extra fonts, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times, and I've also tried installing previous versions and then updating them but nothing seems to be working.

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GIMP :: Startup Freezing And Crashing

Jun 4, 2013

I experienced this issue with Gimp 2.6 whenever I had a lot of brushes in the brush folder. The only way I found to avoid the problem was to have less brushes in it. As a result, I never got to really use all of them like I had intended to.

The current version I'm using is 2.8. I updated Gimp because I saw the tagging system. I figured it'd be easier to locate the brushes I want to use. The program worked fine up until I added more folders to the brush folder to take advantage of the tagging system. Now the start-up freezes and crashes when it's updating the tagging cache.

In general, Gimp seems to get mad at me when I add a crap ton more than it's comfortable with.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2010 Through 2012 Freezing When Using Open - Windows 7

May 23, 2012

I recently loaded several versions of AutoCAD on to a Windows 7 machine.  ALL versions will open a drawing if double-clicked from windows explorer, but if I try to open through AutoCAD, the program freezes as soon as I click on the "Open" button.  This is true for AutoCAD 2010 through 2012.

Machine Specs:

Dell Optiplex 990
250GB HD
8GB Ram
I7-2600 proc
AMD Radeon HD 6670 (1Gb) Video Card

I also cannot open multiple instances of ANY version of AutoCAD in Windows 7.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Resize Windows To Fit Irritation

Jul 5, 2009

To start with, I've never even seen this option before, but I've come to understand in looking for a way to fix my irritation, that it's been around in every version of Photoshop. My understanding of the keyboard shortcuts for Zoom has always been this. Ctrl + : Zoom in without resizing the window.Ctrl - :

Zoom out without resizing the window.Ctrl Alt + : Zoom in AND resize the window to fit.Ctrl Alt - : Zoom out AND resize the window to fit.Ctrl Alt 0 : Go to 100% and resize the window to fit. One way or another, I believe in my initial setup of Photoshop CS4, I toggled the Resize Windows to Fit option off. So using any of my keyboard shortcuts, wasn't working. The exception being if I manually resized the window first (ie: drag it out so window is larger than the image, then zoom). Doing that makes it all work properly. Tonight I go looking for why, and I find that option. I turn it back on, try my shortcuts again....

and it still fails completely unless I use my exception. The Zoom Tool, on the other hand, works like a champ. At this point I've tried restarting the program multiple times, but haven't attempted to reboot yet. I doubt rebooting will accomplish anything restarting the program hasn't. What's going on here? Is this a bug? A feature? Does "Ctrl Alt whatever" not work anymore in regards to resizing windows?

I found a PDF of CS4 shortcuts that indicates otherwise. I've found plenty of articles about turning this option off, but only two or three about turning it back on, and absolutely nothing about my problem. As an aside, I'd like to know why everytime I minimize Photoshop it feels the need to collapse all my pallets. This is irritating. In fact, it's starting to feel like every new revision is plagued with more irritations for me than added benefits. Anyone able to tell me what's going on here? If it makes a difference, I'm working with the X64 version.

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GIMP :: Making Buttons Without Text?

Nov 25, 2012

I am trying to make an active button using the Create-Buttons-Round Button Script Fu menu item. I then select the colours I want, select Active and Pressed, and then hit create. The buttons look perfect, except for one thing ..I need the buttons without the Text. But if I enter no text in the text box when creating the button, I get this error:

Quote Error while executing script-fu-round-button: Error: ( : 1) Procedure execution of gimp-image-select-rectangle failed on invalid input arguments: Procedure 'gimp-image-select-rectangle' has been called with value '-1.500000' for argument 'width' (#5, type gdouble). This value is out of range.

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GIMP :: Buttons Glow When Clicked

Jun 21, 2011

I'm a software developer currently developing an audio application. I need some buttons (Play, Record, Pause, etc.) that glow when they are clicked. I've found some tutorials for 3D glass buttons however that's not quite the effect I'm after.

How I can create this effect or where I can find a tutorial that shows examples of this?

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Illustrator :: Document Windows Refuse To Resize

May 23, 2013

On a Mac -- CS6..All of a sudden my document windows refuse to resize. I was sent an Illustrator file by another artist and now all windows only open to the size of his window. Can't change any of them.
Tried restarting the program twice and thought I reset my preference.

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GIMP :: Why Tool Bars Keep Disappearing

Nov 1, 2013

why my tool bars keep disappearing in GIMP 2.8.2? I know how to bring them back (go into settings, set them back to defaults and restart) .

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GIMP :: Disappearing Toolbox Icons?

Aug 16, 2013

I dunno if it is me, kde, gimp, or what.. but I can be editing along..yada yada.. do this, do that, and then look over and the toolbox on the left is missing most of the icons.. kinda like the scaling is wrong and the icons are pushed off the bottom under the tool options underneath it. sometimes it takes the usual layout with like 5-6 icons wide and replaces it with only 2 wide, sometimes only 1 wide. I tried stretching it and bringing it back, floating and redocking.. all with no fixy.

