After Effects :: Turning Imported Shape Into A Mask
Nov 13, 2013
This is probably an AE 101 question.
I have a shape that was made in Illustrator. See right. It's the thought-ballon-y-looking thing.
The everything outside of the black part is transparent. I want to use this shape as a mask so that another comp will appear inside the balloon shape, but not outside the shape.
I have a Shape Layer in Photoshop. When the .PSD is imported as a comp, AE CS6 is layering the masks incorrectly. It requires the user to manually re-order the masks to display correctly.
is there any way to interpret PS shape layers as pixels or Illustrator vectors instead of masks? [without rasterizing in PS, of course] When AE turns them into masks, AE obviously won't update the masks if I make changes to the shape in Photoshop.)
I am trying to turn XML data into a number that I can use in formulas in Animate. I have successfully retrieved the info from the xml file into the text on the stage. My problem is that I need to have the value of the imported data to be a number so that I can do future calculations with it, like add the two numbers together to make a new variable total. I have racked my brain reading about XML, spent several days trying obvious solutions to no avail, and yes I am new to coding although I have thoroughly tried many options.
-----IMPORTING AN XML FILE "textimport.xml" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <mediansaleschart> <figureone>20</figureone> <figuretwo>10</figuretwo> [code]....
In Photoshop CS6, when you have a shape layer with a layer mask, and the two are not linked together, and the layer mask is selected, you should be able to scale the layer mask independently of the shape. What actually happens is the shape gets scaled and the layer mask stays untouched. In fact, even if you option-click on the layer mask to show the mask by itself, and then try to scale it, you still end up scaling the shape instead of the mask. Even if you go as far as to make a pixel selection of the layer mask and attempt to scale the pixels, the shape still gets scaled and the layer mask still stays put! Unbelievable!
This works correctly in CS4, but not in CS6 (don't know about CS5).
I have used the same basic skin retouching method for hundreds of pictures. Usually I end up with very nice, natural looking skin. Today, the same technique is turning the skin gray on any picture I attempt to use it on. I cannot figure out why. Essentially, I copy the background layer. I do my spot healing on this layer.
When I'm through, I make 3 more layers. On the first, I use the Median filter. On the second, I use a high pass filter. Then on the 3rd, I add I layer mask, painting in black, and go over the skin. It is always gray on the mask. I then go back and reduce the opacity of the high pass and median layers. Usually I end up with smoother, but natural skin and it's normal color. Today, every time I attempt to do this, the skin stays a muted gray. I cannot figure out why. what might be different that I'm not noticing?
So the motorcycle would be all white but stay within the bounds of the current lines of the bike. I did some digging and it looks like I need to add a layer mask which I did without any luck. When I add a layer mask which option should I choose?
Everytime I create a shape it applies a dotted stroke by default. How do I turn this off? It's very frustrating to have to remove the stroke every time I create a shape.
So I Installed After Effects CS6 today and I made a new composition to make an intro for a speech in school.I haven't even tried alot of tools yet but for example when I add a text and change the font size I only see the gray background and the rectangle the text is in. The black and the text in there disappears while changing the font size.Also when I use the rectangle tool to select the text, I can't see what I'm selecting because the same thing happens.
Turning on / off a shape files layer on viewport, I couldn't figure out why turning off a shape file layer in a particular viewport (attached) does turn it off in all other viewports.
I have a line drawing of a simple object that I would like to convert into a shape.
I have figured out how to cut the shape itself out of the original image using the magic wand select tool thing and altering the tolerance. So I have the cut-out shape on a transparent layer in a .psd file. All well and good.
I looked up "shapes" in the help center, and it says this:
"To convert type to shapes
When you convert type to shapes, the type layer is replaced by a layer with a vector mask. You can edit the vector mask and apply styles to the layer; however, you cannot edit characters in the layer as text."
It continues:
"Select a type layer, and choose Layer > Type > Convert To Shape".
Everything was going swimmingly untill that point - I go to the Layer menu - but "Type" is greyed out and therefore inaccessible.
I then did a search for "type layer" to find out what a type layer was - it says:
"About type layers:
After you create a type layer ...
tell me what a type layer is (I figure it has something to do with font, but I don't see how this relates to my line drawing), how to create one, or how to get my drawing into a type layer so I can convert it to a shape!
I have a rectangle over a larger imported image, and I would like to get rid of the area that the ractangle covers. Clipping mask does the opposite, getting rid of the area outside, and pathfinder only works for paths, not imported images.
URL....i dropped it into xdpx ungrouped everything extracted the france shape and tried to fill it.i check and it is definitely a closed shape.i can manipulate the outline as normal but nothing i do fills it it's definitely not transparent to remedy this i draw a square under it, select both and subtract shapes this gives me a square with france cut out of it then i draw another square inside the former square but outside the france outline i move the square underneath, select both and once again subtract shapes finally i have my shape filled as i require.
