Xara :: How To Make Non-rectangular Text Boxes And Color Fill Text Box
Jul 17, 2013
Is there a way to make non rectangular text boxes in Xara designer? Say I have a star shaped object in the page and I want the text INSIDE the star.
Also, is there a way to color fill a text box?
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Mar 11, 2012
Is it possible in Xara to create a non-rectangular text area? For example, I'd like to create circular or oval text areas.
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Mar 19, 2011
i want to make a fill effect from a color to transparent and could not find any solution in xara designer; how do you do it??
see attachment made with fireworks
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Feb 13, 2013
I am wondering how, for example, I could fill the letters of text with a pattern or texture or image (...) I found on the internet (google images for instance). For example, I found a knit pattern I like and I want to fill the text words with that. How would I go about that?
In general, I am having some problems getting onto how to import various fonts, textures, etc.. that i find.. I've read the instructions and can't figure out where to place the folders, etc.. Any links to very detailed instructions would be great..
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Apr 25, 2011
I have a shape (an Open Book) that I would like to Fill the two Open (showing) Pages with Text -I thought of just making a smaller than the page text box under page shape for each page; but, then I thought I'd check with You Pros here and see if a Shape could have a 'Text' Fill...?
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Apr 17, 2012
I have been working on a document and reached a point where whenever I entered regular text, it showed as an outline of broken red lines (like a regular guidline). Changing fill and color etc has no effect. I can open a new document and enter text with normal results,but not in the existing document.
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Feb 16, 2012
Architecture 2009 running on Windows 7. Dell Precision T5400 with a Quadro FX570 graphics card.
I have lately been having some issues with text in Architecture 2009. I first noticed that within Mtext, when you hit the "UPPERCASE" or "lowercase" buttons, the text disappears in the editor, and no changes are made. Not the end of the world, but not handy.
Then it stopped letting me type in Mtext boxes at all. The return key seemed to work, but nothing else. Then it started converting text typed into Mtext boxes into (I think) Chinese characters. Really not handy. At this point I decided to try to reinstall. First I tried a repair, then reinstalled over the existing installation, then uninstalled completely and reinstalled from the disk. I've also done a windows restore, though as this has slowly been falling apart, I'm not sure when I should restore back to.
I have Mtext basic functionality back, but the "UPPERCASE" and "lowercase" buttons still make the text disappear.
Not sure if it's related, but I also get a Fatal Error e06d7363h at 758bd36fh about 4 or 5 times a day. Usually it's associated with the open command (ctrl+o), but sometimes it just happens at random.
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Mar 25, 2013
I am creating subway art and am creating various templates. I would like it so that when I have a text box with a 5 letter word, and I want to enter a longer word, they all fit and just kind of smush together rather than me having to fix the text boxes constantly.
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Feb 20, 2013
I am having trouble resizing text boxes with text in them, so that the text scales with the box.If I convert the text box the curves, it messes up the formatting when I add an outline to the curve because the text box itself is given a outline.
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Mar 27, 2012
Autocad Architecture 2012 crashed during hatch. Upon recovery, all my text was replaced with boxes. I suspect there is a system variable which was changed as part of the recovery process, but I can't find it.
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Apr 3, 2014
I have hundreds of diagrams in Microsoft word that need importing to Indesign. I have imported the illustration part of the diagrams via Illustrator but i now need to bring in the diagrams' text labelling.
The diagrams have a lot of text labels which each appear in their own text box, but if I save the .doc as an rtf and import it into InDesign, it imports all my individual textboxes into 1 large textbox which I can't seem to separate them from.
If I select one of my labels in Indesign and copy and paste it, it is now a separate text box - great, but InDesign won't let me select multiple text boxes within it's large text box and it just is not feasible for me to be selecting each box individually to cut and paste it.
Edit: Each individual text box (within the large textbox they have been imported into) appears to have been anchored on import. If I release the anchor this does what I need in the same way as cutting and pasting, but again, indesign won't let me select more than one and it would take far too long to select each box individually to release it. So I guess I'm either asking for a different import methos, or a way to select multiple textboxes that have been imported into a single text box.
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Dec 23, 2011
I want to convert a single text box to two separate text boxes (not multiline text). Let's say after the fifth character.
For example:
"Hello World"
And I want to change it into:
"Hello" "World"
And I will move them separately like:
"Hello" _______ "World"
_______ "World"
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Nov 6, 2012
How do we fill a text box with a certain color. Tried background mash from properties but it wont work.
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May 30, 2012
if there is a way to make the MENU text (file, edit, arrange, utilities, etc) larger in Designer Pro 6?
All other programs on the computer are a good size, it seems that this one is the odd one out. I don't want to change the screen resolution generally.
