After Effects :: Make 3D Text Not Glitch / When A 3D Camera Tracker Goes Across Text?
Dec 17, 2013
I use After Effects CC and am having trouble with the 3D camera tracker. Here is a link to the video where you can see my problem.URL....
The video works fine, until at the end, when the camera moves through the text. When it moves through the text, it starts to "shake" the text. When the camera moves back away from the text, it stops shaking again.
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Nov 23, 2013
I am working on a project where I am incorporating 3d text into a shot with an onscreen talent speaking to the camera. I am trying to get the text to only move when the camera moves such as a pan or a hand held shake, making it look like it's part of the environment. It will track with the camera and looks great until my talent /subject moves, then the text moves with the subject. What am I doing wrong in my tracking? I have looked up tutorials and articles searching for others who have had this problem and cannot find anything that replicates my issue. Every tutorial I've seen does the same thing with fantastic results but I can never get the text to not move with my subject.
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Sep 3, 2013
I have a 3D Camera Tracker and 3D Text that I would like to have a shadow for in AE CC (CS6)
I created a light and a white solid. I oriented the white solid to the plane of the footage and positioned the light such that I see the shadow cast on the white solid layer. However, I can still see the white solid (obviously, I only want to see the shadow) If I change the white solid layer settings to "Accept Shadows" from "On" to "Only" the shadow disappears along with the opacity of the solid.
I'm using the Ray-traced 3D renderer.
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Dec 10, 2013
I have a video clip of a train moving across the tracks. The camera also pans to follow the path of the train. I want text to sit on the top of the first car of the train as its travels from left to right.
I used Track Camera and then parented text to the Null object.
The problem is that the text has to adjust in size and perspective as the train moves along.
I have tried keyframing these options but the result appears jittery and jumpy as if the text is dancing on top of the train.
The text should be the exact width of the first train.
Tiny in the distance and then large as it approaches cameras.
Also, there appears to be a bug with the text object not displaying the font correctly. I have tried many fonts and each appears inconsistent. I have attached a screen grab.
The red text is how the characters should appear given my font choice. The red is NOT tied to the null object; its just a text layer. The black font is tied to the null object. You can obserce that certain characters are bold and others not. Overall this looks nothing like the font is supposed to appear.
Please note that both titles are the same font. password for the vimeo clip is : train-tracker
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May 31, 2013
I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around itself.
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Apr 5, 2013
When I take a clip from Premeire Pro with no effects on it, replace with after effects composition --> then try to apply the 3D camera tracker in After Effects (CS6) I get the error message "3D Camera Tracker analysis doesn't work with Collapse Transformations (514) ( 25 :: 101 ).
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Apr 2, 2013
So I've been trying to follow some 3d camera tracker tutorials to the tee but I keep having the same problem. When I go to render the video instead of the character staying in a fixed spot it starts to bounce all over the video.
This is the main tutorial I've been trying to follow; [URL]
My error rate is only .73.
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Nov 24, 2012
I'm a bit lost on why AE is doing this.
I create a null object and make it a 3d layer. I rotate it 90 degrees on the Y axis and then start rotation the X, and Z axis and they do the exact same thing. whats the deal?
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Oct 7, 2013
A while ago I found a really easy way to make text effects - like fire text etc. It was from a drop down menu and was something like "create logo".
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May 12, 2011
When using the TXTEXP command to explode text in Map 2012, the resulting text/lines are 1/12th their original size and automatically move to a different location (see the attached jpg). This behavior occurs in all drawings being edited in Map 2012 (my colleague who is still using 2011 has no problems exploding text, and neither did I until I upgraded to the new version...)
Although the results are odd, they seem to be consistently odd in that 1) the text is always scaled down by 1/12th, and 2) the text/lines always move to the upper right hand portion of the view screen (Model or Paper space, doesn't matter), right below the Minimize/Restore Down/Close icons. Using the explode text command via the ribbon vs. typing it makes no difference. Fiddling with the original text properties (i.e. making it annotative, changing the orientation or Z coordinates, etc.) also makes no difference in the resulting lines.
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May 9, 2004
I was adding in some text to a hand drawn image that I scanned in. I put in the first label and it was going smoothly, then I highlighted it and changed the font and the black lettering I put in disappeared.
It still seems to be there, and it shows up in the Layers box. It's just as though the opacity has been turned down to 0% (which it hasn't). It's not stuck behind another layer and it's not the same colour as the background. I can still copy/paste text in and out but I can't make the text visible. Even if I put a colour overlay using the Layer/Layer Styles/Blending Options, it still won't show up.
Even if I start a new image, the same thing happens when I try and put new text in. Basically, my ability to add text to an image has been totally incapacitated.
Have I leant on the keyboard and triggered a short cut I didn't know about? Is it a glitch or a screw up with the program.
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Oct 15, 2013
On a windows 7 machine I am having issues with Photoshop CS6 13.0.1 x64 Extended writing in the wrong direction, its goinf RTL instead of LTR. And the Text direction button that is suppsed to be in the Paragraphs palette is missing. I deleted preferences twice and that didnt change anything. I switched back and forth between Midles Eastern and East Asian, and that did nothing as well.
I look at my laptop MBP (MAC OS X 10.6), which has PS CS6 Extended 13.0.5 x64, and I dont have the problem with it being locked in RTL, however, my laptop doesnt have the text direction button either, and doing the previous methods did not give me that option. Is there something special I have to download in order to get it or something?
Just so you know I hav read this thread, and tried all of the Methods and NONE of them worked for EITHER Operating System.Also here is a Video for Windows 7 and a video for MAC OS X and the do opposite methods switching to either to East Asian or Middle East(both videos do the oppposite).
