After Effects :: Decoupling Keyframes From Audio File For Dynamic Effects
Oct 17, 2013
I have created keyframes from audio file and used them to generate some effect, all works fine, it is amazing how easy it is However, I would like to generate flash (?) so that these effects would be dynamic to different audio files after export.
What I want is basically to create effects that can be used in life event to the streaming music.
I have this audio layer that I want to add as a soundtrack to the intro video I made. The audio is a bit longer than the intro so I added 2 keyframes at the end of the audio to act as a fade out (I decreased the audio levels from +0.00 dB to -19.00 dB). The problem is when I export the project, I don't hear this faiding out. Is like AE doesn't "reads" the 2 audio keyframes. (When I hit play inside the project, with RAM preview, I can hear the fading out, but not when exporting). I have to mention I export the project as .FLV, as .AVI exports much bigger files. I attached a screenshot so you can see the keyframes I'm talking about.
I wanted to copy some keyframes from AE to Calc, but when I copied it back it only created one keyframe, instead of the two. When I copy them from AE to the Windows Editor, do some changes there and copy them back, t works fine and there are two keyframes.
"I have to changed the name"
(Here the pictures when Importing Keyframes to Calc)
I was just wondering whether you can resize an object using keyframes. I want to have the object start small and then project and open out and grow. Is this possible?
what I'm currently trying to do in After Effects I need to be able to see "left", "right" and "both" channels...but all I see is a single wav form even though it's an mp3. The tutorial I'm following uses an mp3 and gets those channels so I'm not sure why I'm getting different results (see pic).
Can I attach on PNG image that I move to different directions by keyframes some elements with tracker?For some reason he does not let me choose the layer of the image I want to be thw "motion source".
I notice that if I use the CS6 feature of holding down the shift key while pickwhipping a new parent (to get the child to move to the parent), it deletes any keyframes I have set (position,scale,rotation). Is this normal behavior?
I'm trying to get back into making youtube videos and I am running into an issue. I have an Hauppauge HD PVR 2 gaming edition. Now one of the features that makes it easier for commentators like me is the ability to have all of the audio channels [game, mic, PC (aka skype chat)] all on seperate "layers" that way you can go into your video/audio editor and have the different audios so you can tweak them individually.
The problem that I have and wondering about is this, is there a way to import the files and have the different audio tracks be seperate? The files that they come in are either .ts [raw] or .mp4 [in program compression]. I would like to keep it in .ts even though its a bigger file as I like my compression style after I've edited that gives the best look without loss when uploading to youtube.
I have see the free program at mentioned, but the issue is last time I used it I somehow ended up with a virus. I also have handbrake, the Master collection cs 5.5, and VLC.
Operating System: Windows 7 Software Version: Device: HD PVR 2 gaming edition
I have several placeholders where I have added keyframes for instance opacity fade up and down at the beginning and ending of the layer. If I replace it and the video is longer/shorter than the placeholder then the keyframes will not adjust. Is there some way to have keyframes move dynamically based on the video length? I looked into expressions to calculate the start and end time of the layer then fade in and fade out using the time but it was quite time consuming and inefficient, it would also be hard to write new code for say position versus have dynamic keyframes.
I created a 3D object (a Doctor Who TARDIS) just for fun and I'm trying to figure out how to animate it spinning in space with the orbit camera and keyframes. I do the orbit and the keyframing works fine, but when I play it back the whole thing zooms in and out madly, almost like it is throbbing in and out. This funny "throbbing" happens in between the keyframes.
The zoom attribute in the camera options is actually locked, the only attributes changing as I move along the timeline are the position attributes, which I am keyframing off.
Have reinstalled Premiere Pro 6.0.5 because I cannot drag Audio Transitions or Effects to any Timeline sequences in my Projects. Have tried modifier keys, but to no avail.
Everytime i try to put a Fraps video (with the avi extension) the audio does work but the video does not, there is only the grey part which you see when you have nothing at all. When I try to open it in my documents, it works just fine.
I imported audio into Audition. In Audition, I created waveform and time-varying spectral displays. With Snagit, I video-captured the waveform and spectral display as MP4. Saved it. Imported it to After Effects. No audio.
I have imported footage that works fine in Prelude but not at all well in AE. There is always a problem with the imported footage. But mainly there is never any audio or sound. I have read a few other post and tried the recommended solutions to no avail.
