Is this real? I am really amazed that there is no way to do this. Am I missing something? I have multiple images, each with a unique background layer. On top are multiple other layers, both images and text layers. I was editing one and was about to save it but then realized it was on the wrong background.
All I want to do is select four or five layers from this unsaved image with Background A, copy them and then open an image with Background B and paste them in so there will be minimal issues with alignments and such. I have been editing each of these four layers and there are a fair bit of changes that have been made to just throw them away and start over. The background is not the only difference between the images, it is just what I use as a reference so copying that over to the unsaved image would also require multiple layer copy/pasting.
I have already tried linking the layers but any copy/cut/paste seems to only work on the active layer, unless I am again missing something. This seems like a really fundamental function to not be supported.
I'm trying to build a sprite image for a website based on a graphic that I created with Paint.NET.
The graphic has about 6 different layers.
To make the sprite image, I need the items in one layer to be duplicated in the exact same spots only shifted down by an integral number of the height. So, if the original image is 400px, I stretch the canvas out to 1200px. Now I want to copy each of the 6 layers and paste them exactly 400px down, then copy each of the 6 layers and paste them exactly 800px down.
I'm guessing there is a way to do something like this using the scripting ability of Paint.NET, but I have never used that feature before.
I have a 63 frame animated gif and I need to paste something to all the layers... all I could find is this here [URL].... but the plug in takes me to a page not found....
In Inkscape, you can select multiple objects by simply using the Selecttool and putting a box around the objects. I unwittingly did the samething in Gimp. I chose the Select tool (R) and selected several images inone column. I thought, that I would see all the boxed-in layers selectedfor easy duplication, but nope.
So how can I quickly/easily select a box-full of layers at once, a laInkscape?
How can I select multiple layers easily? method of putting a selection box around them, but that didn't work) BTW, I'm using GIMP 2.6.12 (on Linux Mint)
I am working on a project and when I try to copy and paste unlocked layers to paste them in to another image it doesn't paste. The only thing it pastes is the text unformatted. I tried resetting the settings by removing the setting file to see if I can set Illustrator back to square one and it isn't working. See Picture for before (copy) and After (paste)
I am also using windows 8 on a pc. I would say it was the OS but it was working fine untill yesterday.
we got the big size file (file A), we fix it then we copy/ paste information (e.g. texts) from the other bad file (file B). File A becomes big size again although texts were copied is simple.
I am creating a wood grain texture that has a diffuse and bump layer. I want to paste both layers "into" a selected area of a UV map. Can this be done with both layers at the same time using "paste into"? I have tried using groups and also tried linking with "paste into" with no luck. Once pasted I also want to be able to manipulate both layers at the same time. I have searched all over and haven't found an answer. I am using CS4.
Is there a way to lock the layer setup in a viewport, so when i copy and paste it to another paper space tab in the same or different cad file, it keeps the same setup?? (layers frozen / thawed)?
I have not got the hang of layers but i need to copy text/letters from a scanned page
How do i do i copy and paste text from one jpg to create another. I have tried Ctl + c to copy but when i click the other layer to then Ctrl + A and then CTRL + P to paste like a youtbe video suggests, instead of the copied text being pasted on i get a dialogue window for the printer.
I'm not new to GIMP by any means, but I am new to THIS Gimp. By that I mean, I recently downloaded 2.8.4 for Mac and got rid of my older copy.
Now I'm having a strange problem:
Whenever I try to copy images from webpages (or anywhere that ISN'T saved to my computer and opened in Gimp), I get a message that says "There is no data in the clipboard to paste" when I attempt to paste it into an open Gimp document.
if i do a print screen, and then paste that into gimp, then i use the selection tool to select a small portion of the original image, how do i paste it onto a new layer that matches the dimensions of the cut out selection i copied or cut? I have been doing it the uber hard way of where i copy the selection, create new layer and keeps the same pixle dims as the original so i have had to manualy change it and guess what dims i need. takes to long. is there a way to just copy/cut and paste a selection onto a new layer that automatically fits the same dims as the selection so i do not have to keep doing it the hard way?
I have copied from one file to another, and now my paint or pencil tool both have the entire image stuck to them, and when I try to paint, the entire image gets pasted on to the image.
I have a folder with about 600 transparent PNGs that I use in my photomanipulation projects in Gimp... about 100 of those are the most used of the 600.... would it be a good idea or a bad idea to make Gimp brushes out of those PNGs? or should I just stick to using transparent PNGs via copy and paste?