The only way I have figured out how to "undo" this is to close and restart gimp. Which is a pain when you have a mess of open files in various states of not done yet..

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GIMP :: Text Disappearing When Resizing?

Nov 28, 2012

Regarding Gimp version 2.8.2, I'm posting text to a picture, the trouble is when I highlight and try to resize the text it disappears. The text layer is still on top and the eye is still visable, so the text should be visable.. I have tried different fonts and colors and sizes with no success, things I can check to make this work again?

I did just reinstall this version today ( a couple of times ) and that is when the trouble started.

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GIMP :: Tilt-wheel And Back / Forward Buttons On Mouse Not Working?

Jan 6, 2014

I have a Logitech M510 wireless mouse, and it works fine for everything, Firefox horizontally scrolls just fine with the tilt-wheel, and the forward and backward buttons on the mouse function as well. But not in GIMP.

I'm running an HP laptop with Windows 7, and GIMP 2.8.

I tried binding brush size decrease/increase to left/right scroll in the mouse wheel input and nothing happens. Then I restarted GIMP from a terminal with --verbose and told the wheel input to dump events and the only ones printed were scroll up/down. Curious, I enabled the dump for the mouse buttons input as well, and the back/previous buttons also don't generate events.

Because it works fine in other applications and because it generates no events in GIMP

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GIMP :: How To Resize A Layer

May 4, 2012

Can you resize a layer?

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GIMP :: How To Resize Rectangle

Jun 20, 2012

Just starting using GIMP today and want to do what I thought should be very simple. I have some images for which I have words that need replacing. I therefor want to take a slice of the background colour and copy that overtop of the text. I have tried to use the rectangle tool to copy and paste the slice. However I am unable to workout how to expand the slice (expand the width) overtop of the text.. I thought it should be a simple matter of dragging the rectangle out to the desired width. I have also tried changing the pixel amount in the Tool options section. how to expand a rectangle?

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GIMP :: How To Resize Tools On Mac

Jul 1, 2012

I recently acquired a new Macbook Pro laptop and installed GIMP on it. I have been using GIMP for years on a PC but for some reason I cannot figure out how to resize tools (The smudge tool particularly). I have GIMP 2.6.

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GIMP :: Resize To 6 X 4 Inches?

May 23, 2013

I'm using Gimp 2.8 to change print size to 6 x 4. Original image is 1600 x 1200. So I go to „Print Size“ and change size in inches to 6 x 4 (naturally unlinking „chain“ symbol). I then save the image but when I reopen its at 6 x 4.5 and of course it prints this size.

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GIMP :: How To Resize A Dialog

Dec 12, 2013

Using GIMP 2.8.10 in Windows 8.1. The two default dialogs open are Layers and Brushes. The Layers dialog takes most of the space. I want to shrink it vertically but when I try to drag up the cursor with the two vertical arrows it moves by itself without resizing the dialog. When I do the same horizontally it works fine. I would like to see less of the Layers dialog and more of Brushes dialog. How do I do this?

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GIMP :: Resize Picture From 383 X 473 To 600 X 600

Oct 26, 2011

The size of my picture is 383 x 473 . I have to change the size for dvlottery to 600 x 600. How can i resize my picture to 600 x 600 in gimp without changing the picture?

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GIMP :: Dynamic Resize Via Second Mouse?

Nov 5, 2011

I usually plug a drawing tablet and it works great with GIMP on a Ubuntumachine.

What I want to ask is this:

I want to plug a mouse. Normally movements either of the pen on the tabletor of the mouse are mapped to the cursor.I want to keep the mouse plugged while unattaching it from the cursor. Sothe cursor is only tablet driven. Then I want the brush size to be driven by the Y value of the mouse, whileI drow with the tablet.

Maybe editing the input devices editor? Or will I have to operate on Xserver also?

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GIMP :: Crop And Resize Picture

Aug 17, 2013

I have a regular 4 x 6 picture. I want to crop it and then keep that as a 4 x 6 and print out. I also want to deal with "inches" here.

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GIMP :: Resize Image With Quality

Jan 19, 2012

I seem to be having a very tough time dramatically resizing an image but keeping its quality.

I want to go from a 160X158 image to 32X32, how i can do this while retaining quality.

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GIMP :: Simple Layer Resize

Sep 9, 2013

My end goal is to create simple bitmaps that only contain a bit of text in them in black and white.

To do this I am creating a new image and some default size. I then add the text , set the background colour to black and the text colour to white and create my text.I am using the snap to canvas edge and sit it up in a corner.I then want to resize the who canvas to be the same size as the text block created and save the image. How to do this?I have seen the crop tool and can select the area I want but cant figure out how to save this as a new canvas/image sized only to the size of the text.

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