3ds Max :: Still Motion Action Scene With Moving Camera?

Sep 6, 2012

I am in the process of creating a Action/War scene where the characters will be still (Meaning not moving or frozen), but there will be a camera that moves/pans around them showing the different characters and the things they are doing. Now, I have two questions to this. Since there will be some weapons (mainly guns and such), is it possible to create a muzzle flash while making it appear frozen to the eye? As in making a muzzle flash and using only a piece of it (make in mid flash) and using that as the still visual effect. Can this be done? Because from what I remember...creating a Muzzle Flash requires particles, which has a moving animation to them.

My second question is....Which one would be better at making a actuate muzzle flash (in this case a still muzzle flash), PF Source or FumeFX? Which one would make a really actuate looking muzzle flash and while preserving a frozen action look?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Creating A 3D Scene In Action

Jan 19, 2014

I'm bulding a 3d scene, I'm taking a bunch of trees from photoshop layers and creating a silhouetted treeline. But I also need to use the treeline as a matte for some video in the action. 
how I could create my treeline, and use a copy of it as a matte for some other media in the same action node?

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VideoStudio :: Losing Scene Data When Moving Clips (9)

May 26, 2011

VS9 enables users to virtually split clips by scene before adding them to the work space. It does not split the actual file but just keeps pointers to the various scenes. VS9 keeps this data in a file named scenedb.dat. However if the clip is moved to a different location then the scene information is not re-linked and is essentially lost (as far as VS is concerned) although the data is still in the scenedb.dat.

Is there any way to go around this problem and recover the scene info after a clip is moved?

That is, besides not moving the clips to a different folder than the one it was in when the scene data was first generated and/or re-generating the scen information?

I tried simple editing of the file path in the .dat file but this does not seem to work. It would be nice to understand the encoding rule for the scenedb.dat file to 1) update it 2) use it to generate some index db outside of VS (e.g. html page).

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3ds Max Animation :: Merging Animated Camera From Another Scene

Nov 22, 2011

When I merge an animated camera from another scene, the movement setting keys for the camera and target are there, but it appears that animated exposure settings are not. Is there a way to import those with the camera, as well?

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VideoStudio :: Can't Use Camera For Stop Motion?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a Canon SX50 HS digital camera that's (in my opinion) a great camera. I don't know if it's a DSLR or not but if it's supported or not to make stop motion videos? Also, why not??? Really??? My webcam works with stop motion but my Canon camera can't? I paid 500.00 for a camera that I can't use with VS Ultimate X6? If not, whats so Ultimate about it?

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Photoshop :: How To Have One Camera Affect View Of All 3D Layers In Scene

Sep 26, 2013

Just trying to work out how to have one camera affect the view of all the 3D layers in my scene.  If I have a layer selected, and adjust the camera, it only affects that layer.

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Maya Animation :: Camera Movement Around A Scene / Along A Path

Nov 23, 2010

I'm new to Maya 2011 and simply put, I need to know the basics of animating a camera around a scene, along a path, slowing down and speeding up, how to move the point of interest, that type of thing.

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Photoshop :: Motion Blur To Make It Look Like The Object Is Moving

Aug 9, 2006

How do you create motion blur - that is, blurring in one direction to make it look like the object is moving?

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After Effects :: Motion Tracker With Text On Moving Train

Dec 10, 2013

I have a video clip of a train moving across the tracks.  The camera also pans to follow the path of the train.  I want text to sit on the top of the first car of the train as its travels from left to right.
I used Track Camera and then parented text to the Null object. 
The problem is that the text has to adjust in size and perspective as the train moves along.     

I have tried keyframing these options but the result appears jittery and jumpy as if the text is dancing on top of the train.     

The text should be the exact width of the first train.  

Tiny in the distance and then large as it approaches cameras.  
Also, there appears to be a bug with the text object not displaying the font correctly.   I have tried many fonts and each appears inconsistent. I have attached a screen grab. 
The red text is how the characters should appear given my font choice.  The red is NOT tied to the null object; its just a text layer.     The black font is tied to the null object.  You can obserce that certain characters are bold and others not. Overall this looks nothing like the font is supposed to appear.

Please note that both titles are the same font. password for the vimeo clip is :  train-tracker

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3ds Max Animation :: Inverting Camera And Object Motion?

Mar 2, 2012

I am tracking points on a moving object, it doesn’t deform, it tracks nice. Using Matchmover. Back in Max, it sees it as a static object, and the camera is moving around it.

Any way to invert the animation between a camera and an object so the other one is the one that moves, but they retain the same relational animation? Did that make sense? Right now the object (represented by a Group of 3D tracked points) is still but the camera moves, I want this opposite, the camera is still but the tracked points move, and it looks the same through the camera.

