I've experienced a major issue with baking rigid body simulations in PhysX for Maya 2012 64-bit Hotfix 2. I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit.
The simulation runs fine in the viewport, even in Viewport 2.0. The animation is a classic 10-pin bowling shot. When I try to bake, the whole thing goes haywire. Pins lean over and start dancing insanely. Not a desirable outcome.
I have made a custom rig, mapped it to HIK and got a set of perfectly working controlers. I have used them to animate by hand before without problem but now I have a skeleton from mocap data that I want to use instead. Â So I go back to an older save of my project and import the file that I want to get the animation from. Then I make this new skeleton the source and everything looks good. My model is moving just like the mocap skeleton. Great. Since I need to tweak it somewhat and don't want to loose my controls, I then bake the animation to the control rig. This is where things go weird. Â If I bake to every frame, all is well. That would make it a living hell to edit later on though so I only want something like every fifth frame. But if I bake only every fifth frame, the animation gets super twitchy in between some of the frames. And I don't see any trace of those movements in the graph editor. Â [URL]
I send to Maya Animation build by MotionBuilder via HumanIK.This animation have 2 layers.Since this animations is driven by IK and is intended to be used in our game engine, I use Bake Simulation Command to generate keys on the bones. (work fine)But I loose my layers precision and the BaseLayer contains the merging animation.how to generate bone keys and still preserve anim layers ?
Now Inventor allows users to create relationships with Joint or Constrain/Assemble commands. Both of these methods let the creation of Positional Representation, but when animating them in Inventor Studio, only animations created with Pos Reps from constraints work. Animated Pos Reps created with joints don't work at all.
Is this a bug? Will this problem be fixed soon (with SP, Updates or any Hotfix), or would it be fixed in the next release?
I get a warning when I open another max scene on another machine here at work, it says:
"The MassFX authored in this file was created with a newer version of the plugins. Forward compatibility is not supported so things might not behave properly."
I am currently using PhysX for Max version: and PhysX System Software 9.11.0621.
Third party plugins installed for Max being used in the scene are: Rayfire 1.57.10; Orbaz Particle Flow Box #2 ver. 1.07 and #3 ver. 1.53. I've gotten this warning in scenes saved from another PC, opened in another, and not even using any PhysX or PhysX capable plugins.
lately i am often experiencing a problem, where at the opening of scene, a message pops up saying "The 3ds Max file is made of old PhysX plugin. Do you want to convert to current version?" If i click yes, then max freezes, and even after 10 minutes remains frozen, so i have to terminate the process. If i click no, then this annoying message pops up everytime i open my file. I just cannot track down the reference to PhysX plugin in my scene. I can't find it. Is there any efficient way to search & destroy scene connection with PhysX plugin. It's like a plague slowly spreading across my scenes as i merge objects between them.
I have a Vray light material, with color multiplier controlled by audio Float. I wanted to know if there is anyway to bake these values to keyframe. Maybe via scripting ?
One long, thin plane linked at 90 degrees to a rotating cylinder to roll the plane up.Cylinder is kinematic, plane is mCloth with a single strip of verts connected to cylinder which rotates.
MassFX works. Bake all produces keyframes as a masterpoint controller on the mCloth modifier, BUT not as standard max keyframes in the planes transform controller...making it pretty unusable.Sometimes, bake all will end with an "unknown exception". After that, Max transforms are unstable - Moving an object with mouse is unpredictable until a restart.
Repeatable on both Windows XP and Windows 7 - Max 2013 32 and 64
Other features of MASSFX work eg standard rigid bodies etc - seems to relate only to clothOtherwise, any way of rolling up a cloth ribbon that is FIXED at both ends on to a cylinder, I may offer a prize!
Tried the "Bake All" option in MassFX?Its seems to make the keyframes on the objects but the "Controller" weights are still set to zero.Which means the baking doesn't do anything. So you have to selection your objects and on both Rotation & Position turn them all to 100.
I just installed 3dsmax 2012 so its a fresh install on windowsXP64bit.
I just made a script to deal with it but if this is how it was released to the public that's pretty crappy.
We use Maya 2008 and 2009 here, along with Turtle 5.1. Our exporter plugin only works with 32-bit Maya, so we are a bit tied to that as well. We are using Turtle to perform shadow and AO bakes for our game, but Turtle fails unpredictably when baking large (>4096) textures. Many times I see:
// Error: Error during baking, see script editor for details! //
Of course, even with "Echo Every Command" enabled in the Script Viewer, and every output option enabled in Turtle, I get no actual error message. On a 16318x16314 bake, it completes 75% of the bake, then does nothing for the remaining 25% (while updating the progress bar) and exiting with the above message. On 8K bakes, it will seemingly finish the bake, but not write out the texture. Sometimes, Maya will crash completely, either with the usual error dialog, or just silently close without any message whatsoever.
In my experience, running out of memory on a 32-bit program can have similar results, and it is possible that 32-bit Maya even running on 64-bit Windows 7 has the same issues, but Task Manager shows only 1.5 GB used by the Maya process at the time of failure, far below the ~2 GB addressing limit for 32-bit programs.
I opened my awesome camera projection mapping scene and all of a sudden the file doesnt work.I get a popup saying "Errors have occured while reading the scene that might result in data loss. Please check the Script Editor for details."
