3ds Max :: Using MassFX With Super Spray Particles
Jul 31, 2011
I am working on a file (see attached) where I am trying to show a machine spewing out a stream of diamonds. (It is supposed to be a carbon purifier for the air, using nanotech to break the Co2, release oxygen and make diamonds as a waste product) Anyway I can get it to work to the point where i want the diamonds to now pile up on the ground. I have tried to get massFX to make the diamond particles interact with the ground plane but have had no luck so far.
I have tried to put the rigid body on the Super Spray and also on the diamond model?
I want to create a spray paint brush that has the same effect that you get from a spray can within Photoshop. I messed around with various brush effects with the airbrush option enabled, but I cant seem to get a real spray can effect. Another problem that I see is that I don't get enough dispersion, what mean by that is if I have a 50px brush, the maximum dispersion I get is 50px, so I never get a true spray paint effect.
I have a mentalray scene with a fog atmosphere effect that's giving me some trouble. I'm trying to render some particles with a Standard material that has a gradient opacity map applied...the material also has Face Map enabled. The resulted render gives me a black background around the particles (see image 01.jpg) If I disable the fog it renders fine (see image 02.jpg). Also, it works fine with scaneline.
One long, thin plane linked at 90 degrees to a rotating cylinder to roll the plane up.Cylinder is kinematic, plane is mCloth with a single strip of verts connected to cylinder which rotates.
MassFX works. Bake all produces keyframes as a masterpoint controller on the mCloth modifier, BUT not as standard max keyframes in the planes transform controller...making it pretty unusable.Sometimes, bake all will end with an "unknown exception". After that, Max transforms are unstable - Moving an object with mouse is unpredictable until a restart.
Repeatable on both Windows XP and Windows 7 - Max 2013 32 and 64
Other features of MASSFX work eg standard rigid bodies etc - seems to relate only to clothOtherwise, any way of rolling up a cloth ribbon that is FIXED at both ends on to a cylinder, I may offer a prize!
No matter what settings I use MassFX seems to explode all of my pieces/particles as if they are under extreme tension just prior to running the simulation.
I have a facade of a bulding broken up into about 1000 pieces. It's real scale and 135' tall. All I want is for the pieces to just fall to the ground. But, no matter what I do at about frame 3 the whole thing just explodes. I've tweaked so many settings that I'm completely lost and can't seem to solve the problem. The default settings are the worst. I've set the 'Damping/Linear' up higher and increased the 'Collision Overlap' but still can't seem to figure what controls this tension or pressure that it appears is in the parts before the simulation starts.
In particle flow, I am trying to make the particles emit 1000 particles at frame 1 and 10 particles at frame 150.(basically an emitter that decreases over time)
I'm still learning after effects and having fun with it. I'm just curious about something. Is there a way to eliminate the depth of field with particles? Example: When I zoom out with the camera in CC particle world, the particle (energy wave I create) goes blurry. Is the depth of field a default option? Cause when I create a camera the depth of field is off.
i have some problems combining multiple meshes in one rigid body simulation. What i want to achieve is a button containing a metalplate, a plastic body and a needle 200x multiplied and each of them should be treated as a single massfx object. This bunch should simply fall on a plane ending with accurate, physically correkt positions. My way was using all parts with a physical mesh constrained (RB constraint) to each other part as childs. This works well with one whole button, but copying shows some strange beahviour of the constraints - and doing 200 pieces manually is not the way i want ;-)
I've set up a bunch of dynamic rigid bodies & a static rigid bodies for my floor. Why are some of them stopping at the floor & others are falling right through it?
I get a warning when I open another max scene on another machine here at work, it says:
"The MassFX authored in this file was created with a newer version of the plugins. Forward compatibility is not supported so things might not behave properly."
I am currently using PhysX for Max version: and PhysX System Software 9.11.0621.
