After Effects :: Crashing When Changing Audio Input?
Feb 8, 2013
I've been trying to get my Steinberg (Yamaha) ur-28m external USB audio interface/soundcard to work with After Effects CS6 for a week now. The problem is that everytime I change the audio input in the AE preferences to the Steinberg asio drivers AE freezes for a few seconds and then crashes. Same thing happens in Premiere btw.
I've tried everything possible:
- updated Steinberg drivers to newest version
- updated AE to latest version
- trashed preferences
- totally removed and installed master collection again
- formatted hd and Reinstalled windows 7 and installed Master collection again.
- tried all possibles buffer rates
Problem still there... I looked into the events log and it mentions ntdll.dll and makes afterfx.exe crash. Bottom line is I can't work with sound now, which is really frustrating. In other programs (non Adobe) these drivers are rock solid. Apparantly After effects (and in my case premiere also) doesn't like Steinberg. I saw this other thread about Steinberg in After Effects: [URL] Doesn't look like it's been solved.
Have reinstalled Premiere Pro 6.0.5 because I cannot drag Audio Transitions or Effects to any Timeline sequences in my Projects. Have tried modifier keys, but to no avail.
In ULead VideoStudio is very easy, because I connect the Easy cap but I want to change the audio input by the Orange Input (Is connected the audio from the video of easycap, because the easycap Audio do not appear in recording devices to change the volume, because is too high).
Is Ulead VideoStudio SE is easy:
But in Corel Video Studio x2 x5 I can't change the audio input, only is the easycap audio input, but I want to change to the orange input.
I have been trying to change my audio input when capturing and i cannot seem to find a way to do this. I am using a logitech usb microphone or a plantronics one, however i cannot change it. It has it checked and grayed out, why isn't this an option?
I have created keyframes from audio file and used them to generate some effect, all works fine, it is amazing how easy it is However, I would like to generate flash (?) so that these effects would be dynamic to different audio files after export.
What I want is basically to create effects that can be used in life event to the streaming music.
I recently purchased Video Co-Pilot's plugin for Adobe After Effects, Element 3D, but much to my amiss, it does not work. The first time I tried to open the scene setup, it said, "Element 3D has encountered an unrecoverable error." I closed After Effects, and opened it back in hopes of trying again. But this time, when I apply Element 3D to a solid, it tells me "After Effects has stopped working" and I am forced to close the program.Nothing has changed yet, every time I try to add Element 3D to a solid it crashes After Effects. I updated my graphics driver, re-installed Element 3D, everything I can think of, but to no avail.
Is there a reason that After Effects keeps crashing and only getting to a certain render point when pressing "0"? If I split projects into different compositions I don't tend to get the same issues, but it's more pain than it's worth spiting one video into 4 parts.
3D layers work fine but when I cast shadows from 3D layers after effects quickly crashes with an error ... After Effects Error:bad tracked memory ID (23:35).
I have tested very simple projects to determine if it was shadows creating the problem...simply two 3D layers with on casting shadows onto the other and this seems to be the culprit.
I have tried lowering the advanced composition settings for the shadow mapping down to their lowest settings as well to see if that is a solution but even at 250 the project will still crash. I've also tried ENABLING openGL just to see if my video card played nicer in openGL than not...again crash.
Basics of my system are
AMD PhenomII 3.2ghz quad 16 gig Gskill ram NvidiaGTX285 video card 700watt power supply gigabyte motherboard...if necessary I can give model number but it escapes me at the moment. Vista Home Premium 64bit
I am going to check video card drivers next...but they have been recently updated.
I cannot say if this is a new development as for some time with CS5 I was not working with 3D layers but now on recent projects this is occuring. I am also going to try the same project recreated in CS4 and see what happens.
I started it up this morning and received the following error message:
After Effects Alert Last log message was: <4431105056> <DynamicLink> <5> /Library/Application Support/ Adobe/Common/dynamiclink/CS5/
I've tried rebooting several times, repairing permissions, repairing permissions in safe mode, running AE in safe mode, but nothing seems to be fixing it.
