Revit :: 2012 Local File Creation?
Jan 19, 2012
I still have users using the old workflow (pre-2010) of creating local files by copying and pasting the central file from the server to their C drive and renaming the local copy. Is this workflow still supported in Revit 2012?
I have been suggesting to users to use the worksharing options in the open project browser, but sometimes for some people habits are hard to break, do I need to be concerned?
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Mar 24, 2013
I'm trying to create a new local file but the option is greyed out (not available). We're using Revit Server 2013 and we have one Central Server and two Accelerators in different locations. This issue is affecting only one of the two locations.
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Jun 28, 2011
My Architecture office is using Mac Pro's with OSX and Parallels to run Windows 7 and Revit 2011. We are having issues with getting everyone to be able to work synchronize to the Central File. If one workstation (workstation 1) intially creates the Central File, puts it on the server then creates a local from the Central File they have no issue when synchronizing to Central. However if another workstation (workstation 2) creates their own Local File it does not synchronize to central, it tries and an error of "File Failed to Save" pops up everytime.
The Central File location is the same on both workstations (ex. \psfFirmProjectsActive ProjectsProject# and nameConstruction DocumentsDrawingsCentral File Name}.
We have also turned off all antivirus and firewalls to elimnate that as an access issue.
how we may be able to get everyone working with Local Files, and Synchronizing to Central?
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Sep 12, 2013
We have just installed a new server at work. We have transfered all of our Revit files to the server and resaved them as central files. We cannot seem to create more than one local file per Revit file even though we have already set up the file as a worksharing file. The one that sets up the Revit file is the only one that can create the local file. For the other user the create local file tab is grayed out.
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Aug 6, 2013
We are working in our office on a central model. the model is stored on a local server within the office premises. We are three people working on it. our problem is this when we open the central file on any of our computer "create New local" check box is inactive. but when one of us login as "Administrator" and then open central file in any of the remaining two computer the " Create New Local" is active.why this is happening and is there any way we can work with the file without loging in as Administrator.
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Sep 27, 2012
I often create points manually. You get that dialogue box where you choose the layer and the default local coordinates, etc etc.
The local coordinates setting always defaults to Northing/Easting. (ditto the grid coordinates).
I set it to Easting/Northing as is standard around these parts and do my points, but if I close the box, when I reopen it to add more points later, it is back to Northing/Easting.
I cannot find a variable to control this behaviour.
I never need points to have north first and would like it to default to Easting/Northing at all times. Yes I'm using the Metric template.
Is there a way to change this default?
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May 16, 2012
How can I convert a .STP file into a DWG 2012?
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Oct 9, 2012
I had to work in Revit architect 2012 and today i have to open this file again. The program is show message is
Autodesk Revit Architect 2012
Buil : 20110916_2132(x64)
License unavailable. A license is required to run Autodesk Revit Architect 2012 on this computer.
But this file i have to tried to open in another machine is can open. Do i need to recovery my Revit program or re-install.
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Oct 3, 2011
I need to import a PDF file into Revit Architecture 2012 and/or AutoCAD Architecture 2012.
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Aug 11, 2011
Often as a sole user of Revit when I open a project I have been working on I get the following message:
"This file is already open for editing by another user. You will be unable to save any changes before that user closes the file."
Since I am the only one working on the project there are no other users and as far as I can tell no other files open. Any insight into what has triggered this message?
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May 15, 2013
my laptop has been stolen and I had to buy a new PC...The new one is a windows 8, therfore, I had to install revit 2014....the problem is that I have been working on a graduate class project using revit 2012, and now revit 2014 will not open the files I built on revit 2012...I have only 10 days to rebuild what I have been working on for 3 months!!! there any way to open a revit 2012 on 2014 or at least convert it to work on 2014.
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Jun 22, 2012
The help file says the keynote file should be located here- C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAutodesk<Revit release name><Imperial or Metric> Library Not happening. I'm in windows xp pro 64
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Jul 24, 2012
i am trying to open a revit 2012 file in to revit 2013 but it is showing me an error thar says: There is a circular chain of references among the highlighted elements. and then this message: Data in this file is currupt and needs to be manually recoverd. but I can perfectly open the same file in revit 2012..
