GIMP :: How To Quickly / Easily Select Box-full Of Layers At Once

Aug 31, 2012

Due to my familiarity with Inkscape, I did this in Gimp. I chose the Select tool ( R ) and selected several images in one column. I thought, that I would see all the boxed-in layers selected for easy duplication, but nope.

So how can I quickly/easily select a box-full of layers at once, a la Inkscape?

See attachment.

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GIMP :: Select Multiple Layers Easily?

Aug 31, 2012

In Inkscape, you can select multiple objects by simply using the Selecttool and putting a box around the objects. I unwittingly did the samething in Gimp. I chose the Select tool (R) and selected several images inone column. I thought, that I would see all the boxed-in layers selectedfor easy duplication, but nope.

So how can I quickly/easily select a box-full of layers at once, a laInkscape?

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GIMP :: How To Select Multiple Layers Easily

Aug 31, 2012

How can I select multiple layers easily? method of putting a selection box around them, but that didn't work) BTW, I'm using GIMP 2.6.12 (on Linux Mint)

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GIMP :: How To Quickly Fit The Image To Visible Layers

Dec 22, 2009

first post from relatively new user of Gimp 2.6.7 on Vista.

I'd like to be able to quickly fit the image to the visible layers -- usually just one layer, in fact. I'm currently doing it by drawing a rough marquee and then correcting it at high magnification before using Fit Canvas to Selection, but there must be a better way! :roll:

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GIMP :: Quickly Move Through Layers Viewing One At A Time?

Sep 17, 2012

I just want to draw some simple animations, and I was thinking of using the layers as frames, like with gif creation. I know you can use pageup and page down to quickly shift focus from one layer to the next, but is there a way to only have the current layer visible without having to mess with the visbility toggle for each layer?

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GIMP :: Quickly Separate An Image's Channels Into Grayscale Layers?

Nov 8, 2012

How do I quickly separate an image's channels into grayscale layers? I'll need to do this frequently, so is there an automated way? If there isn't, can it be done with python scripting? Would it take me a long time to learn how to write such a script assuming I know a bit of Python (as used in Blender), but haven't done any scripting with GIMP?

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Photoshop :: Create Template That Can Be Quickly And Easily Changed Out Week To Week

May 16, 2013

I need to create a template that can be quickly and easily changed out week to week. So I need to adjust the colors of photos but add that to any photo I choose week after week.

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Lightroom :: How To Select Photos Easily Inside A Collection

Jul 1, 2012

A feature I loved in LR1-2-3 was the fact the flags were local for collections. It was a bit disturbing at first, but in the end it was very useful.When I make a new collection, for example to publish photos on my website, I select the photos I want, and I have to many of them. So, I used the local flags to decide: do I want to keep this photo inside this particular collection.
No that all flags are global, I can't do this anymore and I lose a lot of time when I have to choose which photos to keep in a collection. I understand that some users found the local flags confusing but there seems to be no workaround for people like me who loved this feature. In my opinion, there should be an option to set "use local flags in collection", this option being unset at the first launch.
Without the local flags, how can I select photos easily inside a collection? (I already use gloabl flags to select photos I keep, and colors to mark the workflow progression)

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Way To Easily Select A Bunch Of Geoms And Change Their Transparency

Jul 12, 2012

I have a Batch with 3 Action nodes inside. Each of these has multiple Geoms tucked away in groups.I only want to see some of the Geoms about half way through the clip.It's raised a few questions:

1) I can only think of animating their transparencies to make them appear at a certain point, is there some other way? Like if it was footage you could use the Timing in Batch.

2)I couldn't find a way to easily select a bunch of Geoms and change their transparency together, I could only do it by using Duplicate mode. But that takes all the parameters from the parent, what if you just wanted to alter one thing?

I could use an expression, but would I have to do that one at a time on all the Geoms?

3) What does the Parenting mode do exactly? can't you just parent thing while in Move mode? What does it add?

4) So I used Duplicate to link the Geoms to one in particular, it doesn't seem to have affected anything I didn't want it to (fingers crossed) and then used an expression on that to link it to a control axis for ease. Does that sound the easiest way?

5) And finally, I was just thinking it would be nice if I linked the transparencies to a control axis of some kind in the Batch, to affect all of the Actions. I half expected to find a 'Control Node' in the box Is there a particular node that would work well as a control axis?

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GIMP :: Can't Select Other Layers

Jul 28, 2011

I was rotating a layer in GIMP but now I can't get off this layer/select other layers.

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GIMP :: How To Select Layers

Nov 10, 2012

I'm new to GIMP, downloaded v 2.8.2 today. I opened an image, selected duplicate layer, which was named image_name (copy) - so far so good, but when I make any changes to that it makes changes to both layers, I can NOT find instructions anywhere on how to select just the (copy) layer, one would think it would be automatic, that the program would only work on a single layer.

