One long, thin plane linked at 90 degrees to a rotating cylinder to roll the plane up.Cylinder is kinematic, plane is mCloth with a single strip of verts connected to cylinder which rotates.
MassFX works. Bake all produces keyframes as a masterpoint controller on the mCloth modifier, BUT not as standard max keyframes in the planes transform controller...making it pretty unusable.Sometimes, bake all will end with an "unknown exception". After that, Max transforms are unstable - Moving an object with mouse is unpredictable until a restart.
Repeatable on both Windows XP and Windows 7 - Max 2013 32 and 64
Other features of MASSFX work eg standard rigid bodies etc - seems to relate only to clothOtherwise, any way of rolling up a cloth ribbon that is FIXED at both ends on to a cylinder, I may offer a prize!
Tried the "Bake All" option in MassFX?Its seems to make the keyframes on the objects but the "Controller" weights are still set to zero.Which means the baking doesn't do anything. So you have to selection your objects and on both Rotation & Position turn them all to 100.
I just installed 3dsmax 2012 so its a fresh install on windowsXP64bit.
I just made a script to deal with it but if this is how it was released to the public that's pretty crappy.
I have a Vray light material, with color multiplier controlled by audio Float. I wanted to know if there is anyway to bake these values to keyframe. Maybe via scripting ?
No matter what settings I use MassFX seems to explode all of my pieces/particles as if they are under extreme tension just prior to running the simulation.
I have a facade of a bulding broken up into about 1000 pieces. It's real scale and 135' tall. All I want is for the pieces to just fall to the ground. But, no matter what I do at about frame 3 the whole thing just explodes. I've tweaked so many settings that I'm completely lost and can't seem to solve the problem. The default settings are the worst. I've set the 'Damping/Linear' up higher and increased the 'Collision Overlap' but still can't seem to figure what controls this tension or pressure that it appears is in the parts before the simulation starts.
I've experienced a major issue with baking rigid body simulations in PhysX for Maya 2012 64-bit Hotfix 2. I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.
The simulation runs fine in the viewport, even in Viewport 2.0. The animation is a classic 10-pin bowling shot. When I try to bake, the whole thing goes haywire. Pins lean over and start dancing insanely. Not a desirable outcome.
I'm trying to bake a material using render to texture dialog. The issue is that whenever i render a diffuse map, it only renders the faces visible in the viewport im working in. The rest of the uv faces are rendered black. All the tutorials i look at never have this problem. What's the issue?
How or have a script to bake Audio Controller animation to frames so its position/rotation can be adjusted by i.e the Curve Editor in 3ds Max?
I have an spline object where I use the Audio Controller to drive the height of the extrusion dynamically over time but would love to have more control over it.
I have made a custom rig, mapped it to HIK and got a set of perfectly working controlers. I have used them to animate by hand before without problem but now I have a skeleton from mocap data that I want to use instead.
So I go back to an older save of my project and import the file that I want to get the animation from. Then I make this new skeleton the source and everything looks good. My model is moving just like the mocap skeleton. Great. Since I need to tweak it somewhat and don't want to loose my controls, I then bake the animation to the control rig. This is where things go weird.
If I bake to every frame, all is well. That would make it a living hell to edit later on though so I only want something like every fifth frame. But if I bake only every fifth frame, the animation gets super twitchy in between some of the frames. And I don't see any trace of those movements in the graph editor.
i have some problems combining multiple meshes in one rigid body simulation. What i want to achieve is a button containing a metalplate, a plastic body and a needle 200x multiplied and each of them should be treated as a single massfx object. This bunch should simply fall on a plane ending with accurate, physically correkt positions. My way was using all parts with a physical mesh constrained (RB constraint) to each other part as childs. This works well with one whole button, but copying shows some strange beahviour of the constraints - and doing 200 pieces manually is not the way i want ;-)
I am working on a file (see attached) where I am trying to show a machine spewing out a stream of diamonds. (It is supposed to be a carbon purifier for the air, using nanotech to break the Co2, release oxygen and make diamonds as a waste product) Anyway I can get it to work to the point where i want the diamonds to now pile up on the ground. I have tried to get massFX to make the diamond particles interact with the ground plane but have had no luck so far.
I have tried to put the rigid body on the Super Spray and also on the diamond model?
I've set up a bunch of dynamic rigid bodies & a static rigid bodies for my floor. Why are some of them stopping at the floor & others are falling right through it?
I get a warning when I open another max scene on another machine here at work, it says:
"The MassFX authored in this file was created with a newer version of the plugins. Forward compatibility is not supported so things might not behave properly."