I have one image that has a specific texture I want to reuse for my own custom image, but I'm not sure how to use it in the paint brush while working on the other one. Can I do it the way I described?
I'm a longtime Photoshop user in the process of switching to Gimp. I've successfully used Gimp for very simple things like brightness/contrast, color adjustment, and sharpening of single-layer images. What I'm trying to do now involves creating a copy of the background and placing it next to the background image, and I can't figure out how to make it work.
Here's what I'm doing:
1. Resize the canvas to twice the width of the original image, leaving the original image at left. This creates a "blank" area to the right which displays as a checkerboard pattern.
2. The area of the original image is already selected (i.e., it already has a frame around it), so I copy and paste it. This creates a floating selection, duly noted in the list of layers.
3. But when I try to move the floating selection to position it to the right of the original image, in the blank area, it appears to disappear behind the checkerboard pattern.
I recently updated Gimp on my Mac Version 10.7.5. I can't copy and paste images from the Internet. Instead, I have to save that image, open it on Gimp, select all of it, and then I can paste it onto my work document. It's a huge hassle, and I'm sure there's a way I can copy and paste images from the Internet. When I try, it just says there is no image data on the clipboard for me to paste.
I just got Gimp 2.8 for Mac. I can open a picture, do a blur and export. The copy paste is giving me problems. It worked once. I make a selection with the rectangle and do a control c. I also tried the menu. The selection doesn't go to the clipboard. After 6 tries, the same original copy was the only one in there.
I have some textures, and i am trying to pack them into texture atlas. All of them are RGBA png's generated with PIL (Python Image Lib). I am opening all of them in gimp and copy-pasting them into their new place in texture atlas.
But i have noticed something strange, i am storing specular map in alpha channel of my diffuse textures, and emission value in alpha channel of normal textures.
The problem is, that GIMP does not copy pixels with 0 alpha value into clipboard. So, when i am trying to copy a normal map from source to atlas, and if emission value is 0, then GIMP is not copying anything, i am getting empty layer pasted into my atlas, if there are 0 alpha value pixels in diffuse map they are not copied to destination, even selection outline shows that there are no pixels in places where specular is set to 0.
So I am trying to work with a web page template in dreamweaver. I am attempting to open the background image in this template with gimp, then paste over top of the Original image with a new image. Every time I paste the new image in it takes the color style of the original.
I.E. The original image is in shades of brown while the new image is in many different colors. Whenever I paste the new image (the image with many colors) it changes to shades of brown like the original image.
The same thing happens if I open the new image as a new layer or just simply copy and paste the new image in.
How do I bring the new image in without it changing colors?
I have a photo open in Expert with a blank layer above it. I selected the quick selection tool and drew a complete circle around the object I want to copy from this photo and to paste the selected area to the layer. However, I get a pop up box stating that the copy command cannot be completed because no pixels we selected.
I followed book and online instructions on selection tool uses while in Layers and can't seem to get past this pop up box.
It is my first time using Gimp and although i have figured everything i needed by myself, but i have a doubt, well im adapting a bunch of sprite work from one rpg maker engine (unknown name) to RPG Maker VX ACE, i have no problem there , the thing is that now i have 3 images that are exactly the same except from the color scheme and i was wondering if it is possible the put all them on a canvas and cut and paste the 3 layers at the same time on another canvas, something like this:
I'm very new to this photo editing. Never used photo shop. Only slightly understand what a layer is and don't really know how they work.
Basically I want to take one image of a person looking at a computer screen and then on the computer screen I want to paste another image so it looks as though they're looking at the image.I have both images but how to cut, copy, paste and resize so that the image fits the screen.
I am having problems copying/pasting an image into Gimp. Instead of the image itself being pasted, it pastes the mac symbol for Jpeg (the photo of the little Asian boy by the sea with the camera lens on top). The same happens pasting an EPS file. I don't understand as I have managed to paste an image before. I have tried pasting into selection/pasting as new image/pasting as new layer. All the same. Neither will Gimp let me drag an image into it from finder or the desktop. I've tried opening a new file from scratch too. Same problem.
All of a sudden, I cant use the CTRL+CLICK to select Multiple Layers. When I do, I get this little box at the point of the cursor and ""Load Selection" pops up in the History.