Revit :: Does 2011 Provide A Method For Editing The Profiles Of Individual Wall Layers

Sep 9, 2011

Does Revit 2011 provide a method for editing the profiles of individual wall layers?

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Paint.NET :: Editing Individual Layers Of Compressed Image?

May 17, 2011

is it possible to edit the individual layers of an image after the layers have been compressed and the image saved? If so, where do I find the instructions for that?

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Revit :: Control Line Weights Of Wall Reveals In 2011?

Aug 23, 2010

How do you control the line weights of wall reveals in 2011?  The default is way to heavy for our need and I see no way to modify this.

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Revit :: Editing Profile Of Curved Wall?

Jul 2, 2008

i drew a curved wall. now when i select it revit doesn't give me the option of an edit profile button as it would with a rectangular/straight.

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Revit :: Editing Wall Material To Concrete In Plan View?

Aug 6, 2012

In floor plan view how do I make a wall have a concrete texture inside instead of the default (criss cross)?

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Revit :: How To Export Specific Material Layers In Wall

Jan 31, 2012

Im sitting here with a projekt, where it would be great to be able to put a specific code on some specific materials. So we are able to export it to a calculation program and use the material parameters.
To give a quick example, i have this 400mm thick wall, with 200mm concrete and 200mm bricks. If i give this wall a code, a keynote or a custom parameter, im able to export it without any problems. But my wall will be shown as one wall in my calculation program, and that makes sense ofc.
But is it somehow possible to make a specific code for each layer of material? Lets say i wanna make one price for my bricks, and one price for the concrete. To do that i need to know the specific amount of concrete and so on with the bricks.
I know i would be able to find this exact amount, by making a schedule of the wall material, and then sort it by name and area or volume. But these values is kinda dead in a way, since i cant export them directly to my calculation program.
So what would be sweet would be a way to code the specific materials or layers in my walls, so i could export them as two diffrent elements, and make two diffrent prices. One for the concrete and one for the bricks.

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Revit :: Interlocking Floor And Wall Layers At Junction?

Mar 30, 2013

How to accomplish, and I've searched various places, is how to have a layered floor structure dovetail into a layered wall construction.
I have a cavity wall construction with inner leaf of blockwork - and an intermediate floor slab - concrete precast slabs with insulation and screed on.
The construction in Revit defaults to the whole floor structure finishing at the internal face of the wall. I need the slab layer of the floor to project into the inner blockwork, whilst having the other floor construction layers finishing flush with the wall. This needs to occur at the support end of the slab only rather than around the whole floor perimeter.
I'm working on a single wall type spanning ground floor up to the underside of the roof - should I be using separate walls for each floor ? (I read somewhere that it is advisable to break wall types by floor as costs may be different).

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Revit :: How To Switch Order Of Layers Of A Wall Without Changing Dimension

Oct 1, 2012

How to switch the order of the layers of a wall without changing the dimension,
In the screenshot below, I wanted to switch the order of the layer without changing the dimension. Is that possible?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create Individual Symbols From Individual Layers?

May 10, 2012

Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.

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Revit :: How To Get Wall Sweep Set Up In Type / Structure Properties To Wall Profile Has Changed

Apr 12, 2012

Any way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed.  For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet.  How do i get my wall cap to follow along?  I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no.  And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.

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Revit :: Bulkhead Wall Join Skews Bottom Of Existing Wall

Jul 25, 2013

I have to draw a bulkhead wall that connects to a full height wall and a gyp bd ceiling.  This causes the entire end of the full height wall to skew in line with the butt joint above the ceiling level.  I tried Wall Joins but all the options screw up the bottom half of the wall which needs to remain in line with the paired opposite.  I also tried editing the sketch of the wall profile but Revit couldn't keep the elements joined.  I tried trimming the two walls back together afterwards but the wall profile dominates and prevents a clean join above the ceiling.
Surely there's a way to have different kinds of joins at different heights?

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Revit :: How To Align Curtain Wall With Edge Of Concrete Slab / Face Of Wood Framed Wall

Dec 4, 2012

I am trying to align the curtain wall with the edge of the concrete slab/face of wood framed wall (Core).  I have tried to align and move however the whole wall moves as well as the edge of the slab. How I can move the Curtain wall leaving the other elements in place?

