VideoStudio :: No Sound From Imported Audio File (WAV)
Jun 6, 2011
VS11+,Firefox,XP Home.I have imported a WAV file from my hard drive ,it is 705bps and 99.7 kb, it plays in Windows Media Player but there is no sound when played in the music track.Initially I raised the vol to 200(it was to play with a file in the other sound track) as I could not hear it.It played once.Then, VS "encountered a prob and had to close" and the file has remained silent ever since.The wav file still plays in WMP.
When the video file is saved and burn on DVD disc and play on a DVD player, only the images appear on the TV screen but there is no sound coming out from the speakers. I'm using Studio Pro X4
I'm using Corel Video Studio Pro x4 to make a promotional video for an upcoming event, and I used the split audio function to, surprise, separate the audio. Here's the problem: It has no sound. When I play it as a clip, it works fine. But if I play the project as a whole or add any kind of filter to it, it is mute. I've tried saving the project and opening it in a media player, still nothing. My music track and video track play fine, but the split audio does not.
I am editing a video and have added some music in overlay track 1. Easy to do was to have the music come out of the front left and right speakers and the captured video audio to come out of the centre speaker. Is it possible in Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 to assign the audio track to a specific speaker or do I need some other s/w to do that?
I'm still struggling with getting this long ago purchased and registered version working properly on my XP Media Edition, installed on an 4 year old Toshiba laptop with an external NAS hard drive. (Additional future system details to be provided as is necessary.)
I had no problems with the previous version 10 on this system, or version 11 on another system, but the X2 version has been a long outstanding headache in attempting to reach a working status. I'd be more than willing to again upgrade, but only if I had assurances that I wouldn't have to reset the clock. My editing needs are very basic, so additional enhancements offer no benefit beyond bug fixes and patches.
Corel's technical support eventually resolved one frustrating X2 operational problem in setting up a separate VSP user profile with all working files, not just the program files, needing to reside on the local drive, not the NAS. (That's something that should be documented properly somewhere, if not already in this forum as I extensively searched at that time for a reference and found none.)
My current problem is that audio coming out on burned DVD's is very faint. The input is occurring with a .mpg video file and it's enclosed audio voice track.
I have tried the volume control without success, plus the mute function. The problem is that the sound level is not muted, just very faint as to be almost unheard even when played back on the DVD player at maximum volume.
I have tried extracting that .mpg audio track in VSP, saving it in both .mpa and .wav formats, then reinserting into the time line, but the result is the same. It's still very faint. However, if I use one of the sample .mpa audio files found in VSP it burns through to a DVD in the normal manner. This works, even when accompanied by the video audio which still comes out so faintly.
The volume level plays normally in VSP and VLC from the raw file, as well as from the burned DVD. It's when the burned DVD is placed in a regular DVD player that the problem shows up. I've used the same input file source for editing and burning in VS 10 and 11 with no similar problems.
I've searched the web, this bulletin board and consulted with a movie editing professional before posting this message. I'll be continuing my exploratory approaches, first with another entirely video input source and also with another DVD player, plus anything else that comes to mind but my options are becoming limited.
After staying away from video editing for some time I have just installed VS X5. But here I can't find the Audio View in which I could adjust the sound volume (using the graph) in the video track. Has it gone away or is it just that I can't find it?
Does this mean that I have to split the audio from the video to be able to adjust the volume (up and down at various places, not just the track volume).
In Video Studio 5 Ultimate, I am trying to use Screen Capture on an application that plays music and has a window with an animation showing the chord progression as it plays. When I try to capture it using Voice as the Audio Settings, it works but the sound is low quality. I assume the reason is that it is recording the microphone listening to the speakers. If I use System Audio as the Audio Settings, then there is no sound in the captured video. I have verified this using Windows Media Player on the clip as well as in Video Studio 5. The sound _is_ coming out of the speakers, and the video part is OK. There _is_ a stereo sound track in the .wmv file that is created, but it is silent.
I get the same result trying to capture Windows Media Player playing a video clip that has sound. It captures the window and the video successfully, but there is no sound. On the other hand, I am able to capture the sound using other programs, such as Freecorder. Thus there is likely nothing wrong with my setup or drivers (and it can be done).
