After Effects :: How To Keep A Subject From Being Affected By A Mask
Mar 9, 2014
i have a shot in an office where i have a subject walking in front of some really bright windows. i added an adjustment layer and made 6 mask squares over the windows and brought down the brightness a bit. of course when the subject walks in front of those windows you can see the shaded mask on him.
im not sure what you call it but what do i do to him to keep the mask from showing on him?
not sure if i should make another thread but ill ask this as well in the same shot because of the bright windows originally the rest of the scene inside the office is dark. how do i brighten the rest of the scene without affecting the windows? i tried duplicating the adjustment layer with the 6 masks and inverting them so i can brighten everything but windows but no matter what i did i couldnt get it to work.
Ive been looking through various tutorials on how to create a mask that leaves the detail of the hair of the subject in
It seems all the tutorials I have looked at choose a subject with jet black hair, invert it, and hey presto, job done
Unfortunately, all my kids have got fair hair, and no matter what I try, find it almost indistinguishable from the background
How to do this, cos im losing my mind trying to paint strands of hair in and having the result look like Ive cut the image out of a magazine with a pair of left handed scissors (im right handed!)
I would like to add an effect to just a person in front of a green screen. I've created an adjustment layer that produces the effect and placed it above the footage layer. How can I have the effect just apply to the actor and not carry over and fill the rest of the screen?
i created a mask in my footage by using pencil tool
now i want to scale it down (NOT to shrink/expand masked area)
tried this: selected footage layer and went to Transform - Scale, and even if i scale down to -500%, nothing happens. Then went to Mask - Mask Expansion, but this is not the feature i need. I need to scale down the object which i've masked out
also tried to add adjustment layer and linked my mask layer to it and then tried to scale down Adjustment layer - no effect, simply nothing happens
im trying to make an adjustment to one section of my footage.i followed other instructions elsewhere about making a mask on a solid and then linking the solid to a null object, which has tracking footage (i was thinking i could motion track a mask?)
so i did that, but tracking motion doesnt work, the mask moves everywhere so i went in and moved the mask points at keyframes, which was annoying. but now i can't add adjustments to the solid where the mask is. i turned the solid into an adjustment layer but adding color correction adjustments doesn't work.
i have to use after effects by the way. basically tl:dr i need to color correct one section (or the masked part) of my footage. how can i do that in AE?
also is there an easier way to motion track something that goes completely off screen or out of the comp window? cause its a handheld shot and theres like a pan, and im trying to track the mask but it doesnt really work or stay around the area it needs to.
I have a question about the pen tool. I went to go make a mask with the pen tool and in stead of making a mask it make a shape layer and I can't get it to make a mask.
is it possible to move a layer (with a mask) without affecting its mask position and without precomposing the layer? Much like in Photoshop, where you can achieve this by using vector masks. Let`s say I have a video-layer that has a square mask added to it. The mask is already perfectly positioned in the comp. I don`t want to move or adjust it any further. But I`m not pleased with the framing of the source material. If I`m moving the frame then, the masks moves along with it. Is there a way to get rid of this cohesion of mask and layer?
I have a shape that was made in Illustrator. See right. It's the thought-ballon-y-looking thing.
The everything outside of the black part is transparent. I want to use this shape as a mask so that another comp will appear inside the balloon shape, but not outside the shape.
i am currently working on the storyboard for a title sequence, and i have to animate it now.
As you can see in the picture i have a light blue background that has a circular shaped mask, and everything happens inside this mask in multiple layers on the back.
my problem is i want this mask to be animated, and to have a watercolor felling. so i thought of using video footage of ink, you know the typical video of ink falling into water and sort of expanding.
i have no problem making the video appear inside the ink stain, but my question is: is there a way to make a video follow the shape of an object? so i can make this ink footage adapt to different mask forms, for example a circle or a triangle, or even more complicated forms like, i dont know a human silhouette?
i am thinking something that stretches the video along a path with the shape of the object may be the solution.
I want to fade a text layer with bevel, gradient overlay, and stroke, and mask only seems to fade the gradient, not the original text color, so it doesn't blend with the bg. I can't use gradient overlay for fade either because I'm already using it and it won't fade the stroke anyway.
I am drawing animations with the brush tool onto a black solid layer which is set to add blending mode.
My goal is to create a mask on the solid layer to hide a certain area of what I drew... but it doesn't change anything.
I noticed when I add another effect to the layer (such as curves) the mask does hide that area of the effect, but thats not exactly what I'm trying to do.
I work a lot for companies doing big media installations (auto motor shows for example) where we have huge resolutions, which often exceed the maximum comp size of 30.000px in width.
Is this limitation still there in CC? And if so, why can't it be set higher? With LED technology getting better the resolutions are skyrocketing (I already worked on 3mm pixel pitch LED panels)
Also something that goes in conjunction with this: Mask Feather size, which is limited to 1000px in AE CS6 and lower. Any change there in CC?If this limitations would be removed, it would be a good argument for CC.
