AutoCAD 2013 :: Convert Wireframe To 3D Solid Model?
Jan 23, 2013I need information on how to create a 3D Solid Model from wireframe and surfaces using AutoCAD 2013.
View 7 RepliesI need information on how to create a 3D Solid Model from wireframe and surfaces using AutoCAD 2013.
View 7 RepliesI am in need of creating a solid drawing from my wireframe drawing in model space. I have never done any 3d modeling in autocad before it took me a few days just to get the wireframe of a staircase done! I have tried to render this object in viewport but it disappears after I click on it or move around, therefore I cannot see it in my paper layout. How do I make a rendered object stay? Also I want to plot this on 22x34in and 11x17in paper, how would I go about getting a high quality rendered image. I am using autocad 2010.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've got a very complex 3D AutoCAD model (exported as DWG) that's come from an external company that use Micro station. Ultimately I'm trying to link it into Revit, but I'm having problems doing this. What I'd like to do is convert the 3D faceted model into a wireframe ONLY model, ie. remove all the faces. (I've got another wire frame model in Revit already so I know this will work) I know you can change the 'view' by using SHADEMODE but I'd like to actually remove the faces from the model all together leaving only the lines on the 'edges'. So the Wireframe view of Shade mode is exactly what I want but I need to get those faces out somehow.
I've tried exploding it all, but that only gets rid of a few faces ...thought exporting to DXF might do it but hasn't.
I've recently installed AutoCAD 2014 and noticed when I try to select objects behind a solid (in wireframe) it will select the face of the solid and I am not able to select any objects behind that solid. In the past, while in wireframe, I wasn't able to select a solid unless an edge was selected. Now if I click on a face it will select that item, which is not allowing me to select anything behind it. Is there a variable to change the way a solid is selected while in wireframe?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAm trying to convert this pump into solid ?
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline. up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
I'd like to export AutoCAD file from a model built in 3Ds Max to get some engimeering drawings(as below) But the dwg file export from 3Ds Max is always with the wireframe(as the last one)
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have finally created the shell of the complex surface that you see. This is only a section of the part because I cannot show the whole thing for proprietary reasons. I formed solid surfaces using the network command. The propblem is that it will not convert to a solid because the surface seams are not "water tight." When the network command created the solid surfaces, the surface seams do not exactly match the lines so there are gaps in all the seams. I have tried blending, patching, etc. and nothing works. how to convert this to a solid without losing the outlines and the shape?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
I am working on a research project that requires that I scan a cast object and shell it out to a width of .125 inches. I used my school's 3D scanner to scan the cast, and I have a good model. I've made it a surface and exported it as an STP and an IGS into Inventor. I used the Sculpt feature to make it a solid object, but then I could not shell it because a few flaws in the cast made miniscule holes.
I then tried to use the scanning program's spline feature to cut the cast into splines to loft in Inventor. However, this made 5 non-connected lines at each location, so I couldn't loft. How to create a solid and then shell with either method?
The problem is about drawing a solid model like the one in the attachment, and I have problem with the triangle, I tried a lot of things, but unfortunately it's not the same as it should be
My work is in the attachment.
and one more thing, as it's my first time with these kind of drawing I need to know what's the meaning (10 Drill, 20 C'bore) for a circle and how I can do it you can find it in the attachment
Then I need to extrude it, but when I extrude, it's shallow. So this 2D polygon need to have face. I've tried 3DFACE but then I need to add faces manually. Is there any way to just specify this polygon and have it faced?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn attempting to use either 'export face as' or 'export sketch as' from a solid model in Inventor 2013 the resultant DXF file ALWAYS consists of PolyLines. This prevents other "downstream" software from properly importing the file as a DXF. Thus far the ONLY work-around I have found is to open the DXF in AutoCAD, Explode the polylines, and then re-save as a DXF from AutoCAD.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a set of 8 coordinates that outline a pit. I have been asked to calculate it's volume. I have input the coordinates, and have produced a 3D image of the pit. I was hoping to be able to convert the object (the pit) that I have created to a solid, so I could then determine the volume, although it is proving to be difficult.
how I could calculate the volume of this pit?
I'm trying to create a solid body from a non uniform 3d frame Actually I bought this model and it turned out to be hollow inside. How to make it a complete single solid body? [This model is a part of human bone]
We want to convert ACIS(.sat) 3D Model to the STEP(.stp,.step) Model.
If yes, what is the Procedure for converting ACIS 3D Model to the STEP Model?
