GIMP :: How To Separate 4 Layers Into Individual Images

Aug 3, 2012

I'm new to GIMP. I want to use it to create/test colour (or greyscale) separations for a woodcut, but I'm finding it hard.

For example I have attached a black and white image. kirsty.JPG (84.7K)

Number of downloads: 3

I open the image in GIMP, then from Image I choose mode - indexed, 4 colours. So far so good as this gives me the 4 greyscale levels I need to create a two block woodcut. Now I use the 'select by colour' tool to find the first colour, and I paste this into a new layer. That works fine. Then I select the next colour and try to paste that into a second new layer, but it doesn't work. It produces another layer called 'Floating Selection (pasted layer)' and won't paste the second or third layers.

How can I separate the 4 layers into individual images??

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Photoshop :: How To Overlay Watermark Onto Many/ Separate/ Individual Layers Of Animation

Aug 22, 2013

For theoretical purposes, let's say that I am building an animation and that I have 10 layers in this animation thus far.  Now, let's say that I would like a watermark to be overlay on every single one of these individual layers.
The only way that I would know how to do this would be to make a layer with the watermark, duplicate it nine times so that there were a total of ten layers with the watermark and then painstakingly go about the process of merging one layer of the animation with with one layer of the watermark and then repeat this process nine more times.
Whenever this situation comes up, whether it is a watermark or a correction of some sort that belongs on ALL LAYERS and I do this the only way that I know how, I think to myself that with something as powerful as CS 5, there has GOT to be an more automated and easier way of going about this. 

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After Effects :: Assign Colors To Individual Words Without Having To Separate Those Words Into Different Layers

Jul 22, 2013

Currently working on a PowerPoint styled animation.I've parented the source text of 5 text layers to 1 text layer so I can easily alter the text. It is essential that I have 5 identically texted layers.
My requirement isn't much: To assign colors to individual words without having to separate those words into different layers.

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GIMP :: Rotating Text As Individual Layers

Mar 24, 2012

I followed the tutorial linked below to successfully create cartoon text.

My Macbook was then updated to Lion and I checked I had the latest version of GIMP and have been trying all morning to create some more text in the same manner.

However no matter what I do when I select the layer that contains the single letter and I try to rotate it nothing happens?

If I do Alpha to Selection the selection rotates but then I cant do anything with it, stoke fill etc?

To clarify this is what I do:

Create a word
select a letter in the word
select new layer
name the new layer to match the letter just cut and pasted
ensure that layer is selected
choose rotate tool rotation takes place?

[URL] ..........

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GIMP :: Separate Layers To PNG?

Oct 6, 2012

How to separate layers in gimp and save them in png format, theres a function for this in photoshop, so how do you do this in gimp? Basically i designed a template and i want to be able to click any layer and save it in png format but its not letting me, or how to save all layers automatically?

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GIMP :: How To Separate Layers In Image

Jun 4, 2012

I have some very old GB postage stamps which can be identified by their plate numbers. The plate number, which is engraved in the design of the stamp, has an effect on the stamp's value. Unfortunately on a number of stamps the cancellation mark obliterates the plate number. I would like to be able, in a digital image, to lift the image of the cancellation mark to reveal the design underneath.

I have tried using Adobe and Corel imaging software without luck.

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InDesign :: Place Multiple Images On Separate Layers?

Mar 30, 2014

I'm working with InDesign CS5.5 on a Mac and need to import multiple images into separate layers. The imprint project has a base layer template and several company logos that need to go into their own layer. Is there a way to bring all the logos in at once and have them create their own layer without manually creating each layer and placing images one by one? Can InDesign do this automatically or is there a script? I can't seem to find a way to automate this process.

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GIMP :: Break Up Political Map Into Individual Images

Sep 18, 2011

I have an image of political boundary map that I want to break up so that I have an individual image for each unit, such that I could combine them back together and get the original map. For purpose of illustration, let's say it's a US state map.

I know that I could take the original image, erase everything but Washington State to alpha, save that as Washington, then undo back to the beginning, erase everything but Oregon to alpha, save that as Oregon, undo, etc, until I had all 50 states, all in the same position as on the original map. I could then easily create images of arbitrary groups of states by just combining the images of the individual states I wanted to be in the group.

But getting to that point would take 50 manual erasing for a state map, and many more on my actual map. Is there a way to break up the map in an automated way?