This is on Windows 7, 64-bit. I do not get any message saying System Audio is not available, as I have seen in other posts.
I want to use an external audio recording device to record the sound. I want to disable the audio track from the camera and sync the audio track from my external device with the video from the camera. All of this in editing.
I have Corel Video Studio Pro X3. When I import .MOV videos also in small resolution (also 320x240) into timeline and play clips sound plays fine but when I play the project there is audio with interruptions. Its impossible to edit!!! AVI, MPEG also in full hd plays sound good also in °play project° also in °play clip°....
Video Studio is constantly losing audio I import. I have to replace it in the time line almost every 5 minutes. Had this problem with X2 also. Updated all drivers still losing audio.
I just bought VideoStudio Pro x6 from Amazon last night and got to tinkering around with it. I have a MP4 video that I imported in and half way through previewing it, the audio drops. The original plays all the audio fine, but VideoStudio just can't get past a certain point with the audio.
I copied this from my system info. Not sure what's needed:
I am on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit (6.1 Build 7601) Processor i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz Memory: 6144MB RAM DirextX 11
When I import an audio file into Smoke it ends up being longer, and plays slower than it does outside of Smoke.
The file is a stereo mp3, 16 bit, 44kHz Its normal duration is 13:19 In Smoke it shows up as 13:30
I tried applying a Time Warp to speed it back up but I can't apply the speed change. It is reset back to 100% after trying to change it.
Even if I don't import the file, in the MediaHub, in preview mode it shows up with a duration of 13:30 and plays slowly. The project has a 24P frame rate in case that has any influence.
I'm using a freshly installed VideoStudio Pro x5, so all settings are standard.
I imported XXX.MTS files (AVCHD) from a camcorder into VSX5.
Info on the files File format: NTSCVideo Type H. 264 29.97 fps Audio Type: Dolby Digital 48khz , 2 ch Bite rate 18.00Mbps
If i preview the files before putting them into the project, there is no sound, movie plays fine. If i add them to the project and select "project" instead of clip there is sound... If i add them to the project and select "clip" instead of project there is no sound...
I have this .avi file that I imported from a mini-DV tape through 1394 cable onto my computer. I opened this video file in the program, and I want to extract the audio file from it, but the "create sound file" command is unclickable. What should I do to get the audio extracted from my avi video file?
Using X5 to create a video file from a project file in the timeline.
After the file completes rendering, the project preferences default is set to play the rendered file. But I find that when the playing commences after rendering, the sound has an echo effect that isn't part of the original files. Like the original sound is reflecting off walls, and you get the same sound just spaced apart by a small time period. I've tracked this to what appears to be X5 playing both the rendered file and the project file at the same time. If I turn the project preferences item "play after render" off, off course nothing happens after rendering completes. And separately playing the rendered file, the sound is normal.
Is there a way to stop this echo effect? Ideally, just play the rendered file only. But failing that, change the preferences default. However, there does not seem to be any way to change the project preferences default for this item.
Running Ulead Video studio 10 Plus and have used it well for the last few years, on Windows Vista Home ed. Have put the audio on to the project as i always have and ever had any problems wih it. Now though it will only play the sound when the audio clip is selected and not when project is selected, although the coloured lines move on the mixer in both sourround sound and non-surround sound when project is selected.
I have imported footage that works fine in Prelude but not at all well in AE. There is always a problem with the imported footage. But mainly there is never any audio or sound. I have read a few other post and tried the recommended solutions to no avail.
if I export a sequence from the timeline and have it imported into the project it only imports the film but without any sound. With some codec I can play the clip as it should be in the windows 7 ultimate explorer but I sometimes also get automatically a HD-file and the sound files as way as a separate thing. I never had that before. In fact what I want to do is to create a sequence from my timeline and have that as a separate HD-file to use whereever in the project. Especially if the sound is not the original one but added by myself. I have done that before and I would just get my HD-file and could play it in the preview WITH sound. Now all I get is the picture but .... like I said: without sound. That is not normal. So is that a rather useless update or a failure in the program?