I just created a new project in After Effects 6 and imported an MPG clip with audio, but despite toggling on the audio switches etc the clip has no sound. The visual stuff is fine but I can't figure out why the audio won't work. By the way I have checked the audio on other devices and with other playback programs and it works fine.
so I frequently bring older versions of projects into my current AE project, particularly when revising spots, what I want to understand clearly is the behavior of AE projects once they are imported into a larger project.
If I make edits to the compositions of the nested project, are those changes saved back to the nested project's orginal file? If I alter the original nested projects file, how much will it change instances of it nested in other projects?
I recently downloaded several custom shape sets from DeviantArt. I was using them all fine for about a week, however today when I started up Photoshop (I'm using CS5) the shape sets I imported had disappeared from the list. All default shape sets are still there, and in the custom shapes source folder all are there including my downloads.
I have tried taking the files out and putting them back in the folder, opening and closing photoshop and restarting my machine, but they won't reappear. The only thing that happened yesterday was that Adobe made an apparently unsuccessful attempt to update I can get the shapes to reappear?
I'm new to working with GIS data imported into Civil 3d as shape files. I'm working on setting up base drawings for a new project area and I have a lot of data displayed as polygons with attributes. This is nice but I would like to be able to copy these to polylines on layers that I can have a little more freedom to work with.
For example the polygon boundaries are not exactly the boundaries that I need to show and editing the borders would be nice. Is there a better alternative to tracing the polygon boundaries? I have noticed when I extract feature geometry for line strings I get a polyIine I can use but the polygons' extracted geometry is a Mpolygon with solid fill.
I have an interesting problem. I have imported a shp file from a state agency. This file contains contours for an area. When I tag the pline, it shows a "zero" elevation, but shows a numeric elevation within the DXF_ELEV feature.I am needing to convert these to pline with elevation to work on in autocad. how to get polyline w/ elevations to export from c3d?
I imported a song into After Effects CS6 to use audio waveforms. I click RAM preview but it won't render or play past 18 seconds. What am I doing wrong and how do I render the entire audio track so it will actually play all the way through with the effects on it.
I've created a composition with animation in After Effects. Because of the complexity of the composition and its many layers, adding a 3D camera layer to it spawned a whole lot of issues with the wipe effects I had on the pre-existing layers and movement of my layers. So I rendered the composition without the camera layer, nested the .mov into a new comp and added a camera layer. The animation works great but I'm getting a lot of pixelation. Highest HD settings, full resolution, preserving quality of layers when nesting and not sure what's happening.
In vectorworks, you can mask or fill a shape so that whatever behind the shape will be mask. I find it extremely useful compare to Autocad where I have to keep trim and extend for every change.
see picture
As for the text, the dimension text can do color fill where you can fill with background. is it possible to do the same for a multiline text ? I'm not familiar with any coding or add-in so if I have to use them for mask .
How can I take a shape with a gradient like in the attached image, and make it so other shapes like the series of rectangles mask the gradient so the gradient only shows through the rectangles?
The problem: I am importing a PNG sequence into After Effects (CS 5.5), however AE refuses to see the Alpha channel contained within the sequence. Now before anyone jumps the gun and says, "But wait, PNG does not really support alpha, it just supports transparency!" Right, something I just learned, and still -- quite honestly -- baffles the heck out of me.
But anyway, another PNG sequence exported from the exact same program, imports into After Effects just fine with an "alpha channel" and all. I double-checked, and there is NOT an option in the program to export the PNG without transparency info.
Importing sample images from each sequence reveals the EXACT SAME THING ... both have transparency, but NEITHER have an alpha-channel per se.
1) why in the heck AE would interpret one's transparency, and not the other?2) Is there a way to FORCE AE to see the transparency of the one?3) IF not, is there something out there that will convert the PNG's with transparency to another format (TIF, TGA, PSD) with an alpha? I just don't want to have to re-render the sequences again.
I am working with something new in AE this week and I am curious if I am doing something wrong. I need to insert a 3D thumb tack PSD file I imported into AE with a film I am working on. As a test I just wanted to see what quailty the pin would render out for the final because the preview in AE looked horrible. So I have a static shot of the Thumb tack and it is going for 10 seconds. I started the Render and it has been going for 9 minutes so far and still shows 1hr 28 minutes left. I've rendered 8 minutes music videos in 45 minutes on this same PC.
I am using a PSD for 3D because I do not have 3D software.
If I import an Arcview shape file into Autocad Map, why can't i plot it out from Paper Space??? I can plot out shape file data in Model Space but not Paper Space. The data is mapped to a layer, and it can be viewed in "Print Preview" but nothing comes out when i plot from paper space.
I've unlinked the layer mask from the shape layer, and made sure the layer mask thumbnail is selected in the layers palette.
If I do a cmd-t on OSX to transform, Photoshop (CS6) selects the shape layer path to transform instead of the mask layer, even though the mask thumbnail is still selected and even if I have a marque selection.Is this a bug?