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Jan 25, 2014
I don't know what I did but the text now always defaults to a line color. I can change the color but I don't want a line around the text period! How do I set the default back to no line color at all?
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Feb 17, 2011
If there was a better way to handle changing the color of text or object as it goes over an underlying object.
Please see the attached file for an example and details of how I did it.
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Mar 21, 2011
I am working on an animated gif, and so with bitmaps, to which I am adding text in Xara.All of the text that I create seems to want to be gray. I have tried changing transparency, I have tried setting my default color, and changing the color of the text.I have also checked to make sure that the text is not set to transparent. If I select the text, and then the transparency tool, it shows "No transparency", and the transparency is set at 0 percent. It is interesting that, if I move the percent transparency above 0 percent and then back down to 0 percent, it changes to "None" in stead of "No transparency". Is "None" the same is "No transparency"?
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Oct 24, 2013
I have the fill color turned on in my dimension style to background. I want to adjust the "masking" box size. Just as you are able to in the text edit-background mask. I believe the default must be 1.25 larger than the text. I would like it to be 1.00. Is this possible? You can adjust the text background mask size, but not the dimension mask size.
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May 13, 2011
After typing in a shape. I decide to change the color fill of that object. But I can't see the text anymore.
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Feb 2, 2012
I want to fill the text box with white color so that the hatching in the views does not interfere with the text inside my text symbol.
as per my understanding this is not possible.. I thought of an alternative-- draw a rectangle instead of text box but was not able to find a way to make it fit to the length of the text. Note that : the text will be varying and so the text length.
Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013
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May 6, 2012
I am brand new to web design and I have Web Designer 6.0. I've looked at video instructions and can not figure this out. I am trying to group a simple rectangle filled with color to some text that will make the rectangle in the background, the text in front, and be one object. It says choose both objects and then group them, but I can choose the rectangle or the text, but not both. I know this is a simple thing to do, but I'm brand new and can't figure it out.
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Oct 28, 2013
I would like to set dimension text fill color to "background" instead of, you know, dimensioning my drawings properly.
I have this code I got on these forums and it works well except for the 'TextFillColor' variable. I can't find the correct color number or syntax for "Background'. It's currently set to 0 which produces ByBlock, and any number I put in there corresponds to the AutoCAD color number (1 = Red, 2 = Yellow, etc.)
If you have a better routine that you could post that works for me too. Or maybe you could just do my work for me? Even better.
(defun c:test (/ obj num cnt)
(setq ss1 (ssget '((0 . "Dimension")))
num (sslength ss1)
cnt 0)
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Apr 5, 2013
How does one make a document one color and type in text of a different color?
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Jun 12, 2013
Im working for a geological firm that use timescales to describe their work (depths at times etc). I need to compress the time bar but not alter the text but cant find way to do it. Im only scaling in 1 direction.
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Sep 11, 2013
Sometimesw you want to color the fill of a bitmap without the fuss of opening another app. For example, Bitmap files in corel color differently. Is there an equivalent to this in Xara?
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Mar 4, 2013
When I copy some text in Illustrator, say red text, and my color well is set to pink, the newly pasted text is now pink?
Here is a short video of the problem, me copying the top text and without changing anything, pasting it. Note the color-well is set to black
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May 22, 2012
Using: Xara Photo & Graphic Design 6
AMD Athlon II X2 255 Processor 3.10 GHz
2.00GB (1.75 GB usable) RAM
64-bit OS
I follow the tutorial in the Xara Help, but cannot get the results shown. I draw the circle, compose the text, and set it to the middle Select both circle and text Arrange/Fit Text to Curve....the text appears around the lower, right side of the cirle After all this I am unable to manipulate the text (It's a piece of cake to do this in Publisher 2010, but it has some minor problems in appearance)
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Jan 30, 2011
im trying to make/ add text that changes color to a image was wondering if there were any plugins or tuts that explain how to do this.
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May 23, 2011
I have a picture of text (non-latin characters) that is multicolored. Most of the text is black but certain words/letters are purple, red, blue, etc. and I want to get rid of them. The black and white tool works but the previously colored text is now a shade of gray instead of being pure black. I also played with the contrast and brightness but it the text bleeds and becomes unreadable. The background is also pure white.
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Jul 15, 2011
(Using XDP7)
I endlessly find that I have text line objects which I later wish had been proper text areas (because I want to control the size of their bounding box, for example).
Is there any sensible way to convert a text line object into a text area object - it's a bore to do it by creating a new text object and then cutting and pasting the text, and it is seemingly a trivial thing for the software to do automatically.
Alternatively, is there an option (perhaps a hidden one) to have all text objects created as areas rather than lines?
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Nov 26, 2011
Is it possible to change the alignment of text within a text area?
By default the text is located top left. Horizontal justification can make this top center or top right, but how about bottom left / center / right or even middle left / center / right?
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