To start with, I've never even seen this option before, but I've come to understand in looking for a way to fix my irritation, that it's been around in every version of Photoshop. My understanding of the keyboard shortcuts for Zoom has always been this. Ctrl + : Zoom in without resizing the window.Ctrl - :
Zoom out without resizing the window.Ctrl Alt + : Zoom in AND resize the window to fit.Ctrl Alt - : Zoom out AND resize the window to fit.Ctrl Alt 0 : Go to 100% and resize the window to fit. One way or another, I believe in my initial setup of Photoshop CS4, I toggled the Resize Windows to Fit option off. So using any of my keyboard shortcuts, wasn't working. The exception being if I manually resized the window first (ie: drag it out so window is larger than the image, then zoom). Doing that makes it all work properly. Tonight I go looking for why, and I find that option. I turn it back on, try my shortcuts again....
and it still fails completely unless I use my exception. The Zoom Tool, on the other hand, works like a champ. At this point I've tried restarting the program multiple times, but haven't attempted to reboot yet. I doubt rebooting will accomplish anything restarting the program hasn't. What's going on here? Is this a bug? A feature? Does "Ctrl Alt whatever" not work anymore in regards to resizing windows?
I found a PDF of CS4 shortcuts that indicates otherwise. I've found plenty of articles about turning this option off, but only two or three about turning it back on, and absolutely nothing about my problem. As an aside, I'd like to know why everytime I minimize Photoshop it feels the need to collapse all my pallets. This is irritating. In fact, it's starting to feel like every new revision is plagued with more irritations for me than added benefits. Anyone able to tell me what's going on here? If it makes a difference, I'm working with the X64 version.
is it possible for gimp to have those windows with text(small in layers) to keep same height-width..
its very annoying to make something in gimp with a lot of layers, they become small! too small, and then when i want to delete many layers, they stay small.
On a Mac -- CS6..All of a sudden my document windows refuse to resize. I was sent an Illustrator file by another artist and now all windows only open to the size of his window. Can't change any of them.
Tried restarting the program twice and thought I reset my preference.
It has come to my attention that the new drag-resize feature only changes the master diameter of the brush but leaves the dual-brush diameter intact. It is the only shortcut that does this resizing improperly.
I would like to know if everyone else experiences the same problem. Is it a bug or is this way of resizing intended?
I mainly do digital paintings and this small bug makes the feature useless for me. I hope that it will be fixed at least in cs5.
In previous versions I have been able to resize the canvas and then resize the image. For example resize the canvas to 250px x 250 px. Then resize the image to the same.
Here is the process I am using:
Duplicate the layer and then hide it. Resize the canvas (Image > Canvas Size) to 250px x 250 px. Un-hide the layer and then resize the image (Image > Image Size). When I go into Image>Image Size it says that the image is already 250px x 250px. However if I try to transform the scale the image is the original size and not 250px x 250px
The reason for needing this is I resize image size (in bulk) and the canvas size using the batch process (file>automate>batch) and actions. I loaded the actions file I used in previous versions, but that did not work correctly. I then went in to do this manually and got the same results.
I have just been trying to resize some images on the latest version - 3.510.4297.28964 - and I have typed the measurements that I wanted into the print size fields on the resize dialogue. The actual sizes the program resizes the images to differ though - some look to be about right, whereas some come out much larger, but they all show the dimensions that I inserted in the canvas size box. I'm sure I've done this before and this hasn't happened?
Why can't Windows Explorer show thumbnail previews of DNG's on my Windows 8.1 64bit Pc. I assume is has something to do with not having the DNG codec. However, on Adobe's website it says their DNG codec only works on Windows 7.
This just started happening after I downloaded DWG TruViewer. I am working on LT 2008 using Fusionware on a MacPro. I needed the viewer to convert newer drawings from an architect. Now, when I double click on a drawing in Explorer a separate AutoCad window opens for each drawing I need open. I prefer to just go up to Window>and click on the one I need at that time, especially if I have several to switch between because it is easier to see the file name I want.
SDI is set to 0
Taskbar is set to 0
Relaunched the program
I can't open files using File>Open because the program crashed each time and Autodesk is not issuing anymore fixes for 2008. (Yes, we should upgrade but there is no money budgeted)
Right-click on any .dwg file and go to Properties>General>Change> and select the AutoCad LT launcher as the preferred program
Since I am in Window 7 instead of XP the File Types tab has been removed from Folder Options so I can't fix it that way.
So, why did this change? FYI that stupid TruViewer made lots of unnecessay changes to my AutoCad and Explorer programs that I am still trying to sort out like changing the file icon and hiding the file extensions. Are they trying to make it hard to find files or what?
And next, how can I reset the default so that double clicking on a .dwg in Explorer opens in already open AutoCad window?
AutoCAD LT 2011 has been installed in a Windows XP computer.When logging into this computer using the Windows Administrator Account, all AutoCAD LT 2011 features are available.
But when logging into this same computer using the Windows Limited / Restricted Account, all AutoCAD LT 2011 features are missing.How can we get all the AutoCAD LT 2011 features back using the Windows Limited / Restricted Account?
Having problems resizing images for a website template. Images must be 1275x650. I'm in Cs5. Is there some trick to cropping the image to fit the size without distorting the image.
