I follow the tutorial in the Xara Help, but cannot get the results shown. I draw the circle, compose the text, and set it to the middle Select both circle and text Arrange/Fit Text to Curve....the text appears around the lower, right side of the cirle After all this I am unable to manipulate the text (It's a piece of cake to do this in Publisher 2010, but it has some minor problems in appearance)
I'm making a commercialized game for a company and i use Paint net, i have down loaded some of the older plugins for use but what i;m looking for is to curve or circle the written text that i have done on a game box.
When I fit a line of text to a curve, it never quite 'fits.' The text is always skewed across the curve, instead of being 'on' the curve. Is there a way to fit the text exactly on the curve/line?
I am trying to construct text on a curve by writing it on a circle's circumference, but the cirlce fills and so overlays any predrawn items beneath it.
i've been using xara pgd for a few months now and absolutely love it. massive jump up from my old program which was very limiting (graphic design is a hobby / business necessity, not my full time gig).
so my first question to you good peeps: i've been trying to "bend" text to follow a radius using 'fit to curve' ... this has been problematic as the text wants to align itself at the end of the curve rather than the middle.
is there another way to bend text to a specified radius?
I have about forty maps created in DP6. Each of these has numerous pieces of text within it. These include title, map number, descriptive notes, individual letters such as A B C, scales, map symbols etc etc. These are currently all in Arial with some parts being bolded.
My question is:
In any one map can I select all the text within that map and change the character of the font? Ie can I grab all the text and change it from arial to a serif font? Or change all the text to a different colour?
I hope it can be done. I have done a bit of experimenting but have not found a way yet.
how to curve text within a shape, as paragraph text, not artistic text? (See my attached image.)
I have drawn the shape, inserted the text as paragraph text, but the text always wants to sit straight. I am so frustrated as I can find a workaround in either Corel or Adobe CS products. I have tried using artistic text in Corel, but have to do it line by line - and this brings other problems, such as I cant justify each line with each other, and sometimes a character jumps up relative to the other characters and the entire paragraph does not taper in...so this is not a solution, apart from the fact it will take me FOREVER to insert line by line....I would like to treat the text as a multiple line paragraph, and follow the shape.
Any way to turn off the ghost text that appears when you select text that is annotative, not get rid of it just not show all of the other scales for clarity.
I endlessly find that I have text line objects which I later wish had been proper text areas (because I want to control the size of their bounding box, for example).
Is there any sensible way to convert a text line object into a text area object - it's a bore to do it by creating a new text object and then cutting and pasting the text, and it is seemingly a trivial thing for the software to do automatically.
Alternatively, is there an option (perhaps a hidden one) to have all text objects created as areas rather than lines?
Is it possible to change the alignment of text within a text area?
By default the text is located top left. Horizontal justification can make this top center or top right, but how about bottom left / center / right or even middle left / center / right?
How do I arrange a shape within a group forwards or backwards? I can select the shape in the Page & Layer Gallery, but I cannot drag it higher or lower in the hierarchy. I simply want to move a shape within a group so that it is behind another shape.
how to curve text so that it looks like the one in the bottom of this picture?
i want to remake this image but i cannot figure out how to make the same curve of the words: MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.
i have tried creating a Path with half of a similar oval and then used the Type on a Path tool and i have tried using the Pen to draw a Path but it looks aweful and of course i hae tried the Warped Text tool but the only option for what i need is the Arc Lower which doesn't give the result i need no matter how i adjust the tool.
I'm drawing a steam locomotive builder's plate which is elliptical in shape (240x150mm) and I'm having trouble trying to get text to follow the profile of the ellipse. I've tried using Express>Arc-aligned text, but when I click on the curve the command line keeps telling me to select an arc. I've tried separating the upper half of the ellipse from the lower, but I still get the same "Select an arc" instruction. Here's a typical elliptical plate:
I created the image below (mostly using a photoshop template I downloaded), but I created the outside text on my own, which I'm having a problem aligning properly. If you notice in the below image, the outside text alignment looks bad.
For the current version below, I used the Warp Text -> Arc tool, but it seems like that tool can't arc beyond a half circle, so I created 2 Arc'd text items and tried pushing them together, which creates the bad alignment you see. Is there any way to create text in a perfect circle in photoshop (or any other adobe product)?
I am using Photoshop Elements (version 4) and I am working with text around a circle. I downloaded a premade text-on-a-path file made by someone with the full Photoshop and it works almost perfectly for what I need. The problem I have is that the text goes upside-down at the bottom of the circle, so how to make a file with the text right-side up at the bottom of the circle. This would make the text upside-down at the top of the circle, but that's fine as I will just use two separate text layers (one for the top and one for the bottom). I've included a quick mock-up of what I'm hoping to have, made with PSE's "Warp text" option which looks messy. I've also attached the psd file I'm using for the top of the circle. (I can't post links yet so they are attached).
Whenever I click to add text to this path, it starts the text at a different point on the path instead of directly where I clicked. If you can see it, towards the left side of the circle where it says "path" in green. Thats where I clicked, but as you can see the actual text would start a little further on the right side
How can I change this...Also I will add. Once I do type my text it is no longer selectable. After typing I switch up to my direct select tool, and as I hover over the text nothing happens. I cant select it, I can only select the blue bars on the sides of it. I want to be able to select my text also. Shouldnt the blue bars be at the end and the beginning of the text, not so far away from it
I've been looking for an easy way to make text round a circle go outward, like in this picture: [URL] It would be best if the text on the right side would go inward actually, but this would be a start.
Is there an easy way in Illustrator to do this in which I can also add text afterwards?
I have a layer of a music staff with wavy lines. I want to create a new text layer to go on the staff and curve exactly to the lines in the staff. I've tried curve, warp, distort...all of those, but I can't get it perfect. Is there any way to curve a layer exactly to another layer?
When we import a PDF into Draw, there will be a "Import PDF" pop-up asking whether we want to Import Text As - Text or Curve
Very often when I choose "Curves", it still prompts me for font substitution, while I expect whatever embedded fonts in the PDF will be converted to curve during import.
I have PS cs (not cs2) and need to create a logo that follows the curve of a line....so it ends up looking like a half smile......i do not want to "warp" the text, but have it follow a curved line...
I cannot figure out how to distort text into a curve to achieve a similar result to this Lucasfilm logo:
Hopefully I haven't overlooked a tutorial here somewhere - I've searched but not found anything. I'm guessing this'll have a really basic solution that I've missed completely...
I need to create text along a curve. Is there a plugin for that? I will have a graphic in a circular shape and need text at the top and bottom to be curved to follow the circular graphic.