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Aug 19, 2012
I need a file called Curtain Wall Dbl Glass.rfa. It's missing in the Doors folder in my UK Fmaily Library in my software. I've found one on the web. I've copy/pasted it onto my Desktop. How do I now load it into my Revit project ?
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Nov 9, 2011
So 2011 had some issue and I though 2012 would get those fixed. I was wrong. More problems occur. With 2011 I was able to open assemblies directly through vault. Now with 2012, since the vault issue updates as it opens, I crash on any sizeable model or assembly. So now just to open a file, I must get it, then go to inventor and open it, and hit no when the refresh window come up. If I hit yes, it crashes. If I hit no it open, then if i hit local/global update it crashes. So technically I cant do any new work with any of my larger assemblies (2000+ parts) I have sent out numerous error reposrt, only for autodesk to say that they can replicate the problem. I have SP1 installed, and this is happening with other users at my company as well.
Windows 7
64 Bit
Solid State HD
Xenon Processor
Nvidia Quadro FX 580
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Jul 31, 2013
My objective is to have a schematic set created from a user input. I need to automate this such that the user enters numbers and letters from drop menus, (part number is alpha-numeric, each representing voltage, horsepower, motor count, etc,) and have the drawing set created. Reading up on this, I know I still could use VBA, but as that is going to fade into non-existence soon, replaced by .net, I would love to go ahead and create it using .net. I really know nothing about it, but need to learn. I can find lots of books on visual studio, but somehow I need to know how to interface it with ACAD at the same time!
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Dec 13, 2012
I know I must just be missing this somewhere, but I would like to shut off the geometry inside a family that's associated with a specific parameter. This is while I'm editing the family.
Specifically, the family I'm creating is for an appliance that has the option of an arched, or rectangular opening. Once I associate the geometry for the arched opening with a parameter, I'd like to shut that off, so that I can create the rectangular opening. Similar to how the family behaves once it's brought into a project.
Right now, I'm just kind of using the temporary hide functionality to shut them off, but if I turn them on, then have to go back to make edits, I have to select the individual geometry all over again to hide it. I've also noticed that some geometry, even when hidden, can still be selected.
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Jun 20, 2011
One of our employees logs in remotely to a local PC running Revit via terminal services so that all work is done on the local network. The employee is acting through screenshots. All worked well using 2009 Revit or Architecture on XP machines. However, we added new faster Windows 7 machines with 2012 products. The PCs are all 64 bit with 16g RAM and a 22mb internet connection.
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May 5, 2013
My (previously wonderful) local adjustment brush has apparently quit working. Whenever I attempt to make local adjustments - using either the standard presets or custom settings - all the adjustments made are applied to the entire image, not just locally. Density and flow are set to my typical values and Show Selected Mask Overlay shows the extent of the applied effect, but whatever adjustment I make is applied generally, over the entire photo, rather than to the selected adjustment area.
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Oct 1, 2013
Is there any way to share DWG file in local network and work in it in same time.
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Jan 15, 2013
what is this file that keeps showing up in my folders with my dwg files?
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Nov 29, 2012
I have a 32 page Inventor DWG file I am trying to convert to a DXF file. Unfortunately when I do a save copy as DXF,
I get 32 individual DXF files. I would like one file with 32 different pages just like it was made in Inventor or just like it is done in Autocad where you have one drawing with the tabs at the bottom. Is this possible to accomplish in Inventor?
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Feb 28, 2013
having some nice flyers printed at Office Depot. They do not accept CDR files (practically nobody does),
so which format would be best? they take pdf, illustrator etc. the flyer is text plus high quality pictures of art.
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Mar 24, 2012
For the last few years I had my content center libraries running as part of the vault server. I have not made any customizations.
I want to try to have the content center libraries on my local machine to see if that speeds things up.
Is that possible while still using the vault server for our regular data?
Do I need to make any changes to my project file?
IV210 Professional Suite
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May 8, 2012
What is the surface size threshold above which civil 3d 2012 will create an mms file, and how can I change that threshold to force it to keep the surface data in the dwg file if that's what I want?