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Apr 12, 2011
max 2012 camera tracker not work (i.e) the stepper dose nothing and trackers diapear from video player.
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Apr 8, 2013
Whenever I edit text in the pop-up dialog, there is usually an extra line inserted at the top of the text (a blank first line). I can't get rid of this extra line through the pop-up edit window, I can only delete it using the text tool directly on the page. This only started with the latest update.
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Jul 23, 2013
I'm trying to use a tracker to move a spark effect around. I'm Using Monster GT Smoke.
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Dec 17, 2013
I think I may have made a big error. While adding text and applying (experimenting) various "Effects" with the text, I used the garbage can icon to remove the "Effect", thinking it is going to remove the 'Effect" from the text, until I realized I had to remove the "Effect" with the edit button, not the garbage can. Have I now permanently removed the various "Effects" permanently or just off the screen? How do I regain them back onto the menu column? How many "Effects" should be visible in order to have the complete set? This was my first experiment with the lettering effects and hope I haven't lost them forever.
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Jul 17, 2013
Is there a way to make non rectangular text boxes in Xara designer? Say I have a star shaped object in the page and I want the text INSIDE the star.
Also, is there a way to color fill a text box?
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Mar 22, 2012
Way back when I originally bought PSP X3, I used it for a short while then went back to X2. Mostly because the X3 text tool would not remember text I had used. Now I've recovered from a hard-drive death and want to move forward and use my X3.
How can I make the X3 text tool remember text?
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Dec 14, 2006
Make new text on button replacing old text.
Keep outer background and colour.
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Feb 16, 2003
[?] How do you make circular text in Photoshop?
Say, you have a circle, any round shape at all, and you want to type along that shape, inside or outside of it. How do you do it?
My aim, actually, is to type along a CURVE. It's not a circle, it's a WAVE. And I'd like my text to follow along this wave.
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Dec 5, 2013
how to make annotative text also hlep me with some file i don't know how to use this command what is function.
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Feb 27, 2014
I've made a fabulous Smoke Text effect that I then insert the .mov file into Final Cut Pro. The smoke effect I downloaded from the tutorial has a black background and therefore when rendered out, it's a basic white text against a black background. Once in FCP, I have to turn the file's opacity down in order for it to layer over a video file and not black out what I layer over it.
How can I make the file transparent? A simple toggle of the transparency grid isn't going to do it. I need to make or find a video of smoke that is transparent?
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Feb 28, 2013
For example, in the Scream And Shout Remix Video, there's an effect that randomly flashes, like they are a glitching hologram (for lack of better description). Such as in the attached pics....
How would I go about making something similar in Paint.Net?
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Apr 27, 2010
I need to do it quickly with many text regions. How to make line boundary around multi-line text region corresponding to text mask?
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May 12, 2011
Multi-body parts, using Make Components.
1) When you click the Browse folder icon to pick an Assembly to insert into, the 'Component Properties' dialog pops up, asking if you want to create a new assembly.
2) Whether you answer yes or no, no Browse Dialog pops up.
3) The path is left at the default of your workspace path. You can manually type in the path and Assembly name if you know it, but no ability to browse to it. It wants to create the new assembly in the default workspace folder.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012 / Subscription
Win 7/64
Dell Precision 670 / 8GB NVIDIA Quadro FX4500
Dell Precision M90 / 4GB NVIDIA Quadro MX2500
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Aug 24, 2013
I’m trying to add some text effects over my video, but I’m really stuck right now getting After Effects and Adobe Premier to work together.
From the tutorials I’ve watched online, I’ve been trying to create a dynamic link between the two programs so I could easily create texts and other effects in AE that immediately show up on my timeline in Premier. I've been able to create texts, but whatever I create in AE is not showing up on the Premier timeline. Am I missing a step? Also, when I load up my sequence into AE, all of the color correcting that I’ve done with Looks inside Premier goes away, and the clips appear as they did right out of the camera.
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Aug 1, 2013
I have made a short film of 6 minutes (in 6 parts on after effects) I have added all the effects and the camera work on AE, but it needs a lot of editing here and there, which I find impossible to do on AE since you can't cut and join scenes like Premier pro. I need to import all these sequences onto premier pro for editing now. The problem is once I import the files, it imports in the right order in systematic folders etc, but it doesn't show any of the camera work or the special effects like gaussian blur etc. All my hard work has gone.
There must be a way you can import the after effects file on premier the way it looks on AE.
Another problem is I read some boards and it has been suggested to edit the clips first on premier and then add effects on AE but I read this really late and I've already composited the whole film on AE. I just need premier for cutting now.
P.S: I also thought about exporting the AE sequences as TGA files but there's ZERO space left in my internal hard disk for that, and it would take forever to export them all anyway. Any other kind of export would reduce the original quality which I dont want, and which I dont have space for anyway, so that option is out as well.
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Jan 12, 2005
I am pretty new to Photoshop and I have come across a few things that I would love to do but I cant figure out how to do them. Also, I have elements so I'm not even sure if I can do them. Anyway one of the things I am trying to learn is how to put lines over an image. For example the very first picture on this site: ...
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Jun 24, 2013
I have downloaded a few lower thirds from a website and they download as .mov files.
I am trying to add text to them and lay them over some product spotlight videos for my work.
I was thinking that they were going to be in template form but they are not.
What is the best way to add text to these .mov lower third files?
I just have to create my own animation for the text to follow along the lower third?
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Jun 4, 2011
Text is allowed only on the outside of a rectangle shape. The text cursor disappears when I try to enter it into the rectangle and when I place it on the edge of the rectangle, it rurns into a slanted "A" and allows texting on the border of the rectangle. Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (build date Sept 7, 2010). This software came with my new HP Pavilion dv7.
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Jul 9, 2013
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
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