After Effects :: Possible To Easily Cut Compilation Length?
Apr 16, 2013
I thought that Media Encoder took forever to export my stuff... then I realized it had continued way beyond the actual size of the composition (as determined by the bar in Ae), and continued for the full duration which was much longer than that bar. Since trying to tell it to use only the bar in Media Encoder is a huge chore, can I somehow easily "cut to the bar" in Ae with a couple of clicks or so?
In order to make the composition LONGER, you apparently *must* edit the compo settings and manually enter a value. However, I'm hoping there is an easy way to cut it down to only the length it actually turns out to be when you are done. It would solve this problem and also make it more pleasant to navigate.
I need to time-stretch a whole comp. It's based on a Video blocks template, but for the purposes of this particular piece, I don't need to stretch the template itself, individual layers/clips/avi files, etc... The entire composition is moving about four times faster than it really needs to. Nothing needs to be individually adjusted; it's an "overall" issue-- I just need to stretch the 15 second time uniformly to one minute. For some reason, I'm having a lot of trouble finding out how to do this. Changing the duration/ time stretch has just created a sixty second video with fifteen seconds at the same speed and then forty-five seconds of black. There HAS to be a simple way to do this...
I am trying to deploy my DLL and during compilation , I got the below error.
------ Build started: Project: Practice, Configuration: Debug x86 ------
vbc : warning BC40010: Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Practice': Referenced assembly 'mscorlib.dll' targets a different processor
vbc : warning BC40010: Possible problem detected while building assembly 'Practice': Referenced assembly 'System.Data.dll' targets a different processor
Practice -> C:VBProjectPracticePracticeinx86DebugPractice.dll ------ Starting pre-build validation for project 'mySetup' ------ WARNING: Unable to find dependency 'ACMNUPARSER' (Signature='(null)' Version='') of assembly 'AcCui.dll' WARNING: Unable to find dependency 'MANAGEDMC3' (Signature='(null)' Version='') of assembly 'AdWindows.dll' ------ Pre-build validation for project 'mySetup' completed ------
I have several placeholders where I have added keyframes for instance opacity fade up and down at the beginning and ending of the layer. If I replace it and the video is longer/shorter than the placeholder then the keyframes will not adjust. Is there some way to have keyframes move dynamically based on the video length? I looked into expressions to calculate the start and end time of the layer then fade in and fade out using the time but it was quite time consuming and inefficient, it would also be hard to write new code for say position versus have dynamic keyframes.
This seems to have only started happening recently, and it's a pain. After you preview an effect in full screen, the time navigator brackets are pulled to the very start and end of the video. You return from a fullscreen video preview to see your timeline extended over the whole duration of the project.
Is there some way to turn this off? I frequently work on small sections of a project, regularly watching full-screen previews to check how various changes look, and after the tenth or so time what starts as a minor irritation becomes completely infuriating. It seems like something easily fixed, but I've had no luck finding out how.
Is it possible to change the length of a line based on the length of an attribute?
I'd like to make the line a MINIMUM length of X" (I haven't decided how long yet--but know I'll need a minimum). But then after the user fills in the attribute, I'd like the length of the line to change to the length of the attribute plus a small amount (again, I haven't decided yet how much extra).
I was wondering if there is a way with DB's to have a line "follow" or "grow" with the content/value length of an attribute. Maybe some method of linking the attribute width to length of the line? Essentially, it would work just like turning on the underline setting when typing in mtext editor (or any program with an underline option for that matter), expect that the line could be placed anywhere, and would not have to reside directly below the text.
With using superelevation wizard in Civil 3d 2012, changing the lane width is not affecting the resulted values of transion length and run-off length, Is that correct ? ( as civil is using standerd AASHTO tables which assume that lane width typically is 3.6m )
Also, There is only 2 tables for 2-lanes and 4-lanes roadway, Is it for total road width or for one directon only, and what about different no. of lanes ?
I am creating a block with attributes for a standard job. I have (4) total attributes in this block (for example: panel type, qty, length in imperial, length in mertic)
I would like my length in metric attribute to automatically populate based on the input from length in imperial.
In Inkscape, you can select multiple objects by simply using the Selecttool and putting a box around the objects. I unwittingly did the samething in Gimp. I chose the Select tool (R) and selected several images inone column. I thought, that I would see all the boxed-in layers selectedfor easy duplication, but nope.
So how can I quickly/easily select a box-full of layers at once, a laInkscape?
imagine a model of a room. if i try to look at a parallel projection view, i will see opposite walls one on top of the other. is there an easy way (meaning, in the model tab) to view just one wall?
