After Effects :: Importing Sequences To Premiere Pro With Camera And Effects?
Aug 1, 2013
I have made a short film of 6 minutes (in 6 parts on after effects) I have added all the effects and the camera work on AE, but it needs a lot of editing here and there, which I find impossible to do on AE since you can't cut and join scenes like Premier pro. I need to import all these sequences onto premier pro for editing now. The problem is once I import the files, it imports in the right order in systematic folders etc, but it doesn't show any of the camera work or the special effects like gaussian blur etc. All my hard work has gone.
There must be a way you can import the after effects file on premier the way it looks on AE.
Another problem is I read some boards and it has been suggested to edit the clips first on premier and then add effects on AE but I read this really late and I've already composited the whole film on AE. I just need premier for cutting now.
P.S: I also thought about exporting the AE sequences as TGA files but there's ZERO space left in my internal hard disk for that, and it would take forever to export them all anyway. Any other kind of export would reduce the original quality which I dont want, and which I dont have space for anyway, so that option is out as well.
It seems After Effects CS6 suddenly stopped accepting DNG files during import.
Just the day before, I was imported DNG sequences generated by the raw2dng app (Magic Lantern RAW video, shot on a Canon 5D Mk III), but AE suddenly stopped accepting DNGs over night (they are greyed out on import).
After Effects CC will still import DNGs, and opens the ACR window immediately, as it should. I'm running OSX 10.9.2, and all of my Adobe software is fully updated.
Have reinstalled Premiere Pro 6.0.5 because I cannot drag Audio Transitions or Effects to any Timeline sequences in my Projects. Have tried modifier keys, but to no avail.
easy way to import 2 sets of image sequences into AE and have them side by side, so both sets will be inside 1 frame.Example of what I'm doing is having a phone conversation, instead of switching back and forth between the actors (image sequences) I want to see them both at the same time next to each other.
We are working in a shared storage environment with 4 editors runnig Premiere Pro CC. We set up a Master Project with all the raw media, then split it between 2 editors to sync and create rough assemblies. Afterwards, we need to import the assembly sequences into the master project. I select a bin, Import a project file, select "Selected Sequences", Dynamic Link shows that it's connected to the project, then it takes 10+ minutes (I wish this were an exaggeration) to "load" to project so that I can choose the sequence(s) I want to import. This is even more frustrating when I import a sequence and it brings in duplicate Master Clips, forcing me to go back to the project and figure out what has change with the interpretation of the clips. Is there any way to speed this process up? Projects contain 5000 - 10,000 media elements.
I want to take a sequence that I had in an old project and put it into a current project, but I dont want it to be one rendered file... i still want too see the fades and make changes to it...
I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around itself.
I am working on a project where I am incorporating 3d text into a shot with an onscreen talent speaking to the camera. I am trying to get the text to only move when the camera moves such as a pan or a hand held shake, making it look like it's part of the environment. It will track with the camera and looks great until my talent /subject moves, then the text moves with the subject. What am I doing wrong in my tracking? I have looked up tutorials and articles searching for others who have had this problem and cannot find anything that replicates my issue. Every tutorial I've seen does the same thing with fantastic results but I can never get the text to not move with my subject.
I've discovered I have some video effects, like "Film Express" (which happens to be a NewBlue effect) in VSX2 that I don't have in VSX4. I'd like to use it but don't know how to import it and don't know where to find it, either. how I might move it over?
I have created a 3d object in photoshop that I want to bring into after effects CC and do a very simple 360 spin.
I have read that the 3d import is no longer available from CS6 onwards so I have downloaded Cinema 4D lite plugin for affer effects. I have managed to get the photoshop 3d object into Cinema 4d as I would expect but now I am struggling to find a way to export that object and import it into After Effects?
Is there a way to have a certain preset of effects activate on any and all footage dragged into the timline? I'm working in a 24FPS 2K timeline with 60FPS 1280p footage. To have it play the way I want I have to drag down the footage, set the scale of the clip from 100% to 150% so it fits the screen. Then set the time playback to 50%. Is there a way to have the time playback and scale change automatically affect every piece of footage dragged into the timeline?
If I have a render in progress and I alt tab or to premiere or open premiere/media encoder, the render in after effects wit hthe "happy ring of success" noise. but the file is incoplete and the render has stopped part way done.
One of my favorite features in AE CS5.5 is the ability to import 3D files created in one of my 3D programs without plugins. Basically, I just import my 3D model into Photoshop and save it as a PSD, then import the PSD file into AE. This is the ONLY way to import 3D files into AE without having to buy plug-ins, etc, since AE doesn't accept the most common 3D file types. However, everything I've read is that Adobe is eliminating this. How Adobe is going to address this problem in CS6?
