Photoshop :: How To Select Items On Canvas - Aside For Selecting Each Individual On Layers Panel
Aug 27, 2012
how to select items on the canvas, aside for selecting each individual layer on the layers panel. have Mac os X 10.7.4, and I previously had cs5.5 on my laptop.
I was able to use the direct select tool to select mulitple items by either dragging it would select anything in the box or using shift to select multiple items. Do I have to click on every item in the layer panel to select it on the canvas? Is there a option that I have checked when it should be unchecked?
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May 9, 2013
I would like to increase the font size in many text layers at a time by selecting them in the layers panel. The font increases, but the text boxes don't expand to fit the increased size text. So I am having to make each box bigger manually. Is there a way to have the boxes expand to fit bigger text automatically through the layers panel?
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Dec 8, 2008
In Photoshop CS3... I have several items on their own layer. Is there away to select these items without having to find their specific layer.
Is there a tool to select the items I want on my page, thus Photoshop automatically selects their associated layer?
I would like to select more then one item at a time, but their all on separate layers.
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Jul 23, 2012
How to disable border highlighting when selecting a smart object in the layers panel? Designing pixel-to-pixel is cumbersome when the highlight appears and temporarily extends the size of the shape by 1 px.
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Jun 18, 2013
I use auto-select primarily when designing. I will often clicking and dragging a marquee box to select multiple objects. I immediately noticed that it is now selecting hidden layers as well, where it didn't before.
Is there a setting or way to change this? I am assuming as of now that this is a new change. They will still select even if the layers are locked so locking groups is not a solution for this.
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Aug 23, 2012
i switched from CS5 to CS6 Extended (Win 7 64bit) and I'm a little bit confused about the select/move tool (V). I have "automatic selection" activated and when I click on a layer, Photoshop often selects a nearby layer but not the one I'm clicking at - often the layer selected is more on top of the layer I was planning to select, but that was no problem in CS5 ... Is there anything I can change in the settings or is this behavior "normal"?
For example - a cursor placed at the marked position selected the white arrow-vector-shape.
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Mar 11, 2014
i have a guge artwork and i need to select a small groups (around 10-100) of objects from about 4000 overlayed objects and then group'em/split-to-layers for usability (This is a human body infographics for medical institute) There IS NO way selecting them from canvas because they are overlayed, and sometimes not visible at all. in CS5 there was a feature to select multiple objects by Alt+drag selection icon on the most right in the Layers Panel. Now the duplication mode turns-on when i try to perform it. So.. Ho do i select multiple object without need to click through thousands of them? (i need drag-select)
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May 10, 2012
Is there a way to do this? Is there a script out there that can create individual Symbols from individual layers?
EDIT: I pasted this in the wrong forum so i moved it over here.
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Jul 15, 2013
I remember being able to select anything on the canvas with my Quick Select tool in CS5.5 Photoshop Extended. Recently, making the switch to CC, the Quick Select tool will show my slection as I drag along the canvas, but once I release the mouse, the selection seems to be reduced to the visible pixels. I was intentionally trying to fill the transparent sections with my effects as well.
Mind you, the magic wand will select transparent pixels just fine, but it also adds unintentional sections which is irritating. I should probably also pint out that I already looked into the "lock transparence" option in the layers, but I did not activate anything of the sort.
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Apr 29, 2004
things with Ps, but I can't seem to figger out how to make selections out of scanned drawings.. like a selection of hair or arms...
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Jun 5, 2013
This is probably a really really simple question but I can't for the life of me find how I can find out an individual image size from multiple images on a canvas. eg I have 3 photos i want to arrange 1 large and the other two next to it half the size. How can I edit individual image size on the canvas as when I select the image on a sperate layer I want to resize it just resizes the entire canvas and not the individual image
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Aug 24, 2011
Here's my background, im in the power transformer business, started as a winder (making the coils) but ended up making the design and drawings of them. Basically coils are cylindrical and we only make a radial cut view of it. Going from the center of the core to the outer most coil. The part list would typically have roughly 80 items for a full phase assembly, we make a drawing of the full assembly, then first winding, second winding, third winding, etc. The way i work right now is with standard drawings giving A, B, C etc dimensions, and when i make the piece for the transformer, i have to input the dimension in the excel part list by hand.
