3ds Max :: Bake Down Textures For A Game
May 13, 2011Is there a way to bake down multi-part materials and textures in a complex scene for a game?
View 1 RepliesIs there a way to bake down multi-part materials and textures in a complex scene for a game?
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to make some textures for a 3d game with a digital camera.
If you look straight at a wall, and take a picture of it, it will be most likely that the edges of the wall won't all have the same color, because of lighting.
I have no problem getting the perspective and size of the texture right - my problem is getting the shades of the texture even, so that the final texture is seamless (i.e. if you place them next to / above each other, you get the illusion of looking at one image, and not a bunch of squares which don't fit together nicely).
Do some of you have some tips on what I can do to get rid of my problem? Is there some way to "even out" a specified color range? Do some of you maybe know some tutorials on the web which discuss this (I haven't found any )?
How to make textures look great around the edges and blend nicely with the background.
Here's a sample of my problem, here's how the texture starts to look:
Here's it is rendered against a smoky light colored backdrop:
Here's how I want it to look, the edges are so nice!:
Here's the above ball zoomed in:
I can add shading in the .png file but then I can't render it properly as the shaded geometry messes up when I created the transparent background.
I make game textures. What I want to know is if there is a plugin that can create an alpha fade? So that, lets say, on the left side remains no alpha, but heading toward the right is a gradual fade into alpha.
The regular transparency plugin allows either the entire image or a selection within the image to become alpha. A way to simulate this is to make an image half black and half white.
Next select gaussian blur to have both sides bleed into each other from white to black then click black to alpha plugin in and that creates a fade from white to alpha. An alpha fade from the white to the black side of the image.
But I was hoping that there is a plugin that could ignore colors and create a gradual shift into alpha from one side of the selection to the other.
I have a Vray light material, with color multiplier controlled by audio Float. I wanted to know if there is anyway to bake these values to keyframe. Maybe via scripting ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOne long, thin plane linked at 90 degrees to a rotating cylinder to roll the plane up.Cylinder is kinematic, plane is mCloth with a single strip of verts connected to cylinder which rotates.
MassFX works. Bake all produces keyframes as a masterpoint controller on the mCloth modifier, BUT not as standard max keyframes in the planes transform controller...making it pretty unusable.Sometimes, bake all will end with an "unknown exception". After that, Max transforms are unstable - Moving an object with mouse is unpredictable until a restart.
Repeatable on both Windows XP and Windows 7 - Max 2013 32 and 64
Other features of MASSFX work eg standard rigid bodies etc - seems to relate only to clothOtherwise, any way of rolling up a cloth ribbon that is FIXED at both ends on to a cylinder, I may offer a prize!
Tried the "Bake All" option in MassFX?Its seems to make the keyframes on the objects but the "Controller" weights are still set to zero.Which means the baking doesn't do anything. So you have to selection your objects and on both Rotation & Position turn them all to 100.
I just installed 3dsmax 2012 so its a fresh install on windowsXP64bit.
I just made a script to deal with it but if this is how it was released to the public that's pretty crappy.
max2010-2012 windows xp64bit
nvidia QuadroFX
I've experienced a major issue with baking rigid body simulations in PhysX for Maya 2012 64-bit Hotfix 2. I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.
The simulation runs fine in the viewport, even in Viewport 2.0. The animation is a classic 10-pin bowling shot. When I try to bake, the whole thing goes haywire. Pins lean over and start dancing insanely. Not a desirable outcome.
I'm trying to bake a material using render to texture dialog. The issue is that whenever i render a diffuse map, it only renders the faces visible in the viewport im working in. The rest of the uv faces are rendered black. All the tutorials i look at never have this problem. What's the issue?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow or have a script to bake Audio Controller animation to frames so its position/rotation can be adjusted by i.e the Curve Editor in 3ds Max?
I have an spline object where I use the Audio Controller to drive the height of the extrusion dynamically over time but would love to have more control over it.
I have made a custom rig, mapped it to HIK and got a set of perfectly working controlers. I have used them to animate by hand before without problem but now I have a skeleton from mocap data that I want to use instead.
