create a usable template file that ATTEXT can use to extract attribute information from blocks. The goal is to construct a small building within ACAD (before the first piece of material is cut or even bought) exclusively from blocks with attribute information for each block and then to extract what will end up being a bill of materials and cost sheet. (in lieu of my normal approach of hand sketching, trial and error cutting and fitting as I go along).
I have read the manual 4 - 5 times, followed instructions exactly (or at least think I have), reviewed postings here (and then trying different way). Nothing works. I have even created a single block in single file with one attribute to simplify it. Anyway, same error comes back every time. The current, extremely simplified, PracticeExtractAttributes.txt (template file) file reads:
with MYBLOCK being the block name and STICKNAME being the tag name for one attribute from the drawing. Same error.
Note: although I use ACAD very infrequently I have been using it since (if I recall correctly) 2.56 back in the 80s and currently use 2000.
PS the ATTEXT will create a DXX file with the information in it (hence my conclusion the problem is in the template file), but that would require me to spend hours and hours writing code to parse the DXX file (once I had the format figured out) to get the info out.
The attached DWG contains a big block with a visibility parameter which can make the red hatch invisible. This block also contains some dynamic blocks which have automatic attributes and it also contains one attribute (value = 7777).
There are some more blocks for testing in the drawing, some have a visibility parameter, some don't.
All attributes have the same name LAENGE.
Now use ATTEXT on all blocks with the attached template. You will get all attributes, but from the big red block you get only "7777".
Now open the block editor and remove the visibility parameter from the big red block and save it. Then use ATTEXT again - and now you will get all attributes from the dynamic blocks.
How can I get all attributes from blocks with visibility parameter?
I am fishing around for information that will abstract my macro one more level. I coded an excel macro to run the following statement on a given set of drawings:
Yielding text files which I consolidate into Excel to generate a full attribute extraction of the drawing set. My question concerns the extraction template file used in the ATTEXT command (shown as ExtTemplate in the code above). As it stands now, the Excel user must provide the attribute tags they want to extract and then I generate the proper extraction template in the background. My goal would be to eliminate this step from the user side and simply extract all attributes in the drawing instead of a designated few.
If you know a better way to do this using the ATTEXT command or a way to do this without the ATTEXT command at all, I would be grateful to hear it. From my current perspective however, I believe I would need to query the drawing to get a list of all attribute tags it contains, then configure the extraction template to use all the tags from that query. I cannot figure out a way to generate this list of tags. So, that is my question
I work with land surveying, and I'm a complete newbie to CAD. I use AutoCAD LT 2010, and I am having trouble getting some coordinates from a file.
I receiveda dwg file containing three adjoining lines and two ducts. Now I need to extract the coordinates (x,y) and some kind of point number/name so that I can use the data in a text file or in Excel.
I have tried the ATTEXT command, but it doesn't work. I don't even know if the template file I created is correct, because I suspect the main problem lies in the fact that the points along the line have no attributes.
how do I get the data I need? Do I have to assign attributes to the points before I can extract the coordinates? And what should the template file look like?
Attext output file give a lot of extra empty values when template file include attributes from more than one block.
The drawings I want to extract data from has two blocks with attributes. If I make the template file with attributes from both blocks, I get a lot of extra empty values. If I split the template file in two with the attributes from each block in each template file, the output file is OK.
A copy of the same attributs giving different number of values. (Block REV)
Two template files - 'REV','A','28.03.92','ISOLA','FS','SM','KJ' (Block name + 6 att)
One template file - 'REV','','','','','','','','','','','','A','28.03.92','ISOLA','FS','SM','KJ' (Block name + 17 att.)
How can I get a clean output file giving only the number of values the template file is asking for when the template file has attributes from two blocks? I use ACAD 2010.
I am looking for modern AI file format specification. In some old topics I saw that all specifications later than this one URL>.... Are they still being in secret? If so, are there any tools from Adobe that can be used in my application to parse AI files?
What are the optimal hardware specification requirements for Adobe Photoshop CS6?".Unfortunately, I am not satisfied with the specs specified on the website, as I believe they are far lesser than the specs needed to run the program at its full potential. This belief comes from my experience with the product Adobe Photoshop CS2 that I currently run on my computer. In effect, Ps CS2 cannot fully run without inducing time lags on my computer (i.e. when using 500 pix diameter smudge tool/ using liquify gallery), even though my specs are already higher than those specified for CS6 (mine are: Intel Core 2 Duo 6300 1.86 GHz, 3 GB RAM). I can assure you that I get those time lags even when almost in safe mode (only system main processes running) and that my computer is clean from any process/virus that could lower its performances.
I have a single lic. copy of AutoCAD 2012 LT on a single PC tied to a network server. Our server crashed and needed to be replaced. When they replaced the server, they gave it a new name so I had to reset all the file paths to the redirected folders for my PC. Now I keep getting an error: cannot create temporary file (then shows the file path to the old server).
I have reset all the file location in the files section of the options box, so I do not understand where AutoCAD is still seeing the old server. Is there somewhere else in the software that I need to change the file paths?
I have a .dwg file that I believe is corrupt, because when I try to open it in Autocad it says that it is invalid. Is there any way to recover this file?
I have a problem in that a customer drawing, actually several cutomer drawings are not closed polylines. tHEY ARE REASONABLY SIMPLE PROFILES THAT i NEED TO CUT OUT ON A CNC ROUTER. mY PROBLEM BEING THAT AS THEY ARE NOT CLOSED the router software will not recognise them properly. Is there anyway to find out where exactly on the profile the gap is with zooming right in and panning around?
