AutoCad :: Automation In Process Of DWG File Creation
Oct 20, 2011
How can I automate the process of creating Layer and attaching a file to each layer for n number of times where n is the number of my files that I want to attach in the different layers.
I need to do layer creation and attaching files to each layer more than thousand times for a particular type of file, hence want to automate the work flow.
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Aug 5, 2008
completely remove the white background. Because this will be a batch process that includes others lighter hats, I can only use a maximum of 10 as a tolerance. When placed on a black background, it reflects some white fringe.
I'm starting with the Magic Eraser (10 tolerance), then doing Layer/Matting/Defringe, and no matter what tolerance I apply there (up to 20), some white pixels remain around the edge. Very frustrating to find a happy medium process in order to batch various colors to an acceptable quality.
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Oct 18, 2013
Background info:
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?
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Sep 10, 2013
We are facing strange issue with all different versions of AutoCAD (2007, 2011, 2013). While users are working on the file, all of a sudden the contents (work done) are lost and it becomes all blank. The file size is same but when we open the file all the work done is not displayed, but just a blank screen.
It happens occasionally and there is some Automation Error in the command line below. The software is not hanging but the open file is in hang state and we have to close it. While closing whether we select yes/no the content (work done) is all lost. The temp location where the files are saved in one of the computer is become huge around 40GB will many Autocad autosave and temporary files; if it has anything to do with it !
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Oct 24, 2013
To make things easier to understand, I'll explain what I do: our sports' photography department makes photos of several sports teams, we print the photos, we put them in a basic two-sheeted album, and then send the photos to the team. As we print all the photos together, they are on a big pile and it's very difficult to sort them with the correct team name. So we take the printed photo, and compare it to all the team photos on the computer, which have the team name in the file name. So this is a very inefficient and slow process.
I was thinking of printing the photos as thumbnails on a sheet, and THEN compare them to the printed sports' photos. It's a lot easier to have a piece of paper with e.g. 10 photos to compare to than browse them on a computer.
So, again, I hope there's a way to let Photoshop put 10 thumbnails on a single sheet, and put the file name below it. All automatically (with an action?) of course.
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Aug 12, 2003
does anyone know if it's possible to export a desired (fixed) file size with a batch automation in Photoshop? For example:
I have 50 images (*.jpg) that have different file sizes (25k, 15k, 45k etc) now I would like to export a fixed file size to 10k for all images...
I have tried this in Photoshop and in Fireworks, but the Programs exported 10K or less and sometimes even greater than 10k
I would really be happy if someone knows a way to do this or if there are any stand-alone programs that can automate and export targeted file sizes.
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Jan 15, 2013
what is this file that keeps showing up in my folders with my dwg files?
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Nov 29, 2012
I have a 32 page Inventor DWG file I am trying to convert to a DXF file. Unfortunately when I do a save copy as DXF,
I get 32 individual DXF files. I would like one file with 32 different pages just like it was made in Inventor or just like it is done in Autocad where you have one drawing with the tabs at the bottom. Is this possible to accomplish in Inventor?
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May 8, 2012
What is the surface size threshold above which civil 3d 2012 will create an mms file, and how can I change that threshold to force it to keep the surface data in the dwg file if that's what I want?
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Apr 30, 2011
Is there a way to set the default template for new file creation? I made a template file but it keeps defaulting to another location for templates. As a matter of fact, I would love for it to not even ask me what template file I want to use, I just want it to use the one I made.
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Jul 22, 2013
I am trying to set up 400+ layers for a project I am currently woirking on and the wayI have been told to do this is through a script file.
I have created this but whenever I run it, the description will not show in Autocad 2013 - an extract from the scr file is below and I would love to find a solution or a fix to any error?
N W-51CD-SEZE------------ C red W-51CD-SEZE------------ LT continuous W-51CD-SEZE------------ D DRAINAGE - EXISTING GRAVITY PIPE (PLAN/PROFILE/MODEL)
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Jun 21, 2013
I have begun the creation of a new custom content center library because the old one was or became corrupted during our migration from from Inventor 2011 to 2013. The old custom library was un-recoverable. The creation of a custom content center library, adding components to the the custom library and working with the file tables adding columns for part description etc.. is rather easy. Refreshing legacy content center files has been rather difficult. In some cases I needed to delete the legacy files and them re-insert them manually. This process is rather time consuming. What I would like to do is to create all the files in the family table after I have made the changes to the family talble.
