GIMP :: Trace Cut Out From Game Characters / Models?
Jul 29, 2013
I'm playing a racing and I'd like to screenshot my cars, or some of them, and cut them out to a transparent background.
So I want to be able to take the car out of the picture, with a tracer pen (if possible). I used to know how to do this awhile back but I done and forgot how after stopping making signatures and stuff.
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Nov 7, 2011
Im fairly new in using 3DS Max and would like to ask for tips in how should I go about creating my first game design.
I have few questions and I hope that members of the forum enlighten me on these issues:
1. How do I define the dimensions of things in 3DS max so that it follows the iPad/iPhone specs?
2. Should I create the models/characters separately then import them all together in the map that I created or I create them all together in the same file with the map?
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Dec 12, 2013
How to make textures look great around the edges and blend nicely with the background.
Here's a sample of my problem, here's how the texture starts to look:
Here's it is rendered against a smoky light colored backdrop:
Here's how I want it to look, the edges are so nice!:
Here's the above ball zoomed in:
I can add shading in the .png file but then I can't render it properly as the shaded geometry messes up when I created the transparent background.
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May 9, 2013
I am trying to make basic templates for a collectible card game. The first step is creating the card in the correct shape and making a border. Here is what I did so far :
1. Create a new project in the appropriate size
2. Create an alpha layer
3. Select rounded rectangle to round the edges
4. Invert selection and delete
Now I have a nice card in the correct size and the correct shape.This is where the problem comes in . I want all cards to have a uniform border around the outer edge and I cant quite get this right.
I duplicated the layer and resized it to create the same shape in a smaller size to make this border, but when I show both layers the rounded corners on the smaller sized layers still show up as square. If I show only that smaller layer though, I can see that it has rounded corners.
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Jan 31, 2013
I'm trying to make a texture for a model in a video game, and I want some of it to be transparent. This is done by editing a text file that tells the model to use the textures alpha channel. things in the alpha channel that are white are transparent and things that are black aren't.
But I don't really know how to edit the textures alpha. Here is a video I've seen that explains how to make one in photoshop: [URL]......
How to do exactly what he does in gimp? whenever i duplicate one of the rgb layers, it isn't black and white like it is in ps. i'm also not sure how to have it turn into the alpha.
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Nov 17, 2012
I'm trying to create a high resolution version of a low resolution texture used in a game. I've found a pattern that I think is acceptable, from a real image.Now the question is this: how can I colorize the large image to that it is as resemblant as possible to the original one? I've tryed a simple colorize, but the result is not so good...
Original texture:
The image to be colorized:
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Oct 6, 2011
We are looking for a workflow example of developing casting models into machining models.
Typically our castings are made from different materials (Fig-1) and then machining (Fig-2) are created from these castings.
Is creating the casting as an iPart (with different materials) and then deriving the machining from the casting the proper method?
Doing it this way seems to force us into making a machining for each casting material instead of just one machining that is an iPart. How should this be set-up for BOM purposes and for use with Vault (Base Version)?
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Jan 5, 2013
how to use Live Trace in Illustrator but now instead of the Tracing Options window having a button that says "Trace" it's now showing a button that says "Set to Default." I'm sure something isn't selected right or something similar, but I can't figure it out. why "Trace" is no longer an option?
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Nov 5, 2011
what i want to do is take the logos from some of the logos and make one that says:
5th Angel graphic designs
P.S. I'm in the process of switching from
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Jan 20, 2012
I need to select a few characters within a larger word
I'd like to edit just those internal letters for font size and color, etc, but leave the outer letters alone.
In other graphics progs I've tried, you can usually just select those particular letters and edit but I tried that in gimp but couldn't do it
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Aug 23, 2013
Image trace shifts artwork once the trace is finished. Have to nudge art back into place each time.
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Oct 7, 2012
I'm loving CS6 Illustrator, except for one thing. Image Trace. Here, Adobe seem to have taken away the two most usefull settings from Live Trace, and replaced all the presets with ones that are pretty much unusable. I almost always used either 'Comic Art' or 'Lettering' to trace hand-drawn images, but they're both gone. None of the new settings are good enough, even if I make a custom one. The main issue is that the sliders in Image Trace are for completely different things to those in Live Trace, so it's difficult to translate one set of settings into the other.
With Image Trace, I cannot get the same results as with Live Trace, and so far, have found myself having to have Illustrator CS5 open at the same time as CS6, just so I can get workable traces.
I don't know if it's possible, but is there any way to import the presets from Live Trace, or even the full tool, into CS6, to replace the new Image Trace presets?how to make the equivelant of Comic Art in Image Trace's new settings?This is a close up of a file I was trying to trace, showing the major difference in quality between the two CS versions.
Left: CS5 - Comic Art setting.
Right: CS6 - This is a custom setting, but is the closest I have come to Comic Art thus far.
As you can see, the definition of Image Trace is far lower in quality than Live Trace, giving me one large connected blob of colour rather than the distictly separate lines produced in Live Trace.
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Aug 8, 2012
I just started using CS6, jumping from CS3. A major tool I use is Live Trace, and I have custom settings for that. I cannot find a way to make Image Trace behave the way Live Trace did for black and white line drawings. The results I get in CS6 are far inferior to those I got in CS3 in terms of retaining the look of the original raster image. Otherwise, I will have to leave CS3 installed just to do my Live Trace.
Here is a sample of what I mean. You can see the quality degredation in CS6 compared to CS3. (And it's much more obvious when it's full size and full resolution.)
My settings used in Live Trace (CS3) were:
The settings I tried in CS6 that gave the above result were:
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Nov 9, 2013
all font characters in ALL fonts render as asterisks (*) in Gimp 2.8.8 which 2.8.6 had the SAME issue!!! looks like I need to go BACK to 2.8.4 because ANYTHING later WON'T render fonts!
