Premiere Pro :: Duplicate A Sequence Easily With Unique Titles
Mar 19, 2014
How do you duplicate a Sequence, but create new and unique Titles that are in that sequence quickly and efficiently? I've recently switched to PP CC. In FCP 7 I would duplicate the Sequence then make changes to the titles/text layers and not have any effect on the original Sequence or it's titles/text layers.
After selecting 2 (or more) files and right clicking and choosing Multi camera sequence from source, I drag the newly created sequence on to the time line but all I get is the two files on the time line stacked over one another. the sequence never gets created.
I duplicated a title so that I wouldn't have to make it from scratch again. The problem I'm having is whenever I change the text in the new title it changes it to the original as well. What do I do to make this stop?
I'm making a video with mostly titles. I have found the video transitions to be very choppy, so I've opted to control the opacity fade of each individual title, creating keyframes that move from 0%-100% then back 100%-0%. This simulates a nice fade from black, fade to black effect. However, when i do this all of the text in my titles pixelates.
Just opened a Premiere project and went to edit a title. Although the title still shows up as a purple clip, and is still in the same location in the project explorer, it is no longer able to be edited, but instead plays like an AVI file. Also, it seems the underlying video and title have been merged into one clip on the timeline instead of two overlapping clips.
Screenshot below: See in the project explorer where the title files have been converted, plus in the timeline how all videos are compressed on Track 1 as a newly created avi.
Win 7. CC7.1...For specific reasons I created a new Project in Premiere CC7.1 and imported a single sequence from a CC project that had a lot of sequences (11)
This worked absolutely perfectly but I was surprised by 2 things ....that I do not recall happening in CS6 or any prior versions. ( I never did this procedure much though)
#1. The assets came in as if project managed. ie. Only the assets the sequence required. In this case a very small sub set of what was in the original project.That was very cool and made for a neat and compact project. I dont recall that in CS6 so if its a feature...I love it.
#2.The assets did not ingest in the new project in the Bin folders carefully named and organised in the original project.Not so cool in the case where one is using source footage with common file names (eg. AVCHD) and not so cool that it needs managing and sorting again.I think I recall assets imported in original folders in CS6 ...albeit...non project managed ie everything??? Part cool and part not!
Do wonder if #2 can be looked at as a possibility for a fix. It would be brilliant please Adobe.I created a new project and imported the sequence ( which was an edit lockdown) specifically for a Direct Link into Speed Grade.
It was an insurance measure in case of any issues that may have arisen. eg a corruption via the DL. workflow.the DL and SG are working on this brilliantly well.
I'm trying to export a sequence as XML, but no matter what I try, it exports the wrong sequence. I've tried selecting the sequence in the project panel, then hitting export, and I've also tried opening the timeline and exporting from there.
The sequence being exported is actually used at one point in the sequence I want to export, otherwise I would just delete it temporarily. I'm using Premiere CC 7.2.
Using CS6 Premiere Pro in Windows with the intent of making a DVD of the movie,how do I choose the Preset descriptions in the "New Sequence" screen? I assume I'm going to choose an AVCHD version, but don't have any idea what the differences are.
Ok, so I'm in the project panel, right? Minding my own buiz and doing what I do. I want to rename a sequence that I've instinctively named "fat chick" because, well, uh, she was a bit heavy (and in a bikini). Well, now I need to show the "fat chick" that's paying me what her sequence looks like. So I want to change "fat chick" to "cute lady" so she's happy. But guess what? I can right-click and hit rename, but I never get further than that. I can't rename it. So I had to show her the sequence and hope she'd only see the video, not the name of the sequence.
What's weird is I can rename a whole bunch of other sequences, but the other half of the time I can't. Oh, I can rename it if it's sitting in the timeline of another sequence... but it only changes it there in the timeline. (I've posted on this before I realize this is a limitation in Premiere). But this is different. I want to rename sequences from the project panel but can't.
Now she's all mad at me and threatening a lawsuit becaue I hurt her feelings, yada, yada. It's a disaster... all this because I couldn't change the sequence name.
Ok, so the story's made up, but the renaming problem is true. Is this a bug? How can I rename sequences when they don't want to be renamed and are perfectly satisfied with the first name I gave them?