So I go back to an older save of my project and import the file that I want to get the animation from. Then I make this new skeleton the source and everything looks good. My model is moving just like the mocap skeleton. Great. Since I need to tweak it somewhat and don't want to loose my controls, I then bake the animation to the control rig. This is where things go weird.
If I bake to every frame, all is well. That would make it a living hell to edit later on though so I only want something like every fifth frame. But if I bake only every fifth frame, the animation gets super twitchy in between some of the frames. And I don't see any trace of those movements in the graph editor.
I saw a max demo at a show where they shattered the wall in a video/photo. The artist baked the background image to three planes (floor and two walls) like shown in the illustration, and then exploded one of these planes. It involved some kind of texture baking, but I didn't catch the whole process.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI send to Maya Animation build by MotionBuilder via HumanIK.This animation have 2 layers.Since this animations is driven by IK and is intended to be used in our game engine, I use Bake Simulation Command to generate keys on the bones. (work fine)But I loose my layers precision and the BaseLayer contains the merging animation.how to generate bone keys and still preserve anim layers ?
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow I am able to generate a graphic from a photo that looks like its from a computer game?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a question on color numbers
My i1/X-Rite shows a table, after profiling, of the color numbers set in RGB, the color numbers expected in LAB, and the color numbers measured after profile/cal, again in LAB. One of the numbers with the greatest difference between Expected and Measured out is pure Red, set as 255,0,0 in RGB. The measured error value is, in percentage, 1.14%. Now here's where it get curious.
When I open PS and set a Color fill for 255.0.0 RGB, the resulting LAB is nowhere's near the one's indicated in the table as “Expected” as below:
X-Rite Table
RGB= 255,0,0
LAB Expected:
L 56
A 80
B 66
Photoshop Fill
RGB set to 255,0,0
LAB Numbers
L 61
A 127
If I set the Expected LAB values, in Photoshop, of course, RGB is not 255,0,0 and to see what the differences are, I did both sets of LAB values, set one image as a layer over the other and went to Difference. The result was a muddy green, like old pea soup.
In case you are wondering why I am doing this, it's because on a particular image with ample dry grass in the image, the difference between the print and the screen is noticeable, if on the subtle side, so I make a correction using Selective Color, Picking the middle gray and moving the Cyan slider -3, which then produced a print extremely close to the screen; -2 would be better.
It would be nice if all I had to do is to save this Selective Color setting and use it when I print on my basic paper. It may also simply mean I should profile the printer as well, and I will do so. But it nags me to see what X-Rite calls pure Red and Photoshop shows as pure Red, both set at 255,0,0!
how to create realistc or semi realistic trees in top view,
View 2 Replies View RelatedMaya 2011 seems to have an import function to *.OBJ files.
See the picture below I could not find the Export to *.OBJ format function.
What I do to export file into OBJ format?
Do I need to setup something or download plugins?
I Trying to make Civ V (A pc game) icons like this:
I think that if i used e brushes and gradients i will make things like that.
I'm trying to create a skybox (basically, a giant hollow cube that goes around a map to give the impression of a sky) for a game.
However, I don't know how to create a good sky and such that fits within the template and looks smooth all around.
Basically, the template is as follows: (note: this isn't actually the template. Each side is uploaded individually. The template is to show the wrapping.)
So how would I create a good, realistic sky that wouldn't look messed up at the corners or not matching up at the top or such?
Where I find the Level up Game for Photoshop CS6 32 bits?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI don't even know where to begin to create an image of the Simon game (you know....push the correct light in the right order).
Can anyone give me a tutorial link to something I could easily modify to make this background?
I am trying to create a keyboard layout sheet for a game. I already sliced a blank keyboard image and now I want to add text to each button. I tried to do this with dreamweaver by converting the hole image to a html table, but this didn't work out. So I started dragging text boxes which snap to the slices. This seems to be a good solution but how align the text vertically into the box? I want to put the text exactly in the middle. I would also like to create a margin all around the box. I can post an image clarification would be necessary. Did anybody do this before, could you post a picture?