The can i do these things questions..
1-Only way to have individual items listed in the part lists would be with blocks right? The equivalent of inventor i-parts? Each block would have to be named after the item?
2-Can i add mass to the items? this could get complicated since its cylindrical, but in 2d... so i guess some math formulas would have to go in for this, as a cylinder with a diameter of 500, thickness of 5, and height of 1000 for example, would just be represented in the drawing as a rectangle of 5x1000, the diameter is the core center to the cylinder*2 (radial drawing). So the mass would need to take into account that the rectangle goes all the way around an axis.
3-I've played with autocad 2010 parametrics. With the axis as a base, i can enter the diameter of the first cylinder, then the thickness and height of everything that follows, the clearance from bottom and top also and if i change 1 value, everything adjusts to it. BUT can i change the dimensions via an excel sheet? If not, how hard would it be (i know a small bit of visual basic from excel), to make a LISP or VBA menu inside cad where we could enter the dimensions and the whole assembly automatically adjusts?
4-I make a drawing of the full assembly, then demolish it to each individual coils. The equivalent of an inventor .iam, would be xref in autocad? So i can makea coil 1, coil 2, coil 3, interwinding wraps, and then make an xref that would combine all of these into the full assembly? And also i guess if its split into 4 to 5 different drawings, the possible BOM out of there would be much easier to manage.
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Jan 29, 2013
I have drawn a small machine of 3D components in the model space. Each component is placed on a separate layer so that i can isolate each component. Now I need to print machine drawings for each component in paper space. I can open a view port in the paper space and freeze all the other components not needed to get the view of the one component. the problem is that on the next paper when i try and put a view of the next item by thawing the new item and freezing the previous one, this affects the first as well. What is the best way to isolate individual components from a 3D model for printing machine drawings?
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Nov 18, 2012
I'm trying to hide all items in a document (and store each items original visibility state), iterate user pre-selected items and perform an export for each item in selection (I've got this part covered), and finally restore the visibility state of each item again (here's where the storing of original visibility state is needed).
I've found that I can iterate all items in the document using app.activeDocument.pageItems[i] where i is the page item identified by the i-th index in the pageItems collection.
What is not clear, however, is how to get the visibility state of this page item. Indeed, there is a property visbilityVariable associated with page items, but when I try to "inspect" its content using an alert message, I get "undefined".
Are there better ways to iterate all items in a document? Ideally, I'd like to access all items regardless of wether they're path items, group items, text frame items or what have you. I need this collection to read/write the visibility state of each individual item.
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Apr 7, 2013
when I select an edge for example the edges close to it are selected as well and turn yellow and the farther ones turn red and move when I move the edge I selected. I'm pretty sure this a simple problem, like a button I need to toggle, but I seriously can't find it. How do I select individual edges?
I found out that this was cancelled by just pressing B.
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Nov 20, 2012
I want to create a PDF from Photoshop while keeping on a master layer/group for all pages AND turning on/off individual layers/smart object in another group? I know there may be a way to do this with Layer Comps but I would rather just use layers.
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Mar 11, 2013
So, I have a "Fit Screen" image open with no canvas. I select "Print Size", and it reduces the image size, but leaves a huge expanse of canvas that I have to drag in to remove.
Where is the setting to prevent that? (CS-6)
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Jan 12, 2012
Basically for example (to make this easy to understand) I've got 4 squares with hatches inside and im trying to select one single hatched area in one of the squares (and delete it). But upon selecting it it's selecting the hatches in the other 3 squares (as they were added at the same time). I've carried out a few searches in google etc and experimented with "pickstyle" but with no avail, also I've looked at groups but there are none in the drawing(so I can't ungroup).
I can do it (which I've just realised) by deselecting the boundaries in "edit hatch" but just wondered if there was a quicker way?
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Jul 13, 2012
I am currently running into the problem where i will select 1 item by simply clicking on it, and when i go to select a second item, the first is then deselected. I can click and drag and select multiple items that way, but that doesn't work when the items and on different sides of the drawing and there are other lines and what not in between them.
