Revit :: Duplicate Family Names Or Unique In Project
Feb 13, 2014Can revit have duplicate family names. or family names are unique in a project.
View 1 RepliesCan revit have duplicate family names. or family names are unique in a project.
View 1 RepliesI usually duplicate a baluster from the family and adjust the widths to what I want. I'm trying to make a 1/2" x 4" baluster but its not changing to the new dimensions.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to load, for example, a wall created in a different project, into another project?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIm try to crop .rft format but i cant crop my family model in project file. Then how to explode family in project file.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a custom planter based off some line work that I did in my project. It has a curve. basically what I have done is created the line work on plan but now I want to use that curved line to create my family. which I am thinking I can create a profile and then sweep it on those lines. The problem is I can get the line work to the family.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to do the travel distance plan for fire cert saftey plan (Ireland). I have 6 levels of plan. When I place a component of "travel distance" family symbol (that I created) on the top floor plan, it is showing on the ground floor plan but not inbetween (TG).
See attach.
When I try to add a window or door, I get a message: "No doors family is loaded in the project..etc etc" and then I try to go and find a default template file to use which I assume has basic families loaded, I can't find any anywhere. I'm stuck at step 1, already.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a project-file for a table that I've made as a family. In the project file I want to dimension the table, as a whole and as the differents parts of the table.
I've made visibility parameters in the family, but my problem is that that will hide that part of the table, i.e. the legs, in all views. I want to have one section with only the table top, one section with only the legs etc.
how I would go about this without copying the table in the project file and hiding different parts in each of them?
Is it possible by importing a drafting view or copying 2D details, to not duplicate the detail components families ? I tried many ways, but I always get my families duplicated.
Copying 'Gypsum' will always duplicate with 'Gypsum1', even if they are exacly the same original family.
I have a very simple 'Metric Generic Model line based' family that contains 1 rectangular extrusion.
My Problem: Revit wont allow me to place a FamilyInstance of this family inside a (Architectural) project. When I click Architecture Tab->Component->Place a Component and select my Family I get a circle with a cross in it and are not able to place my family instance anywhere. Note this occurs in all levels/views from Site to Level 1, 2 etc.
why I can place it in a project?
Made a family with two family types, a red and a blue. when i load it into my project it comes up gray..Another component family the color comes in fine
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've created a Title Block Family and when I bring it into the project I want to be able to edit the text on the project without having to go into the Family and edit it from there, how do I do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedNot sure what to categorize this as, throw it under another 2013 oddity.
We have a project that has some filled regions causing graphics issues. What happens is the plan elements around a filled region are being transposed onto the filled region causing a "ghosting" affect on the filled region. See attachment.
It is happening in both Arch and MEP and I've tested it with update 2 and update 3 installed. No changes with an audit either.
I have created a frame using the frame creator with all the individual members listed in the frature manager. When I check this into the vault it goes in fine.
When I create a second frame (seperate frame file) it uses one or two of the same fram types as the first frame. The problem comes when I go to check this into the vault it says the member already exists.
I have been told and I am seeing it that the frame creator always starts with "001" and numbers downward in creating the member names. This creates a problem in the vault because of the duplicate file factor.
What I ended up doing was calling up that particular member and doing a file save as then replacing it in the assembly. Then it would check in fine.
Is this the only work around or is there a setting somewhere that allows unique names for these frame members.
If I duplicate a Vector Smart Object and "Edit Contents", the changes show up in both layers.
How can I create a unique duplicate of a Vector Smart Object so if I "Edit Contents" of one layer, it won't affect the other?
CS6 here.
How do you duplicate a Sequence, but create new and unique Titles that are in that sequence quickly and efficiently? I've recently switched to PP CC. In FCP 7 I would duplicate the Sequence then make changes to the titles/text layers and not have any effect on the original Sequence or it's titles/text layers.
View 9 Replies View RelatedFor a large project our organization is busy with, we are going to need to work with several sizes of icons, and the icons' names will need to be generated programatically by the back-end of our our system.
The icons are going to be in these sizes:
512 x 512256 x 256128 x 12864 x 6432 x 3224 x 2416 x 16
I want to create a resize action will generate icons in the proper size with unique names.