The Script Editor says:
file -f -new; // Error: This command requires at least 1 argument(s) to be specified or selected; found 0. // // untitled // commandPort -securityWarning -name commandportDefault; // mental ray for Maya 2011
Anyway, I googled it and "delete the mayafolder and restart Maya, thus creating a new mayafolder automatically" came up and so I did, it didnt work. The next solution apparently was to export eveything into a new scene, but only a third of my stuff is IN the scene so that doesnt work at all (yes i tried anyway).The last thing I did in the scene before I closed it down for the weekend, was to import about 10 nCloth flags into the scene. Disabling them all ofcourse, but still, that might be the reason it's crashing, I dont know.
I'm trying to bake a material using render to texture dialog. The issue is that whenever i render a diffuse map, it only renders the faces visible in the viewport im working in. The rest of the uv faces are rendered black. All the tutorials i look at never have this problem. What's the issue?
How or have a script to bake Audio Controller animation to frames so its position/rotation can be adjusted by i.e the Curve Editor in 3ds Max?
I have an spline object where I use the Audio Controller to drive the height of the extrusion dynamically over time but would love to have more control over it.
I saw a max demo at a show where they shattered the wall in a video/photo. The artist baked the background image to three planes (floor and two walls) like shown in the illustration, and then exploded one of these planes. It involved some kind of texture baking, but I didn't catch the whole process.
I have been trying to install Photoshop CS6 on my MacBookPro3,1, for weeks now- Installed entire CS6 Suite -Design Web Premium- everything installed except Photoshop. just uninstalled previous Creative Suites (CS4) have updated to LION-- still installing just Photoshop from disk erroring out? I have spent hours on phone with support, prior to updating to LION, unsuccessful.
Mac Book Pro Model Name:         MacBook Pro  Model Identifier:         MacBookPro3,1  Processor Name:         Intel Core 2 Duo  Processor Speed:         2.4 GHz  [code]....
I run the Adobe Cloud Cleaner. I uninstalled Photoshop from my Windows 8 system and opened the Cleaner. I was asked questions via a small window - it wasn't possible to enlagre the window to see all the texts.
I entered the y to all and I waited until it finished cleaning. It reported that there were issues but didn't explain further. I noticed that the Creative Cloud Manager icon had disappeared so I tried to download Photoshop CC but it failed.  Now I have work backing up!
Using CS6 v13.0 x64 on a Win 7 ^4 bit PC with 12Gb RAM.I have actions that call for an image to be opened, selected, copied, the image closed and the "clipboard" image pasted into another, already open, image in PS. This works without fail in CS5 but fails in CS6 - using the same 8 bit images.  I either get the message "The paste command is not available" or "The object current layer is not available".Is there any rationale for this difference? Is there a setting I need to change? Am not aware of changing any preference, other than scratch disk, memory states, cursor view.
I've just reinstalled ID CS4 along with PS CS5 on my home computer, having used both programmes in conjunction with no issue at work. Â My (one of many) issue is from ID when I try to edit an image with PS, it (only sometimes) asks for the serial number for PS to continue, or set up a 30 day trial. I have the PS software set up and it works on it's own right. Why o why is it now playing up? Â I even tried entering the PS serial number in this pop up box just to shut it up, but of course, it's invalid as I've already used the number for PS in the first place.
I have a large number of digital images that were batched in through automatic redeye removal, and now have eyes that look sightless! Is there a fix for this issue? I have Photoshop 6, 9, and 12. I am also just a beginner. I have tried the cloe stamp, but not effectively.
I am running Mac OS 10.6.3 and Photoshop CS 5.When I go to the Adobe application software updates manager it says update failed..Is there a known issue with these versions? Also, where can I see what my latest camera raw update that has been installed?
When trying to create a disc it opens dvd factory 2010 and does everything Ok but when I try to burn the project it gets about 95% through the burn process and fails. It seems like it is putting the files on but failing in the "writing lead out" phase. I've tried 3 different dvd burns to make sure that isn't the issue. I can create a file and then use nero to burn the disc fine but not when going through VS pro x3/DVD factory
I installed Photoshop CC and Illustrator CC on my laptop. I customized all my settings like keyboard shortcuts, tool panels, brushes and so on. However, now I'm trying to sync with my desktop computer and everytime it asks me if I want to keep local or remote settings, I choose, as indicated by your tutorial video, "keep remote" settings. But it not only doesn't work, as also replaces my settings in the cloud with the ones from the computer I'm trying to sync (which are the default settings.) Â I also tried to find this feature for Indesign CC, but I could find.
Creating DVD from project file. I'm using Windows 8 and VSX5. Video clips are all MTS file(AVCHD) Total size DVD is about 7.xxgb. Project is 16:9 and Dolby 2ch.
First time, Burning process looks OK but it has an error message when it was 6% progress convert. Attachments are error message and dump file.
URL....Constantly in 12 and 09 I have had issues snapping to endpoints since the changes to osnaps in ACad itself. Â It doesn't seem the ramifications were followed thru to ACA.
They seem to have addressed some issues in 12 but not all and often it dails completely.As osnaps is a basic functionality I think Adesk needs to get this working properly and as a fix for 10,11,12 and 13. Â
trying to load CS4 trial but get a message that Adobe stops working during software load up. Have tried turning off UAC, have removed files from programfiles as suggested in various other trails for this error to no avail.
I'm having some difficulties in importing the material for the 2013 Smoke PR-2, when he gets care LINKED with the file, if I change the file folder on the desktop it disappears. How should I proceed?