Size of Drawing file is 4.33 mb. But Can not Open. A message appears " Drawing File Invalid"
Can I Retrieve the data.? No backup file is available in my system. I have tried with recovery tool but unable to get original data for Any other option .
Coworker opened a drawing that he created yesterday. Upon opening he received the following error - "Attempting to end an invalid transaction. Id: 2008125432". He hit OK and the program resumed. It did not crash. There is no red plus in the menu bar.
Inventor 2013 SP2 update 1 Windows 7 64x SP1, 12GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro FX 2000, driver (12/10/2011)
We are receving error on our VBA program under AutoCAD2011 "Invalid argument Tag in setting TagString" when writing tag string.Our lagazy program used to store some data on a hidden layer as tag string. Now the new VBA is not accepting those lines.Is it a bug or there is any workaround for this.
It was working without any trouble for AutoCAD 2005-2010 versions.Example -
I have a small LiSP routine I wrote about 14 years ago that no longer works. It is supposed to update a logo on a title block using the -insert command with a redefine option and a cancel
I'm trying to use an expression for text height and everytime I enter the name of the expression I get "Invalid Input". Is there a trick to doing this?
I even changed a style that "HAD" allowed me to use an expression, to a number then tried to reenter the same expression name that was there and get "Invalid Input".
I sometimes get a error message stating 'invalid arguments specified when working with database...' (see attachment). What causes these and can I fix them? The file opens and seems to work ok.
I am trying to activate my free student version of autocad architecture 2013, and the serial number I am provided on the first activation screen is invalid on the next page.
I derived in a part and I am trying to use a sketch from it in my new part.
I am trying to revolve my sketch and when I do I get this error.
I am using a English version, and I cant read chinese at all. Design doctor shows no errors, but this will not revolve. Tried Extruding and get the same error. When I try to revolve, it shows a preview of my part correctly, but when I click apply in the revolve dialog, that is when I get this error.
The files are attached and here is a video of my steps. In the zip file, the -M8.ipt needs the EOF marker moved all the way to the bottom.
While exporting polylines to polygons as an autocad shp file I get an error when trying to open the file in ArcExplorer 9.2 Java edition. The error code in an invalid field length in the dbf file. Is it specific to Autocad map export issues. The attribute table is an Access file (link template).
"Unknown value "AC1027" encountered in drawing version.Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded. Press Enter to continue." (then the file disappears)
MY workflow:I am opening up DXF files created by me with RASPLOT 2.5 and RASPLOT 3.0 (an Army Corp of Engineers Hyrdraulic model extraction program) I bring the DXFs into AutoCAD for better cleanup of the 2D graph it creates of flood profiles.
OBSERVATIONS:Others in my office have opened the same engineering models in RASPLOT and been able to bring DXFs into AutoCAD 2011/2012 in with no problem. It had worked for me in the past, but I can't recall what happened to all of a sudden make it not work, EVER. My co-workers can work with the RASPLOT DXFs in Windows XP and Windows 7.
ATTEMPTED SOLUTIONS:-I upgraded my RASPLOT version first from 2.5 to 3.0, then upgraded my AutoCAD2011 to 2012. No change.
-If I create the DXF on my computer, then open it remotely from another computer's AutoCAD, I still get the same error message. (My only solution has been to create my DXF by remotely logging into another computer with RASPLOT then it will open in my computer's AutoCAD.)
- I tried changing the .dxf file path to .dwg but that doesn't work.
i get an error message telling (invalid thread data table. Please check Thread.xls file.i tried to reinstall the windows and the autodesk inventor but the error keep appearing. os is windows xp sv2 32 bit
2. inventor version is 2011 32 bit i also had the same problem with 2010
3. i tried to reinstall without any antivirus on my pc but i still have the same problem
4. what's a UAC?
5. yes i've office 2007 installed & i had tried with office 2003 but also the same problem.
1 the first time i used, i made the bolted connection once, but at the second time i kept having this issue.
2 my last trial was installing a freh copy of the windows then install office and the inventor only but nothing changed
3 i tried to install the inventor on another pc but i also had the same issue
4 i searched the c drive for the file THREAD.xls, and i found three of it and i guess they are fine.
I am trying to insert blocks but in the command line it says invalid, if I copy & paste the block in it works fine but as soon as i try to use the insert command it will not work.
Probably useful to tell you that I have around 60 blocks each saved as a DWG file and all of them are saved in 1 folder so there is no other crap in there.
the thing that really baffles me though is the fact that after I have pasted the block in to the drawing, the insert command works for that block.
I had a hdd crash, I took the hdd to data recovery and they did recover something but some of the important dwg files are invalid.
From my understanding, computers use two files: pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys to store data used at a given time, for quick access (and other reasons). I have these files from the broken hdd but I don't know how to open them.
How they can be opened? How to successfully recover dwg files from them? the computer does it all the time so there must be a way.
When working with an IAssembly I keep getting an error message that reads "an unnamed file contains an invalid path." I cannot seem to find a problem anywhere.
In regards to sweeping, what does the title of the post mean (self intersecting paths or loops are invalid for this operation). I have a 3D sketch consisting of 1 straight line, one spline with 4 points dictated by 'points' and an arc. All have tangential constrains to each other and I am looking to sweep a circle along this path to create a bent wire. I don't have anypictures or files as it is a stand alone computer at the moment.