The map image has the boundary all in one color that isn't otherwise present in the image, so it's easy enough to select just the boundary .

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GIMP :: Make Logo Consisting Of Bunch Of Simple Shapes Which Are All Individual Layers

Sep 2, 2013

I'm trying to make a logo consisting of a bunch of simple shapes which are all individual layers. All of these layers are on top of a transparent canvas. I'm not sure if canvas is the right word, but basically what I mean is that I launched GIMP and made a new image that's 512x512 filled with transparency, and by default that became a layer titled background which I consider to be the canvas of my entire Image.

I can't seem to draw on new layers anymore. I've been trying to make new layers filled with transparency and draw on them with the free select tool, ensuring that the opacity is not 0 and that the layer is selected, but its drawing on the background layer rather than the layer I made to draw on. So now when I try to adjust the position of the layer, the shape I drew stays in the same spot because its not part of the layer.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create Individual Symbols From Individual Layers?

May 10, 2012

Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.

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GIMP :: How To Separate Images After Gangscan

Feb 25, 2012

How do I separate images after gangscan? I am scanning many old family photos. I am scanning 6 at one time and saving them as a .jpg. How would I go about separating those pictures into individual .jpgs?

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GIMP :: Quickly Separate An Image's Channels Into Grayscale Layers?

Nov 8, 2012

How do I quickly separate an image's channels into grayscale layers? I'll need to do this frequently, so is there an automated way? If there isn't, can it be done with python scripting? Would it take me a long time to learn how to write such a script assuming I know a bit of Python (as used in Blender), but haven't done any scripting with GIMP?

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Open Multiple Images And Retain Them On Separate Layers?

Feb 8, 2013

I have been unable to open multiple images and retain them on separate layers

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GIMP :: Reduce Couple Of Colours And Separate The Colours Into Different Layers

Feb 7, 2014

I use gimp to make layered stencils for spray painting...I reduce it to a couple of colours, seperate the colours into different layers and then cut them out...

When I do im left with a ghost type image where the original layer was..

example: [URL]...

Is there any way of avoiding this?

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Photoshop :: Layers To PDF / Turning On / Off Individual Layers

Nov 20, 2012

I want to create a PDF from Photoshop while keeping on a master layer/group for all pages AND turning on/off individual layers/smart object in another group? I know there may be a way to do this with Layer Comps but I would rather just use layers.

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Lightroom :: Rating Individual Images When Multiple Images Selected

Jul 18, 2012

In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?

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GIMP :: How To Take 4 Images Of Same Size And Using Layers

Jun 10, 2012

How to take 4 images of the same size and using layers, put the images next to and on top of each other, for a very nice array of all 4 images saved as one.

Now, though, I'm attempting to do the same thing, but use images of different sizes. Unlike before, when using the "Align" function, the layers are now stacking on top of each other, instead of next to each other.

The only variable I see that is different is that all the images are no longer the same size.

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GIMP :: How To Open 2 Images As 2 Layers

Apr 9, 2011

Basically what I need to do is capture a video shot, and place a play button on top of it. I thought the simplest way would be to just open each image as a separate layer but couldn't find a way to do that.

Eventually I made the screen shot the background image of an html page, and the play button the foreground image. Then I was able to position them just the way I wanted and capture a screen shot, then trim and edit in Gimp.

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GIMP :: Paste All Layers As Images

Sep 3, 2011

I use the "Paste as new image" feature in GIMP quite a bit and I'm deeply in need of a "Paste all layers as new images" plugin now.

I need it to do exactly what I'm stating, to paste all layers in a file as new separate images.

Since one can not select multiple layers in GIMP, pasting all layers to new separate images would be okay.

I wasn't able to find this one in a search, but who knows what it is called if it exists?

Perhaps there is some sort of batch process possible, like batch processing or Actions in Photoshop.

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GIMP :: Select And Move Two Or More Images (different Layers) Together?

Feb 1, 2012

How could I select and move two or more images (different layers) together?

Is it possible to align one image considering the position of the other?

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GIMP :: Exporting Multiple Layers Into Images

Jun 1, 2011

I have scoured the net for any Script-Fu or Batch to do this, and only find old code that is no longer good for gimp 2.6. For some absolutely insane reason (as far as I am concerned), gimp has failed time and time again (since their inception) to actually make it available to export multiple images at the same time. I literally have 300 layers, and for me to crop them all and save them as images would take an entire day.