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GIMP :: Select All Layers In Layer Window

Aug 21, 2012

Is there a way to select all the layers in the Layers Window? is: I've got a GIF animation that's comprised of 590 individual layers, and to work on specific layers, It'd be convenient to be able to hide all the layers other than the layer I'm working on - maybe with a dialog under Layers>>Stack>>Select all Layers>>Hide, or an "eye" checkbox at the top or bottom of the Layers window that would select all layers, thereby allowing me to "unhide" the selected layer by checking the "eye" ,(show), checkbox of the relevant layer.

Currently, the only way I know of to work on a specific layer within such a stack is to move the layer to the top of the stack so it becomes the visible layer, perform the work, then return the layer to its original location.

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GIMP :: Select And Move Two Or More Images (different Layers) Together?

Feb 1, 2012

How could I select and move two or more images (different layers) together?

Is it possible to align one image considering the position of the other?

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GIMP :: Select / Copy / Paste Multiple Layers?

Dec 11, 2011

Using GIMP 2.6.11 under Windows XP

Is this real? I am really amazed that there is no way to do this. Am I missing something? I have multiple images, each with a unique background layer. On top are multiple other layers, both images and text layers. I was editing one and was about to save it but then realized it was on the wrong background.

All I want to do is select four or five layers from this unsaved image with Background A, copy them and then open an image with Background B and paste them in so there will be minimal issues with alignments and such. I have been editing each of these four layers and there are a fair bit of changes that have been made to just throw them away and start over. The background is not the only difference between the images, it is just what I use as a reference so copying that over to the unsaved image would also require multiple layer copy/pasting.

I have already tried linking the layers but any copy/cut/paste seems to only work on the active layer, unless I am again missing something. This seems like a really fundamental function to not be supported.

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Photoshop :: Combining Several Adjustment Layers Into Easily Accessible Preset?

Mar 28, 2012

I've been trying to combine multiple Adjustment Layers (For example Curves, Black & White, Exposure and Color Fill) into one final preset that I can easily access later. I've been having problems finding that out, not a single input in google was able to clear up my problem. I know how to save a preset for e.g. Curves only or Levels only. But using several layers of adjustments?

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GIMP :: How To Get Listing Of Layers And Select Black FG Layer Data

Feb 9, 2013

I have a small image imported from a PDF 1.2 X 2 centered on a 8.5 X 11 inch White background.

I simply want to select the black portion of the image, copy - duplicate a set amount around the existing image.

I thought this would be select, copy paste, paste..... done, save. but no not that easy.

I assume I have 2 layers a FG and a BG layer. I believe that FG is Black ? I have tried rectangle select then paste but that is not working.

How do you get a listing of layers?

How do I just select the Black FG layer data?

How to I paste into a 3X3 array which is my ultimate goal:

X is the original image in Black:

C are to be copies of the X image:

I will attach the PDF image

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Photoshop :: Quickly Linking Layers

Jul 23, 2006

I have to add an object to an exsisting image that has lets say 30-40 layers. In doing so, I have to move the entire image up or down, so I have to link all the layers to move it up or down. I can't merge the layers, because I have to use the same image several ways, so is there a quick way to "link all" layers, move, then "unlink all" layers in Photoshop 7??
I know that Select-All layers doesn't do the trick.

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GIMP :: Select Multiple Layers To Modify Scale / Rotate / Transform

Jul 11, 2013

If one can select multiple layers to modify i.e. scale, rotate, transform... or is it only possible one layer at a time?

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GIMP :: Wikipedia / Easily Generate Large Custom Palettes?

Sep 29, 2012

i would like to expand on the Floyd-Steinberg dithered palette examples on this Wikipedia page.


Is there a way to tell GIMP to programmatically generate a 6-bit, 9-bit, or 12-bit color palette?

All the dithered examples you see were created by me a few years back, by individually picking grays/colors to construct a custom palette in GIMP, then translating the original 24-bit parrot/color bars down to the custom palette.

For example the 8-color Floyd-Steinberg dithered parrot and color bars, on the Wikimedia Commons. GIMP does an excellent job of making these, and if you squint at it or look at it from a distance, it looks full-color:

Sure, I'll manually create a 16-grays palette or an 8-color 3-bit color palette, but it starts to get intimidating to make a 64-color, or 512-color, or 4096-color palette by individually picking each color, one at a time.

Also, I do not see how to generate the non-regular palettes without a lot of manual custom color picking:

Non-regular RGB palettes


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GIMP :: Quickly Create A Water Surface?

Nov 1, 2005

possibilities to create water surface in Gimp. I found a simple way that creates the water surface mostly found in 3d games. Further you can create ripples animation using script-fu called water waves.