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Revit :: How To Cut Red Part Of Wall 1 / Hole In Wall 2 By Blue Rectangle

Nov 27, 2011

Refer to the attached file. How can I cut the RED part of the Wall 1 (W1) , where Wall 2 is sloped. I also want to cut a hole in wall 2 (W2) by the BLUE rectangle , but why I can't do that .
I also want to add  a second floor to my project but I can only see the" Level" icon goes grey and I can't click it.

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Revit :: Changing Length Of A Wall And Wall Type?

Oct 31, 2013

When I try to change the length of a wall it grows at both end.  How to grow at one end only?
When I change the wall type to one with a different thickness, I cannot control which face of the wall remains fixed and which face moves.  eg: change from 130mm to 250mm screws up my room width.  How do I do this?

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Revit :: Arched Hole In Wall And Wall Height

Apr 16, 2013

I am trying to make a floorplan of my house in Revit 2013, but I am having an issue when it comes to one wall in my house. I have an opening in the Master Bedroom that leads to the bathroom. This wall has a weird arched-like opening in it and I have no clue how to make this in Revit. I have attached a sketch.
Also, my exterior walls are 7' tall but the interior walls start at 7' and go up to 8' once in the middle of the house and reduce back to 7". How does one set that up in Revit?
EDIT: May have made the image too small to see, but the top is not arched, it is actually half of a decagon.

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Revit :: Adding Wall Sweeps To Wall Profile?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a question about wall profiles. I want to make a profile on a wall so I can make Zinc Panels on the wall that are 10" X 20". I've attached a picture of what I'm going for. I'd like it to have a 1/2" spacing between them and with a joint depth of 1" and I'd like to do this is the wall type so that I can use this wall in multiple places rather than having it model-in-place. Anyway I have made a profile that is 1" X 10" so that it can become my panel  profile. But when I go to add it to the wall as a wall sweep as I have seen people do I get hung up on how to make it tile up the wall and also I don't understand how to make the profile so that it is 20" wide. I have a screen shot of where I'm editing this too. Below is the link of the site.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Apply Textures Of Individual Walls To Wall Faces

Jul 23, 2013

I cannot seem to find out when and where it's ocuring. I took measurements of a large room and modeled it in Autocad 2014. The solids I used are rather simple, mostly just boxes with some boolean unions and substractions here and there. I then took pictures of every wall, perspective-corrected them, imported each of them to Autocad as material, assigned the real size to the picture material and applied those materials to the corresponding wall faces. Planar mapping proved to be adequate in all cases and mostly mapped correctly on the first go.

The project was completed and saved. To my horror most of the material mappings had just gone the next time I opened the project. It was just as if I had never applied any material mapping or texture to the faces.

After partially appliying the damned material mappings and materials (textures) again I tried to determine under what circumstances the mappings get lost. Its not allways the same walls. The bug seems to occur randomly on various geometry and at various times. Sometimes the mappings get lost after opening the project, sometimes the get lost on the fly when isolating (hiding) geometry. There is no way I can get the room to look as I want it to look as there will allways be some wall that has become default-grey again, randomly (either while working or after opening up the project again).

I really expect Autocad to be rock solid after so many program versions. Did I do something wrong? How would you go about applying textures of inividual walls to wall-faces? Or is Autocad just crap regarding heavy use of textures because that is not the average use-case?

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Revit :: Drag Wall End To Edge Of Wall

Apr 7, 2013

“Drag wall end” to the edge of the wall (indicated),In the attached screenshot, I wanted to drag the end of the temporary dimension from its location to the end edge of the wall but sounds not to respond!

How this temporary dimension can be dragged to the edge of the wall?

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Photoshop :: Layers To PDF / Turning On / Off Individual Layers

Nov 20, 2012

I want to create a PDF from Photoshop while keeping on a master layer/group for all pages AND turning on/off individual layers/smart object in another group? I know there may be a way to do this with Layer Comps but I would rather just use layers.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Frame Generator Custom Notch Profiles

May 9, 2010

tried to author notch profiles in the structural members for 2011?

The what's new states:

>Publish Notch Profiles

>The Notch command is enhanced so that you can define and reuse frame cross-sections. This is particularly >useful when you need a minimal gap between two connected frames.

>You can sketch a notch profile, extrude it, convert it to an iPart, and author and publish the iPart to Content >Center. Then you can apply the notch to cut another frame during the Notch process.

