Premiere Pro :: Will Not Play Back Audio In Sequence
Jan 28, 2014
I am using Premiere CC to edit Pro Res 422 in a sequence using the ARRI Cinema 23.976 sequence preset. My rough cut sequence has lost all audio playback. I can play audio from the source, and in other sequences in the same project but this sequence specifically is not giving my ANY playback. In audio hardware, I have set output to built-in output and made sure that my system is set to the same thing as well. When I click into channel properties, right click>Modify Channel I see 4 audio tracks set to Source Channel 1, 2, 3, 4. All are set as "Ch.1" under Channel in track.
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Apr 21, 2014
I can't get any audio to play while in Premiere Pro. The computer's programs has audio in the speakers and headphones with everything but Premiere, including exported premiere files but I'm not sure why. It was fine just two days ago.
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Dec 5, 2013
I was working on a project last night and without warning, every time I tried to transfer a movie clip to a sequence, the audio stopped coming with the video. The sound definitely works and plays in the upper left hand window, but when transferring the clip to the sequence, the audio did not come with it. Before starting work on the project, I updated Premiere through the Creative Cloud.
This problem has happened before at the beginning of a project, and I have been able to start a new sequence without problems. This morning, however, when I tried a new sequence, the sound would not come in at all. A picture of what my screen looks like when I try to put in a video clip to a sequence is below.
The settings for the audio are the same between the video and the sequence. I definitely don't want to lose the ability to add sound when I get further into my project. What can I do to fix this?
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Dec 30, 2013
How do I insert an audio while you play back an animation?
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Mar 14, 2014
I'm running Premiere Pro CS5 on Win7 x64. I have an MP3 audio clip that I've selected a sub-clip from, as you can see here:
When I click on the insert button, everything to the right of the insertion point on the timeline is pushed to the right, as if the clip were inserted, but the clip doesn't show up anywhere (I've scrolled up and down through both the audio and video tracks), as you can see here:
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Feb 26, 2014
I am having an issue exporting my sequence which contains final AIFF mix (24 bit 48 kHz) into a 'same-as-source' ProRes 422 file with 24 bit audio. I am specifically trying to export media with 'Match Sequence Settings' checked to create an identical output of what my sequence is. I wind up only creating a PR422 with 16 bit audio rather than 24 bit audio.
My sequence contains ProRes 422 media and 24 bit AIFF final stereo mix (1 audio file) from our Sound department.
My sequence is currently setup as "Custom" at 1920x1080, 23.976 fps, Square Pixels, Progressive, etc. Audio is 48 kHz (I don't see an option for choosing different bit rates in the 'Sequence Settings').
Using 'Match Sequence Settings', my options to alter the audio are "greyed out" and unavailable. I'm not sure why 'Match Sequence Settings' doesn't recognize that I am cutting with 24 bit audio and, instead, only exports 16 bit audio.
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Feb 2, 2014
In Adobe Prem Pro, I'm finishing a short film. All, of a sudden I am bringing over one last clip, and I can't get an audio track. So, if I select a clip and drag it over, only the video shows up.
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Jan 5, 2014
It used to be that whenever i would move the cursor in adobe premier with either the left or right arrows or by simply clicking and dragging it, it would play the audio from that frame. But it is not doing it anymore, I think i must have accidently hit a shortcut key or something to change it in settings i dont know. But it would be good if I could get the setting to change it back. I know for a fact that my laptops speakers do work, so its not that.
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Jun 13, 2012
When I import a short AVCHD or MPG (~ 1 min., 100 mb) into Premiere Pro CS6 or After Effects CS6, it plays great. When I import the same file into Photoshop CS6 on the same computer, it's jerky, even with sound off, frame skipping enabled, cached, and no other applications running.
System is a Core i7 with 8 gb RAM, 1.5 gb nVidia GeForce, Win 7 x64 and DirectX 11. All drivers ruthlessly updated.
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Feb 17, 2014
After selecting 2 (or more) files and right clicking and choosing Multi camera sequence from source, I drag the newly created sequence on to the time line but all I get is the two files on the time line stacked over one another. the sequence never gets created.
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Nov 18, 2011
I've tried deleting all preferences. I was working with the camera originally then suddenly the keyframes wouldn't appear as red lines (there was only 1 camera) and appeared blank, i deleted these 'blank' keyframes and ever since I've been unable to play the entire camera sequence, the timeline simply sits at 0. I've tried a new camera with it's own keyframing but to no avail, it refuses to play.
edit: I just tried in a new scene also, same problem. It's making it near impossible to preview animations in real-time.
