After Effects :: How To Add Color Adjustment To A Mask

Oct 27, 2013

im trying to make an adjustment to one section of my footage.i followed other instructions elsewhere about making a mask on a solid and then linking the solid to a null object, which has tracking footage (i was thinking i could motion track a mask?)
so i did that, but tracking motion doesnt work, the mask moves everywhere so i went in and moved the mask points at keyframes, which was annoying. but now i can't add adjustments to the solid where the mask is. i turned the solid into an adjustment layer but adding color correction adjustments doesn't work.
i have to use after effects by the way. basically tl:dr i need to color correct one section (or the masked part) of my footage. how can i do that in AE?
also is there an easier way to motion track something that goes completely off screen or out of the comp window? cause its a handheld shot and theres like a pan, and im trying to track the mask but it doesnt really work or stay around the area it needs to.

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Photoshop :: Adjustment/Mask Layers

Dec 13, 2004

What is the difference between Mask layers and Adjustment layers? I work with Photoshop Elements 2.0 and really dont know what a Mask layer is or if it is exactly the same thing as Adjustment layers.

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Photoshop :: Mask Tab Is Not Showing On Adjustment Panel

Jun 21, 2012

Mask tab is not showing on the Adjustment Panel. Need it for school work. Using the free 30 day Photoshop.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Adjustment Layer Mask

Dec 2, 2012

I bought PSP about a year or so ago, but grew frustrated with it and reverted back to Gimp. Now, however, I think I am ready to jump back.. and I encountered originally back then.

Basically, in some of the adjustment layers (Local Tone Mapping, Fill Light & Clarity) the mask doesn't work. When I click on the mask control the mask color in the dialog switches from white to black, but the screen doesn't revert back to underlying layer.This is very repeatable. It only happens in some AL, others like Layers and Curves work reliably.

I am on W7 x 64, PSP X4 v 14.2.01

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Photoshop :: Black Mask On An Adjustment Layer

Jan 10, 2007

When creating a mask from Layer-->Layer Mask-->Reveal all/Hide, I know how to generate a black mask (hide all). But when the mask is a part of an ADJUSTMENT LAYER, it always comes in "white." How do I make the adjustment layer mask "black"? Alt-clicking on the mask simply turns the entire image screen white.

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Lightroom :: Checkbox For Mask For Adjustment Brush?

May 28, 2013

The checkbox at the bottom of the develop module that allows one to view the mask has disappeared How do I get it back. I use LR 4 on a PC.

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Photoshop :: How To Apply New Mask To Multiple Existing Adjustment Layers

Oct 25, 2013

how to apply new mask to multiple existing adjustment layers

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Lightroom :: Lost Mask Option Button For Adjustment Brush?

Aug 24, 2012

When using adjustment brush and Crop tool a bar used to appear under the photo giving me the option of seeing the overlay filter of where i had burned in or dodged. it also appeared for the 'Done' option when cropping. This bar has disspapeared from my screen and i can no longer see how much and what areas i have effected with the adjustment tool. how do i get this option back on my screen? this is lightroom 3.5 by the way

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After Effects :: 3D Graphic Adjustment

Feb 12, 2013

I created a 3D Graphic in AECS6. The edges of the graphic are very jagged. Is there an an adjustment in the ray tracer feature that I need to adjust?

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After Effects :: Adjustment Layer Not Rendering?

Mar 26, 2014

I have a fairly basic comp consisting of 3 or 4 3d layers spaced out along the Z axis, two precomps containing some edge lighting effects, a camera, a light, and the troublesome adjustment layer. The adjustment layer only contains some color correction and a flare. I thought perhaps a certain effect may be causing the layer not to render, but i eliminated that possibility by removing the effects i had and trying several other, the layer was still not rendering.  I think I have exhausted all of the really simple solutions, nothing is solo'd, all the layers are visible in the preview, the layers are all in the correct order etc..  I can't SS the project right now as I am not at home, but i can tell you that I am working with CS5.5, on windows 8.1, i5 cpu, 8 gigs of ram. The really frustrating part is that a slightly earlier version of the project successfully rendered the adjustment layer and I don't remember changing anything major. Shots in the dark? 

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Lightroom :: Adjustment Brush To Add Effects Like Clarity

Apr 6, 2014

I recently took some Milky Way photos and was attempting to process them in Lightroom.  Many of the effects I am using are hardly doing anything.  I'll use clarity for an example.
I typically use the adjustment brush to add effects like clarity soley to the Milky Way.  I find a setting of 40-60 is usually sufficient.  Sliding the scale from -100 to 100 is DRAMATIC, making the Milky Way overly "pop" in a disgusting, artificial manner.
However, on my most recent batch when I applied a clarity of 50 I could hardly tell.  Sliding the slider from -100 to 100 had a very small difference.  Other effects are behaving similarly.
When I go back to my older photos the brushes seem to work.  However, any of these new photos (which have various exposures settings) all behave similary in that I just can't get the effects to do much.  The originals of my older photos and my new photos look comparable.