I've been given a rather large jpg file containing a client's logo. The dimensions are huge - 6299 x 1890. I need to resize the image without losing clarity. What steps must I take to do this? Is Photoshop the best place to handle this task, or is Illustrator a better fit?
I was working in Photoshop CS5 creating a flyer when suddenly I wasn't able to resize any images. I was adding images into the flyer fine for a while, but then when I clicked on an image to resize it there were no handles and I couldn't resize. I've closed the program & restarted, closed the file & re-opened but nothing works.
I have signed up for Adobe CC and now have Photoshop CS 6 for the Mac installed and running.When I come to use the image resize feature, I am still getting the same box as I had in CS5 instead of the new much improved feature.
I've had to resample images up a bit on occasion for use at larger sizes (i.e. placement in Illustartor or INDesign at a larger size) and have done that with good results. However, I have a different situation now.
I have an image that is 300 dpi. I am working on a huge display in InDesign, and I've had to place this image at 392%, which gives me an effective dpi of 76.
The display company I'm working with wants the image placed at 100%, but needs only 100 effective dpi due to the nature of their technology.
So I think what I need to do is both:
- reSIZE the image to 392% AND - reSAMPLE the image to be 100 dpi.
I believe this will have to be a two-step process using the Image Size palette. My question is, in what order do I take these two steps and what settings do I use in the Image SIze palette to get the best results?
I'm using OSX 10.8.2 and Photoshop CS6, with an intuos 4, and 10 minutes ago the function CTRL+ALT+left or right on my intuos was visually changing the size of my brush, and now, when I use the same combination, it just drags my photoshop window and move it from left to right...!
I can't remember changing anything in the options of my intuos or Photoshop, and make the settings back to defaults doesn't change my problem.
When I open a properties panel / adjustment layer and I expand the panel by dragging from a corner, when I close the program I have to resize the panel the next time I use CS6
So here you can see exactly what the panels are doing:
When I open the adjustment layer from "B" above the panel opens to my preferred size:
When I open the panel from "A" above, it opens in a minimized size like this. Interestingly, any subsequent adjustment layers, whether opened from "A" or "B" are also minimized. NOT what I want.
All of this is even more annoying because I use the "Auto-collapse" option in the panel settings and whenever I try to grab the edges of a minimized panel to expand it, the panel collapses before I can expand it. So I have to go back, turn off "auto-collapse", expand the panel, turn "Auto-collapse" back on, etc.
So when I unlug my MacBook Pro from my Cinema Display, the bottom of the app chrome (application frame and palettes) on the MacBook's display cannot be adjusted. At all. Impossible to grab them with the mouse and readjust for the new screen.
I've tried restarting Photoshop CC. Restarting my Mac. Nothing. Wouldn't there be an option to resize to the current display? Shouldn't this be automatic?
The only thing that seems to work is turning off the Application Frame, and using PS in this mode.
Im doing a picture project, where I need to have many layers..
But just how exactly do I resize an image in a layer? If I go Image > Resize Image...the whole image collection of all layers gets bigger...and I only want that specific layer image to get bigger...
I had to scan and resize. Original, physical picture is 1 1/4in X 2in. Scanned image requirements: resolution of at least 150 dpi, 600 X 600 pixels, 24 bit color, and keep it under 240 KB. I have basic Canon scanner and CS2....
Okay so I am able to create these really great looking icons, and I usually create them at 160h x 480w.
Now what I want to do is shrink them down to actual icon size like 16x48. But the thing is they look like crap when I shrink them down.
First and foremost I am a programmer not a designer. But does anyone know any tutorials on how to make small *crisp* icons? I just dont understand how to make small icons that look decent.
I am very framiliar with photoshop (several years worth) Not so much illustrator.... but this small sized image issue is giving me a real headache any suggestions?
I need to take around 100 different photos every day and resize them to 7 different sizes in 7 different folders.
Can I automate this process so I place the 100 originals in one folder, open photoshop, run a proceess that will cut all 7 sizes and place the new sizes in the correct folders, all in one action?
I'm currently having problems with the batch feature regarding pdf files which I can't figure out. My main task is to automatically resize several (50+) pdf files in a folder, save them for web as jpg and then close the original file without saving it. I've tried to make an action for this, but I only end up getting errors or Photoshop trying to overwrite the same file all the time when saving the images. I did manage to make a successful action which worked as batch if I had all the files open in Photoshop, but that's not really what I'm after since I then have to open all the 50+ files first manually. What I would want is for Photoshop to go through all the pdf files in my source folder - resize them - save for web - close original image wihtout saving. I'm currently using Photoshop CS2 if that's any help. Is there anyone who can help? A step-by-step solution would be greatly appreciated!
I have about 300 images (jpg) in a folder. I need to resize all of them. Each file is about 2.2mb. I tried using Action to help out but the problem is I have to keep pressing 'play' for each image and I'm kinda tired and bored by doing all of them. Is there a better way to use Action to do all my 300 without me having to do it one by one?
I've a load of images for an image gallery I'm making in Flash. So they centre correctly I want to make each image, say, 400px x 400px, and if they're landscape images they'll have white space at the top and bottom, and sides if they're portrait. I know about 'fit to image' in the batch menu but that removes the unused background.
I can't resize my doc window (usually, i can resize from the bottom right corner)or drag around also, the 3 icons ( fr close doc,etc) is missing and I am using mac photoshop cs3 version.