And how can I copy a sequence from a timeline and place it anywhere else on the timeline. Used to be so easy in a previous premiere version. Now copy and paste does not work at all anymore. And whenever I want to add a clip onto a layer, I have to shut all used layers, because otherwise the sound goes anywhere but where it should and might just place itself within another sound-layer.Used to be all much better and simpler in previous editions.
I made my first Bluray video onto a Disk....looks great (with audio ). But now, when I try do more editing , make another disk, or save to a file in my PC., I have no audio. If I save it as a dvd, the sound is fine. I've reinstalled the software, still the same. Have I turned the audio off somehow when I try to make the file in Bluray format ?
Working with family project (captured by someone else-not me). Gist is that the raw AVI file doesn't have any sound when I play in media player or VSX2. The avi video format shows up as mpeg4s Decoder DMO and the audio as "Unknown ACM Format". I naively used this to make an mpeg vid file and tried to tweak the audio using LPCM but the resulting file has no audio either. The avi shows the video compression as mpeg4 but when I use my mpeg4 converter it doesn't recognise it so it's obviously an avi file with an mpeg4 video compression used.
Is there any way to recover the audio in these circumstances?
A friend of mine shot some video with his JVC everio on 1/8/11.The native files PLAY fine in VS3 however any attempt to convert to any output video file or just output the audio track (which is what I really want to do) results in random audio "skips" like what happened when an LP had a scratch and a stylus couldn't play it.I have VS SP2 installed along with the audio patch on the Corel site.
I've successfully exported the MOD files to other formats using a freeware program called Video Pad from, so I can only assume VS has a problem.
I thought before I downloaded that MOD file converter, that's been discussed here, I would ask.Seems that a PAYware software like VS, shouldn't have this problem.Prior to using MOD files, I used AVI files in VS and exporting to an audio file worked just peachy.
I am using VS Pro X2 - I have 3 small MP4 files in my project timeline (filmed on my mobile phone) and for some reason although they play fine on the clip, the audio doesn't come out on the Project, or on the finished DVD, which is a real pain...I have 94 minutes of good quality DVD and 45 seconds of silence! If there was no audio at all I could understand it, but the MP4 clips all play fine on the "clip"''s just that when I play them under the 'Project', there is no audio.
My original DV files (which are all ok) are MPEG Audio Layer 2 files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 224kbps
The MP4 clips are MPEG AAC Audio files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 113kbps
I am having difficulty generating files with VS X3. The app works fine opening the source files, editing and preview playback. Preview replay has audio and is very smooth. However, all generated files have no audio. The files I'm working with are recordings using the Hauppauge HD PVR controlled by BeyondTV (V4.9.2). Those fies are MPEG-2 Transport files, having the extension *.tp. VS does not recognize the TP extension - which is very frustrating. When I change the extension to M2T, they import fine.
How I can add an edited audio file to a MP4 video file? The problem is that the MP4 video already has audio files included with the import. I want to change those file and add the edited files. It seems that I can't delete or cut the audio files out of the video clip to add the edited version. By the way I am using Corel Video Studio Pro X3
I have been using Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 recently. I split a number of video files on a daily basis. This is what I do:
I take an Avi file that has a duration of about 30 minutes. I drag and drop the video into the "video track" area in the program.
Then I use the little "slider" thing and drag it to 15 minutes and click on the "scissors" symbol. which results in making the video split into 2 parts.
I delete the first part on the "video track" are and then I click on "share"-->"create video file"-->"custom"-->I choose Avi .
The compression I choose is Xvid Mpeg-4, 24 Bit RGB, and the Audio Format is Mpeg Layer 3, 8 Bits, 11.025 Hz Mono
The resulting video does not have any sound . This does not happen if I delete the 2nd part and create the video file with the first 15 minutes only. This happens with almost all of my videos (all of them are avi).
The Pro X3 help file says I can extract audio from a video file, but doesn't say how. What I would like to do is extract a segment of audio music from an MPEG2 video file using PRO X3 and add it to the Library for use in another PRO X3 project.