After Effects :: Motion Tracker With Text On Moving Train
Dec 10, 2013
I have a video clip of a train moving across the tracks. The camera also pans to follow the path of the train. I want text to sit on the top of the first car of the train as its travels from left to right.
I used Track Camera and then parented text to the Null object.
The problem is that the text has to adjust in size and perspective as the train moves along.
I have tried keyframing these options but the result appears jittery and jumpy as if the text is dancing on top of the train.
The text should be the exact width of the first train.
Tiny in the distance and then large as it approaches cameras.
Also, there appears to be a bug with the text object not displaying the font correctly. I have tried many fonts and each appears inconsistent. I have attached a screen grab.
The red text is how the characters should appear given my font choice. The red is NOT tied to the null object; its just a text layer. The black font is tied to the null object. You can obserce that certain characters are bold and others not. Overall this looks nothing like the font is supposed to appear.
Please note that both titles are the same font. password for the vimeo clip is : train-tracker
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Dec 17, 2013
I use After Effects CC and am having trouble with the 3D camera tracker. Here is a link to the video where you can see my problem.URL....
The video works fine, until at the end, when the camera moves through the text. When it moves through the text, it starts to "shake" the text. When the camera moves back away from the text, it stops shaking again.
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Sep 3, 2013
I have a 3D Camera Tracker and 3D Text that I would like to have a shadow for in AE CC (CS6)
I created a light and a white solid. I oriented the white solid to the plane of the footage and positioned the light such that I see the shadow cast on the white solid layer. However, I can still see the white solid (obviously, I only want to see the shadow) If I change the white solid layer settings to "Accept Shadows" from "On" to "Only" the shadow disappears along with the opacity of the solid.
I'm using the Ray-traced 3D renderer.
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Jun 30, 2012
I am animating comps in After Effects CS6, and I'm quickly moving objects across the screen using positioning keyframes and changing size using scaling keyframes. Most of the time it works great; but sometimes the motion blur effect keeps appearing *after* the object has stopped moving. Not just for a second -- but forever. It appears correct when scrubbing on the timeline, but when I render the final output movie, a non-moving object sometimes has motion blur all over it.
Sometimes I can fix it by un-parenting some layers inside the comp... other times it doesn't fix it. Sometimes I just delete it and start over and it works. Seems more like a bug then something I'm doing wrong.
I also tried on my Mac Pro tower and Macbook Pro laptop in case it was a graphics card issue; it isn't, the exact same problem manifests itself in both areas. I did just discover that turning continuous raster OFF does seem to fix the problem--but then my vector images are blurry when I zoom in... and that again sounds more like a bug, not like an incorrect setting.
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Mar 2, 2011
Im working on a miniature train project of PLTW... I have completed the train and made a track for it... but i can't figure out how to create a drive/motion constraint that would make it go along the track.
(All the files are in a zip folder that is attached)
PS... if you go to this youtube video you can see what im trying to do: [URL].......
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Nov 23, 2013
I am working on a project where I am incorporating 3d text into a shot with an onscreen talent speaking to the camera. I am trying to get the text to only move when the camera moves such as a pan or a hand held shake, making it look like it's part of the environment. It will track with the camera and looks great until my talent /subject moves, then the text moves with the subject. What am I doing wrong in my tracking? I have looked up tutorials and articles searching for others who have had this problem and cannot find anything that replicates my issue. Every tutorial I've seen does the same thing with fantastic results but I can never get the text to not move with my subject.
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Apr 5, 2013
When I take a clip from Premeire Pro with no effects on it, replace with after effects composition --> then try to apply the 3D camera tracker in After Effects (CS6) I get the error message "3D Camera Tracker analysis doesn't work with Collapse Transformations (514) ( 25 :: 101 ).
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Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to use a tracker to move a spark effect around. I'm Using Monster GT Smoke.
