I just created a new project in After Effects 6 and imported an MPG clip with audio, but despite toggling on the audio switches etc the clip has no sound. The visual stuff is fine but I can't figure out why the audio won't work. By the way I have checked the audio on other devices and with other playback programs and it works fine.
Have reinstalled Premiere Pro 6.0.5 because I cannot drag Audio Transitions or Effects to any Timeline sequences in my Projects. Have tried modifier keys, but to no avail.
I have created keyframes from audio file and used them to generate some effect, all works fine, it is amazing how easy it is However, I would like to generate flash (?) so that these effects would be dynamic to different audio files after export.
What I want is basically to create effects that can be used in life event to the streaming music.
I have Corel Video Studio Pro X3. When I import .MOV videos also in small resolution (also 320x240) into timeline and play clips sound plays fine but when I play the project there is audio with interruptions. Its impossible to edit!!! AVI, MPEG also in full hd plays sound good also in °play project° also in °play clip°....
Video Studio is constantly losing audio I import. I have to replace it in the time line almost every 5 minutes. Had this problem with X2 also. Updated all drivers still losing audio.
VS11+,Firefox,XP Home.I have imported a WAV file from my hard drive ,it is 705bps and 99.7 kb, it plays in Windows Media Player but there is no sound when played in the music track.Initially I raised the vol to 200(it was to play with a file in the other sound track) as I could not hear it.It played once.Then, VS "encountered a prob and had to close" and the file has remained silent ever since.The wav file still plays in WMP.
I just finished an animation in Flash and imported the JPEG sequence and the audio WAV into premiere. For some reason the audio wont sync up to the animation and I cant figure out why. Everything should be set correctly. The audio was originally created in after effects and even when I imported the JPEGs into the audio file in after effects it still wouldn't sync.
I just bought VideoStudio Pro x6 from Amazon last night and got to tinkering around with it. I have a MP4 video that I imported in and half way through previewing it, the audio drops. The original plays all the audio fine, but VideoStudio just can't get past a certain point with the audio.
I copied this from my system info. Not sure what's needed:
I am on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit (6.1 Build 7601) Processor i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz Memory: 6144MB RAM DirextX 11
I imported an AAF from Premiere Pro and the media came in separately from the video. So I have a video clip and a separate audio clip instead of the two together. Is this because I chose "Save Sources Separately"?
I have used the Media Browser multiple times with different footage shot to an AVCHD camera, and after bringing the 1080p video into CS6, I get audio dropouts and sometimes no audio at all, even though there is definitely audio with the footage.
Audio sync problem I'm experiencing with videos recorded with the latest iPad 3 (well, that's what I'm calling it anyway).
I believe the iPad 3 recording format is 1080/30p with 44.1Khz / 16 bit audio, but when I match those settings on a Premiere Pro CS5.5 project (or try 48KHz audio as a test), the audio gradually goes out of sync. If the video is several minutes long, it becomes quite obvious, and by 10 minutes, it's terrible!
I should add the file plays back fine on the iPad itself and was imported to a Mac via iTunes. It also plays fine on the Mac itself in Quicktime.
On a related note, I additionally captured the audio using a Zoom H2n which i intended to replace in Premiere, but foolishly I captured it at 48KHz, rather than the 44.1KHz of the iPad video file. Should I resample it?
I actually managed to line-up the 48 and 44.1KHz waveforms from the iPad and Zoom in Premiere quite accurately, but again both gradually go out of sync with the video...
When I import an audio file into Smoke it ends up being longer, and plays slower than it does outside of Smoke.
The file is a stereo mp3, 16 bit, 44kHz Its normal duration is 13:19 In Smoke it shows up as 13:30
I tried applying a Time Warp to speed it back up but I can't apply the speed change. It is reset back to 100% after trying to change it.
Even if I don't import the file, in the MediaHub, in preview mode it shows up with a duration of 13:30 and plays slowly. The project has a 24P frame rate in case that has any influence.
so I frequently bring older versions of projects into my current AE project, particularly when revising spots, what I want to understand clearly is the behavior of AE projects once they are imported into a larger project.
If I make edits to the compositions of the nested project, are those changes saved back to the nested project's orginal file? If I alter the original nested projects file, how much will it change instances of it nested in other projects?
