After Effects :: Rotating 3D Cube With Orbit Camera And Keyframes - On Playback It Keeps Zooming In And Out
Feb 4, 2014
I created a 3D object (a Doctor Who TARDIS) just for fun and I'm trying to figure out how to animate it spinning in space with the orbit camera and keyframes. I do the orbit and the keyframing works fine, but when I play it back the whole thing zooms in and out madly, almost like it is throbbing in and out. This funny "throbbing" happens in between the keyframes.
The zoom attribute in the camera options is actually locked, the only attributes changing as I move along the timeline are the position attributes, which I am keyframing off.
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Mar 4, 2013
I've created a 3D cube in After Effects and instead of just a solid or a photograph on each side of the cube as it rotates, I'd like there to be a different video stream, like the cube in the center of the frame of this video here: URL....
Apparently he used another program than AfterEffects.How would I do this in AE? Could I make each streaming video be a parent to its corresponding side of the cube somehow?
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Feb 28, 2013
I want to rotate three objects along a circular orbit, horizontally. But I want the objects always facing camera. I added the three objects to my comp, added a circle shape layer and rotated it to lay horizontally, then placed each object along the circle shape, rotating it slightly for each new object, then parenting each object to the circle once it was in the right place. From there, I added a camera and a null, parented the circle shape to the null, and set keyframes to rotate the null along the Y rotation.
The result is that the objects indeed rotate along the circular orbit, as I want, but they TURN as they rotate, which is not what I want. I've tried applying "Auto Orient...Orient Toward Camera" and "Orient Along Path", neither of which work. I've applied this to the null, the circle shape, and the objects. They all still turn.
Here's a screen for some context: Using CS5, but have a trial of CS6 if that's useful
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Oct 17, 2013
I have created keyframes from audio file and used them to generate some effect, all works fine, it is amazing how easy it is However, I would like to generate flash (?) so that these effects would be dynamic to different audio files after export.
What I want is basically to create effects that can be used in life event to the streaming music.
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Apr 30, 2004
I made a little profile image for myself to put on my site for when I redesign it. It looks fine. But the problem is, I have these 2 items of text proportioned so they look to be the sides of an invisible 3D rectangle... Problem is, I'm having trouble figuring out a way to make this 3d rectangle rotate so it will show one side (first text item) and then rotate to the next side (smaller item of text)...
The other 2 sides arent visible in this image, but they are the same as the 2 shown as to be a repeating animation. how I can achieve this either with Photoshop/ImageReady or 3D CG program?
My 3D CG program is Eovia Carrara Studio 3.
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Nov 16, 2012
I have an intermittent problem. I can't scientifically reproduce it. I use the Space Pilot to zoom and rotate around in my scene. Typically, it works great.
My problem is this: I have all four viewports visible. No matter what viewport I have selected, the only one that is zooming and rotating is the lower right one. My only work around is that I maximize the viewport I want to work in.
This even happens after I save the file, close the program and reopen it.
Max 2014 (SP2)
Win 7 64-bit; Dual Xeon E5-2687W @ 3.10 GHz; 64 GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570; Quadro 4000
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Aug 13, 2013
I have this audio layer that I want to add as a soundtrack to the intro video I made. The audio is a bit longer than the intro so I added 2 keyframes at the end of the audio to act as a fade out (I decreased the audio levels from +0.00 dB to -19.00 dB). The problem is when I export the project, I don't hear this faiding out. Is like AE doesn't "reads" the 2 audio keyframes. (When I hit play inside the project, with RAM preview, I can hear the fading out, but not when exporting). I have to mention I export the project as .FLV, as .AVI exports much bigger files. I attached a screenshot so you can see the keyframes I'm talking about.
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Jul 14, 2013
I wanted to copy some keyframes from AE to Calc, but when I copied it back it only created one keyframe, instead of the two. When I copy them from AE to the Windows Editor, do some changes there and copy them back, t works fine and there are two keyframes.
"I have to changed the name"
(Here the pictures when Importing Keyframes to Calc)
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May 28, 2013
I was just wondering whether you can resize an object using keyframes. I want to have the object start small and then project and open out and grow. Is this possible?
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May 21, 2009
Is there a keyboard shortcut to only show keyframes?
