Illustrator :: Reverse The Direction That Type Takes On Path?
Jun 4, 2013
I need to change the direction of type on a path. Basically it is writing the sentence backwards right now. I need it to type right to left instead of left to right so the first word of the sentence will be all the way left instead of all the way right.
I have cut several sections at different points along a road alignment. The sections are cut facing the same direction as the alignmnet. Is there a way to reverse the section direction without changing the alignment direction?
I want to create text on a circle path, so drew the circle, went to the "type on a path tool" and clicked on the circle. I keep getting the message "can't create type". I have tried to use the direct selection tool to select the circle first and without the direct selection.
I have some negative space I created(black area, see first image) that I want to fill with type, not just a simple fill.
Basically I want to create the negative space from a bunch of small minus signs(-) that need to line up as they go across. If I type on each path one at a time as the text doesn't line up that way. This needs to be one continuous path. (see second image)
Unfortunately if I add them together, it creates a compound path, which you cannot type on, unless I am mistaken? So I need them to be a path, not a compound object.
I have made line types with text and need to reverse the direction that the text reads. The text autocorrects based on UCS north. The UCS in the drawing is rotated 90 degrees so line text reads upside down. I type in the reverse command but the text does not change.
I can't figure out how to reverse the flow direction on my pipe so I was going to just redraw it but after I delete a pipe and rt click to edit network the "add pipes and stuctures" won't let me add anything. I'm just guessing I need to reverse the flow direction because my invert out and invert in elevations are backwards in the profile. I'm working in Civil3D 2012.
I have a special ditch profile that I'd like to use a linetype with arrows on. Currently, it shows the arrows going up station with my mainline profile. i.e. now water does flow uphill...
I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.
I have to make an illustration with a 2D text that rolls on a 3D cilindric path. I don't know if is it possible on AI. Maybe I have to do this on a 3d software?
I want to put type on a perfect circular path.But first I need to stretch the type so it is longer vertically.Stretching type and using it as normal is easy.But how in the world do I use the stretched type on a path?
I'm working with a typeface that I need to stretch horizontally while following a circular shape. I don't want to distort it other than the horizontal stretching.
1.) The type "Mariners" sloping downward in an arc. I was able to get the Seattle part using type on a path on a circle and typing on top. Question is, can I also type Mariners on the bottom of that path? I recall that not being the case. Am I supposed to draw another circle over the one that Seattle is typed on and then on that one type on the bottom?
2.) For the stitching, am I supposed to create one stitch and then create a brush, draw a curve and then apply the brush to that curve?
I have a created a spiral path and added type to it. This spiral circles a planet-like object. This object is not completely circular, therefore overlaps some of the spiral. I would like the type on the spiral to wrap these protrusions. And I have tried the usual way of applying a text wrap (object > text wrap > make). The type on path doesn't seem to recognize the text wrap.
I'm using Illustrator CS4. I am unable to Create Outlines for a font after I had used the type on the Path Tool. I had used the ellipse tool to create a closed circular path, then I selected the Type on a Path tool. I selected my text using the arrow tool and ctrl-shift-o (Create outlines) and then I receive the message: "Can't Create type outlines." Not quite sure why this is happening. Did I miss something? The thing is this - my type is in the position and alignment that I want and I don't necessarily want to work with the Type as a Font but as vector shapes.
Trying to mask type with a vector pattern (place a vector pattern in a type clipping path), but nothing seems to be working. Never had issue before. Tried path in front, pattern in front, converting type path to compound path, converting vector to compound path. A couple of times it looked like it worked, but the pattern was invisible within the path. Illustrator CS6, on a Mac.
I regularly have to edit text within a grid of lines in illustrator. I can replace/edit text zoomed out, but when I try the cursor automatically changes to the type on a path tool. I then have to zoom in, edit text, zoom back out thousands of times a day. It would save me a bunch of time if I could set the type tool to ignore paths and only select text.
I could take the grid of lines on the files I'm working on and send them to back and lock them, but I am dealing with tens of thousands of files, and it's just not practical.
Any way to get rid of type on a path, or at least prevent Illustrator from automatically switching to that tool when I hover the type tool over a path?
I have a path with a smooth point. The two direction points form a direction line with any non-45-degree-angle - say 11.8 degrees. I want to drag one direction point while keeping the angle of exactly 11.8 degrees.
sometimes when drawing a path, in the thumbnail box the item I've drawn around is shown in grey while the entire background is shown in white. This is a kind of negative of what should happen. If I make a selection from the path I get the entire background selected instead of the item.
I want to create a path using the circle tool, then put 3 words text around the path, one along the top, and two along the bottom. But I want the text on top going clockwise, and the text on bottom going counter-clockwise, so it isn't upside down and backwards. I put the text on top, and for a moment I had the text tool reversed on bottom, but I lost it and can't get it to work again. I think I used the command key while placing the text.
how to reverse the direction of text along a path around a circle?
I am able to put text in a vector however, I'm having problems having text and then adding reverse path text.
What I would like to do is add additional text at the bottom of the circle but concave instead of convex. I hope that makes sense. I want to have the text at the bottom wrap around the circle but like a smile so the text isn't upside down.
I created the path, but for some reason it's 'reversed' or 'inverted' from what I want - is there any way to change it so the spinach is cropped properly?
where a tree is blocking vital building information. I would like to just stroke a selection of the outer arch here along this path. It seems I cannot make the selection into a pattern and stoke that, because it doesn't allow for rotation. So, i converted the selection into a brush, and put angle jitter to "direction" control. But it doesn't work like i would like it. It needs to be a solid stroke. I have spacing set to 1%. I am running CS2/windows. After it is finished i can adjust the color to match the original color.
how to make text go from left to right within a circular Workpath that I have created. I realise that it is possible to move it with the direct selection tool, but why is it so hard to make it go from left to right inside the circle?
I have written code for the user to select a point on the curve.I need to trace the point along the curve at certain intervals.How do i calculate the direction in which the point moves along the path.Im not using the GetPointOnCurve asit doesnt suit my requirement.
I've noticed this with several other Adobe apps, but it seems to happen with Illustrator the most, it takes forever to shut it down. Why is it such a chore and a resource hog for this program to just close? Half the time, I need to use the Windows Task Manager to just force the program to close, because it's slowing down my system, and I don't have all afternoon to wait around.
I'm using AI CC now, but I noticed this problem in earlier versions of AI: If I want to place a one-word label on an illustration I move the type insertion cursor to a speific point on the screen image and click, but then the flashing insertion point, where the label will actually start, pops up elsewhere, usually a line or two above where the cursor was, and a pica or two to the left, forcing me to type the label, then move it into position rather than simply typing it in the right place and moving on. The problem is merely annoying, but I'd like to fix it. It's probably a matter of ignorance-I simply haven't read the right documentation, but I don't know what to call the problem. Where can I find out how to change the position of the cursor relative to the insertion point?