My info: After Effects CS5 Mac Pro 2 x 2.66 Quad-core Intel Xeon 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3 Running OS 10.6.4
I d'l'd the CS5 MC and everything was fine up until yesterday. AE is now crashing at the splash page. The first message is: "After Effects warning: Unable to create font." After hitting "OK", I then get "After Effects can't continue: unexpected failure during startup." I uninstalled and reinstalled AE twice (using the trial and onlt reinstalling AE as everything else is fine) but am still getting the same message. I then tried the CS5 cleanup utility only to have it crash and had to force quit that. I am running an iMac intel dual core. 2.4 g w/ 3 gigs ram.
I am using native .mxf - MPEG-2 HD footage shot with a Canon XF300, and nearly every time I place it in the timeline or or viewer and scrub AE freezes and crashes. Non mxf footage doesn't cause AE to crash.I am running a newly built Windows 7 64bit system
Dual Xeon 2687's EVGA Classified SRX motherboard 96 GB RAM 3 SSD (operating system and applications on one, scratch and cache on others) GeForce GTX580 3GB internal 10K raptor drive (footage) External OWC 4TB Qx2 RAID 5 / 0 (switched configurations in an attempt to resolve issue) (footage) - connected eSATA / USB2.0
I have adjusted the preview resolution settings, the preferences, the location of scratch disks, changed the location and connectivity of media hard disk, I have attempted older drivers, and ive switched video cards - I previously was using Quadro4000. I have reinstalled the Adobe Suite, and just yesterday did a complete reinstallation of the OS. And that hasn't seemed to solved the issue.
In the Windows event log, the error reads: Faulting application path: C:Program FilesAdobeAfter Effects CS6Support FilesAfterFX.exe.Faulting module path: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe After Effects CS6Support Filesmc_dec_mp2v.dll
I am new to .mxf and I have only been using this footage format for a few months, however the crashing issue did not occur until about a month ago. Im not using proxies I believe it was around the time when I applied the latest AE update. I cant say with confidence it was the update because I also was switching GPU drivers to resolve Premiere Pro crashing. Essentially AE worked when Premiere Pro didn't, and now visa versa.
It always catches and crashes before going into adaptive resolution. Are the hard drives not able to keep up? Footage runs fine in Premiere Pro Hardware seems to check out.
I recently upgraded from CS4 to CS6 in after effects.
CS4 ran smoothly and fine.
However, when I start CS6 i get the typical loading screen, it then tells me that
GPUSniffer.exe has stopped working *I click close the program* Another window comes up After Effects error: Crash in progress. Last logged message was: "<2076><GPUManager><2>Sniffer Result Code: 1
Then it closes everything. I read online this can happen with multiple moniters. My main screen is connected via SVGA to my graphics card, however my second (and smaller screen) is connected to the mobo and runs on VGA.
My graphics card is fully updated as is most of my other drivers.
I can take out the moniter and then AE boots fine, but I don't want to do this everytime just for AE.
My only solution to this is leaving the error message there and waiting for AE to load, or clicking close and having everything crash.
The last one wasnt so drastic, because it was only 1 file. I rendered the .mxf file as a quicktime in media encoder, and the problem was gone. But now I have another project that must be reworked, and it is a long edit with just .mxf files. the error is:
After effects error: Error (4) reading frame from file "D:PROJECT DATAunternehmen aus der regionfilmsOptikGeistRawCONTENTSVIDEO0055B.MXF".
The material is from a P2 card. Every time I move the time indicator in a sequence, it hangs for 30 seconds, and I get the error message again.
I've recently installed Photoshop CS version 8.0 on my pc and even though I'm able to design in it as normal, when I come to create a text layer and try changing the font, Photoshop instantly freezes and then crashes, sending an error report saying that the programme is no longer responding. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software and I have also followed Adobe's troubleshooting article to include removing all the fonts that Windows does not require and still Photoshop crashes.
I'm using a HP xw4400 workstation with Windows XP version 5.1 and service pack 2. And I have 3.25GB of RAM.
My video card is a NVIDIA FX 1500 and I have no other applications on my computer apart from Scenarist for DVD Authoring.
I have no internet connection and the computer is a relatively new one so is fairly clean and has lots of space on the hard drive.
Everytime i try to put a Fraps video (with the avi extension) the audio does work but the video does not, there is only the grey part which you see when you have nothing at all. When I try to open it in my documents, it works just fine.
I imported audio into Audition. In Audition, I created waveform and time-varying spectral displays. With Snagit, I video-captured the waveform and spectral display as MP4. Saved it. Imported it to After Effects. No audio.
