AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Flip / Reverse Line Direction In Profile?
Jun 14, 2012
I have a special ditch profile that I'd like to use a linetype with arrows on. Currently, it shows the arrows going up station with my mainline profile. i.e. now water does flow uphill...
I have made line types with text and need to reverse the direction that the text reads. The text autocorrects based on UCS north. The UCS in the drawing is rotated 90 degrees so line text reads upside down. I type in the reverse command but the text does not change.
I have cut several sections at different points along a road alignment. The sections are cut facing the same direction as the alignmnet. Is there a way to reverse the section direction without changing the alignment direction?
While working in my topo drawing I used the "reverse" command to flip all my linetypes (water, over head wire, gas) to show correctly. My topo is x referenced into my utility drawing and my x reference lines will not flip. i have reloaded, i have closed and re opened, i have regenerated. No luck...
I can't figure out how to reverse the flow direction on my pipe so I was going to just redraw it but after I delete a pipe and rt click to edit network the "add pipes and stuctures" won't let me add anything. I'm just guessing I need to reverse the flow direction because my invert out and invert in elevations are backwards in the profile. I'm working in Civil3D 2012.
I need to create a profile view that starts at Station 189+00 and ends at Station 175+00 such that the stationing of the profile decends from left to right. How do I do this in Civil 3D 2010?
We have a large pipe project that forms a very large 'C' shape. To follow convention with advancing stations from left to right and north being up, we are running into some problems.
1). For Civil 3D, can you reverse the profile for a section, say station 9+00 to 18+00 only. The remainder would be one direction.
2). What do others use for convention for north arrow direction and advancing stations?
Our first sheet goes from east to west, the second and third sheets run north to south, the next ones are west to east, and the final ones are north to south.
I have parcel segments with a PL linetype. One of the segments came in upside down. Is there a way to flip this line without actually manually pulling the pickbox's?
I drew in a water line that had an arc in it, the "W" symbol in the line (or arc rather) is upside down. i've tried the reverse command, tried re drawing the arc both ways, tried re loading line types, is there any way to fix this?
I have created a linetype with the text GAS OPTION in it. The line is continuous with a break around the text. In a straight line the linetype works fine (breaks around the text etc). However, when I use a polyline and spline the line for a curved line the text aligns with the direction of the line at the start, but when the line bends, the text suddenly changes direction and reads in the opposite direction. It looks like AutoCAD is trying to keep the text upright rather than following the direction of the line. When the text changes direction it also changes its insertion point and overlaps the continuous part of the line. I have 2013 AutoCAD.
Here is the string I used for the linetype.
*GAS_Option_LINE,Gas line ----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION----GAS OPTION---- A,8,-15,["GAS OPTION",STANDARD,S=2.54,U=0.0,X=-2.35,Y=-1.27],-12
Any work around for rectangular patterns in assemblies?
I want to pattern a screw using an existing Part Feature Pattern; I have figured out depending on how the part is assembled you get two outcomes and if the part is mated opposite side to how the feature was patterned you get the parts going the wrong way (see attached pic).
Is there a “flip direction” option anywhere or do you just have to be super diligent on how the seed feature orientation is in relation to the assembled pattern?
The intersection wizard makes dynamic EOP profiles based off of the cross slope from the centerline. Well the intersection tool doesn't always work with funky intersection layouts. Is it possible to manually create a dynamic EOP profile based on the cross slope from the centerline profile?
I'm doing an animation where I have a 2d side scrolling concept.
I have a side scrolling world with road, and the user controls a car driving left or right from one area to the other. The user controls the direction of the car via keydown (arrow keys).
Now the problem is, if the user presses right, then it works fine and the car drives forward to where I want it to stop. But if the user presses left to go back to a previously visited area...the car reverses to the previous area.
The way the keydown events control the timeline is simply if the user presses the right arrow key I simply call; and when the user presses the left arrow key I call sym.playReverse();
how I can manage to either swap the car symbol with another symbol...or flip the car symbol 180 degrees.
The desired effect is, if I call the play action the car must face right > and when I can the playReverse action the car must face left <
Now, in my understanding, the flow arrow should either be rotated 0, or 180 (pi radians). But clearly, some of them like to have their own mind about things, and decide on some other rotation. It seems that on the steep slopes, the arrows go a bit skew.
I think the skew is related to the actual elevation difference of the segment, rather than the steepness of the slope. A long segment with 15% slope has a worse skew than a short segment at over 30%, presumably because the elevation difference from the start to the end of the segment is larger.
I seem to be having trouble changing the lineweight of my profile line. I have changed the line weight in the layer properties, in the Profile properties and tried changed the line weight in the pen style. Everywhere I could think I try to make the line thicker but when I plot, the line is still the same and difficult to distinguish from the grid blocks of the profile view.
I need to change the direction of type on a path. Basically it is writing the sentence backwards right now. I need it to type right to left instead of left to right so the first word of the sentence will be all the way left instead of all the way right.
I have a path with a smooth point. The two direction points form a direction line with any non-45-degree-angle - say 11.8 degrees. I want to drag one direction point while keeping the angle of exactly 11.8 degrees.
I have a profile view with the existing ground profile shown. The alignment the profile is referencing was stretched at the front and now the profile markers do not line up with the profile line. The profile line updated as it should have, but the markers did not.
I'm doing a road project. i've got profile grades of existing left and right ditches. in some sections we're redoing the ditches so i've got proposed left and right ditch profiles. what i want to show is where i've got proposed ditch grades, i don't want to show existing ditch grades.
The new ditches happen intermittently on the road so i would need to be able to turn off the existing ditches at various places. is this possible without exploding my existing ditch grades?