3ds Max :: Orbiting Around Local Coordinates?
Sep 5, 2011
I am modelling (low poly) a human head whose z-axis is not vertical. Now the problem is when I orbit it (using alt + middle mouse button), the head doesn't stay upright, and this is really not handy !!
The problem would be solved if I could, either orbit around local coordinates (meaning left-right mouse movements would spin around local z-axis, not world z-axis), or maybe change orbit style (for example blender has another orbiting style where left-right mouse movements spins according to view)
There would be another solution, which would be applying a rotation modifier to the whole scene, and removing when I'm done with the head, but I don't know if this is possible...?
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Oct 17, 2012
What I have is northing/easting survey data starting at an arbitrary point. The rest of the points are measured from that.
I do know the global coordinate of the base point, but no other points.
My question is how can I take all of the points and create gloabl coordinates out of them. I assume this is possible because I know the global coordiane of our reference point, I just have no clue how to do it in CAD.
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Jun 19, 2013
My father in law is a civil engineer but works everything out on paper. I'm convinced there is a better way (using autocad). I'm competent with computers but never used autocad in my life and I'm not a civil engineer.Before starting setting out on site, he is given the proposed layout, based on 'National Grid Co-ordinates' (in the UK).
Currently he's working on a carpark which is a nice grid but on a different axis to the national grid coords. To make things easier, he picks a coordinate and labels it Easting 100.000 & Northing 100.000. From there he converts the coordinates given to values relative to this 100,100 coordinate. He does this on paper.
Could this be done using AutoCad (2011)?
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Sep 27, 2012
I often create points manually. You get that dialogue box where you choose the layer and the default local coordinates, etc etc.
The local coordinates setting always defaults to Northing/Easting. (ditto the grid coordinates).
I set it to Easting/Northing as is standard around these parts and do my points, but if I close the box, when I reopen it to add more points later, it is back to Northing/Easting.
I cannot find a variable to control this behaviour.
I never need points to have north first and would like it to default to Easting/Northing at all times. Yes I'm using the Metric template.
Is there a way to change this default?
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Jan 13, 2014
I have a video layer in Action with a ring of text orbiting around it. Unfortunately the text is not disappearing behind the video layer on the backside of the ring.
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May 5, 2013
My (previously wonderful) local adjustment brush has apparently quit working. Whenever I attempt to make local adjustments - using either the standard presets or custom settings - all the adjustments made are applied to the entire image, not just locally. Density and flow are set to my typical values and Show Selected Mask Overlay shows the extent of the applied effect, but whatever adjustment I make is applied generally, over the entire photo, rather than to the selected adjustment area.
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Mar 16, 2011
My viewport is currently struggling handling an imported 700k Poly ZBrush sculpt. My tech current specs are -
- 3DS Max 2011 - Updated, with no extra patches.
- i7 2.80GHz
- ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (Default Settings, DirectX 9 + Redraw Scene on Window Expose on)
- 2x2 Gig RAM
- Windows 7 64 Bit
the viewport will constantly freeze/pause for 3 seconds before orbiting or panning just fine, and when using tools such as relax or soft-selection on a small area of the basic naked human mesh (About 400 verts) the viewport will drop to be about 2 fps.
I don't know whether this is the most appropriate rig in the world, but from my previous experience with slower rigs on 3ds 7-9, 700k wouldn't produce unbearably stuttering viewport renders.
Are there any obvious ways I could improve 3DS's performace?
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Feb 19, 2010
If you hold down F4 to orbit in 3D (equally press the Orbit button under view on the ribbon) you can temporarily set the orbit pivot position by left clicking the mouse. I have a 3D mouse (3dconnexion spaceball 5000) installed on my workstation so can perform the same view manipulations without technically having to enable the orbit command. But I can't change the pivot position unless I activate the orbit command and then left click - making the main advantage of a 3D mouse for me a bit of a nonsense..
Any command/key combination that allows me to setup a custom button to set the orbit pivot position?
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Jun 18, 2012
i am trying to translate a Point coordinates from Paperspce to world coordinates in model space.The code i used in Land2006 worked OK but now in Civil3d 2012 it doesn't!
Private Sub GetPlais_Click()
Dim tmpnt1 As Variant, tmpnt2 As Variant, tmpPnt1 As Variant
Dim lole(0 To 2) As Double, upri(0 To 2) As Double
Dim returnobj As AcadObject
On Error GoTo Eline
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity returnobj, tmpPnt1, "ÅðÝëåîå ôï ViewPort ðïõ èá äçìéïõñãçèåß ï êÜíáâïò!"
