Photoshop :: How To Extend Length Of Individual Video Layers
Apr 9, 2013
I need to create an animation sequence in Photoshop cs6 longer than 5 seconds. In previous versions the length of each video layer could be extended easily. Now it appears you need to make each video layer a maximum of 5 seconds. Document settings doesn't resolve this problem. I've found out how to extend the timeline but, crucially, not the length of individual video layers beyond 5 seconds. I believe CS5 and previous versions had this enabled.
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May 10, 2012
Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.
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Jan 22, 2014
I have made a Family that is based off the Metric Structural Framing - Beams and Braces template. When I import my Family into a project and create a instance of the Family (which is a channel) the channel doesn't extend the whole distance of the geometric line. Its always 1500mm long (thats the default length in the .rfa file). See below image for my problem:
I made my extrusion inside the Left Elevation view and not inside a Floor Plan view; simply because it is easier to create the complex geometry of it. Maybe this has affected its inability to stretch to the length of the line? How can I edit my family so that the extrusion will stretch the whole length of the line/beam?
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Mar 5, 2013
I’m trying to make a 3D text video intro in Photoshop CS6. It seems like the default time line is only 10 seconds long. Is there any way to extend the duration of the time line?
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Mar 11, 2012
I want to export the length of each polyline individuality & simultaneously in different -2 columns/row. How to prepare the Bar bending schedule. I am appending the drawing .
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Nov 20, 2012
I want to create a PDF from Photoshop while keeping on a master layer/group for all pages AND turning on/off individual layers/smart object in another group? I know there may be a way to do this with Layer Comps but I would rather just use layers.
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Nov 15, 2013
How can I extend the whole clip. Composition setting a setupped for 1min and 30 sec. My clip is 45 sec. How can i extend it to 1.30. when I press Ctr + Alt+T. Its allows me to extend a orange frames , but without extended the content inside.
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May 10, 2012
I need to pull a few frames from a Nikon (.avi) video to process, but I don't see how.
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Jan 22, 2012
I am working on a video piece and I need to mask out a moving figure throughout the entire video, what is the best way to to this? I know that I can import the video frames to layers in CS3 and then create a mask on each frame, but there are thousands of frames - and when I render the video from the animation it is slow to run in quicktime. Even if I were able to edit each frame, it seems like there should be a better way.
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Sep 4, 2012
New to Premier Elements 10. Is there a way to save individual video clips after chopping up my raw video. Or should I be using another program? I simply want to convert a long video into shorter segments for my files and ease of future use.
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Sep 28, 2008
I wanted to ask about whether it is possible to separate all the pieces of paintings in this document to their individual layers?
I want to make a website and use each of these as graphic so separate documents would be fine too.
These are 100 "boxes" btw, so i cant simply select and Layer via cut all the time
if Im not clear...basically, all the boxes in this image are in 1 single layer, i need to make separate jpgs/pngs for every box, would be great if someone could guide me through...i have removed the background btw.
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Sep 4, 2012
I have "Sweet On You" spelled out in 3D with each letter having its own layer. Can I render the individual 3D layers together or do I have to do them separately? What should the letters look like after they're rendered? When I render them individually, the previously rendered letter turns white.
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Apr 21, 2013
I'm having issues moving individual layers once they've been put into a group in CS5. It just moves everything in the group! Very inconvenient. This hasn't happened to me before or in CS6. How to correct this?
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Aug 25, 2012
how to make an action that can export individual layers within a PS document and rename each layers in the process.
I have set up a 320 x 180px canvas and have 'Placed' in about 20 images that all need to be exported with the Save for Web option.
Problem is, when I set the action to Save for Web and choose the destination, Photoshop names my newly exported image as the document's title (for example, 320x180_Canvas.jpg). But as soon as I try to make it move on to the next layer, it will automatically replace the first exported image with the new one, renaming it the same way, and so on and so on for the next 2 layers...
So essentially, I can only export one layer at a time - unless I make an action to Save for Web for individual documents and not layers (so instead of having one document with 20 layers, I have 20 documents with one layer)...
I must be missing a crucial point here.
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Jan 4, 2012
I have assembled a wholel lot of scanned pages from my sketch pad into one psd file. That file has guides which I use to register and align every page (each page is therefore its own layer). Is there a way I can make an action and save off each individual layer as its own jpeg? I set up an action but I don't know how to get photoshop to save it with a distinct namespace. The first action I set up basically prompted me to re-name each layer as I saved it, which isn't really saving time. What I want is for the action to start at the bottom layer and turn off the visiblity of all the layers above it, save the visible layer as a jpeg with a name based on the layer and then turn on the next layer's visibitlity and repeat, until all layers have been saved.
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Jul 9, 2013
Am I missing something with the apply image command? Couldn't I perform the exact same task just by blending individual layers or images?
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Aug 22, 2013
For theoretical purposes, let's say that I am building an animation and that I have 10 layers in this animation thus far. Now, let's say that I would like a watermark to be overlay on every single one of these individual layers.
The only way that I would know how to do this would be to make a layer with the watermark, duplicate it nine times so that there were a total of ten layers with the watermark and then painstakingly go about the process of merging one layer of the animation with with one layer of the watermark and then repeat this process nine more times.
Whenever this situation comes up, whether it is a watermark or a correction of some sort that belongs on ALL LAYERS and I do this the only way that I know how, I think to myself that with something as powerful as CS 5, there has GOT to be an more automated and easier way of going about this.