I usually use "UU", but that shows keyframes, plus expressions.
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Sep 12, 2013
how many keyframes and layers I ended up using. Does AE have any kind of function for getting this info?
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Feb 14, 2013
Can I attach on PNG image that I move to different directions by keyframes some elements with tracker?For some reason he does not let me choose the layer of the image I want to be thw "motion source".
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Apr 8, 2013
I notice that if I use the CS6 feature of holding down the shift key while pickwhipping a new parent (to get the child to move to the parent), it deletes any keyframes I have set (position,scale,rotation). Is this normal behavior?
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May 13, 2013
I have several placeholders where I have added keyframes for instance opacity fade up and down at the beginning and ending of the layer. If I replace it and the video is longer/shorter than the placeholder then the keyframes will not adjust. Is there some way to have keyframes move dynamically based on the video length? I looked into expressions to calculate the start and end time of the layer then fade in and fade out using the time but it was quite time consuming and inefficient, it would also be hard to write new code for say position versus have dynamic keyframes.
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Nov 27, 2013
"After Effects error: RAM Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback."And I have searched this entire forum about a solution but nothing worked.I have been in Preferences-> Memory & Multiprocessing and adjustet the settings.
I have tried PURGE all memory. Uninstalled After Effects CS6. Installed again with update .....and still the problem occurs? I have fought with this error since I installed After Effects CS6. As you can see my computer have enough RAM and CPU power.
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May 31, 2013
I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around itself.
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Nov 23, 2013
I am working on a project where I am incorporating 3d text into a shot with an onscreen talent speaking to the camera. I am trying to get the text to only move when the camera moves such as a pan or a hand held shake, making it look like it's part of the environment. It will track with the camera and looks great until my talent /subject moves, then the text moves with the subject. What am I doing wrong in my tracking? I have looked up tutorials and articles searching for others who have had this problem and cannot find anything that replicates my issue. Every tutorial I've seen does the same thing with fantastic results but I can never get the text to not move with my subject.
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Jan 18, 2014
Unable to start audio playback. Please confirm your audio device is properly configured or change the driver selection in Preferences: Audio Hardware. On After effects CC
Im on a mac with mavricks OS and i have done what it says and changed it but it go's back to the setting that it was on the one that does not work.
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Mar 6, 2013
I have installed After Effects CS6 in a Mac running 10.6.8(Snow Leopard) with 4 GB ram and have installed all the updates of After Effects. Whenever I try to get the audio output, i get an error: " After Effects Warning: Unable to start audio playback. confirm your audio hardware is properly configured or change the driver selection in Preferences: Audio Hardware "
I tried to reinstall the software and also I tried the Audio MIDI Setup configuration but it too is of no use.
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Dec 23, 2013
I am using a Lumix GH3 camera and recording in .mov at 50fps progressive and 50mbps. My computer is a macbook pro two years old with 2.2ghz intel core i7 and 8gb of ram (1333 MHz DDR3).
The footage plays fine in the editing suite until I add an effect then the playback is extremely slow and jerky even after render. I am new to PPCC and I've just moved from FCP 7 as it didn't recognise the footage at all.
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Feb 21, 2014
This issue started out of nowhere for what I consider to be no reason. Working on average sized 720p compositions with modest animations.
I am running fresh comps in AE CC with absolutely no plugins, freshly purged memory, cleaned cache, restarted comp, no other applications running on computer and 13 gb of memory allocated to AE... etc.
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Dec 4, 2013
I've been having an issue where the RAM cache disappears as soon as the RAM playback is stopped. Just to be clear, I'm referring to the green indicator along the top of the timeline so you know which frames are cached. This happens on various computers in our facility. It seems to be more common when multiprocessing is enabled. It also happens if you tell After Effects to RAM preview and then switch to another application. After Effects will complete rendering the RAM preview in the background, the icon will bounce in the dock to let you know it's ready, but nothing is cached when you switch back to After Effects. This is something that I've noticed for a couple of years over multiple versions of After Effects both at home and at the office. It seems to happen fairly consistently with specific comps which makes me wonder if it's related to any of the effects that have been applied in that comp.