If TypeOf returnobj Is IAcadPViewport Then
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Aug 21, 2013
I'm a GIS analyst trying to learn Cad. I'd like to place a single point in autocad model space at a specific Northing/Easting position. After reading several forum threads I don't think CAD allows me to change the coordinate system of model space from map coords to northing easting coords, as we can in GIS.
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Aug 15, 2012
The coordinates that we can apply in Revit (project/shared) aren't exactly the same to have real world projection coordinates (WGS84)??
If not how can we convert the revit shared coordinates to real world projection coordinates?
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Aug 17, 2012
The drawings I'm receiving from the architects are all set to the world coordinate system. So when it comes to setting out they coordinates are useless to me. So what I want to know is how can I rotate my drawing so it's aligned to my local grid?
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Dec 14, 2012
I can't render anything and I know this has been addressed before, but I still don't see a solution, I have no Available Local Services under my Preferences/Backburner. We wan't to purchase smoke but can't trust that it will work on our system.
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Jul 6, 2011
I was wondering if it is possible use transfer details but just for some parts of the model, because sometimes you have parts that you don't want to affect the projection. I tried with freeze but doesn't work.
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Aug 12, 2012
I use [k] to get me into local adjustments, and [z] to zoom in, how I can pan around without deselecting the local adjustments (which loses which local adjustment I have selected). I tried [fn]+[arrow key] without any luck. This is very disruptive for me.
retina MBP + OS X 10.8 + LR4.1
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Jan 3, 2014
I have a problem saving a web gallery locally: I originally build/saved/uploaded a web gallery (www.myreimannfamily.de >dogs < Inouk and Tofino >2013).I now modified/added pictures to this gallery and tried to save it again locally. Got the error message:
export did not complete successfully it then showed all pictures in the collection then the message: JPEG files were generated using the best pixel data available in the image cache the local web gallery structure (content, resources...) were correctly created but all files were completely empty All image files are there and can be modified at high resolution in the Develop mode.
Since the original set up of this gallery I:
upraded to LR 5.3
converted some .nef files to .dng
If I delete the saved web gallery and create the same gallery from scratch, the same problem/error message pops up. Construction of other web galleries is no problem (up to now)
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Jun 16, 2012
Win 7 CS4..I was working on a Nikon raw .nef image in Smart Image mode when the following error message appeared out of the blue. "Unable to create local adjustment. All the local adjustment controls are set to have no effect on the image." Should I uninstall & reinstall CS4?
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Apr 27, 2012
Having just upgraded to PSP X4 SP1 (, I spent some time yesterday exploring the tone map layer feature on a few landscape images. The images were in different formats, like TIF, psp image and jpeg. Some were in color, other in b&w. A couple of the images were high-quality scans, the others were from digital cameras (Nikon D200 and D700).
Not wanting to overdo it, I applied the tone maps moderately. In addition, I used a few other layers like HSL, curves etc., all of them used in very moderate levels (e.g., slight desaturation and very modest S-curves). The results were very much to my satisfaction. Looking at them in large format on my monitor, I began thinking of using a few of these, and similar, images for an upcoming exhibition.
Then, I noticed the banding. I became aware of it when I reduced the displayed size of the images. I tried image after image, and found some banding of all of them. Having become aware of it I was also able to spot it on pictures in larger formats.
The banding is rather vague but becomes more evident when the image is reduced in display size, or when an image on the wall is viewed from across the room. It follows the form of the image, presenting itself as a vaguely darker, rather broad band about halfway between the image borders and the image center, in the same aspect ratio as the image itself. I am not sure what constitutes the band but somehow, at least a certain amount of pixels appear to have darkened, following a certain mathematical pattern, forming a somewhat darker rectangle within the image rectangle.
By disabling the other layers I found that the tonemap layer was responsible for the banding. Exaggerating the tonemap, exaggerating the image contrast and/or sharpening the image will make the banding more prominent for illustration purposes.
I would like to work more with the tonemap feature but need to know if there is a way around this problem, or if it will will be addressed in SP2.
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Dec 27, 2011
I made a significant change to an assembly that messed up several constraints. I fixed all the constraints using the red cross button but the local update button is still lit up and won't do anything when I click it.
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Apr 10, 2009
I was editing my images on RAW when all of a sudden I guess I pressed an incorrect key (yeah you know those split seconds where something happened and you dont know what you did) and now everytime I want to use the Graduated Filter tool or the Adjustment Brush tool and I press on top of the image it gives me the following message:ERROR:Unable to Create Local Adjustment. All the local adjustment controls are set to haveno effect on this imageIt doesnt work on ANY raw images now, I tried pressing "Reset Camera Raw Defaults" and it still doesnt work.Is there a setting that I moved without noticing?At the time this happened I had 6 pictures on camera Raw I had synchronized them and I was doing small adjustments to one of the images, I had finished using the Graduated Filter tool on an image when then all of a sudden it stopped working.