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Nov 10, 2012
I would like to add Greek characters to an image, to describe some properties of a circle, arcs, angles, etc.
Is this possible with GIMP? If so, how?
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Mar 28, 2013
I tried to type some alt characters today when adding text and they didn't work?
Is there something I need to do to enable this?
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Feb 7, 2013
I want to type in gimp(using text tool) with some special characters from my native language like(ā, ē, č, ķ, ģ). If i try to do it in gimp I get á, é, ć, ḱ, ǵ. Are there some settings or plugins that allow me to type these non-English characters like I do it usually.
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Sep 25, 2011
I know we all love the measure tool, but if you want to stroke with it what you are measuring in a certain angle you can't do it. At least nothing that I know of. How do you trace your angles with measurement (whether degrees or radians)?
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Mar 24, 2012
I'm trying to trace around an image to create a line drawing. The object I'm tracing has a lot of curves in it so using the Pencil Tool. Also, I've used the Paths Tool and then clicked "stroke path". That's all fine and well but it's taking FOREVER to trace the picture.
Since the image has a lot of curves is there a tool or gadget in Gimp that can provide a smooth curve, say, around a circle?
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Feb 25, 2012
I have recently buy one software ( embroidery) , with the corel draw x5 essential.
- but I can not find the trace function to convert bitmap to vector , like power trace.
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Mar 3, 2012
I am using Gimp 2.6.11. I have had the same issue with all older versions.
For whatever reason, GIMP refuses to open any file that contains non-English characters. For example, if I try to open a file called GoranDragićDunk.png, it will tell me there is no such file or directory. Changing the file name to GoranDragicDunk.png fixes the issue, so it's clearly to do with having Ć instead of C. Now, the problem is that it also does this if the foreign characters are found anywhere within the path, so that it will not open C:\My Files\NBA\GoranDragić\AwesomePass.png either because it contains the Ć within the path name.
Now, I know that older versions of programs such as Adobe Acrobat had this same issue, but it was fixed years ago. Am I the first person to notice this with GIMP? It shocks me that such a simple thing has not been fixed yet. Would I have to install a foreign-language version of GIMP?
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Jan 5, 2013
I have a jpg of a Pokémon picture that the filename is Japanese character text, and Gimp ALWAYS give a "failed to open '?????????????.jpg'" error message when opening files containing Japanese characters!!! I can put Japanese characters using the text tool into a picture using gimp so I KNOW it knows the Japanese charset, but that error message ALWAYS occurs with images with filenames containing Japanese characters.
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Jul 24, 2011
I'm currently trying to use the text tool so I can color a line of text in two differing colors. However when I highlight the characters I want to change the whole line changes.
How do I change the color of specific characters in a line of text?
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Oct 5, 2011
I am new to GIMP.
I want to import a photo, trace geometric shapes over the photo like circles and lines, and then remove the photo. I have a very basic understanding of LAYERS. I have viewed a few tutorials. But I don't know how to import a photo or how to get rid of it once I have drawn the geometric shapes over it.
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May 24, 2006
how I am able to generate a graphic from a photo that looks like its from a computer game?
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May 13, 2011
Is there a way to bake down multi-part materials and textures in a complex scene for a game?
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Feb 15, 2012
I have a question on color numbers
My i1/X-Rite shows a table, after profiling, of the color numbers set in RGB, the color numbers expected in LAB, and the color numbers measured after profile/cal, again in LAB. One of the numbers with the greatest difference between Expected and Measured out is pure Red, set as 255,0,0 in RGB. The measured error value is, in percentage, 1.14%. Now here's where it get curious.
When I open PS and set a Color fill for 255.0.0 RGB, the resulting LAB is nowhere's near the one's indicated in the table as “Expected” as below:
X-Rite Table
RGB= 255,0,0
LAB Expected:
L 56
A 80
B 66
Photoshop Fill
RGB set to 255,0,0
LAB Numbers
L 61
A 127
If I set the Expected LAB values, in Photoshop, of course, RGB is not 255,0,0 and to see what the differences are, I did both sets of LAB values, set one image as a layer over the other and went to Difference. The result was a muddy green, like old pea soup.
In case you are wondering why I am doing this, it's because on a particular image with ample dry grass in the image, the difference between the print and the screen is noticeable, if on the subtle side, so I make a correction using Selective Color, Picking the middle gray and moving the Cyan slider -3, which then produced a print extremely close to the screen; -2 would be better.
It would be nice if all I had to do is to save this Selective Color setting and use it when I print on my basic paper. It may also simply mean I should profile the printer as well, and I will do so. But it nags me to see what X-Rite calls pure Red and Photoshop shows as pure Red, both set at 255,0,0!
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Mar 9, 2009
how to create realistc or semi realistic trees in top view,
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Mar 31, 2011
Maya 2011 seems to have an import function to *.OBJ files.
See the picture below I could not find the Export to *.OBJ format function.
What I do to export file into OBJ format?
Do I need to setup something or download plugins?
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Jan 3, 2014
I Trying to make Civ V (A pc game) icons like this:
I think that if i used e brushes and gradients i will make things like that.
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Feb 1, 2013
I'm trying to create a skybox (basically, a giant hollow cube that goes around a map to give the impression of a sky) for a game.
However, I don't know how to create a good sky and such that fits within the template and looks smooth all around.
Basically, the template is as follows: (note: this isn't actually the template. Each side is uploaded individually. The template is to show the wrapping.)
So how would I create a good, realistic sky that wouldn't look messed up at the corners or not matching up at the top or such?
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