After Effects :: Moving Object Without Affecting Its Mask?
Jan 22, 2014
is it possible to move a layer (with a mask) without affecting its mask position and without precomposing the layer? Much like in Photoshop, where you can achieve this by using vector masks. Let`s say I have a video-layer that has a square mask added to it. The mask is already perfectly positioned in the comp. I don`t want to move or adjust it any further. But I`m not pleased with the framing of the source material. If I`m moving the frame then, the masks moves along with it. Is there a way to get rid of this cohesion of mask and layer?
- The effect is only needed at some point of the video, it must appear, and then disappear, not being on screen the whole time.
- The object is moving, and changing shape, the blur must adapt to it.
- I've been trying to use the "Track Motion" option with Position & Rotation, then the "Analyze Forward" button, but the thing makes a mess all over, it's not following the object at all, then if You try to adjust it manually, it's only done in 1 frame, in the other frames the thing is off the object, then the "Tracking" stays on screen.
whereby I can draw an arrow on a clip within AE CC and have the point of the arrow locked to a person head as they move along i.e. I wish to 'point out' an individual in marathon. This will be transferred back into PremPro for further editing.
I need to edit a layer's OUT point without affecting the location of the IN point in the composition. [ is working fine for the in point. Then, pressing ]... The entire layer slides to the left so that the out point is there, all right, but the in point has now moved the other way so that it's gone back in time. I want the out point to TRIM the (text) layer and make it shorter, not slide it around so that it's the same length and all it's done is to move.
The text layers will overlap each other, but the thing is that they're of varying lengths (It's AE 5.1, btw...)
I've just moved from CS3 to CS6. Previously, when working on a layer mask I could make the image active by Command – ~ . This doesn't work now - is there another keyboard shortcut for this? I use a Mac, OS 10.7.4.
So I am adding a leaf to the waterfall image. The leaf is on it's own layer with a layer mask, and was moved into position without a problem. A drop shadow was added with Layer Styles, but when trying to move the layer again, the mask moved, but the layer stayed behind.
I checked for Auto select, which was off. I unlinked the mask, tested, relinked the mask, and tested again. Same problem. Eventually it started working OK after I tried moving with first the layer active, and then the mask active, and swapping this state about three times. I could not get it to misbehave again after this.
Nothing was locked. Auto select was off. Other layers all moved OK. I can find no explanation, and think of no user error (touch wood).
I'm want to drag an objects anchor and have the position co-ordinates offset by opposite amounts so it doesn't appear to move postioin on screen. IS there a tool for that?
i created a mask in my footage by using pencil tool
now i want to scale it down (NOT to shrink/expand masked area)
tried this: selected footage layer and went to Transform - Scale, and even if i scale down to -500%, nothing happens. Then went to Mask - Mask Expansion, but this is not the feature i need. I need to scale down the object which i've masked out
also tried to add adjustment layer and linked my mask layer to it and then tried to scale down Adjustment layer - no effect, simply nothing happens
im trying to make an adjustment to one section of my footage.i followed other instructions elsewhere about making a mask on a solid and then linking the solid to a null object, which has tracking footage (i was thinking i could motion track a mask?)
so i did that, but tracking motion doesnt work, the mask moves everywhere so i went in and moved the mask points at keyframes, which was annoying. but now i can't add adjustments to the solid where the mask is. i turned the solid into an adjustment layer but adding color correction adjustments doesn't work.
i have to use after effects by the way. basically tl:dr i need to color correct one section (or the masked part) of my footage. how can i do that in AE?
also is there an easier way to motion track something that goes completely off screen or out of the comp window? cause its a handheld shot and theres like a pan, and im trying to track the mask but it doesnt really work or stay around the area it needs to.
I have a question about the pen tool. I went to go make a mask with the pen tool and in stead of making a mask it make a shape layer and I can't get it to make a mask.
i have a shot in an office where i have a subject walking in front of some really bright windows. i added an adjustment layer and made 6 mask squares over the windows and brought down the brightness a bit. of course when the subject walks in front of those windows you can see the shaded mask on him.
im not sure what you call it but what do i do to him to keep the mask from showing on him?
not sure if i should make another thread but ill ask this as well in the same shot because of the bright windows originally the rest of the scene inside the office is dark. how do i brighten the rest of the scene without affecting the windows? i tried duplicating the adjustment layer with the 6 masks and inverting them so i can brighten everything but windows but no matter what i did i couldnt get it to work.
I have found that when I use the Layer Styles on one layer and then make a new layer or select a shape that creates a new layer that when I go to add Styles to the new layer/new shape the previous layer is affected by how I set the Bevel & Emboss, Direction, Altitude, Drop Shadow etc etc.
For instance, let's say I have a ...
BG > New Layer > draw an ellipse and then add a Bevel with an > Angle of 89 and an Altitude of 30 and then I add a New Layer > open the Styles and go to change the Angle to say +89 or whatever and the Altitude to say 45 ... the first Layer/Shape Effects change.