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a photo i am enhancing in which my point of focus at center (an arch structure) is being colored by artificial holiday lighting and there are sodium-vapor street lamps surrounding it on adjacent streets with the foreground dark asphalt and objects (I used a wide angle) having a yellowish hue. I want to know what is the best way to localize the center arch, leave that with it's own adjustment (of 5600K) and bring down the rest of the image with the yellow-orange tinge down to 2500-3200K (or otherwise have them look like nice xenon or white fluorescent lamps) with good blending (so the intersection of both lighting does not look stilted) and while keeping the same tonal range. Global adjustments are just not doing it for me here. Layers and blending? Gradients? What would you recommend? Please post anything that also relates to adjusting for conflicting lighting locally and any limits on this.
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Mar 24, 2013
I'm trying to create a new local file but the option is greyed out (not available). We're using Revit Server 2013 and we have one Central Server and two Accelerators in different locations. This issue is affecting only one of the two locations.
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Jun 16, 2011
I am trying to model an object with planes using edge extrusions with shift drag. The issue I am having when using this method is getting lots of unplanar surfaces (even after using the make planar button). This is because max will not let me shift drag an edge straight back on its local axis to keep it perfectly planar. See image below.
I am wanting to extrude out this edge straight back on its local axis. But the result just makes it go straight up.
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Nov 26, 2012
I'm coming from a Smoke Linux perspective so the terms might not be right:
Pre-Release 6, I've imported and EDL, linked it to DPX film scans on the network, and consolidated 10 frame handles. I can "cache" the files locally as ProResHQ, but how do I do a "store local copy"? That is make a copy of the DPX files I need on my machine.
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Jun 28, 2011
My Architecture office is using Mac Pro's with OSX and Parallels to run Windows 7 and Revit 2011. We are having issues with getting everyone to be able to work synchronize to the Central File. If one workstation (workstation 1) intially creates the Central File, puts it on the server then creates a local from the Central File they have no issue when synchronizing to Central. However if another workstation (workstation 2) creates their own Local File it does not synchronize to central, it tries and an error of "File Failed to Save" pops up everytime.
The Central File location is the same on both workstations (ex. \psfFirmProjectsActive ProjectsProject# and nameConstruction DocumentsDrawingsCentral File Name}.
We have also turned off all antivirus and firewalls to elimnate that as an access issue.
how we may be able to get everyone working with Local Files, and Synchronizing to Central?
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Feb 7, 2011
Definition about world and local axis,What is different between both.
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Jul 23, 2013
I am having some trouble with moving vertexes on their local axis. When I move a vertex with the move tool (in local mode) the vertex moves REALLY fast and what is causing it. It works fine with the view coordinates enabled but just not on local.
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Aug 8, 2011
When you rotate an object less than 1 degree, the local axis is no longer aligned with an object?
For example you have a wheel which rotate nicely along it's central axis, then you tilt the wheel by 0.5 degree and when you rotate around it's central axis, the wheel wobbles. The pivot point actually doesn't rotate with the object for rotations less than 1 degree...
EDIT: Video demonstrating the issue: [URL] ....
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Jan 19, 2012
I still have users using the old workflow (pre-2010) of creating local files by copying and pasting the central file from the server to their C drive and renaming the local copy. Is this workflow still supported in Revit 2012?
I have been suggesting to users to use the worksharing options in the open project browser, but sometimes for some people habits are hard to break, do I need to be concerned?
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Aug 7, 2012
I have 3dsmax 2013 and would be forever grateful for a solution to a parameter wiring problem. In simple question form: How do you wire a slider helper to rotate an object in LOCAL coordinate mode? I've tried it a hundred times and it's not wiring the rotation parameter in LOCAL coordinate mode, it defaults to world or view coordinate mode. (Look at gif attachment)
To replicate this issue in 3dsmax 2013, simply create a cube in the viewport.
In perspective view(or any other), switch to local coordinate mode and rotate it off center any way you wish. Now create a helper of manipulator-->slider type. Right click on the slider, click wire parameter-->value and link to the Box rotation in Z. Make the connection through a one way (--> wiring from slider to box.
Now when you move the slider value, the box doesn't rotate in local coordinate mode, it rotates in world coordinates or view coordinates. Whatever it is, it's not local. What is the expression for LOCAL coordinate rotation? By default the expression in the slider box of wire parameter dialog is z_rotation(or something like that). Looking at the maxscript reference, I've tried Local_Euler_z_rotation and other stuff. I can't figure out how to just get a local coordinate mode rotation through a simple wire parameter link to a slider.
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Oct 1, 2013
Is there any way to share DWG file in local network and work in it in same time.
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