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Sep 24, 2013
I am trying to create a lisp file to automate the placing of angular dimensions at all of the vertex's along a very long polyline. There are 500-600 nodes at least and we need the angle between the incoming and outgoing lines at every node.
Is there a way to automate this with a lisp file, or am i relegated to clicking 1800 times and waste 3-4 hours doing this?
We get these files quite often and this will be a huge benefit to us.
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Jun 18, 2012
how I can go about automatic creation of figures and existing alignment (i.e. Centerline and edges) using csv/txt file data format. Currently I have to snap each line to create Centerline, edge, figures etc. a headache of work! I am using Autocad civil 3D 2012.
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Mar 4, 2013
How can in retain my original jpg file sizes when processing multiple file in 11 using expert mode.
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Sep 6, 2011
I am having issues with my computer completely freezing while performing a File, Open process. I'm in drawing 1, I save it, then go to open drawing 2. Drawing 1 will save, the open file window pops up. With me so far? While navigating through the file directory tree, my computer freezes. I do not chose a file that freezes during opening. It is during the process of getting to the folder drawing 2 resides in, and then it freezes. This happens to me multiple times a day. Ctrl +Alt+Delete will not work. I have tried letting my computer sit, as you would with a program not responding, and it doesn't unfreeze. The only option I am left with is a hard reboot. The only other program I have running is my MS Outlook.
I have been back and forth with our IT person, and because he can't replicate the problem (after trying one file open), he can't figure it out, or doesn't want to.
I am running AutoCad 2012 with a Dell Precision T3500, 2.13ghz, intell xenon E5506 processor, and 4gb of RAM. After looking at the system requirements, and reading that 2012 needs a 3.0 or higher processor, could this be the route of my issue?
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Jan 19, 2012
I still have users using the old workflow (pre-2010) of creating local files by copying and pasting the central file from the server to their C drive and renaming the local copy. Is this workflow still supported in Revit 2012?
I have been suggesting to users to use the worksharing options in the open project browser, but sometimes for some people habits are hard to break, do I need to be concerned?
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Apr 16, 2013
I'm finding that Lightroom changes the file creation date when embedding metadata. I notice that this behaviour differs from Bridge, which manages to write metadata changes to the file without affecting the creation date, only touching the modified date.
I've read in other threads that it doesn't matter anyway because moving files between disks will write a new file and therefore a new creation date, but while this may be true in some systems (I don’t know) this is certainly not the case with Mac OS. For example, I have files going back to at least 1998 which have been moved from disk to disk to disk yet still retain their original creation date. Which is as it should be. For many of my older images there seems to be no recognisable embedded capture date anyway, so the file creation date is the only time stamp.
It seems perfectly logical that the modified date of a file should be updated to reflect that the file has been modified (e.g. though adding metadata), but it seems equally logical that the file creation date should be retained as the original date that file was created. Changing them both to the same date seems to be a needless loss of information.
Some might argue that the process of adding metadata to a file creates a new file, therefore the creation date needs to be updated to reflect that. But I would say that the creation date should be what a normal user would understand as the creation date. We don't expect the creation date to be changed simply because a file is rewritten to disk (for instance when defragging), however technically accurate it might be to say that it is a newly created file. And the difference in behaviour between Bridge and Lightroom shows that there is some confusion about this.
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Nov 26, 2012
I would like to use Drag2PDF to create my PDF, and I want to automate the printing process. I want to print all sheets as a one PDF file. I have created a simple C# code, which prints to PDF, but I have one problem... When I submit the print a dialogue will appear (from the Drag2PDF) which asks for the file to be saved (location and name) How can I automate this?
I may not use pdfAddIn.SaveCopyAs, it makes my PDF not good.
public void PrintDrawingToPDF() {
Inventor.DrawingPrintManager oPrintMgr = (Inventor.DrawingPrintManager)InventorOpen._invApp.ActiveDocument.PrintManager;
oPrintMgr.Printer = "Drag2PDF";
oPrintMgr.PaperSize = PaperSizeEnum.kPaperSizeA3;
oPrintMgr.PrintRange = PrintRangeEnum.kPrintAllSheets;
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Aug 15, 2012
I have a batch program which I want to launch from a LISP program.