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Dec 24, 2013
Have reinstalled Premiere Pro 6.0.5 because I cannot drag Audio Transitions or Effects to any Timeline sequences in my Projects. Have tried modifier keys, but to no avail.
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Aug 25, 2012
...adding effects in VS x5 pro. I just downloaded the trial after upgrading to a new laptop running windows 7 and was told I could not use my videostudio 11 or moviefactory 6 plus. So I have video that I imported from my SDHC card in high def, it played fine until I started adding a crossfade and a couple of slow motions. Now, every video had no sound. I have tried deleting them and bring them back in, but still no sound. It will play music over the tracks, but I have lost all my original sound. I thought I would be able to add some music and lower the original soundtrack at certain points, letting it fade in and fade out, allowing for the original audio to play through and along with the music. I am pretty dissapointed right now and need some answers. Also what happened to the moving menus? I am confused with the templates as well... begininng, middle end or complete. Is that instead of moving menus? Can I not make a moving thumbnail menu with music and chapters?
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Nov 20, 2013
The following didn't eventually cause me a problem since I have retained some earlier versions of VS. Normally, starting way back with VS version 8, I've happily downloaded avi files from my handicam, edited them and made nice home movies on DVD, worth watching even by non-family .
But now I've just been given a couple of mpeg-4 files (total time of 1 hr 20 min or so) to turn into a nicely edited DVD (it's an orchestral concert). If I insert the files into the timeline in either X5 and X6, the audio doesn't sound when I try to play either the project or the clip. Do the same with X4 and things work perfectly, audio comes through loud and clear. So I've used X4 for the task, I kept it on my computer.
An additional task was to make an audio CD - no sweat, I just created a sound file (in the "share" tab) with X4 and went from there. Trying to do the same with either X5 and X6 caused the software to crash with an error message.
error message
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Aug 15, 2013
I've created a slide show and have attempted to insert an audio mp3 file. Audio file shows that it has been added to slide show but it wil not play.
I've added the mp3 multiple ways, by using the add media -- audio from element organizer as well as by add media ---audio from file but it won't play
MP3 plays fine when I click on it from the organizer.
I've tested the mp3's that came with elements 11 and they play fine. What's the deal?
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Aug 28, 2012
I'm using Video Studio Pro X4. I'm just trying to make a simple, first movie and failing. I have a Sony HD Handycam that produces .m2ts files. I just want to be able to create HD movies that I can play on generic software on my tv. So I assumed I could create an MPG file and play it using Windows Media Player 11. After rendering an MPG file, I get no audio output.
- I imported the .m2ts files into VS
- Put two short clips in the timesline.
- Basic transition.
- Share -> Create Video File -> HDV (tried all options)
- I create the MPG file and I get no sound on playback using Media Player
I would think this is the most basic thing I could possibly be doing and it doesn't work. I am using an underpowered XP laptop, but I would think that would just be a speed issue. I'll get a better desktop for editing, but if I can't perform the most basic of tasks now I'm thinking it's a software issue.
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Feb 26, 2014
Every Quicktime I import and cache into my project won't play audio, even though the audio tracks show up in the timeline with waveforms and the seqeunce specs match that of the source audio. Apparently Flame users are having similar problems. I'm having to strip out the audio into AIF for separate import and re-sync.
Oddly enough, I can hear the audio prior to import when playing the preview clip in Media Hub.
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Dec 18, 2012
I created a PDF slide show with MP3 audio (from Elements Organizer version 10.0). The PDF doesn't play the audio. What can I do ?
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Mar 31, 2012
For some reason today it just stopped paying the audio from my Nikon D300S video files. I tried importing a new file but that won't play either and I reloaded the program and that won't work either. I know the audio is that as it will play in Windows.
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Apr 22, 2013
So my animation is a song and I'm doing like a video clip with interactivity (the interactivity is not inside at the moment).I need to have a play button so we can see (heard) on iPhone, iPad...
My problem is that the animation begin immediately behind the play button and before I press it.So the song and the animation are not synchronize.I try many things to stop the animation but nothing is working.
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Dec 30, 2013
I've made a project in Premiere Pro CS6 with greenscreen footage from a canon XF100 (MXF file).
When I open the project in Premiere Pro CC I can scrub throught the timeline everything is oke.