How can I select multiple layers easily? method of putting a selection box around them, but that didn't work) BTW, I'm using GIMP 2.6.12 (on Linux Mint)
I'm working with a couple Illustrator stock patterns. I'd like to simply invert them so they're white instead of black. Any way to do this without actually editing the pattern itself? The one I'm working on is too complex to edit effectively...
I have been tying to figure out how I could easily embed multiple linked images easily. I have some 1000 .svg images which have about 1-7 .tif images linked in to them. I now need to get those links embedded and becouse of the amount of images I'm hoping to make an action out of it.
What's an easily way of browsing the patterns I currently have, but in a sense that they are already filled out on a large area so I can see the effect. So what I'm after is a way to ideally step through (single click) one pattern to the next, and see the effect it has as a pattern for a filled in area.
At the moment I see to have to keep going back to the Fill with Pattern for a given area and manually applying and then viewing. The only place I can find to see patterns is in the fill with pattern type dialog however (a) they are very small and (b) they are not tiled across an area so you can get a feel for what it will look like.
I run three different printing and engraving systems at the same time with my business. Each system needs to have a different color management preset selected or the prints are screwed up. Each time I open a file I have to go to tools..color management ... default settings. and check or change the preset. It seems like half of my day is spent doing this and from time to time I forget and screw up a print. Is there a macro or docker or something that will display what preset is in use on my screen some where and maybe even give me an option to click on it and change the preset? Each file is normally only for one particular system so if there is a way to save the file so that the preset that was used when saving it comes back up when it is opened would be useful too.
The idea is to have hand drawn characters (our actors) in many different poses,actions and with different expressions,just like in that video.
What I need is the way to easily and fast switch between different drawings.Some kind of a library where I can just click on a picture and it will change to that one.Drawings will be on a simple plane with alpha transparency.
how to add motion blur when drawings are switching
Due to my familiarity with Inkscape, I did this in Gimp. I chose the Select tool ( R ) and selected several images in one column. I thought, that I would see all the boxed-in layers selected for easy duplication, but nope.
So how can I quickly/easily select a box-full of layers at once, a la Inkscape?
I've been trying to hatch a complex image with a single pattern, but with different stroke weights.
Here I added an image of a simple greyscale image with below the hatching that I'm trying to make. In short: I want to use only 45 deg. hatches in this direction. However, based on the grey value, I'd like the hatches to have different weights.
However, since this image is quite simple, only four different weights were needed. However, I'd like to know if there is an easy way to do this for complex images. For this image I just used pattern fills with different stroke weights, but I'd like a smoother and easier solution, preferably one where it would be possible to have many different weights without having to split up the image in thirty different parts and making thirty different pattern fills.
I'm not sure if this is possible, but I might be overlooking something. If it would be possible with a plugin, I'd like to know too. Even if there might be a workaround via Photoshop, and the end-result would not be a perfect vector, It'd be fine.
I have set up a 20x20 pixel grid and I want to easily try out a few mockup layouts. No matter what I try, Illustrator simply does not snap to grid. I have to zoom in really close to align each shape.
Surprisingly it does not snap to guides either, leaving me completely hopeless. I have snap to pixel on and all objects are set to align to pixel grid.
A feature I loved in LR1-2-3 was the fact the flags were local for collections. It was a bit disturbing at first, but in the end it was very useful.When I make a new collection, for example to publish photos on my website, I select the photos I want, and I have to many of them. So, I used the local flags to decide: do I want to keep this photo inside this particular collection.
No that all flags are global, I can't do this anymore and I lose a lot of time when I have to choose which photos to keep in a collection. I understand that some users found the local flags confusing but there seems to be no workaround for people like me who loved this feature. In my opinion, there should be an option to set "use local flags in collection", this option being unset at the first launch.
Without the local flags, how can I select photos easily inside a collection? (I already use gloabl flags to select photos I keep, and colors to mark the workflow progression)
How do you duplicate a Sequence, but create new and unique Titles that are in that sequence quickly and efficiently? I've recently switched to PP CC. In FCP 7 I would duplicate the Sequence then make changes to the titles/text layers and not have any effect on the original Sequence or it's titles/text layers.
I've been trying to combine multiple Adjustment Layers (For example Curves, Black & White, Exposure and Color Fill) into one final preset that I can easily access later. I've been having problems finding that out, not a single input in google was able to clear up my problem. I know how to save a preset for e.g. Curves only or Levels only. But using several layers of adjustments?
set-up a project file that I can easily open my drawings and be able to share with others?I have lost several drawings and time because I have not been able to open my drawings.