Follow steps below.

[*] Start with new image of desired dimensions

[*] Go through menus Script-Fu > Render > Lava

a new window will appear, select gradient named Horizon 2 (if you do not have this gradient in list, then download attached file, I do not remember from where I downloaded this file, credit goes to respective author.

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AutoCad :: Select Different Layers - Layers Name In Toolbar Does Not Change

Apr 29, 2006

when i select diffrent layers,the layer's name in toolbar does not change, i can not change the layer, color,and other autocad version is 2006 and 2007.

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AutoCad :: Restore Full Layers Window

Apr 20, 2012

Had the Layers window open adding a layer. I don't know what I did, but now All that is showing is a 1/4 inch window along the top that shows All 57 layers displayed of 57 layer. What can I do to restore the full layers window.

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GIMP :: How To Select Area Select By Color

May 15, 2013

Is it possible to select an area then within that area select by color?

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GIMP :: When Choose And Try To Select Area It Won't Select

Jul 25, 2013

I'm working with GIMP 2.84 for Mac, and my Fuzzy Select Tool is not working. When I choose it and try to select an area, it won't select.

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Photoshop :: Isolate Layer And Then Press P To Shows Full Preview Of All Layers

Aug 3, 2013

1-if i select any  selection tools( marquee or lasso or any )and then select or draw on any layer (including image also ) and  then right click it wil shows to select linear or radial or  path  and add to shows no of copies and distance and scale input box  in  properties bar.
2- if i right click to select invert selection on selected image or layer  and then right click it will shows to select linear or radial or  path  and add to shows no of copies and distance and scale input box in  properties bar.and if i create radial copies,it will shows additionally  inward and outward direction input box  in properties bar.
3- if we select eyedropper tool using alt key and press + ability to select inner and outer ring color with feather value.
4- if we select isolate layer  and then press p to shows full preview of all layers.

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Paint.NET :: Rearrange Layers By Simply Dragging - Full Screen Mode

Jul 10, 2012

I was wondering if it will be possible to rearrange layers by simply dragging them?I'm asking this because clicking on the move up/down buttons can become tedious when you have a lot of layers.Also will it be possible to auto hide the toolbar or enter a fullscreen mode?

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GIMP :: Make Color Select Tool To Select Specific Color / Related Shades

Jun 4, 2011

Is there a way to make the color select tool not only select a specific color but related shades as well. I have a graphic that is mainly shades of gray but with black outlines and divisions as well as other colors mixed in. I want to shift all the shades of gray to shades of dark yellow without have to select each shade individually.

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Photoshop Elements :: Does  PS11 Give Full Support To 16bit Per Channel Layers

Jan 2, 2013

Does  PS11 give full support to 16bit per channel layers. what additional layer features does CS6 provide?

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GIMP :: Full Color Palette?

Feb 23, 2013

I've been working on scenery tiles to serve as ground textures for an X-Plane airport. To get seamless transitions between the tiles I work on four tiles at the time and subsequently copy this large image to four smaller ones. Before I started out I ensured that all images were converted to full color (millions of colors) since they came with a limited 256 color palette in the first place. Still, during some copy and paste operations I've got tiles with a drab hue. So, it evidently takes the palette of the image I paste it unto which would make perfect sense if that palette was limited. However, it shouldn't be!

I've got around the problem by pasting problem tiles unto other images or started from scratch with a white canvas. It seems that any existing palette is limited and will skew the hues of a layer being pasted unto it. I work with *.xcf, then *bmp and finally *png in case this makes a difference. So, does a "full color" *.png still have a limited palette? Further, is there a way to ensure that a selection will retain its hues beyond starting out with a global choice of millions of colors?

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GIMP :: Full Image Appearing After Cut And Paste Save-as

Oct 23, 2012

If I take an image, and using the path tool, draw an area, then do a selection from path, cut/copy and paste as 'new image' then save the new image as a .bmp, .jpg etc, I am getting the whole original image instead of the cut an pasted portion. The full image does not show up as long as the drawing remains in .xcf (the background is a grey checkerboard). When saved as .jpg or .bmp the checkerboard is replaced by the original source image that it was cut from. This is Gimp 2.6.11 under Linux.

I have checked for extra layers, tried removing alpha channels, doing a 'copy visible' and re-pasting, merging of all layers all to no avail. It doesn't always happen either so there must be something, some setting or clicky box somewhere.

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GIMP :: Fill Selection Exactly With Defined Color (full Red)?

Nov 23, 2013

i would like to fill a selection exactly with a defined color (full red). I want everything inside the selection to be full red and everything outside to be untouched but I don't managed to do it.

With the bucket, even in normal mode with opacity 100, "fill whole selection", there are still pixels outside the selections that become half red. With the pencil, same story.

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