I lost a sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. I was going to export a new sequence I created in a project. While I was doing it, the PC crashed.When I restarted premiere, my updated project file was gone and only an older version opened, where all my work was missing.
I have multiple sequences that use clips from an interview that show diagonal lines through them in the timeline. Not all files from the interview have these diagonal lines. These problematic clips do not contain audio or video when the playhead is on them. They don't even have a thumbnail pic in the sequence while other shots from the interview do. How I can get these to work in the timeline again?
I was working on a project last night and without warning, every time I tried to transfer a movie clip to a sequence, the audio stopped coming with the video. The sound definitely works and plays in the upper left hand window, but when transferring the clip to the sequence, the audio did not come with it. Before starting work on the project, I updated Premiere through the Creative Cloud.
This problem has happened before at the beginning of a project, and I have been able to start a new sequence without problems. This morning, however, when I tried a new sequence, the sound would not come in at all. A picture of what my screen looks like when I try to put in a video clip to a sequence is below.
The settings for the audio are the same between the video and the sequence. I definitely don't want to lose the ability to add sound when I get further into my project. What can I do to fix this?
I'm running Adobe Premiere Pro CC on a 2011 Macbook Pro, and I was working on a project. When I went to render the whole sequence, Premiere froze and auto quit. When I went to open the project again, I got the error:
"This Project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type."
Every version of the project's auto-save files gave the same error. I tried all of the suggested tips like deactivation and clean uninstall, but nothing's changed.
Let's say I have 4 sequences, of which 2 are multi-cam. I go through each sequence and add my Markers. How can I locate these sequence markers without opening each sequence and looking at the Markers panel?
Add Edit don´t cut all the layers highlighted. When I insert or overwrite a clip into the timeline, the timeline don´t respect the highlighted layers (ex. if layer 1, 2 and 3 were highlighted and the clip were put in layer 1, clips on second and third layer should be deleted between in and out markers, but they aren´t.
The Ctrl+D and Ctrl+Shift+D commands (add transition) doesn´t work like the other versions too (respecting where the cursor is)the buttons to go to the next cut on timeline (in my keyboard, A and S) doesn´t work right too.I would like to know if these are bugs or the new Premiere CC is different from the others before.
On tryng to open Premiere CC projects it would appear I am missing a substantial set of sequence presets and cannot open any projects. if I open a new project there are only a limited set available.
I get the following error message "This project contained a sequence that could not be opened. No sequence preview preset file or codec could be associated with this sequence type".
I am trying to create a clip that will be played on a loop so I want to make sure that the in and out point are identical (the clip is of an object which is rotating). Is there a way to overlay the in and out point to line up the placement of the in and out points?
I am using Premiere CC to edit Pro Res 422 in a sequence using the ARRI Cinema 23.976 sequence preset. My rough cut sequence has lost all audio playback. I can play audio from the source, and in other sequences in the same project but this sequence specifically is not giving my ANY playback. In audio hardware, I have set output to built-in output and made sure that my system is set to the same thing as well. When I click into channel properties, right click>Modify Channel I see 4 audio tracks set to Source Channel 1, 2, 3, 4. All are set as "Ch.1" under Channel in track.
So I shot all the footage in 1920x1080 and the client said they wanted 1280x720 .mov files as final output.I edited the 1080p footage in a 720p sequence so I could reframe a bit. Now they want 640x480 .mov as final output. I can easily find presets for .mp4 at 640x480 but I'm struggling to find a way to export at that resolution in .mov.
Project and all relevant autosaves corrupted.Been trying to figure out out how to copy a single sequence via text edit to a new project.Got any tips? Any apps/programs that exist that can do this automatically?
In a last few weeks I am having a peculiar problem with CC Premiere Pro.Sequence tab and all of it content become unresponsive/does not redraw upon any action other than changing the tab size by dragging it's borders or by using next edit/previous edit shortcuts. No other action redraws the UI.I am flying blind.As a part of troubleshooting I have opened an old (CS6) project in CS6. It works just fine in there. When opening the same project in Premiere CC the behavior described occurs.I do not get any error messages.Seems to have started after one of the CC updates.
Normally when I edit, I use pluralize, which creates a sequence in which I can take notes. I usually then drag that sequence into my source monitor, create in and out point and place that into my final timeline. For some reason, Premiere is not letting me drag the file I need into the source monitor. Is there something with the settings off?