After Effects :: Way To Have Keyframes Move Dynamically Based On Video Length
May 13, 2013
I have several placeholders where I have added keyframes for instance opacity fade up and down at the beginning and ending of the layer. If I replace it and the video is longer/shorter than the placeholder then the keyframes will not adjust. Is there some way to have keyframes move dynamically based on the video length? I looked into expressions to calculate the start and end time of the layer then fade in and fade out using the time but it was quite time consuming and inefficient, it would also be hard to write new code for say position versus have dynamic keyframes.
Can I attach on PNG image that I move to different directions by keyframes some elements with tracker?For some reason he does not let me choose the layer of the image I want to be thw "motion source".
Is it possible to change the length of a line based on the length of an attribute?
I'd like to make the line a MINIMUM length of X" (I haven't decided how long yet--but know I'll need a minimum). But then after the user fills in the attribute, I'd like the length of the line to change to the length of the attribute plus a small amount (again, I haven't decided yet how much extra).
I am creating a block with attributes for a standard job. I have (4) total attributes in this block (for example: panel type, qty, length in imperial, length in mertic)
I would like my length in metric attribute to automatically populate based on the input from length in imperial.
I have created keyframes from audio file and used them to generate some effect, all works fine, it is amazing how easy it is However, I would like to generate flash (?) so that these effects would be dynamic to different audio files after export.
What I want is basically to create effects that can be used in life event to the streaming music.
I'm a long time user and fan of Corel Draw; are there any plans to mimic Adobe when you draw and move a primitive in Corel Draw.
I love the feature in the Adobe Suite that lets you start a selection or primitive shape and dynamically move and place the shape as you'reinitially marking out it's width and Height "by holding down the space bar". I find this less constricting as you can begin draw the shape from anywhere on the page and move it anywhere before you commit to the size and placement.
I have this audio layer that I want to add as a soundtrack to the intro video I made. The audio is a bit longer than the intro so I added 2 keyframes at the end of the audio to act as a fade out (I decreased the audio levels from +0.00 dB to -19.00 dB). The problem is when I export the project, I don't hear this faiding out. Is like AE doesn't "reads" the 2 audio keyframes. (When I hit play inside the project, with RAM preview, I can hear the fading out, but not when exporting). I have to mention I export the project as .FLV, as .AVI exports much bigger files. I attached a screenshot so you can see the keyframes I'm talking about.
I wanted to copy some keyframes from AE to Calc, but when I copied it back it only created one keyframe, instead of the two. When I copy them from AE to the Windows Editor, do some changes there and copy them back, t works fine and there are two keyframes.
"I have to changed the name"
(Here the pictures when Importing Keyframes to Calc)
I was just wondering whether you can resize an object using keyframes. I want to have the object start small and then project and open out and grow. Is this possible?
I notice that if I use the CS6 feature of holding down the shift key while pickwhipping a new parent (to get the child to move to the parent), it deletes any keyframes I have set (position,scale,rotation). Is this normal behavior?
I created a 3D object (a Doctor Who TARDIS) just for fun and I'm trying to figure out how to animate it spinning in space with the orbit camera and keyframes. I do the orbit and the keyframing works fine, but when I play it back the whole thing zooms in and out madly, almost like it is throbbing in and out. This funny "throbbing" happens in between the keyframes.
The zoom attribute in the camera options is actually locked, the only attributes changing as I move along the timeline are the position attributes, which I am keyframing off.
My firm worked on a project recently with a sheet numbering system that created long sheet numbers, ie, MH-101-R1. Since the sheet numbers were so long, they no longer fit in our normal sheet/detail/drawing label blocks. (See attached DWG for an example.)
We are looking to create either a dynamic block or some kind of block that will automatically stretch with the text length.
in order to streamline some of my duties i wonder if theres a way to have a dynamic block not only that can change it's length and the dimension for that length (easy) but will also add features to the part. For example can one be made that when stretching its length that once it reaches a certain length automatically split into two sections and keep those 2 sections equal? Also can it be made to contain a tag that keeps track of the lengths as well as number of joints between sections multiplied by a constant?
I'm trying to create a pline in a dynamic block where the length is determined by two values I would input into properties or as attributes.
The first value 'A' will be a ground surface elevation
The second value 'B' will be a ground water elevation
I would like to the pline to have a length of A minus B.
I would then also like to have mtext (or any other method of display text) to display the values of A and B.
For example, if I have a ground surface of 102 and a ground water of 91, my line length will be 11, and I can display a label of '102' at the top of the line and '91' at the bottom of the line.
I've created dynamic blocks before, but none that have used an expression of two values or having to display inputted values. I'm not really sure where to start with this, or if it's even possible.
I'm trying to finally utilize iLogic and all of its functionality (after using the basic features of inventor for the past 3 or so years) and I was wondering if there was a way to use iLogic (or some other feature for inventor) to resize text in a title block field of an IDW based on the length of the text entered (i.e. if the part's name was "Cam Retainer" the text height would be .12, but if its part name was "Spacer Cam Retainer Bushing" the text height would shrink down to .085 or something) so that it would still fit nicely into the text block?
I am trying to "erase" extra video and show only 1 of the moving objects in the video .on an athletic field we are trying to show only the movements of 1 it possible to "delete all of the other players movements and just show one player and then overlay that video on the empty field?