I am also aware that i can hold shift and select the second item, and all is fine, but that is not my desired operation. I have been working with Autocad for almost a year under the notion that i can just select multiple items by clicking on them all individually and would love to have this operation reinstated, primarily for ease and convenience, which increases productivity.
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Jul 1, 2012
everytime i use the selection tool it selects the entire canvas and not the image i want. why is doing this? how can i prevent this?
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Jul 28, 2012
I just loaded LR4 on my new mac laptop and in Library mode, The "Folders" and the "Catalog" tabs are missing and in Develop mode, the "Presets" tab and "Snapshots" tab is missing. I deleted the progrm off my laptop completely and reloaded it and the same thing happened. How do I get these tabs back?
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Mar 4, 2013
I used to select several items at once by clicking them and now it does not unless I hold the shift key .
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Jul 14, 2013
In PS CS 6 it used to be possible to draw a shape, like a rectangle, and then use the direct selection tool to select and move one corne of the rectangle. However, in PS CC this does not work anymore. When I try to use the direct selection tool, all anchor points remain selected and so I can't move a single point, just all of them at once. What might I be doing wrong? Did something change in the CC version?!
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Apr 5, 2013
I have put considerable effort into keywords, dates and captions on my collection of photos.
I now want to select a subset of individual photos and create a slide show with captions, and optionally, the dates and keywords.
he only feature that looks like it may do this is Write Keyword and Properies to photos, but I can't fond any reference to this and whether it would do what I want.
I don't seem to be able to download the User Manual which might work.
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Jul 17, 2012
Since upgrading to AutoCAD Architecture 2013 I've noticed that the sequence in which I type my commands no long works. I used to be able to highlight various items and then type in the command I want to apply to these items - i.e. Mirror, Erase, Scale, etc. But now with 2013 I will select the items, then type in the command, and the it asks me to again select the items I wish to apply the command to. What settings I need to change in order to fix this?
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Dec 20, 2013
My AutoCAD Map 2014 still allows me to select objects and then type the command to, for example, delete the items. I was able to do it in my Civil3d but it seems something was toggled so that I'm no longer able to. Now if I select items, once I select a command, it essentially unselects the objects or doesn't recognize that they are selected.
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Sep 21, 2012
Recently I have started having this annoying problem where I select something and it shows it is selected by the grip but in reality it hasn't selected it as can be seen in the properties box.
Cancelling the selection with the ESC key doesn't work
regen doesnt' work
regenall doesn't work
audit doesn't find anything
Qsave does work but I would prefer not to use it due to sharing drawing xrefs with others means that they constantly have to keep reloading the xrefs
Have tried reinstalling autocad but that doesn't make it work.
Currently have a NVIDIA Quadrow 3500 which is probably not the correct one.
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Sep 28, 2008
I wanted to ask about whether it is possible to separate all the pieces of paintings in this document to their individual layers?
I want to make a website and use each of these as graphic so separate documents would be fine too.
These are 100 "boxes" btw, so i cant simply select and Layer via cut all the time
if Im not clear...basically, all the boxes in this image are in 1 single layer, i need to make separate jpgs/pngs for every box, would be great if someone could guide me through...i have removed the background btw.
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May 25, 2012
I sometimes press random buttons on my keyboard accidentally, so i think this might be a cause of that. I cannot individually select polies or edges (verts work fine) clicking on them does nothing and the only way to select them is box selection.
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Nov 13, 2011
Im having some problems with GIMP and my graphire4 tablet. Im not using the pen, only the mouse in gimp. Using Windows Vista and a Wacom Graphire4 tablet. When drawing, the pointer is offset from where I am actually pointing my mouse. This only happens while drawing or selecting/cropping on the canvas. All the menus work fine, and the mouse works perfectly in other graphic programs and windows.
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Sep 4, 2012
I have "Sweet On You" spelled out in 3D with each letter having its own layer. Can I render the individual 3D layers together or do I have to do them separately? What should the letters look like after they're rendered? When I render them individually, the previously rendered letter turns white.
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