First this is an attempt at an automated process whereby user input is extremely restricted. Other than the first click of the mouse on the menu item to save a copy of the file to a very restricted folder, no other user input is allowed.
AutoCAD, like most commercial apps writes a temporary file and then renames it when you choose save or saveas. And due to the restrictions in this folder that will not work. Crazy, I know but it's the parameters I must work within.
The batch file I'm launching calls another batch program in it's execution and I'm wondering if that could be where control is lost. But the thing is I can type this at the command line in AutoCAD:
(startapp "//a_very_long/novell_server_path/my_folder/vlisp/mybatchfile.bat")
The whole process works great. The command window flashes briefly AutoCAD closes the active drawing window just like I want it to. And when I check that the dwg file has been copied to the restricted folder it's there and done. But when I place that same command within my LISP program or one like this:
(command "._STARTAPP" "CMD //a_very_long/novell_server_path/my_folder/vlisp/mybatchfile.bat")or(command "._STARTAPP" "CMD ""//a_very_long/novell_server_path/my_folder/vlisp/mybatchfile.bat"")
or just about anything else I try it fails to run. Perhaps I've been looking at this problem too long. I think I may move on to a VB.NET process to do this but I am really baffled why it will run from the command line but not within the program.
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Aug 4, 2012
I currently use X4, but have X5 ready to install. I shoot with a Canon M41 in the lower quality selection of HD. The file is AVCHD with about 16 mbps. The best HD is 24 mbps. I use the lower because with the software included with the camera, creating an AVCHD disk is limited to the lower standard and shooting in the higher standard required considerable time to down render the files to create the AVCHD disk. Camera Manual indicates 60i or 30p. Confused on this issue. When I create a movie in X4, I selected Blu-ray 1920P. This seems to introduce some slight artifacts like moving, fine horizontal lines and some strange flick of some objects like flower fields. Converting to an AVCHD disk takes several hours for a 25 minute movie consisting of 3 shorter movies. Also, the artifact effect is increased. I just did a trial of creating the movies in "same file type as first clip". The resulting file is about 15% smaller. Also, rendering an AVCHD disk is quicker and no artifacts. Am I on the right track? The software included with camera created excellent quality videos but was camera specific and very limited in adjustments, etc. Corel could provide more info about the confusing file types.
Also, X4 will crash with "unknown error caused program to stop". I save frequently to return to where I was editing. Doesn't seem to be a consistent answer on this issue. I hope X5 is more stable.
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Jan 26, 2014
A client has asked for an advert to be reset for magazine publication. For various reasons I am preparing it in Illustrator CC (mainly that I am more comfortable with Illustrator and it contains some reasonably complex effects and blending options). Anyway the time has come to send it to the printers and I have that heavy feeling that all is not well! The Publisher is asking for a PDF
There are two gradients within the artwork, the entire background is a photograph blending into a Black gradient (the body text sits in white over the black). To get the right effect the black gradient overlay has blending option - Multiply on it and being concerned it may not print propery or have transparency issues I chickened out and justt created one whole background image in PS (photo, gradient and all) and just imported it as a single jpeg back into Illustrator (ensuring I was working in CMYK).
But there is also an outer glow and drop shadow on some white text that sits over the Photograph. Do I need to flatten the image manually before creating the PDF? Or does the creation of the PDF do this for you? When I manually do this it displays correctly providing I tick Preserve Alpha transparency.
I work in Illustrator CC, the publisher has asked for Pass4Press Ver 9, but this preset is for Illustrator CS3. Are there no updates? and indeed does it really matter?
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Jul 2, 2012
All of a sudden I notice that when I open a file in Autocad Architecture, it shows the file creation date and not the actual last save date. Only thing I can think of is I reinstalled 3dsmax Design and I wonder if that changed something. I attached a screenshot for reference.