Well to all those who simply could not accept that there was something wrong with Lightroom 4, take a look at Lightroom 5 beta. It simply ROCKETS along on my machine. The way it works is exactly how LR 4 should have worked. The fact Adobe have released 5 beta so quickly tells me they were simply generating revenue, as this release, and the new tools in it, is really what LR 4 should have been.
Anyway, I imported about 4,000 images and made it into a catalogue to test the beta. The best tool is the healing brush, fantastic! However when I made a new catalog and imported all of it's 37,000 images, there was a significant slowdown. I remember a couple of years ago with v3.6 asking if catalog size affected performance and was assured it didn't. Well my simple test shows it does, although there could be a different reason.
As an aside, you can't use a v4 catalog they say so I had to make a new one. Presets etc work fine, but in my v4 catalog I have a lot of images flagged, and some in smart collections. Is there any easy way to replicate these?
When I use liquify under CS6 (not previous versions of Photoshop), the affected area (as defined by a bounding box) appears to be strangely faded if it had any alpha on it.
Example: I make a smooth gradiant from full-alpha black to nothing. I then use liquify to make squiggles in the lower right. The result: a rectangular area defined by the squiggles is visibly lighter than the surrounding region.
Seems to work fine if (but only if) the whole image is fully opaque.
I scanned some old pictures at 600 dpi. Using a Canon CanoScan LiDE 700F and PSPPX3 Ultimate.
I had to take the bmp images out of the temp folder last night since I need to shut my computer down. The bmp files were the scans, but not exported yet. They open in image viewing programs, but they are not cropped or anything.
I wanted to export them as tif and jpeg files. Then I'd edit some. I was wondering if this weird dpi number they now have at 599 instead of 600 will be a problem. Could an image viewer, editor or editing, etc maybe have issues? Or dpi being moved, rotated, effects applied, etc would be a problem? What about using it in a program like CorelDraw, would that have issues?
When you rotate an object less than 1 degree, the local axis is no longer aligned with an object?
For example you have a wheel which rotate nicely along it's central axis, then you tilt the wheel by 0.5 degree and when you rotate around it's central axis, the wheel wobbles. The pivot point actually doesn't rotate with the object for rotations less than 1 degree...
I'm thinking about switching to the DNG-Format for the RAW-Files taken with the Fuji X-E1.
When the initial RAW-Conversion for this file type was recently replaced by a much better one, my RAW-Files were automatically updated. I wonder if this would also have happened if I had saved my RAWs under the DNG-format.
Or, in other words, does a DNG include all the data from the original RAW allowing it to be reprocessed when a better technology is available ?
I am trying to model the following simple structure:
I made this example by creating a new polygonal cylinder, rotating the top edges that are to the right of the x-axis and repositioning the affected vertices afterwards, but doing it that way just doesnt feel right, it seems too unclean to me.
I would like the affected vertices to only move on a given axis when rotating the edges, so I dont need to reposition them after the rotate operation. I tried to illustrate what I mean in the following screenshot:
The edges I want to rotate are marked in red, the vertices that are supposed to only move on the y-axis are marked in green. The arrows indicate the desired movement.
Is this way of rotating an edge possible with the rotate tool or something?
So in an effort to reduce PDF file size, I went to the dwg to pdf.pc3 plot driver and wen tot he custom properties. The dpi is set to:
600 400 400 400
I dropped the top number to 400 and the stucco hatch and AR-Sand hatch both print weird when we print to PDF. Some of the hatch is fine, some comes out too dark. It's pretty weird. If I leave the settings as the default then it prints perfectly fine.
Why those hatches might be affected by dropping the dpi? Everything else appears to print great and the file size is reduced.
I am a brand new user of Paint.Net.......Using Windows Vista home edition.
Here is my thing. I have 2 jpg images. The first image is of a badger walking in some grass, the second image is of the front of my friend's house. What I want to do is "cut out" the badger from the first image, then "superimpose" this on the second image so it looks like the badger is walking past my friend's house. By cut out the badger I mean I just want the badger in the final image, not with all the grass around him that's in the original image.
After many years of using LR this is the first time I've encountered this issue (see 1st screenshot below). LR is scrambling my files. The affected raw files open fine in other programs, including adobe photoshop cc (see 2nd screenshot).
I trying to add subject from different pictures into one picture (as shown in the picture attached). the problem that I have is: when I drag one subject to another picture, the subject come bigger than the subject in the new picture.
How can I resize the subject picture so it would have the same height as the other subject (as shown in the picture attached).
I want to give the person in my photo a nice little tan, i added a new layer and filled it with a nice brown, that gave her the tan i was looking for but it also made everything else tan.
Way back I did this but now cannot duplicate it. I'm using PS 5.0. I changed a photo to B&W and then I think I used the eraser to change my granddaughter back to the 'colored' version. It's like what is done in a TV commercial.
I have about 100 images similar to the example below where the background is a neutral grey, darker at the edges then becoming lighter as it reaches the image subject. I'm looking for a way to lighten the grey background without have to mask the item in the center.