Why hasn't this been made available? Is there any code or anything I can use to accomplish this task in Gimp 2.6? Photoshop allows it, and has since its inception! Why not Gimp? Is it that difficult to create? Are there really no plugins to do this?

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GIMP :: How To Manage Existing Images Layers With Python - Fu

Jun 22, 2011

how can I manage existing images, layers, ecc. with Python-Fu? Its methods don't accept IDs (unlike Script-Fu) and it returns me an error if I try to do it. More simply, how I can reference to an existing "IMAGE", "DRAWABLE", ecc. object?

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GIMP :: How To Import Multiple Images From A Folder Into Layers

Dec 19, 2013

I want to write a script that will import images from a directory and then place each image into its own layer.

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GIMP :: Bash Command Line To Open Two Images In Layers

Sep 23, 2013

I would like to use the Bash command line to open two images into GIMP, each image on a layer. The code below opens the two images into separate GIMP windows.

>> gimp image1.jpg image2.jpg

How can I open the two images into one GIMP window and two layers?

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3ds Max :: Separate Objects To Make Them Individual Objects?

Apr 28, 2013

how to edit revit objects in 3dsMax. How do I separate objects to make them individual objects? In other words, when I try to select the roof, I get ALL objects that are "dimensional lumber" i.e. I joists, roof, fascia, etc.

I tried selecting a roof polygon and making a copy and editing it but still when I apply materials to this polygon they apply to all of the dimensional lumber. Probably because I made a copy as a clone but it didn't give me the "copy" option.

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Photoshop :: Separating Into Individual Layers

Sep 28, 2008

I wanted to ask about whether it is possible to separate all the pieces of paintings in this document to their individual layers?

I want to make a website and use each of these as graphic so separate documents would be fine too.

These are 100 "boxes" btw, so i cant simply select and Layer via cut all the time

if Im not clear...basically, all the boxes in this image are in 1 single layer, i need to make separate jpgs/pngs for every box, would be great if someone could guide me through...i have removed the background btw.

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Paint.NET :: Can Save Individual Layers

Mar 4, 2011

Is it possible to create a new layer, and then save it to be merged later? The reason I ask, is that I am restructuring maps on my website, a process which requires repeated file saving and although I am working on the files in TIF format, they tend to degrade after a while. To work without saving is high risk, as a great deal of hard work can easily be lost, as I have found out. I thought that if I could spread out the saving process, it would improve matters.

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Photoshop :: Can Render Individual 3D Layers Together Or Separately

Sep 4, 2012

I have "Sweet On You" spelled out in 3D with each letter having its own layer. Can I render the individual 3D layers together or do I have to do them separately? What should the letters look like after they're rendered? When I render them individually, the previously rendered letter turns white.

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Photoshop :: Moving Individual Layers Put Into A Group In CS5

Apr 21, 2013

I'm having issues moving individual layers once they've been put into a group in CS5. It just moves everything in the group! Very inconvenient. This hasn't happened to me before or in CS6. How to correct this?

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Photoshop :: Actions Save As For Individual Layers

Aug 25, 2012

how to make an action that can export individual layers within a PS document and rename each layers in the process.
I have set up a 320 x 180px canvas and have 'Placed' in about 20 images that all need to be exported with the Save for Web option.

Problem is, when I set the action to Save for Web and choose the destination, Photoshop names my newly exported image as the document's title (for example, 320x180_Canvas.jpg). But as soon as I try to make it move on to the next layer, it will automatically replace the first exported image with the new one, renaming it the same way, and so on and so on for the next 2 layers...

So essentially, I can only export one layer at a time - unless I make an action to Save for Web for individual documents and not layers (so instead of having one document with 20 layers, I have 20 documents with one layer)...
I must be missing a crucial point here.

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AutoCad :: How All Layers Have Linked To Layer 0 But Are Actually Individual

Mar 17, 2013

I have been given a set of plans by a client to design a system on. The plans have a lot of layers and information on them that I don't need/want to merge to a base layer. If I click on anything on the plans everything gets select and is layer 0. I originally thought these were just poorly made plans but if I go through the layers in the toolbar and turn them off individually it works.

Its like somehow all the layers have been linked to layer 0 but are actually individual layers .

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