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Aug 27, 2012
how to select items on the canvas, aside for selecting each individual layer on the layers panel. have Mac os X 10.7.4, and I previously had cs5.5 on my laptop.
I was able to use the direct select tool to select mulitple items by either dragging it would select anything in the box or using shift to select multiple items. Do I have to click on every item in the layer panel to select it on the canvas? Is there a option that I have checked when it should be unchecked?
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Jul 25, 2013
I have a floorplan of a building and am labeling exits of the building for evacuation routes. Each exit label is on its own layer. I need to show the floor plan from different perspectives/orientations and therefore need to rotate the exit labels in place on their own individual axis. So far I have been going in and selecting the image (label) on each layer and rotating it 90 degrees and then repeating the process for the next label. When I group the layers they all rotate on one axis and therefore are not near the exit they are supposed to be near. Is there an easier (quicker) way to rotate the labels as I have to do this for four different perspective for each of four floor plans?
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Mar 4, 2011
Is it possible to create a new layer, and then save it to be merged later? The reason I ask, is that I am restructuring maps on my website, a process which requires repeated file saving and although I am working on the files in TIF format, they tend to degrade after a while. To work without saving is high risk, as a great deal of hard work can easily be lost, as I have found out. I thought that if I could spread out the saving process, it would improve matters.
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Mar 17, 2013
I have been given a set of plans by a client to design a system on. The plans have a lot of layers and information on them that I don't need/want to merge to a base layer. If I click on anything on the plans everything gets select and is layer 0. I originally thought these were just poorly made plans but if I go through the layers in the toolbar and turn them off individually it works.
Its like somehow all the layers have been linked to layer 0 but are actually individual layers .
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Mar 24, 2012
I followed the tutorial linked below to successfully create cartoon text.
My Macbook was then updated to Lion and I checked I had the latest version of GIMP and have been trying all morning to create some more text in the same manner.
However no matter what I do when I select the layer that contains the single letter and I try to rotate it nothing happens?
If I do Alpha to Selection the selection rotates but then I cant do anything with it, stoke fill etc?
To clarify this is what I do:
Create a word
select a letter in the word
select new layer
name the new layer to match the letter just cut and pasted
ensure that layer is selected
choose rotate tool rotation takes place?
[URL] ..........
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Feb 11, 2009
I recently made some frames for an animate gif with PDN, and all the frames are in layers on one PDN file. Is there any way to mass save the layers as separate gifs? The PDN file consists of 100+ layers, and I want to avoid flattening, saving, and undoing X 100 :shock:
Edit: I think I found something that should work:
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Aug 3, 2012
I'm new to GIMP. I want to use it to create/test colour (or greyscale) separations for a woodcut, but I'm finding it hard.
For example I have attached a black and white image. kirsty.JPG (84.7K)
Number of downloads: 3
I open the image in GIMP, then from Image I choose mode - indexed, 4 colours. So far so good as this gives me the 4 greyscale levels I need to create a two block woodcut. Now I use the 'select by colour' tool to find the first colour, and I paste this into a new layer. That works fine. Then I select the next colour and try to paste that into a second new layer, but it doesn't work. It produces another layer called 'Floating Selection (pasted layer)' and won't paste the second or third layers.
How can I separate the 4 layers into individual images??
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Oct 4, 2013
C3D 2012 Win 7 Pro
I have Note label Style objects and Marker Style Objects that have layers assigned to them. When I bring a Note label or Marker Style into the drawing, it comes in on the zero layer. I know that the object layers of the drawing settings are controlling this. Is it possible to have the Note labels and/or Markers come in on the assigned layers of their Styles?
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May 17, 2011
is it possible to edit the individual layers of an image after the layers have been compressed and the image saved? If so, where do I find the instructions for that?
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Nov 6, 2013
I'm presently making assets for an ipad app in illustrator i create all the layers as indidvidual assets then export as a layered psd...i've found that when i open this in photoshop some of the assets are 1 pixel out....which is an issue(for our developer) when you are making ipad retina assets and convert these to non-retina which are half the size.
Any way of mananging this so I deliver even number pixel(on the x axis) assets so they are easily halfed - which in turn doesn't create more work for our developer.
i'm using cs6 suite. my preference is to create the assets in illustrator rather than photoshop
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Aug 24, 2013
I like being able to loop the animation in Edge so it will play continually. But coordinating an edge animation with a number of different layers for each object makes me want to be able to loop each layer. Right now it seems you can only insert an action trigger in the general timeline. Is it possible to insert action triggers to individual layers?
For example, I made this animation for my illustrator portfolio page [url]....
I have set up layers for each color, and layers for each texture. Right now it cycles through them in a regular pattern. But I'd like to set individual loops for each color and texture layer so that the animation varies a little.
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Oct 13, 2011
I have a video clip from you tube that when I load it into VS it only recognizes 2:20 minutes vs. 2:50 minutes that shows in windows media player. Why doesn't it recognize the full length?
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Aug 5, 2013
Using LR4.4 on Windows7 64-bit Pro, and I am new to video. I shot a 1 minute segment and used the tools in Lightroom to trim that to about 16 seconds. I made no other changes in QuickDevelop. Then I exported to a location on my hard drive, specifying "Original" in the format choice.
The file that emerged was the full 1 minute length when inserted in ProShow Gold and ran the full clip as shot.
I have looked over the video tools documentation and it seems to confirm that length is a parameter of export. Why the file that exported retained the original length?
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Sep 9, 2011
Does Revit 2011 provide a method for editing the profiles of individual wall layers?
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