I have a Shape Layer in Photoshop. When the .PSD is imported as a comp, AE CS6 is layering the masks incorrectly. It requires the user to manually re-order the masks to display correctly.
is there any way to interpret PS shape layers as pixels or Illustrator vectors instead of masks? [without rasterizing in PS, of course] When AE turns them into masks, AE obviously won't update the masks if I make changes to the shape in Photoshop.)
I have a shape that was made in Illustrator. See right. It's the thought-ballon-y-looking thing.
The everything outside of the black part is transparent. I want to use this shape as a mask so that another comp will appear inside the balloon shape, but not outside the shape.
I imported a song into After Effects CS6 to use audio waveforms. I click RAM preview but it won't render or play past 18 seconds. What am I doing wrong and how do I render the entire audio track so it will actually play all the way through with the effects on it.
I've created a composition with animation in After Effects. Because of the complexity of the composition and its many layers, adding a 3D camera layer to it spawned a whole lot of issues with the wipe effects I had on the pre-existing layers and movement of my layers. So I rendered the composition without the camera layer, nested the .mov into a new comp and added a camera layer. The animation works great but I'm getting a lot of pixelation. Highest HD settings, full resolution, preserving quality of layers when nesting and not sure what's happening.
Everytime i try to put a Fraps video (with the avi extension) the audio does work but the video does not, there is only the grey part which you see when you have nothing at all. When I try to open it in my documents, it works just fine.
I imported audio into Audition. In Audition, I created waveform and time-varying spectral displays. With Snagit, I video-captured the waveform and spectral display as MP4. Saved it. Imported it to After Effects. No audio.
I have imported footage that works fine in Prelude but not at all well in AE. There is always a problem with the imported footage. But mainly there is never any audio or sound. I have read a few other post and tried the recommended solutions to no avail.
After I set my render settings in the render queue for h.264 movie the sound sample rate always jump back to the lowest quality and I can't export the movie with the sound qulity I want to.
When I try to import a .m2ts file into After Effects CS6, there is no audio track what so ever not even if I do the RAM Preview. However, when I play the clip in Windows Media Player, the sound is totally fine. But whenever I import the clip, After Effects detects the video as having no sound. It doesn't even give me the option to check the little speaker icon in the timeline.
for some reason my video in AE that i am rendering is not in sync audio wise however i have the original file and the audio is fine. why is it that in AE the video is not in sync?i previewed it many time in different scenes however when the video hits about 2mins the video suddenly becomes off synceven tho the original video i have isnt.
I have this audio layer that I want to add as a soundtrack to the intro video I made. The audio is a bit longer than the intro so I added 2 keyframes at the end of the audio to act as a fade out (I decreased the audio levels from +0.00 dB to -19.00 dB). The problem is when I export the project, I don't hear this faiding out. Is like AE doesn't "reads" the 2 audio keyframes. (When I hit play inside the project, with RAM preview, I can hear the fading out, but not when exporting). I have to mention I export the project as .FLV, as .AVI exports much bigger files. I attached a screenshot so you can see the keyframes I'm talking about.
I have a .wav file in my composition that I see the waveform going across the entire composition. If I grab the first 10 seconds of my composition and hit 0 on the number pad, it correctly plays the audio the entire time. When I render that composition, making sure audio is enabled, it doesn't work. The resulting .mov file plays the audio for the first 5 seconds and then just abruptly stops.
The problem: I am importing a PNG sequence into After Effects (CS 5.5), however AE refuses to see the Alpha channel contained within the sequence. Now before anyone jumps the gun and says, "But wait, PNG does not really support alpha, it just supports transparency!" Right, something I just learned, and still -- quite honestly -- baffles the heck out of me.
But anyway, another PNG sequence exported from the exact same program, imports into After Effects just fine with an "alpha channel" and all. I double-checked, and there is NOT an option in the program to export the PNG without transparency info.
Importing sample images from each sequence reveals the EXACT SAME THING ... both have transparency, but NEITHER have an alpha-channel per se.
1) why in the heck AE would interpret one's transparency, and not the other?2) Is there a way to FORCE AE to see the transparency of the one?3) IF not, is there something out there that will convert the PNG's with transparency to another format (TIF, TGA, PSD) with an alpha? I just don't want to have to re-render the sequences again.