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Photoshop :: Adjustment Layer Effects Lost When Merging Layers

Jul 4, 2012

I scanned a drawing I made as a .jpeg, opened it in PS CS4, converted the background to a layer, added a curves adjustment layer, and when I try any of Flatten Image or Save as Jpeg the results disregards all or part of the effects of the adjustment layer. The same happens for a levels adjustment layer . I have attached the original jpeg and the .psd with the curves adjustment layer.

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After Effects :: Unable To Scale Down Mask?

Mar 24, 2013

i created a mask in my footage by using pencil tool
now i want to scale it down (NOT to shrink/expand masked area)
tried this: selected footage layer and went to Transform - Scale, and even if i scale down to -500%, nothing happens. Then went to Mask - Mask Expansion, but this is not the feature i need. I need to scale down the object which i've masked out
also tried to add adjustment layer and linked my mask layer to it and then tried to scale down Adjustment layer - no effect, simply nothing happens 
using AE6 trial version on win7

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After Effects :: Animate Mask Shape In CC?

Aug 24, 2013

I see path, feather, opacity, and expansion. I want to edit the shape.

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After Effects :: Make A Mask With The Pen Tool?

Aug 25, 2013

I have a question about the pen tool. I went to go make a mask with the pen tool and in stead of making a mask it make a shape layer and I can't get it to make a mask.

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After Effects :: How To Keep A Subject From Being Affected By A Mask

Mar 9, 2014

i have a shot in an office where i have a subject walking in front of some really bright windows.  i added an adjustment layer and made 6 mask squares over the windows and brought down the brightness a bit.  of course when the subject walks in front of those windows you can see the shaded mask on him.
im not sure what you call it but what do i do to him to keep the mask from showing on him? 
not sure if i should make another thread but ill ask this as well in the same shot because of the bright windows originally the rest of the scene inside the office is dark.  how do i brighten the rest of the scene without affecting the windows?  i tried duplicating the adjustment layer with the 6 masks and inverting them so i can brighten everything but windows but no matter what i did i couldnt get it to work. 

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After Effects :: Moving Object Without Affecting Its Mask?

Jan 22, 2014

is it possible to move a layer (with a mask) without affecting its mask position and without precomposing the layer? Much like in Photoshop, where you can achieve this by using vector masks. Let`s say I have a video-layer that has a square mask added to it. The mask is already perfectly positioned in the comp. I don`t want to move or adjust it any further. But I`m not pleased with the framing of the source material. If I`m moving the frame then, the masks moves along with it. Is there a way to get rid of this cohesion of mask and layer?

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After Effects :: Turning Imported Shape Into A Mask

Nov 13, 2013

This is probably an AE 101 question.
I have a shape that was made in Illustrator. See right. It's the thought-ballon-y-looking thing.
The everything outside of the black part is transparent. I want to use this shape as a mask so that another comp will appear inside the balloon shape, but not outside the shape.
Easy to do?

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After Effects :: Apply Mask Track Feature On CC?

Nov 24, 2013

How do I apply the mask track feature on After Effects CC?   I can't seem to find it.

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After Effects :: Isolate Mask From Motion Tracked Video?

Jan 15, 2014

I am trying to use a mask and keep it still while a motion tracked video moves around inside it.

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After Effects :: How To Make Video Mask Adapt To A Path

Jul 3, 2013

i am currently working on the storyboard for a title sequence, and i have to animate it now.

As you can see in the picture i have a light blue background that has a circular shaped mask, and everything  happens inside this mask in multiple layers on the back.
my problem is i want this mask to be animated, and to have a watercolor felling. so i thought of using video footage of ink, you know the typical video of ink falling into water and sort of expanding.
i have no problem making the video appear inside the ink stain, but my question is: is there a way to make a video follow the shape of an object? so i can make this ink footage adapt to different mask  forms, for example a circle or a triangle, or even more complicated forms like, i dont know a human silhouette?
i am thinking something that stretches the video along a path with the shape of the object may be the solution.

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Photoshop :: Fade Using Mask Doesn't Work On Texts With Effects?

Feb 22, 2009

I want to fade a text layer with bevel, gradient overlay, and stroke, and mask only seems to fade the gradient, not the original text color, so it doesn't blend with the bg. I can't use gradient overlay for fade either because I'm already using it and it won't fade the stroke anyway.