Why I cannot render a frame-based video when selecting (Share/Custom/MPEG Transport-stream)? My goal is to create an AVCHD video and burn it to a DVD (4.7G). My video is 16min long and the calculated bitrate is around CBR 15,000 kbps. If I use the (Share/ADVCHD/1920) option, I don't have any control over the settings. I have already deinterlaced my video using Neoscene. That is why I want to create a frame-based video.
Below is my workflow.
Two video sources: .mov(1080p) from ContourHD 1080p camea .mts(1080i) from Canon Vixia HF S100
1. Trim .mts files in CSV PX3 2. Trim .mov files in Contour S/W 3. Convert trimmed clips to .avi with Cineform Neoscene 4. Edit in CSV PX3 5. Planned to render in AVCHD, 1920x1080p, 29.97 fps, 15000 kbps
Is it possible to import a digital video sequence into photoshop and convert it into individual frames, so that each frame can be manipulated individually (drawn into, coloured etc) and then reform the individual frames into a video file for export toAfter Effects, Premier Pro or Avid?
When I import photos and video using lightroom, I rename all my files based on date and time using a YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS format. For example:
This works perfectly for photos. That is, the (LR renamed) filename reflects the time the photos was taken (I suppose this is the "capture time"). However, the video time is totally wrong. For example, a video taken at 7PM gets renamed to something corresponding to 1AM.
I notice the following:
- Date/time based renaming of this particular iPhone 4S video works properly in other applications (e.g. Dropbox and PhotoMechanic)
- The resultant filename in LR4 appears to correlate to "Date Time Digitized", which in my case does not reflect when the video was actually taken (I'm not sure if it should or not, I'm only saying that it does not).
Is this expected behavior from LR4?
The behavior I'm seeing means that I have to use yet another application (e.g. PhotoMechanic or other) on the front-end of my workflow (before LR) in order to ensure video files are named "correctly". This is obviously not the desired solution, I'd prefer to do the renaming inside LR at the time of import since it provides a function for precisely this purpose.
I thought that Media Encoder took forever to export my stuff... then I realized it had continued way beyond the actual size of the composition (as determined by the bar in Ae), and continued for the full duration which was much longer than that bar. Since trying to tell it to use only the bar in Media Encoder is a huge chore, can I somehow easily "cut to the bar" in Ae with a couple of clicks or so?
In order to make the composition LONGER, you apparently *must* edit the compo settings and manually enter a value. However, I'm hoping there is an easy way to cut it down to only the length it actually turns out to be when you are done. It would solve this problem and also make it more pleasant to navigate.
I was hoping to create a JS script to move objects away from common center based upon their current position. I was thinking to use a single selected path item as the center based on its position x/y and width/height. Using this reference point the script would then move away all other path items from this center point based on a desired amount and with uniform increments given their current location from this center. I was thinking cos and sin would be my friend in this case, however they seem to have become my foe instead. ;-)
Does this sound doable? What am I missing, doing wrong, misinterpreting? Below is a non-working attempt, I can't seem to sort things out, perhaps I was close and missed it or maybe I am super way off and its more complex than I thought. However at this point I am confused across my various failed attempts this only being one of them.
// Example failed code, nonworking concept var docID = app.activeDocument; var s0 = docID.selection[0]; pID = docID.pathItems; var xn, yn; var stepNum = 20;
I have a video clip from you tube that when I load it into VS it only recognizes 2:20 minutes vs. 2:50 minutes that shows in windows media player. Why doesn't it recognize the full length?
Using LR4.4 on Windows7 64-bit Pro, and I am new to video. I shot a 1 minute segment and used the tools in Lightroom to trim that to about 16 seconds. I made no other changes in QuickDevelop. Then I exported to a location on my hard drive, specifying "Original" in the format choice.
The file that emerged was the full 1 minute length when inserted in ProShow Gold and ran the full clip as shot.
I have looked over the video tools documentation and it seems to confirm that length is a parameter of export. Why the file that exported retained the original length?
I need to time-stretch a whole comp. It's based on a Video blocks template, but for the purposes of this particular piece, I don't need to stretch the template itself, individual layers/clips/avi files, etc... The entire composition is moving about four times faster than it really needs to. Nothing needs to be individually adjusted; it's an "overall" issue-- I just need to stretch the 15 second time uniformly to one minute. For some reason, I'm having a lot of trouble finding out how to do this. Changing the duration/ time stretch has just created a sixty second video with fifteen seconds at the same speed and then forty-five seconds of black. There HAS to be a simple way to do this...
I need to create an animation sequence in Photoshop cs6 longer than 5 seconds. In previous versions the length of each video layer could be extended easily. Now it appears you need to make each video layer a maximum of 5 seconds. Document settings doesn't resolve this problem. I've found out how to extend the timeline but, crucially, not the length of individual video layers beyond 5 seconds. I believe CS5 and previous versions had this enabled.
I’m trying to add some text effects over my video, but I’m really stuck right now getting After Effects and Adobe Premier to work together.
From the tutorials I’ve watched online, I’ve been trying to create a dynamic link between the two programs so I could easily create texts and other effects in AE that immediately show up on my timeline in Premier. I've been able to create texts, but whatever I create in AE is not showing up on the Premier timeline. Am I missing a step? Also, when I load up my sequence into AE, all of the color correcting that I’ve done with Looks inside Premier goes away, and the clips appear as they did right out of the camera.