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Photoshop :: Editing Individual 3D Elements Within 3D Layer

Jul 10, 2012

I'm just testing out the new CS6 extended version and am on the trial period using a mac.
My problem is in editing the 3d objects I have imported. These were imported in 3ds format and contain numerous different elements (over 50) within the same file. All are neatly to scale and positioned correctly in relation to one another.
I need to be able to edit these individual elements within photoshop and assign different materials. I can't seem to separate these individual objects onto different layers in order to work with them further. In addition, although I can scale or move the elements, I cannot delete them without deleting the whole layer.
I have tried looking at merge 3D layers but as I only have one layer it doesn't work.How can I assign these objects to different layers without importing each element separately into photoshop (and therefore losing their scale and position)?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Upgrade 2011 To 2012 - Wall Cleanup

May 1, 2013

We just upgraded from ACA 2011 to ACA2012 and we are getting some wall cleanup issues with foundations.  some walls, the footings show while adjacent wall (same style) footing disappears.

also, when i copy a wall where the footing is missing, the new copied wall shows the footing.  when i move a wall without a footing, the footing shows up.

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Illustrator :: Editing Colors Of Individual Elements Of Symbols

Jul 1, 2012

How do you edit the colors of the individual elements of symbols?  Is there a way to do any editing once the objects have been added as a group as a symbol?

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Photoshop Elements :: Editing Raw Video And Saving Individual Clips

Sep 4, 2012

New to Premier Elements 10.  Is there a way to save individual video clips after chopping up my raw video.  Or should I be using another program?  I simply want to convert a long video into shorter segments for my files and ease of future use. 

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Photoshop :: Method To Select All Invisible Layers?

Nov 12, 2012

if there is a plugin or a way to select all the invisible layers from a photoshop file autmatically with just one click?This would be really handy when it comes to huge photoshop files with lots of folders & layers...

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Photoshop :: Alter Anti Alias Method For All Text Layers?

Apr 11, 2008

I'm trying to create a new design based on a grid, so I need pixel-exact text layers. For this I always use "None" as anti alias method. This is pixel-exact, but it's absolutely not beautiful. So from time to time I'd like to check how the full impression of the layout is on a modern browser that support anti aliasing. Sadly it's quite a pain to do and then again undo it for every text layer separately, so maybe there's a way to speed things up? :-)

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Photoshop :: Separating Into Individual Layers

Sep 28, 2008

I wanted to ask about whether it is possible to separate all the pieces of paintings in this document to their individual layers?

I want to make a website and use each of these as graphic so separate documents would be fine too.

These are 100 "boxes" btw, so i cant simply select and Layer via cut all the time

if Im not clear...basically, all the boxes in this image are in 1 single layer, i need to make separate jpgs/pngs for every box, would be great if someone could guide me through...i have removed the background btw.

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Paint.NET :: Can Save Individual Layers

Mar 4, 2011

Is it possible to create a new layer, and then save it to be merged later? The reason I ask, is that I am restructuring maps on my website, a process which requires repeated file saving and although I am working on the files in TIF format, they tend to degrade after a while. To work without saving is high risk, as a great deal of hard work can easily be lost, as I have found out. I thought that if I could spread out the saving process, it would improve matters.

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Photoshop :: Can Render Individual 3D Layers Together Or Separately

Sep 4, 2012

I have "Sweet On You" spelled out in 3D with each letter having its own layer. Can I render the individual 3D layers together or do I have to do them separately? What should the letters look like after they're rendered? When I render them individually, the previously rendered letter turns white.

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Photoshop :: Moving Individual Layers Put Into A Group In CS5

Apr 21, 2013

I'm having issues moving individual layers once they've been put into a group in CS5. It just moves everything in the group! Very inconvenient. This hasn't happened to me before or in CS6. How to correct this?

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Photoshop :: Actions Save As For Individual Layers

Aug 25, 2012

how to make an action that can export individual layers within a PS document and rename each layers in the process.
I have set up a 320 x 180px canvas and have 'Placed' in about 20 images that all need to be exported with the Save for Web option.

Problem is, when I set the action to Save for Web and choose the destination, Photoshop names my newly exported image as the document's title (for example, 320x180_Canvas.jpg). But as soon as I try to make it move on to the next layer, it will automatically replace the first exported image with the new one, renaming it the same way, and so on and so on for the next 2 layers...

So essentially, I can only export one layer at a time - unless I make an action to Save for Web for individual documents and not layers (so instead of having one document with 20 layers, I have 20 documents with one layer)...
I must be missing a crucial point here.

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