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VideoStudio :: Finding Good Camera For Stop Motion?

Mar 28, 2012

My son has taken an interest in creating stop-motion animation with his Lego building sets using Corel Video Studio 4. I have experimented with using our video camera (JVC Everio) as well as several of our digital cameras (Nikon "Coolpix", a semi-generic Canon, etc.) to capture the images "live" and then import them using the stop-motion creator in the CVS4 program with no luck. The best I can do is use a webcam. The problem is that the lens aperture and resolution on the webcam is so small that it creates a sub-optimal image.

I am thinking I will need to invest in a DSLR (which I have been thinking about getting anyway) in order to effectively use this feature. suggest a DSLR that will merge with CVS4 and allow me to capture the image live from the camera and produce better animations? I have looked at a Nikon d3100 and the Canon EOS Rebel - leaning toward the Nikon (for no particular reason) but want to make absolutely sure it will interface with CVS4 like this.

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VideoStudio :: Any Way To Make Title Stationary While Camera In Panning Motion

Jan 3, 2013

I am very familiar with the editing software I have (Video Studio Pro X3). I was wondering if there was a way to make your title stationary, while the camera is in a panning motion for instance.

For example, I want to pan right to left and have my title sitting on a tree branch the whole time stationary as if it were "in the scene" I searched forever to find an example but came up with nothing.

I do understand if this editing software just isn't capable just want to know if it is possible.

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Maya Animation :: How To Attach Camera On Same Motion Path As Plane

Oct 10, 2011

a few things involving cameras. My assignment was to use our plane that we modeled with poly's and animate it on a motion path(used cv curve tool) and have a camera above it follow it. Now I got that down perfect.

But what I don't have a clue on, is how do I attach a camera on the same motion path as the plane and have a camera angle right behind the spinning propeller? Like a cockpit view.

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After Effects :: Motion Blur Effect Doesn't Stop After The Comp Stops Moving?

Jun 30, 2012

I am animating comps in After Effects CS6, and I'm quickly moving objects across the screen using positioning keyframes and changing size using scaling keyframes.  Most of the time it works great; but sometimes the motion blur effect keeps appearing *after* the object has stopped moving.  Not just for a second -- but forever.  It appears correct when scrubbing on the timeline, but when I render the final output movie, a non-moving object sometimes has motion blur all over it. 
Sometimes I can fix it by un-parenting some layers inside the comp...  other times it doesn't fix it.  Sometimes I just delete it and start over and it works.  Seems more like a bug then something I'm doing wrong.
I also tried on my Mac Pro tower and Macbook Pro laptop in case it was a graphics card issue; it isn't, the exact same problem manifests itself in both areas.  I did just discover that turning continuous raster OFF does seem to fix the problem--but then my vector images are blurry when I zoom in...  and that again sounds more like a bug, not like an incorrect setting.

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Photoshop :: Transfer Camera Raw Preset To Action

Dec 12, 2012

If it's possible to transfer the adjustments I did on Camera Raw / LightRoom to a Photoshop action?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Action Camera On Path With Look At

Nov 25, 2013

I'm doing an animation with simple camera moves. One of them is a camera moving slightly around an object. I want to make a "look at" or similar, so that the object is always in center no mater where i move the camera. This works untill i connect the camera to a 3D path - then the aim follows the path - not the camera :-|
How can i animate a camera on a path and make the aim stick to a certain location in my scene?An extra question: How can i make an object move at a steady speed on a path no matter how i drew my path (hope this makes sense)?

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Photoshop :: Batch Action For Raw Files From Different Camera Models?

Oct 11, 2012

I want to create a batch action that will process raw files by setting their workflow resolution option and image settings in camera raw.   I can create a batch action by recording an open command for a raw file, setting the workflow resolution and image settings, and then stopping the action recording. 
This creates an open action which captures the resolution , images settings instruction , and other settings for camera raw, but it also captures the camera model and workflow options are specific to a camera model.   If I then use the action on multiple raw files from different cameras, raw files from the camera specified in the 'open' step will get processed as I want, but raw files from any other camera model will get processed with whatever workflow resolution option was used the last time I manually opened a file from that model in ACR.
I tried recording an 'open' step by bringing raw files from 3 different cameras into ACR and selecting to open them in photoshop, but that created three 'open'  steps, one for each camera model, in the action.  Running that action produced three versions of every image from every camera model.  No good.
How can I create an action that will set the workflow resolution option based on the camera model, when images from different camera models are being processed in the batch?
I am using PSCS5 and ACR 6.7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Why Does The Zoom Change When Add Camera Action

Oct 8, 2009

I'm using inventor 2010, In studio mode, I adjust the zoom or view that I want my camera to end with, when I click "Add camera action" bottom, that zoom change in or out,

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Maya Animation :: How To Get Random Motion In Camera Animation

Nov 29, 2010

Was wondering if there is a way of getting random camera movements? For example, i am doing a fly through of an earthquake scene and as the camera animates along the street it randomly shakes with the earthquake shocks.