After I set my render settings in the render queue for h.264 movie the sound sample rate always jump back to the lowest quality and I can't export the movie with the sound qulity I want to.
I just created a new project in After Effects 6 and imported an MPG clip with audio, but despite toggling on the audio switches etc the clip has no sound. The visual stuff is fine but I can't figure out why the audio won't work. By the way I have checked the audio on other devices and with other playback programs and it works fine.
When I try to import a .m2ts file into After Effects CS6, there is no audio track what so ever not even if I do the RAM Preview. However, when I play the clip in Windows Media Player, the sound is totally fine. But whenever I import the clip, After Effects detects the video as having no sound. It doesn't even give me the option to check the little speaker icon in the timeline.
for some reason my video in AE that i am rendering is not in sync audio wise however i have the original file and the audio is fine. why is it that in AE the video is not in sync?i previewed it many time in different scenes however when the video hits about 2mins the video suddenly becomes off synceven tho the original video i have isnt.
I have a .wav file in my composition that I see the waveform going across the entire composition. If I grab the first 10 seconds of my composition and hit 0 on the number pad, it correctly plays the audio the entire time. When I render that composition, making sure audio is enabled, it doesn't work. The resulting .mov file plays the audio for the first 5 seconds and then just abruptly stops.
Unable to start audio playback. Please confirm your audio device is properly configured or change the driver selection in Preferences: Audio Hardware. On After effects CC
Im on a mac with mavricks OS and i have done what it says and changed it but it go's back to the setting that it was on the one that does not work.
It seams that when editing in After Effects (CS6) despite doing everything i've been told to do i get no audio when editing video clips imported from my digital camcorder. The only audio it seams i can hear in it is an actual song or audio file (MP3) and the worst part is when i render out the video after adding my effect even when i check the audio output box in the Output Module, i keep most render settings the way they are? but i have tried everything that i have seen suggested but nothing seams to work and no matter what i do i cannon manage to get any audio from my finished products unless there is an actual song in it.I must also add that in the Output Module i have tried many formats such as MPEG4, H.26, AVI, WAV, Windows Media and many others, none of them make a difference to the audio, only the quality of the video.
I've been trying to get my Steinberg (Yamaha) ur-28m external USB audio interface/soundcard to work with After Effects CS6 for a week now. The problem is that everytime I change the audio input in the AE preferences to the Steinberg asio drivers AE freezes for a few seconds and then crashes. Same thing happens in Premiere btw.
I've tried everything possible:
- updated Steinberg drivers to newest version - updated AE to latest version - trashed preferences - totally removed and installed master collection again - formatted hd and Reinstalled windows 7 and installed Master collection again. - tried all possibles buffer rates
Problem still there... I looked into the events log and it mentions ntdll.dll and makes afterfx.exe crash. Bottom line is I can't work with sound now, which is really frustrating. In other programs (non Adobe) these drivers are rock solid. Apparantly After effects (and in my case premiere also) doesn't like Steinberg. I saw this other thread about Steinberg in After Effects: [URL] Doesn't look like it's been solved.
I have installed After Effects CS6 in a Mac running 10.6.8(Snow Leopard) with 4 GB ram and have installed all the updates of After Effects. Whenever I try to get the audio output, i get an error: " After Effects Warning: Unable to start audio playback. confirm your audio hardware is properly configured or change the driver selection in Preferences: Audio Hardware "
I tried to reinstall the software and also I tried the Audio MIDI Setup configuration but it too is of no use.
I've had an issue over the last couple weeks with Ae CC where any time I output to uncompressed (audio) codec, no audio is attached. I've verified that my output module was set to Audio Output On. Bringing the file into Pr or back into Ae shows that there is no audio track, even though the setting should have at least made a silent audio track. This happens regardless of the audio format in my composition (.wav, .aif, .mp3), and seems to only occur with uncompressed codec.
I'm doing' music and animation, but I want to place markers every few seconds, or consistently to the bpm. It would save me a WHOLE not lot, but ton, of time.
I'm working with the denoiser filter cleaning up some audio in an interview. In the timeline the audio sounds clean but on the export certain clips revert to their non-denoised state. It seems to happen with the same couple clips and I have tried unlinking and relinking the media, outputting audio only, outputting just pieces of the timeline and, of course, restarting my machine. There are lots of other clips in the timeline using the same filter and they sound fine