View 1 Replies View Relateddo level design and/or design anything for the Source Game Engine. For those of you who do, here is a new series of videos I've started to walk you through the steps it takes to get 3ds Max setup to properly export your levels into the Source Game Engine.
basic Max setup (proper units setup, snapping to grid, etc) and end up with exporting your level, building concave models, lighting and more. I've taken the approach of walking you through the process, pointing out tips to make the process efficient. Since there are a lot of tutorials online that already go into the technicality of various Source tools (Hint brushes for example).
I have been modeling a Wheel for a game mod and here recently my wireframe view on my viewports has been screwed up.. the sizing on the wireframes is like 3x the size they used to be and i cant find anything to reset them to normal.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm playing a racing and I'd like to screenshot my cars, or some of them, and cut them out to a transparent background.
So I want to be able to take the car out of the picture, with a tracer pen (if possible). I used to know how to do this awhile back but I done and forgot how after stopping making signatures and stuff.
The pic on the right shows what I'd like to change. Problem is the borders can be tedious to do one line at a time. That is brush set at 1 pixel wide-dark gray. Then draw one map line. Then change to light gray to do center of line then draw right next to other line without messing alignment up. Then finally going back to dark gray to draw once again to other side of border line.
What would take a pro 5 minutes because he would know the shortcuts would take me hours to do these map changes. So could anyone tell me how to create a custom brush 3 pixels wide that would have the center pixel be lighter gray while the outer 2 pixels of line would be darker. I know how to use color picker to match with what's already in the game so you could skip that. I would just like to know how to create a custom brush that could do multiple colors in one stroke. I'm using XP and CS2 BTW. If anyone would like the targa files that make up these 3 regions in the game to mess around with I will send them.
I am a game coder/artist using 3ds Max. To date, I have used very simplistic methods of making character skins. I need to step it up a notch and start making more realistic (human) skin textures for humans models in this game I'm working on.
I have been searching the web for several days on this topic and finding little luck. Here are the problems I am encountering:
1. Most skin tutorials for cgi I've found are for high-res, pre-rendered images in Max or Maya ,and not for games. They use several shaders and bump maps and complex multi-texturing that I cannot use in a game.
2. I found one fairly decent skin making tutorial but it used a clouds effect that really only works for light-skinned characters. I tried to modify for darker skin characters and it looks really bad.
3. In general, I have not found much for this at all on the web.
I would like to convert in-game terrain (from whatever game) to an elevation map, so that I can use it in a program like Vue to generate a 3D terrain. Basically, I'd be flying above the game terrain and taking snapshots, and would like to know what's the usual approach to convert these snapshots into elevation data in Photoshop.
I understand the basic concept of how a grayscale image translates to elevation, but am having difficulties grasping how the grayscale version of my snapshots would translate in proper elevation information.
I'm wanting to know the best way to make different game outfits for a character. I want to be able to switch out between a couple different torsos and still have the same head model and rigging with animations still working.
I'm not sure if this is the best way or not but I detached a cylinder into two separate pieces.
Then I skinned and weight painted one half of the cylinder, weight painting the seam 50% to both bones and decreased that amount as I went father away from the seam. Then doing the same thing to the other half of the cylinder.
For example if this was the game character I would detach his arms, legs, and head from his torso and do the same thing I did with the cylinder.
I've included a link to a video of the cylinder bending.
I want to edit a lot of videos of board and cards games for YouTube. I would like to add an overlay that displays the current score for each player. Here is an example of what I'm looking for: [URL]....I am an experienced AE / Premiere user. I know how to add and animate typography for short clips. My question is what the fastest and most efficient approach is for longer videos. The videos are up to an hour each. The scores change every minute. I don't want to be twiddling with keyframes. How to set up an efficient production workflow for this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to build a mine-tunnel for a mine-cart game. So I thought of creating three tunnelframes for the motion. I attached those three different wall elements I've got:
decke 1, decke 2, decke 3
I tried a couple of times to align them, but the result is just not right. I can't get them in the same shape (frame1, frame2, frame3).
I can't really get three frames done so that it looks like you're moving forward in a mine-tunnel. Is my approach just wrong? how I could get three frames done in psd?