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After Effects :: How To Create A Mask On Solid Layer To Hide Certain Area

Apr 16, 2013

I am drawing animations with the brush tool onto a black solid layer which is set to add blending mode.

My goal is to create a mask on the solid layer to hide a certain area of what I drew... but it doesn't change anything.

I noticed when I add another effect to the layer (such as curves) the mask does hide that area of the effect, but thats not exactly what I'm trying to do.
ps. I have After Effects CS6

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After Effects :: Was Maximum Buffer Of 30.000px Or Mask Feather Of 1000px Upped In CC?

Jun 26, 2013

I work a lot for companies doing big media installations (auto motor shows for example) where we have huge resolutions, which often exceed the maximum comp size of 30.000px in width.
Is this limitation still there in CC? And if so, why can't it be set higher? With LED technology getting better the resolutions are skyrocketing (I already worked on 3mm pixel pitch LED panels)
Also something that goes in conjunction with this: Mask Feather size,  which is limited to 1000px in AE CS6 and lower. Any change there in CC?If this limitations would be removed, it would be a good argument for CC.

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GIMP :: Color Adjustment - More Green

Jul 13, 2013

I modified the color on a photo and I need to do it again, but I can't figure out what I did the first time. Attached are before and after photos. The before is what I have to work with (a much smaller resolution that what I am really working with, but colors are the same) and the after is the desired result. The leaves with the red arrows pointing to them are much greener in the after than in the before.

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Photoshop :: Color Balance Adjustment Layer

Feb 3, 2013

Suddenly when applying a color balance adjustment layer I'm unable to click on the shadows, midtones, and highlights. They are each grayed out and I'm only given the option to apply the setting overall. I'm thinking I must have made some kind of setting change somewhere for this to happen.

The images are RGB 8bit color mode.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Color Balance Adjustment Layer

May 24, 2012

I have a question about color balance. It seems it's the only one that the drag and drop doesn't work. It's my pc , or is the default? 
I added 2 screenshots. i added a red arrow to let you see the mouse pointer in the first screenshot i can drag and drop (i'm not talking about the sliders) in the second screenshot , ONLY color balance (and it's very WEIRD ) i can not drag and drop.
I'm under w7 , tested under 64 and 32bit .don't know about mac.

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GIMP :: Color Adjustment - Curving Certain Colors?

Nov 9, 2011

I draw images by hand and then scan them and digitally color them.

The white of the page is not a solid white, but full of variance.Also, there are many tiny specs of dust and things that show up as grey specs on the image.

Prepping a black-and-white line drawing is easy; I just use color curves to set the mostly-white areas to pure white, doing the same with black, and tweaking the curve how I want to make my black lines sharper or smoother and cutting out those grey specs.

But I've been trying to work out how to add a second level of detail in these drawings. This comes in the form of a light blue. This light blue can be used for so many great things, like points to line up an image that was drawn on multiple sheets or to represent lines that will becomes shadows or highlights that I don't want to show up in the final image.

Previously I had been scanning my pages as greyscale images to completely wipe out extra color variations that I didn't want. If I do that with the blue lines they turn grey and they get eroded when I adjust the color curves. If I scan it as full color I now have subtle color variants that throw things off, and adjusting the color curves still erodes those blue lines even worse.

If I try adjusting the color curves by color channel I turn the whole image to a particular tint.

How can I adjust the colors of an image to turn anything mostly white into white, mostly black into black, and mostly light blue into light blue; and preferably be able to adjust the scale it does this by so that I might prevent dust from becoming black spots and even maintain the greyscale range at the very edges of my lines?

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Photoshop :: Relationship Of Color Picker With Adjustment Layers?

Jun 27, 2013

Do you know why the color of color picker changes when using adjustment layers?

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Photoshop :: Monitor Blacks Out - Selective Color Adjustment?

Sep 17, 2013

In a file with several layers, my monitor temporarily blacks out when adjusting colors in a Selective Color adjustment layer.  Is there a solution?I changed the Advanced Graphics Processor Settings to "Normal" from "Advanced."  Seems better but am I losing performance?
Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.1.1 (14.1.1 20130910.r.414 2013/09/10:23:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit
Version: 6.2
System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:1, Stepping:2 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2


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Photoshop :: Color Adjustment To Match With Original Artwork

May 27, 2013

I am a mixed media artist/art teacher and I pay a local printer to adjust the colors of my work via Photoshop so that the final print matches the colors in my original artwork. I would like to learn to do this myself, but I have no clue which product I need to purchase or how to get started.

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