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Dec 3, 2013
what i want to do is to draw a line that represents a train trace over the ground. I started using the camera tracker and creating a null and a camera and then got lost.
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Apr 2, 2013
So I've been trying to follow some 3d camera tracker tutorials to the tee but I keep having the same problem. When I go to render the video instead of the character staying in a fixed spot it starts to bounce all over the video.
This is the main tutorial I've been trying to follow; [URL]
My error rate is only .73.
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May 31, 2013
I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around itself.
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Sep 6, 2012
I am in the process of creating a Action/War scene where the characters will be still (Meaning not moving or frozen), but there will be a camera that moves/pans around them showing the different characters and the things they are doing. Now, I have two questions to this. Since there will be some weapons (mainly guns and such), is it possible to create a muzzle flash while making it appear frozen to the eye? As in making a muzzle flash and using only a piece of it (make in mid flash) and using that as the still visual effect. Can this be done? Because from what I remember...creating a Muzzle Flash requires particles, which has a moving animation to them.
My second question is....Which one would be better at making a actuate muzzle flash (in this case a still muzzle flash), PF Source or FumeFX? Which one would make a really actuate looking muzzle flash and while preserving a frozen action look?
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Aug 9, 2006
How do you create motion blur - that is, blurring in one direction to make it look like the object is moving?
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May 21, 2011
Motion Paths won't display. I'm using the latest updates for AE CS5 and nVidia. Motion Paths have never been visible in AE CS5 all the way back to nVidia driver version 178.x, in fact.
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Sep 25, 2013
Where is the Pixel Motion Blur in AE CS6? When I type Pixel Motion Blur in the Effects Search, nothing comes up.
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Apr 23, 2013
I have a clip where I have tracked the motion of two eyes (not the eyemovement, but the location). The tracking is awesome by the way. The placeholders are following the movement very good. My goal is to have some kind of effect on the eyes (scary, sci-fi etc), like lens flare coming out of them. But I can't figure out how to add this effect to the motion I have tracked. I have tried adding the effect to the place holders, but it looks very ugly and they are still just a couple of squares.
how I can add an effect to a motion track like this..?
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Mar 19, 2014
I am motion tracking a logo out of my clip by using simple motion tracking. The shot is a bit shakey but the tracker does a pretty good job, then afterwards to be certian I am going through frame by frame to ensure the entire logo is blurred out. (Its fairly big). And doing minor adjustments if need be.
After rendering the clip in my composition window and watching it, its plays through nicely, exacly how I want it.
The I hit (Command M) to "Make Movie" and render my clip out. I use "Best Settings" and render it out, the issue here is that when it is rendering, my blur becomes out of place and does NOT follow the logo like it should be. It jumps around, it dosent completely leave the logo, and jump all over the screen, but it makes the logo clealy visible. But it somewhat follows the logo across the screen in a horizintal matter, but does not stay in place like how the motion tracker/I set it to be.
This is weird to me because I have blurred out several things in the film using the same method already, and for some reason this one is just not working.
I am on MAC OSX 10.9.2
Running Creative Suite CS5
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Sep 5, 2013
Everytime I´m near finishing my project the image that should be tracking motion disappear.
I have a clip, and then I want to paste a picture into it that have a moving mouth. I think I'm on the right track
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Jan 15, 2014
I am trying to use a mask and keep it still while a motion tracked video moves around inside it.
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Feb 5, 2014
I was wondering if you could draw a motion path for objects to follow. I have multiple objects(12) that all need to follow on the same path. Do I have to animate all of them individually, or can I draw a path? These objects are NOT masks. They are text imported from Illustrator(CS6).
If Microsoft Powerpoint can do it, then surely Adobe can...
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Feb 7, 2014
Why is there a 600% limit to Motion Scale? Why can't I zoom into a video to 2000% if I wanted? (I have to export to after effects).
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Dec 3, 2013
My after effects is not showing the full bezier curve. The star is supposed to bounce from upper left to upper right.The curve is cropped. How to adjust this?