Note - We are using:
Software : Autocad 2012-64Bit , Naviswork 2013 , Inventor Ultimate 2014-64 Bit ,Autoplant V8i - SS4 version : , MS-Office 2010 - 64 Bit.
Hardware : Workstation Dell Precision T3600
I have a.3ds file imported into Civil 3d. The object imported as a polymesh in Civil 3d. I need the solid 3d object to do some edit like slice or union and subtract.
The question is "How can I import .3ds into Civil 3d as a solid objects or hoe can i convert polymesh to solid?"
How can i convert some solid bodies to a single solid.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm not looking to RENDER wireframe, I'm looking to export a model as ONLY a wireframe out and bring it into After Effects.
Essentially, I am trying to bring an .obj into After Effects using the plugin Element 3D. While I'm aware I can simply import the model as-is into Element 3D and use the wireframe texture that Element 3D comes with, I was wondering if it's possible to just export a model out of Maya in it's wireframe state. I wasn't 100% sure if the wireframe state was just a view or not.
i'm currently learning maya problem is that sometimes when i use the split polygon tool or the edge insert tool and some others A PART OF MY MODEL goes into wire frame mode not the whole model and even if i undo it still doesn't the perspective viewport under shading i have selected 'smooth shade all'.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently installed the SketchUp plugin in the hope that I would be able to easily and effectively transfer SketchUp models into AutoCAD and subsequently into Revit.
However, upon importing the SketchUp model, extra wireframe is added to the flat surfaces from vertex to vertex. This does not affect the CAD model as such as it appears that these lines are necessary for CAD to create the surfaces.
Though when imported into Revit from CAD, these surfaces are unable to be processed and the model becomes incomplete, also failing to identify the windows and doors that had been previously identified as the model had been taken from Revit, through CAD and to SketchUp with no problems and then all the way back again.
What is the next step of importing it back to Revit as I am unsure how to retain its levels (i.e Floor plans).
Is it possible to trim a 3d solid using another 3d solid as a cutting edge? I want to cut the edges of a dam using the natural ground surface (which is also a solid) as my cutting edge.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi am having a hatching issue, it seems no matter what hatch pattern i use and what hatch scale, alot of the hatch looks solid instead of the pattern i want, for example i am using currently ANSI37 @ Annotative with a scale of .20 and on the same paperspace page one plan with the hatch shows the cross hatching and the other one below looks solid (see attached) now i can go and say change the hatch scale and it reverts to the cross hatching, but then when i zoom out it goes back to "solid" is it a graphical issue?
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I zoom in or zoom out the model, normally the dimension will follow the model too.But now in Autocad 2013, even the model size change, the dimension still remain unchange. why? Is there any setting I miss out? URL....
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've be trying convert a 3D solid model to DGN file and until now no success!
When I tried to export the model the error message of Figure 1 was returned. I'm using the settings of Figure 2. Is attached too, the DWG file for analysis.
I am trying to model I-Beams to s solid. I put 3d polyline around the front "I" then a path down the middle of the beam. I have tried extrude, sweep with aligned to path, and sweep not aligned - then put a patch on both ends. Use the command "surfsculpt" and it will not convert due to not being water tight. I delete the 3d poly and path line before patching.
We only have 2011 - Civil 3D.
I have this chair in 3d but it consists of 3d faces and i can not convert all of them into surfaces or solids...only the faces that are on the same plane can be converted. Since the object is a little curved...i get the message"faces are not coplanar"...or something.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have some objects in AutoCAD Architecture that I need to convert from polymesh to solid. How to do this? I also have Revit Architecture if I can do it in there..
The objects are 3D light fixtures on a 2D floorplan. Can I export the whole drawing as one to convert it?
I have some objects in AutoCAD Architecture that I need to convert from polymesh to solid. I also have Revit Architecture if I can do it in there..
The objects are 3D light fixtures on a 2D floorplan. Can I export the whole drawing as one to convert it?
Is it possible to convert surface into solid in AutoCAD 2002?
For example, can I convert these five surfaces into a solid pyramid?
If yes, what is the step to do it?
I have a model of a boat from some database. It's build from 3D faces but I would like to make it a 3D solid with a thickness of 3mm.
I can convert the faces into a surface, but i can't seem to get any of the two models into a 3D solid. I have tried thicken, convtosolid and a lot of other options without luck.
I was wondering if I could make two surfaces, one smaller than the other, place them ontop of eachother and create solid between them?