I know I could animate it by hand but I wondered if there was a way (perhaps an expression) to make it more simple?

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3ds Max Animation :: Moving Camera While Changing FOV

May 17, 2011

I am trying to move my camera from an angle shot, to a side field with no FOV. I can't use 0 FOV because iray won't render it properly. So I animation the FOV from 45 to 2. The problem is that I have to move the camera so far away from the object to make the shot fill the camera with an FOV of 2. My camera appears to move way out and then zoom in again on the object. It's not actually doing this, but the combination of the FOV animation and the distance the camera moves is making it appear to move far away, then zoom in again. Is there some trick for animation FOV?

my specs are this quad processors, 8 Gb RAM, windows xp64bit, 3ds max 2011

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Making Layers Not Respond To 3D Camera In Action

Dec 11, 2012

I have a 3d scene (FBX) with a 3d camera, rendered 3d elements and filmed elements that need to be comped in a way that required some layers to respond to the 3d camera and some need to stay 2d. Because some of the 2d layers need to occlude layers in 3d space it is not practical to pre comp.

Is there way in Action to get a a layer to ignore a 3d camera or respond to a different camera? In AE for example you would toggle the 3d layer setting.

Also is there a way to make a layer auto orientate towards the camera?

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Lightroom :: Moving Instead Of Copying Files From Camera?

Jul 10, 2009

When I use Lightroom to move photos from my camera to my computer, I want it to automatically delete the copied files from my camera. How do I do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Studio - Unintended Zoom Out When Pressing Add Camera Action?

Mar 25, 2013

I am making an animation in Inventor Studio. I have created all my sequences for fading and constraint animations, and now I only need to move the camera around my assembly while zooming in and out with focus on the animations.

The way I have done it so far, is as following: Created a camera (Camera1).Set my view where I wanted the camera to start.Rightclick on Camera1 and set camera to view.Then go in a few seconds on my timeline, move my view to a new area and finally "Add camera action". I've done this a couple of times with success, but now I can't do it again.

As soon as I move my view to another area, and press "Add camera action", it does as intended, but now it zooms out, making the animated area small and hard to see. I want it to be zoomed in on a detailed area, but it's changing the view to the whole assembly.

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Lightroom :: Moving RAW Files From Fujifilm X-E2 Camera To IMac Running OS X 10.9.1?

Jan 18, 2014

I want to move RAW files from a Fujifilm X-E2 camera to an iMac running OS X 10.9.1.  Is Lightroom 5 compatible with these two devices? 

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GIMP :: Moving Selected Area Versus Moving Selection / Moving Whole Image

Mar 22, 2012

I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.

If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.

The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.

How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Manipulate Column Offset Of Array Action With Stretch Action

Jan 28, 2011

Sure wish you could manipulate the Column Offset of an Array Action with a Stretch Action.


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Photoshop :: Can't Open File From Nikon D7100 / Camera Profile / In Camera RAW Plugin

Sep 15, 2013

Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Studio Camera Animation - Camera Rolling On Selected Path

Jun 2, 2010

For some reason when using the path option in inventor studio for camera animation the camera rolls for no reason?? I have created two helical curve sketches around my product, the outer curve is the path for the camera and the inner curve is the path for the target. Both curves are the same height and have 1 revolution. When i play the camera it works out fine untill it hits 1/4 of the way through and suddenly flips 180 degrees so now the camera is upside down, once it hits 3/4 of the way it flips back again to the correct rotation. If i dont create an inner curve for the target and place the target directly in the centre of my product with no path to follow the camera spins all over the place when it follows the curve.

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Photoshop Elements :: Camera Model Not Supported By Installed Version Of Camera Raw

Dec 22, 2013

I am using Photoshop Elements 11, using WIndows 7 Operating System. I have a new camera Canon Rebel T5i, and having problem viewing images in raw format (cr2).Message in PE11, states, "Camera model not supported by installed version of Camera raw."
Canon software views images. Suspect my minimum camera raw plug in version does not support this new camera..I am unable to locate in the software any menu item that allows me to view the camera raw plug  in version.

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After Effects :: 3d Camera Tracker Applying Key Frames To Camera And Not Null Object?

May 31, 2013

I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around itself.

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Photoshop :: Choices In Camera Calibration Tab Inside Camera Raw Plugin

Nov 13, 2012

Have no choices in the camera calibration tab inside camera raw plugin. Use CS3 and Raw 4.6. Are choices only available in later version or PS? Also in Raw preferences choice for camera serial number and also setting as defaults. Where to enter serial  number etc.

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