For example:
The resizing part is simple - it's the naming that I'm not sure about!
I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...
Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014
My wife is starting a label company - we design the labels in corelx5 then print & cut them out on our printer - but I'm wondering how to autoduplicate the names into each of the labels on the page (a page has maybe 100 labels that would have the persons name in them - same name in each label). Rather than copy things over & over how can I set things up so that I type the name into the first label and it fills all the rest of the labels on the sheet with the same name automatically ?
Do I need a macro for this ? (I'm green to macros)
I have upgraded from LR4 to LR5. LR4 allowed duplictes to be imported - one a jepg the other same file name but raw (CR2). LR5 does not allow me to do this. Am I mistaken or am I over looking something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMany users forget or even aren't aware of the fact that they can't have duplicate names for elements. Or in a long list of elements, they don't oversee which names are already in use. So they try to change the name, but it does not 'stick' (the name reverts immediately to what it was).
Of course it should be (or become) general knowledge and a good care that duplicate names won't occur, but just like with the prompt that warns for unallowed characters (spaces and all), it would be nice to prompt the user that there's a duplicate name.
I have several spaces with the same types of case work. But instead of having each type have a general key note, I would like each instance of the type have a unique key note similar to the way doors work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make a unique roof but I have had many failed attempts for hours now. Attached is a photo of the roof overhang I am trying to mimic and a crappy sketch showing the same thing. The roof has a normal gable on one end, but on the other. I need the over hand to go out three feet, then into a point at six feet at the same slope as the entire roof. NOT a hip roof which seems to be the only they I can make it. I even tried making a separate roof piece and it still didnt work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have recently used back up for the first time whislt replacing my computer and moving to Windows 7. I now have different pictures with the same file name on the back up drive (F:) and the computer hardrive (C:). When I click on a picture the picture inOrgnaiser appears and then qickly disappers and the second picture with the same file nane appears. The first to appear is that on the C drive the second is that on the F drive, the back up drive.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying Frame Generator one last time to design the custom frames we build for our equipment. I've always had problems with getting FG to generate the right part numbers and file names. I have the part numbers figured out, but does Frame Generator still not have a good way to automatically create unique file names for frame members? If no one can get it to automatically generate unique file names, how do you manage all of the duplicate file names generated over time?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have many slides, scanned over the past 10 years, with duplicate file names and filed by date. I converted my Elements 9 from PC to iMac and many incorrect connections occured. Is there a way I can correct these connection errors? This problem involves about 5% of my 25,000 photo files.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to change the value of some tags in a title block on multiple drawings. I tried using Lee Macs attribute changer [URL]. It works fine but not when tags have the same name.
I then looked at this code - [URL]
Idea was to change the tag names then use Lee Macs program. It too fails when there are duplicate tag names. It changes all tags not just the one I want.
In the the title block I have 3 tags with the name "NAME" but only one will have the value I'm looking to change. If I could place an IF statement some where in the above codes (or another code altogether) to instruct that IF the tag name is "NAME" with value "Dennis (BSL)" then change either the tag name or the value to "Daniel"
Im pretty bad at this programming stuff but with so many drawings I need a easier, automated way of doing this.
it is possible to change the Authority name in Project tab under iProperites? I do not want to add a custom field though. We are using the Authority as a quantity field to over ride the drawings quantity.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a script that will duplicate an item in the project panel. I know you can duplicate an item in a comp, but I'd like to duplicate a project;
View 2 Replies View RelatedI used railing tools and created railing in the project files. i want to change rail and Baluster.i created metric baluster and rail from family and saved in the local drive. i used in to my project also it is working fine.
i want to use this railing to some other project. how to get it either copy past or revit link or any other way because the railing created in project file.
In Revit 2013 I attempt to load an item from the Family but I find that the “Load Family” dialog box does not appear. how to get it to cooperate? Even starting a new project the load family dialog box does not appear. I have done: 1) system restore, 2 ) repaired install, 3 ) re-installed, 4) uninstalled and reinstalled from scratch but still the problems persists on this machine. all other office PC’s with Revit 2013 behave.
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