I am currently using PhysX for Max version: and PhysX System Software 9.11.0621.
Third party plugins installed for Max being used in the scene are: Rayfire 1.57.10; Orbaz Particle Flow Box #2 ver. 1.07 and #3 ver. 1.53. I've gotten this warning in scenes saved from another PC, opened in another, and not even using any PhysX or PhysX capable plugins.
I'm using MassFx in 2013 64bit. When I apply any rigid body modifier to an object it looks fine but after I save and reload the .max file the scale & position of the rigid body is wrong. This seems random, I've tried switching to CM and Meters etc, nothing seems to fix it.
I saw a max demo at a show where they shattered the wall in a video/photo. The artist baked the background image to three planes (floor and two walls) like shown in the illustration, and then exploded one of these planes. It involved some kind of texture baking, but I didn't catch the whole process.
If you have two balloons falling down on each other, can mCloth interact with the balloons or can the balloons only react to a item like a rigid block?
I have 3ds Max 2012 and I am trying to do a simulation with mass fx. I am trying to do a simulation where a minecraft character (dynamic object) is walking and then gets hit with a small box (kinematic object) causing him to blow backward into his seperate pieces. My problem i encounter during this is I cant run the simulation unless the parts of the Character are a dynamic body but when i bake the dynamic body it just erases all the keyframes i already had on the minecraft character.
lately i am often experiencing a problem, where at the opening of scene, a message pops up saying "The 3ds Max file is made of old PhysX plugin. Do you want to convert to current version?" If i click yes, then max freezes, and even after 10 minutes remains frozen, so i have to terminate the process. If i click no, then this annoying message pops up everytime i open my file. I just cannot track down the reference to PhysX plugin in my scene. I can't find it. Is there any efficient way to search & destroy scene connection with PhysX plugin. It's like a plague slowly spreading across my scenes as i merge objects between them.
I send to Maya Animation build by MotionBuilder via HumanIK.This animation have 2 layers.Since this animations is driven by IK and is intended to be used in our game engine, I use Bake Simulation Command to generate keys on the bones. (work fine)But I loose my layers precision and the BaseLayer contains the merging to generate bone keys and still preserve anim layers ?
Baked MassFX objects are a headache to animate by hand. I'd like to collapse all the baked animation to regular pos/rot keys. Is that possible?
Right now, I'm cloning objects reseting their position/rotation controllers and linking them to original MassFX objects, just so I could animate pos/rot by hand. I just need a very simple animation before MassFX baked simulation takes place, but the way it currently works makes linking and animation these objects next to impossible.
I am having an issue when trying to simulate cloth. When I simulate the cloth, the dialog box with the simulation comes up and before it finishes simulating one frame it closes. At the bottom of 3ds Max, it says end solve.
It worked on an earlier version of the same file as I was able to simulate 100 frames.
I am running 3ds Max 2010 on Windows Vista.
Below is a picture of my command panel. Why the simulation box only stays open for half a second?
What I have is an image of cloth, tablecloth to be precise and its all rumpled up...
What I need is to place splats (food stains) all over it, well only one or two... I don't mind if they are separate images or created directly on another layer or whatever is the best way...
The thing i'm stuck with is how to ensure they look like they're really on the cloth and take account of the light, shadow, peaks & troughs the cloth already has in its rumples.
i made a clothes hanger, and grouped / assembled the components as one object, in the cloth modifier add object menu, i can't find the hanger, but if i dissembled / ungrouped them to separated parts, it can appear back in the add object.
Today I tryed to simulate cloth that was created in 3ds max 2012.While in max 2012 it works fine, in 2014 the cloth pops a few centimeters up. No matter what i tried (reset state, erase simulation, delete the cloth modifier and re apply it) the problem persists.
Along with other problems such as geometry being corrupted (in max 2014), crashes when rendering, and wierd viewport problems, max 2014 has to be THE MOST buggy and problematic release of 3ds max I've ever used.
I have two "banners" created from a plane with a cloth modifier on each. One banner is in front of the other. I want the one in front to drop first. After it drops and is waving around a little...setting down...I want the second banner to drop. Because they are close to each other and both waving a bit, they will hit each other.
How can I have both set to be a cloth object and both set to be collision objects to the other? I thought it was one or the other. (In the cloth object properties)
I'm trying to make curtain using the cloth modifier. After setting up using groups, nodes then simulate to animation for the curtain to fold, I can successfully make the curtain but then the file gets corrupted where the undos stop and things start acting corky. I've tried merging objects into a fresh scene, made the curtain over again, and same problem.