After Effects CC 12.0
Mac Pro 5,1
OS X 10.8.4
2 x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
GTX 680
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Mar 6, 2012
I need to create a cube with the bottom of the cube being flat and then the top being at a slope with all 4 top corners being at different heights, basically I am looking to see if there is a command that let's me drag the corners to where I want it but for the life of me I can't find it
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Feb 27, 2014
I'm new to Premiere Pro CS6,I thought I had a pretty powerful computer all things considered. Basically, what's happening is the moment I put any sort of basic video effects on a clip, (e.g. "brightness & contrast" or "fast color corrector") the video playback (but not the audio) becomes extremely choppy and laggy. Playback and overall performance are excellent before I put effects on. It's just the moment I put some on it slows down tremendously.
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Oct 3, 2013
I'm running into a problem whenever I use multi frame rendering in the ram preview. If the machine is rendering and I don't have After Effects as the active application or whenever I stop playback of the ram preview, the cached frames are immediately deleted. I can see the green line moving forward as the image is rendered, but the second I stop the preview (or if AE is rendering in the background and I don't click back to it in time for it to begin playback) then the frames are gone and the green line disappears and I cannot scrub through the rendered frames.
If I disable multi frame rendering, then the green line and the cached frames remain in the preview window, and I can scrub through them like normal; they do not clear. Only when multi frame rendering is enabled does it disappear after render.
I know the frames are saving, because I have 32 GB set on my SSD for the disk cache (I also put them on an external HDD to test with the same results). It will fill up that 32GB of space presumably with the cached frames that disappear after render, but they are not accessible. I also have 16GB of ram, with plenty free for AE to use for caching (3GB per core = 12GB set for AE ram preview). I have not had this problem of the frames clearing until AE CC.
The only thing I can think that would be different from other times when I've not had this problem is that I'm using ProRes 422 (LT) clips in the compositions. But I don't know why they would cache normally without multiframe and then be immediately deleted with it enabled.
And no, rendering without multiframe is not an option. RAM previews take four times as long with single frame rendering, and I don't want to sit at my computer all day waiting for previews. This is extremely frusterating, as I must have AE open as the foremost program at all times. If I miss that crucial moment where the render completes and click back to the program a second late, all the frames are gone and I must rerender again! It happened twice while writing this message.
So what's the deal?
Retina Macbook Pro / OSX 10.8.5
2.6Ghz Core i7
512 GB primary SSD (where footage & cache is located)
3TB 7200rpm cache drive
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Aug 1, 2013
I have made a short film of 6 minutes (in 6 parts on after effects) I have added all the effects and the camera work on AE, but it needs a lot of editing here and there, which I find impossible to do on AE since you can't cut and join scenes like Premier pro. I need to import all these sequences onto premier pro for editing now. The problem is once I import the files, it imports in the right order in systematic folders etc, but it doesn't show any of the camera work or the special effects like gaussian blur etc. All my hard work has gone.
There must be a way you can import the after effects file on premier the way it looks on AE.
Another problem is I read some boards and it has been suggested to edit the clips first on premier and then add effects on AE but I read this really late and I've already composited the whole film on AE. I just need premier for cutting now.
P.S: I also thought about exporting the AE sequences as TGA files but there's ZERO space left in my internal hard disk for that, and it would take forever to export them all anyway. Any other kind of export would reduce the original quality which I dont want, and which I dont have space for anyway, so that option is out as well.
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Jan 31, 2013
Is there a way of rotating appearances or other effects with the art you have rotated?
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Sep 12, 2012
I am trying to reduce my playback resolution and the information you provide in the help section does not match my screen so I cannot find the setting options for this
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Jan 5, 2013
I'm trying to export a camera from maya to after effects. My null objects are coming in correctly but my camera is not. I've baked key frames but am still not having any luck. Look at my maya file and see if I'm not following the correct steps?
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Jan 3, 2014
I am trying to use the camera to zooom into one layer. the front layer should not be affected by that - so how can I make the camera only affect ONE layer not all?
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Apr 5, 2013
When I take a clip from Premeire Pro with no effects on it, replace with after effects composition --> then try to apply the 3D camera tracker in After Effects (CS6) I get the error message "3D Camera Tracker analysis doesn't work with Collapse Transformations (514) ( 25 :: 101 ).
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