We have problems importing Avid Mpeg2 IMX files into Adobe After Effects CC. It's a Dell computer with Windows 7 64bits. The importing footage looks like this when imported in After Effects. We have installed AVID QuickTime CODECs Pack PE v2.3.7 but the problem continues.
I'm trying to export a camera from maya to after effects. My null objects are coming in correctly but my camera is not. I've baked key frames but am still not having any luck. Look at my maya file and see if I'm not following the correct steps?
I am trying to use the camera to zooom into one layer. the front layer should not be affected by that - so how can I make the camera only affect ONE layer not all?
When I take a clip from Premeire Pro with no effects on it, replace with after effects composition --> then try to apply the 3D camera tracker in After Effects (CS6) I get the error message "3D Camera Tracker analysis doesn't work with Collapse Transformations (514) ( 25 :: 101 ).
Even if there are NO changes to the settings between individual (non-sequential) images, each import of a camera raw file must be approved by clicking okay for each file. In projects which involve hundreds (thousands?) of unique stills this is needlessly tedious.
Instead, the option of one CR dialogue would suffice that could (again, optionally) be applied to all.Adopting Photoshop’s Camera raw dialogue’s ability to process BATCH images in the window and opening them all in PS seems like a natural solution to AE import hangup.
This should also allow for the option to re-open the dialogue after import on one or more stills to modify the contents and then close.
In addition the fact that AE insists that a still need be at least one full second seems like an unnecessary restriction. Why is it not possible to import an image as just one frame?
The modification I suggest would saves tremendous time and allows for incredible flexibility.
We had an animation project where we have to manipulate1200 stills in After Effects to create an animation. Since the stills were not shot sequentially and the editing/compositing needed to happen within AE, importing as a sequence was not an option. The impediments in basic import functions added a full day's work just to import the files(!). We ended up selecting the images in LR, applying minor correction, exporting the selects as DNG files, importing them into AE (clicking the OKAY button in the CR dialogue for each of 1200 images) then selecting all the images and creating proxies so they were easier and faster to work with. (note: we ended up buying a proxy creator script because AE won’t generate proxies for multiple items in one action)
This is not an isolated case for one project. We require this function all the time. But the tedious importing of 1200 images in one project really broke our moral.
I've been trying to add a camera to my project but when I do, instead of just popping up in the layer section it also pops up lines in the actual project, which is not supposed to happen.Also, when I try to zoom in or do anything with it, the camera lines on the screen reacts to it but not anynthing else.
Not the text, not the background, not the reflection, not the logo's, nothing!
I'm working with the denoiser filter cleaning up some audio in an interview. In the timeline the audio sounds clean but on the export certain clips revert to their non-denoised state. It seems to happen with the same couple clips and I have tried unlinking and relinking the media, outputting audio only, outputting just pieces of the timeline and, of course, restarting my machine. There are lots of other clips in the timeline using the same filter and they sound fine
when I transform my edit into an after effects composition from the premier timeline the text layers all come over as black solids and the text content is lost.
I don't give two hoots as to your no doubt legitimate technical reasons for this, but the bottom line is that it sucks, it's a waste of my time and effort and it just seems like a simple thing that you should have implemented from the ground up when building the dynamic linking between AE and PR.
Is there an expected timeframe for the issue to be addressed?
Just to explain my typical workflow a little, I'm an editor/motion artist, so it's very frequent I'll lay out all my picture assets and text objects on a video edit timeline alongside vo and music, and once I'm happy with the flow I move the timeline over to Ae to commence animation for tv commercials, political spots, advocacy work, whatever.
I am using a Lumix GH3 camera and recording in .mov at 50fps progressive and 50mbps. My computer is a macbook pro two years old with 2.2ghz intel core i7 and 8gb of ram (1333 MHz DDR3).
The footage plays fine in the editing suite until I add an effect then the playback is extremely slow and jerky even after render. I am new to PPCC and I've just moved from FCP 7 as it didn't recognise the footage at all.
I know you can design a button in Photoshop, but can you create one that is also interactive? Say if you wanted to do an animation in Photoshop and you wanted a button to go to the next part of the animation?
Should I be importing the gif into After Effects and add the button there? Not sure how it works.
1) After importing any video to After Effects CS5 , the SOUND is missed as well as import also. The problem arises after import.
2) While moving Current Time Indicator and selection of colours , the preview is not shown although preview is ticked. after selecting colour and clicking ok only the colour is applied. and after placing the time indicator at a any place only it shows, but video is played from preview bar on RHS.