I have imported footage that works fine in Prelude but not at all well in AE. There is always a problem with the imported footage. But mainly there is never any audio or sound. I have read a few other post and tried the recommended solutions to no avail.
After I set my render settings in the render queue for h.264 movie the sound sample rate always jump back to the lowest quality and I can't export the movie with the sound qulity I want to.
I just created a new project in After Effects 6 and imported an MPG clip with audio, but despite toggling on the audio switches etc the clip has no sound. The visual stuff is fine but I can't figure out why the audio won't work. By the way I have checked the audio on other devices and with other playback programs and it works fine.
This is the second time I have reinstalled AI CS6 as last resort. It will freeze up Illustrator every time that I apply an effect like a drop-shadow, etc. 2011 MacBook Pro i7 on OS X Mountain LionCreative Cloud CS6Other tools work fineI have a couple plug-ins from Astute Graphics - however, I had the problems occur previous to the plug-ins.. I have tried restarting, using only AI and no other programs, etc.. When I reinstalled last time the probelm went away for about 4 weeks.
Each time I try to change the fonts the application crashes regardless of whether it's a new/old document. I noticed this happening after I installed Illustrator CS5 by downloading it on my MBP Retina. Never had this problem on my old MBP 10.6.8. Either there's an issue with downloading the application or with 10.7.5.
When I try to import a .m2ts file into After Effects CS6, there is no audio track what so ever not even if I do the RAM Preview. However, when I play the clip in Windows Media Player, the sound is totally fine. But whenever I import the clip, After Effects detects the video as having no sound. It doesn't even give me the option to check the little speaker icon in the timeline.
for some reason my video in AE that i am rendering is not in sync audio wise however i have the original file and the audio is fine. why is it that in AE the video is not in sync?i previewed it many time in different scenes however when the video hits about 2mins the video suddenly becomes off synceven tho the original video i have isnt.
I have this audio layer that I want to add as a soundtrack to the intro video I made. The audio is a bit longer than the intro so I added 2 keyframes at the end of the audio to act as a fade out (I decreased the audio levels from +0.00 dB to -19.00 dB). The problem is when I export the project, I don't hear this faiding out. Is like AE doesn't "reads" the 2 audio keyframes. (When I hit play inside the project, with RAM preview, I can hear the fading out, but not when exporting). I have to mention I export the project as .FLV, as .AVI exports much bigger files. I attached a screenshot so you can see the keyframes I'm talking about.
I have a .wav file in my composition that I see the waveform going across the entire composition. If I grab the first 10 seconds of my composition and hit 0 on the number pad, it correctly plays the audio the entire time. When I render that composition, making sure audio is enabled, it doesn't work. The resulting .mov file plays the audio for the first 5 seconds and then just abruptly stops.
I am working on a document - about 100 pages, mostly text with a couple of images.
Unfortulatly Indesign keeps crashing when I change the settings in the paragraph styles. eg changing the indents on a list item, or the amount of space before on the body text.
I am on Indesign creative cloud, and Mac Version 10.9.2
I'm trying to get my audio synched up. Someone once told me that the best place for the camera is often the worst place for the microphone. And in my case it's true.
So- I am trying to use audio from a different source and the speeds are very slightly different. I have the beginnings synched perfectly. Toward the end I stomp my foot- it sounds like a door slam and is something I'm trying to use to synch the two because it's a loud sound short in time.
Doing it visually doesn't work because VideoStudio (version 2) doesn't preview the video properly. So I had the idea- don't mute the source audio so I have both playing. Then render an audio-only file and listen to hear how far apart the two stomps sound, and adjust the audio track's speed.
I've shortened it by 2 frames and 10 frames but it still sounds exactly the same. Is there a bug in the audio-shortening feature or am I missing something? I tried using Audacity to shorten the audio but that didn't work well either, because it rounds off, and 2/30th of a second over 30 min is a tiny fraction.
I have read several other threads on this issue where the control overlays are missing when you go to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects. The "answer" from Adobe always seems to be, "updated your video card drivers."
I have a ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 560v for my Dell laptop running Windows 7 64bit. I have checked both through Dell and the ATI page and I have the latest drivers but Lighting Effects don't work properly. So now what?
I tried messing with the Preferences for Performance based on other posts. No luck. When I go to View>Extras>Show All I do then see the controls, however, the program freezes then crashes every time.
do I have to go back to CS4 to do all my lighting effects?