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Jun 17, 2013
My imported avi file plays in slow motion and staggers. just started AE but pretty ok with Photoshop. its AVCHD , 50 frames per second
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Jul 3, 2013
I'm trying to assign a motion path to the light rays effect on one of my layers but i can't seem to find a way to do it and google has turned up nothing. the problem is the effect needs to be on a certain layer in order to make the effect look right but i don't want the layer to move i only want to affect the centre point of the effect. i can assign key frames and animate it to move in straight lines but i need it to move in a curve and there seems to be no way to alter the motion path or assign it to one on a null layer.
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Sep 23, 2013
How do you add the motion path of a tracking point to a clone stamp without the clone stamp assuming the same initial/continuous positions of the tracking point?
Is there a way to keep the clone stamp's initial position and then add the path onto it?I am using the clone stamp to remove unwanted duct tape that was used to keep lights on a wall.
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Aug 31, 2013
I'm rendering at 1920x1080HD 25fps. Used the expression found on numerous threads including this one to generate whole number pixel shifts per frame.
t = time;fr = t/thisComp.frameDuration;x = value [0];s = 4; //Speed in pixels per frame [x, fr*s]
I generated the text and images in InDesign and exported as a PDF. Imported PDF into AE. Have tried a few whole number values for s including 4 and still getting judder.
Generated to H264 and Apple Pro Res codecs doesn't seem to make much difference to judder.Here is my AE project with PDF. Here is output as H264 (40MB).
Also included a Quartz Composer file .where I created the same whole number pixel movement as AE but rendering it out in Quartz Crystal I get different judder but no better. Quartz Composer previews in real time and Quartz Crystal renders same project that took some 16min+ in AE in about 30 seconds. But no smoother output — even when applying AA and Motion Blur at render time.
Any video encoder where I can down-sample say a 75 fps render to 25 fps with frame blending? Does Apple's Compressor do frame blending? What about some other app that I can get this out smoothly from. I have FCP installed but have never done a title in it either.
Since my Dell only has 60Hz at full native res (2560x1440) I set it to 1080p and selected 50Hz to see if that effected anything but it makes absolutely no difference to playback smoothness.
OS X 10.7.5
AMD Radeon HD 6750M 1024 MB
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Jun 18, 2013
I'm scaling and repositioning my composition at several points. A curious thing keeps happening though. My composition is moving it's self in between all my points even when they are the same on both sides. I'll have two keyframes with exactly the same positions at different times and in between those exact same keyframes I'll have the composition moving... I have everything symetrical.
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Dec 8, 2013
I need to blur a moving object:
- The effect is only needed at some point of the video, it must appear, and then disappear, not being on screen the whole time.
- The object is moving, and changing shape, the blur must adapt to it.
- I've been trying to use the "Track Motion" option with Position & Rotation, then the "Analyze Forward" button, but the thing makes a mess all over, it's not following the object at all, then if You try to adjust it manually, it's only done in 1 frame, in the other frames the thing is off the object, then the "Tracking" stays on screen.
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Aug 1, 2004
how to make
text shown in speeding motion.
I'll be making a text...
"SPEED" on fast moving image background.
I am using photoshop 7.0
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Oct 22, 2013
whereby I can draw an arrow on a clip within AE CC and have the point of the arrow locked to a person head as they move along i.e. I wish to 'point out' an individual in marathon. This will be transferred back into PremPro for further editing.
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Jan 22, 2014
is it possible to move a layer (with a mask) without affecting its mask position and without precomposing the layer? Much like in Photoshop, where you can achieve this by using vector masks. Let`s say I have a video-layer that has a square mask added to it. The mask is already perfectly positioned in the comp. I don`t want to move or adjust it any further. But I`m not pleased with the framing of the source material. If I`m moving the frame then, the masks moves along with it. Is there a way to get rid of this cohesion of mask and layer?
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