But playing or rendering the timeline, gives me only the bottom half of the greescreen footage. I see that in Premiere CC the clip with the footage becomes gray after putting an effect on it. When I do this process from the start in CC it works fine. But there are 52 timelines in the project made in CS6.
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Jan 28, 2014
I have uploaded an edge animate cc published html with sound. The html file opens perfectly on my mac pro safari browser perfectly with audio. But when I open the same file on my iphone5 the file opens but no the audio does not play.
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Dec 24, 2013
Win 7. CC7.1...For specific reasons I created a new Project in Premiere CC7.1 and imported a single sequence from a CC project that had a lot of sequences (11)
This worked absolutely perfectly but I was surprised by 2 things ....that I do not recall happening in CS6 or any prior versions. ( I never did this procedure much though)
#1. The assets came in as if project managed. ie. Only the assets the sequence required. In this case a very small sub set of what was in the original project.That was very cool and made for a neat and compact project. I dont recall that in CS6 so if its a feature...I love it.
#2.The assets did not ingest in the new project in the Bin folders carefully named and organised in the original project.Not so cool in the case where one is using source footage with common file names (eg. AVCHD) and not so cool that it needs managing and sorting again.I think I recall assets imported in original folders in CS6 ...albeit...non project managed ie everything??? Part cool and part not!
Do wonder if #2 can be looked at as a possibility for a fix. It would be brilliant please Adobe.I created a new project and imported the sequence ( which was an edit lockdown) specifically for a Direct Link into Speed Grade.
It was an insurance measure in case of any issues that may have arisen. eg a corruption via the DL. workflow.the DL and SG are working on this brilliantly well.
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Dec 12, 2013
I'm trying to export a sequence as XML, but no matter what I try, it exports the wrong sequence. I've tried selecting the sequence in the project panel, then hitting export, and I've also tried opening the timeline and exporting from there.
The sequence being exported is actually used at one point in the sequence I want to export, otherwise I would just delete it temporarily. I'm using Premiere CC 7.2.
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Feb 6, 2014
Using CS6 Premiere Pro in Windows with the intent of making a DVD of the movie,how do I choose the Preset descriptions in the "New Sequence" screen? I assume I'm going to choose an AVCHD version, but don't have any idea what the differences are.
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Sep 28, 2011
Ok, so I'm in the project panel, right? Minding my own buiz and doing what I do. I want to rename a sequence that I've instinctively named "fat chick" because, well, uh, she was a bit heavy (and in a bikini). Well, now I need to show the "fat chick" that's paying me what her sequence looks like. So I want to change "fat chick" to "cute lady" so she's happy. But guess what? I can right-click and hit rename, but I never get further than that. I can't rename it. So I had to show her the sequence and hope she'd only see the video, not the name of the sequence.
What's weird is I can rename a whole bunch of other sequences, but the other half of the time I can't. Oh, I can rename it if it's sitting in the timeline of another sequence... but it only changes it there in the timeline. (I've posted on this before I realize this is a limitation in Premiere). But this is different. I want to rename sequences from the project panel but can't.
Now she's all mad at me and threatening a lawsuit becaue I hurt her feelings, yada, yada. It's a disaster... all this because I couldn't change the sequence name.
Ok, so the story's made up, but the renaming problem is true. Is this a bug? How can I rename sequences when they don't want to be renamed and are perfectly satisfied with the first name I gave them?
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Dec 4, 2013
I lost a sequence in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. I was going to export a new sequence I created in a project. While I was doing it, the PC crashed.When I restarted premiere, my updated project file was gone and only an older version opened, where all my work was missing.
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Feb 8, 2014
After I press "Space" to play a clip, there is a 12-second pause before the clip actually starts playing.
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Dec 26, 2013
How can you see how long a selection is that you've made? For instance, if I mark the in & out, how can I see how long that selection is?
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Apr 6, 2014
I recently downloaded Premiere Pro through Creative Cloud and I have now made a video I wish to share with friends and family. The only trouble is, whenever I export it, the video saves and shows up in my folders but if I try to open it a notice comes up saying " Server execution failed". Why does this happen and how can I get my video to play on things such as Windows Media Player? I have used Premiere Pro at college many times before and all the exporting details looked fine but that didn't work and even when I made a few adjustments.
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Apr 13, 2014
Is there a limit to the number of sequences I can have in a PPCC project?
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