How I can keep one Layer from being affected by an other Layers Effects'?
I have found that if I Rasterize a Layer Effect that I can add a "double" effect on the same layer but I haven't tried the to do this with separate layers. However, for most of the work I am doing I cannot use the Raster because everything needs to be true vectors.
I have a Dell Laptop/Windows 7 Home Premium that's a 64 bit
I have a shape that was made in Illustrator. See right. It's the thought-ballon-y-looking thing.
The everything outside of the black part is transparent. I want to use this shape as a mask so that another comp will appear inside the balloon shape, but not outside the shape.
I'm scaling and repositioning my composition at several points. A curious thing keeps happening though. My composition is moving it's self in between all my points even when they are the same on both sides. I'll have two keyframes with exactly the same positions at different times and in between those exact same keyframes I'll have the composition moving... I have everything symetrical.
i am currently working on the storyboard for a title sequence, and i have to animate it now.
As you can see in the picture i have a light blue background that has a circular shaped mask, and everything happens inside this mask in multiple layers on the back.
my problem is i want this mask to be animated, and to have a watercolor felling. so i thought of using video footage of ink, you know the typical video of ink falling into water and sort of expanding.
i have no problem making the video appear inside the ink stain, but my question is: is there a way to make a video follow the shape of an object? so i can make this ink footage adapt to different mask forms, for example a circle or a triangle, or even more complicated forms like, i dont know a human silhouette?
i am thinking something that stretches the video along a path with the shape of the object may be the solution.
I want to fade a text layer with bevel, gradient overlay, and stroke, and mask only seems to fade the gradient, not the original text color, so it doesn't blend with the bg. I can't use gradient overlay for fade either because I'm already using it and it won't fade the stroke anyway.
I am drawing animations with the brush tool onto a black solid layer which is set to add blending mode.
My goal is to create a mask on the solid layer to hide a certain area of what I drew... but it doesn't change anything.
I noticed when I add another effect to the layer (such as curves) the mask does hide that area of the effect, but thats not exactly what I'm trying to do.
I have a video clip of a train moving across the tracks. The camera also pans to follow the path of the train. I want text to sit on the top of the first car of the train as its travels from left to right.
I used Track Camera and then parented text to the Null object.
The problem is that the text has to adjust in size and perspective as the train moves along.
I have tried keyframing these options but the result appears jittery and jumpy as if the text is dancing on top of the train.
The text should be the exact width of the first train.
Tiny in the distance and then large as it approaches cameras.
Also, there appears to be a bug with the text object not displaying the font correctly. I have tried many fonts and each appears inconsistent. I have attached a screen grab.
The red text is how the characters should appear given my font choice. The red is NOT tied to the null object; its just a text layer. The black font is tied to the null object. You can obserce that certain characters are bold and others not. Overall this looks nothing like the font is supposed to appear.
Please note that both titles are the same font. password for the vimeo clip is : train-tracker
I work a lot for companies doing big media installations (auto motor shows for example) where we have huge resolutions, which often exceed the maximum comp size of 30.000px in width.
Is this limitation still there in CC? And if so, why can't it be set higher? With LED technology getting better the resolutions are skyrocketing (I already worked on 3mm pixel pitch LED panels)
Also something that goes in conjunction with this: Mask Feather size, which is limited to 1000px in AE CS6 and lower. Any change there in CC?If this limitations would be removed, it would be a good argument for CC.
I am trying to sample a picture of a moving river and add Layer effects to it. I am having trouble with Cloning Tool, have never used Slicer Tool, and really lost to be honest.
Basically I'd like to draw a river and add samples of a real picture of a river, like rocks from the river, etc.
I'm following some tutorials on digital tutors and I see that an easy way to preview the frames is just by simply moving the time indicator, and the frames will play in real time by just moving the current-time indicator back and forth.
However, it doesn't work for me for some reason, when I move my current time idncator, the only thing see is the frame what it was on, and won't update until I let go of time time indicator.
I need a smart object mask, I converted the layer to a smart object, using the mask panel to add a mask, I'm not getting a smart object mask instead a regular layer mask. I searched the adobe documentation.
I am animating comps in After Effects CS6, and I'm quickly moving objects across the screen using positioning keyframes and changing size using scaling keyframes. Most of the time it works great; but sometimes the motion blur effect keeps appearing *after* the object has stopped moving. Not just for a second -- but forever. It appears correct when scrubbing on the timeline, but when I render the final output movie, a non-moving object sometimes has motion blur all over it.
Sometimes I can fix it by un-parenting some layers inside the comp... other times it doesn't fix it. Sometimes I just delete it and start over and it works. Seems more like a bug then something I'm doing wrong.
I also tried on my Mac Pro tower and Macbook Pro laptop in case it was a graphics card issue; it isn't, the exact same problem manifests itself in both areas. I did just discover that turning continuous raster OFF does seem to fix the problem--but then my vector images are blurry when I zoom in... and that again sounds more like a bug, not like an incorrect setting.