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Apr 30, 2011
Is there a way to set the default template for new file creation? I made a template file but it keeps defaulting to another location for templates. As a matter of fact, I would love for it to not even ask me what template file I want to use, I just want it to use the one I made.
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Oct 20, 2011
How can I automate the process of creating Layer and attaching a file to each layer for n number of times where n is the number of my files that I want to attach in the different layers.
I need to do layer creation and attaching files to each layer more than thousand times for a particular type of file, hence want to automate the work flow.
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Apr 16, 2013
I'm finding that Lightroom changes the file creation date when embedding metadata. I notice that this behaviour differs from Bridge, which manages to write metadata changes to the file without affecting the creation date, only touching the modified date.
I've read in other threads that it doesn't matter anyway because moving files between disks will write a new file and therefore a new creation date, but while this may be true in some systems (I don’t know) this is certainly not the case with Mac OS. For example, I have files going back to at least 1998 which have been moved from disk to disk to disk yet still retain their original creation date. Which is as it should be. For many of my older images there seems to be no recognisable embedded capture date anyway, so the file creation date is the only time stamp.
It seems perfectly logical that the modified date of a file should be updated to reflect that the file has been modified (e.g. though adding metadata), but it seems equally logical that the file creation date should be retained as the original date that file was created. Changing them both to the same date seems to be a needless loss of information.
Some might argue that the process of adding metadata to a file creates a new file, therefore the creation date needs to be updated to reflect that. But I would say that the creation date should be what a normal user would understand as the creation date. We don't expect the creation date to be changed simply because a file is rewritten to disk (for instance when defragging), however technically accurate it might be to say that it is a newly created file. And the difference in behaviour between Bridge and Lightroom shows that there is some confusion about this.
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Aug 4, 2012
I currently use X4, but have X5 ready to install. I shoot with a Canon M41 in the lower quality selection of HD. The file is AVCHD with about 16 mbps. The best HD is 24 mbps. I use the lower because with the software included with the camera, creating an AVCHD disk is limited to the lower standard and shooting in the higher standard required considerable time to down render the files to create the AVCHD disk. Camera Manual indicates 60i or 30p. Confused on this issue. When I create a movie in X4, I selected Blu-ray 1920P. This seems to introduce some slight artifacts like moving, fine horizontal lines and some strange flick of some objects like flower fields. Converting to an AVCHD disk takes several hours for a 25 minute movie consisting of 3 shorter movies. Also, the artifact effect is increased. I just did a trial of creating the movies in "same file type as first clip". The resulting file is about 15% smaller. Also, rendering an AVCHD disk is quicker and no artifacts. Am I on the right track? The software included with camera created excellent quality videos but was camera specific and very limited in adjustments, etc. Corel could provide more info about the confusing file types.
Also, X4 will crash with "unknown error caused program to stop". I save frequently to return to where I was editing. Doesn't seem to be a consistent answer on this issue. I hope X5 is more stable.
Vista Home Premium
4 Gig Ram
AMD Phenom 9500, quad core
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Jul 22, 2013
I am trying to set up 400+ layers for a project I am currently woirking on and the wayI have been told to do this is through a script file.
I have created this but whenever I run it, the description will not show in Autocad 2013 - an extract from the scr file is below and I would love to find a solution or a fix to any error?
N W-51CD-SEZE------------ C red W-51CD-SEZE------------ LT continuous W-51CD-SEZE------------ D DRAINAGE - EXISTING GRAVITY PIPE (PLAN/PROFILE/MODEL)
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Jun 21, 2013
I have begun the creation of a new custom content center library because the old one was or became corrupted during our migration from from Inventor 2011 to 2013. The old custom library was un-recoverable. The creation of a custom content center library, adding components to the the custom library and working with the file tables adding columns for part description etc.. is rather easy. Refreshing legacy content center files has been rather difficult. In some cases I needed to delete the legacy files and them re-insert them manually. This process is rather time consuming. What I would like to do is to create all the files in the family table after I have made the changes to the family talble.
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