Third party plugins installed for Max being used in the scene are: Rayfire 1.57.10; Orbaz Particle Flow Box #2 ver. 1.07 and #3 ver. 1.53. I've gotten this warning in scenes saved from another PC, opened in another, and not even using any PhysX or PhysX capable plugins.
I'm using MassFx in 2013 64bit. When I apply any rigid body modifier to an object it looks fine but after I save and reload the .max file the scale & position of the rigid body is wrong. This seems random, I've tried switching to CM and Meters etc, nothing seems to fix it.
Tried the "Bake All" option in MassFX?Its seems to make the keyframes on the objects but the "Controller" weights are still set to zero.Which means the baking doesn't do anything. So you have to selection your objects and on both Rotation & Position turn them all to 100.
I just installed 3dsmax 2012 so its a fresh install on windowsXP64bit.
I just made a script to deal with it but if this is how it was released to the public that's pretty crappy.
I am trying to fill a cone shape container with particles. Other then Realflow I can not seem to find any tutorials on this. I am currently trying this with Particle flow, i have selected the cone with UDeflector and that works i am also working in pview.
I try to break this mug.. I animated the spinrate of the particles but the they keep spinning no matter what.. how the heck can I make the particles stop spinning?
If you have two balloons falling down on each other, can mCloth interact with the balloons or can the balloons only react to a item like a rigid block?
I have 3ds Max 2012 and I am trying to do a simulation with mass fx. I am trying to do a simulation where a minecraft character (dynamic object) is walking and then gets hit with a small box (kinematic object) causing him to blow backward into his seperate pieces. My problem i encounter during this is I cant run the simulation unless the parts of the Character are a dynamic body but when i bake the dynamic body it just erases all the keyframes i already had on the minecraft character.
lately i am often experiencing a problem, where at the opening of scene, a message pops up saying "The 3ds Max file is made of old PhysX plugin. Do you want to convert to current version?" If i click yes, then max freezes, and even after 10 minutes remains frozen, so i have to terminate the process. If i click no, then this annoying message pops up everytime i open my file. I just cannot track down the reference to PhysX plugin in my scene. I can't find it. Is there any efficient way to search & destroy scene connection with PhysX plugin. It's like a plague slowly spreading across my scenes as i merge objects between them.
My mesher from particle system has trashed the material ID's from the particles. Is there a way to use mesher compound object while keeping the material ID's.
Also mesher object seem to crash Vray. It'll render in scanline, but again the ID's are gone.
I have some particles that i've used the Instancer (Replacement) on to turn into a mesh that I have modeled and place throughout the scene. Now I want to convert the instanced particles to regular geometry.
Baked MassFX objects are a headache to animate by hand. I'd like to collapse all the baked animation to regular pos/rot keys. Is that possible?
Right now, I'm cloning objects reseting their position/rotation controllers and linking them to original MassFX objects, just so I could animate pos/rot by hand. I just need a very simple animation before MassFX baked simulation takes place, but the way it currently works makes linking and animation these objects next to impossible.
I'm trying to learn how to spray paint my car for the concept car contest... I just tried spraypainting at 10% opacity and 45% flow.. It seem to be working, I'm able to build layers tones ok..?. Are there norm or standard setting to get the best out of the spraypaint tool? Maybe a brush setting something? Or a mode? Normal / screen something.
I'm sneaking up on this spraypaint stuff,.. but if somebody can head me in the right direction, I'll officially thank them in my acceptance speech..
Sometimes I get an overspray on a selected object. The object is selected and then inversersed. The object is then setup to be painted on the outside. I select a hard brush @ 100% and start painting..like I said it will be ok until I get to certain portion and I get like an overspspray. I have the setting on 0 feather on the marque tool, but there is no other setting on other tools for feathering. The object is in the regular ps mode and is not layered.. "how do selected an object to insure that I do not get any paint on the inside"...Are there more adjustment I can make that I do not see.
I'd like to use something similar to the eroded "spray" technique similar to what is used in this photo. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to how to accomplish this in Photoshop CS?