Building Suite Premium
Win 7, ultimate
i7 1.86ghz, 4meg ram
ATI 5730
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Oct 4, 2012
How the PMS color palettes "simulate" on screen how the color will print on different substrates (glossy vs matte vs uncoated paper). That's great for comps, but if you convert it to CMYK to print it, and the values are representing a "simulated" color it won't look correct (by that I mean come close to matching the spot color). For example, the uncoated palette simulates the color by making them appear a bit washed out on screen - pretty good visual simulation. But it might do so by adding black and cyan to orange for example, etc. - effectively dulling the original color.
So if I convert that to CMYK within the new Pantone + color palette, and then send it to the printer - it won't appear as it did on screen, it will dull the end color even more because it's converted the color to the dull simulated version - what a disaster! It's only doing half the job - showing us what it should look like on screen. In order to be truly efficient for design professionals the CMYK conversion might remove black and cyan completely to effectively brighten the color in the final output on uncoated paper. I would prefer it just stick to the standard conversion, which Pantone did have as a standard palette option (PMS to process), and then I can adjust if I think it's necessary.
Any corporate branding system will likely start with a PMS spot color palette for the identity. Then it will build into many different adaptations - full color brochures, large format banners and trade show graphics, website, advertising. So any corporate branding system will need to have PMS, CMYK and RGB versions of their main corporate color palette. There was a standard for these translations that was automatically consistent in the Adobe software and that is now all over the place, so it relies on individuals manually adapting the color mixes for final use - what a great way to screw things up.
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May 15, 2013
trying to save a psd file in an esp format, but the only options being given to save the file are: psb, exr, raw, tif, and two others.
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Apr 19, 2012
I am using LR4. I did process a RAW file in the Develop module (i.e. correcting noise) but when I go back to the Library module and selecting this specific image, the corrections do not seem to be applied.
Strange enough, this behaviour seems to be specific to the image (others images do show up in Library with corrections applied in the develop module).
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Nov 16, 2012
One part Two different part numbers Three drawings for one part, in three different sheet formats, 1st and 3rd having the same drawing number (=part number)Up to seven different materials. I need:
To automatically generate the three drawings (in idw or even PDF) after part creation and the content of the drawing is fully dimensioned and annotated for all available types of materials.
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Jun 22, 2011
Corel X4 and all other versions before, Autocad & 3DS Max, create nifty graphic in Corel, export as image (jpeg 90% of time), Hit render in Acad & 3ds, tweek graphic in Corel - export again, hit render again, over and over and over until result is satifactory.
Corel X5, same process UNTIL I render once in Acad or 3ds, then try to export same jpeg from Corel then bam, "Cannot access file because it is being used by another process", this has to be a joke, right ? I have to shut down Acad AND OR 3ds then export out of Corel, then launch and reopen Acad & or 3ds file.
This is what I do at work all day long, I currently have reinstalled Corel X4 just so I can continue to work.The exported file is not being edited or used at the time I export form Corel, Coreldraw THINKS it is being used. The file is only being used during the time it takes to be rendered, I have been doing this for years and have never got a file locked message before.
Things I have tried to remedy this.
1. Look at the security properties of the actual exported image file, everything is set to full control for everyone & I dont see anything about file locking.
2. Scanned the "options" & "customization" section in Coreldraw, I cannot see anything that would control a setting like this.
3. Unchecked all options in jpeg export dialogue except anti-alias, I knew this had nothing to do with it but you leave nothing left to chance.
I cannot think of any program that a typical user may have on their Windows machine to test this out, I know when you open an image in an editor like MS Paint, you of course cannot overwrite the image file from another program, that is what Coreldraw X5 believes is the situation, but it is not.
export a jpeg from Corel X5, click on the jpeg and it will open in Windows Photo Viewer, keep it open in the viewer then change the graphic in Corel, export it again to the same file name, it will ask if you want to overwrite it, say yes, it WILL NOT say that the file is in use, export it, then close the Windows viewer, open the same file in the viewer, it has not changed from the original export, THAT is crazy beyond words, I have never seen a process on a computer being completed with no error message while the process was never actually done, that goes beyond the current intelligence of computers, and I believe this is the crux of the problem.
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Aug 9, 2009
I did a search for this, but couldn't find anything. If there is something, please feel free to send me in that direction. I use Photoshop a lot for my 3D work. Usually, when I render an image sequence out, I have the mask saved in the alpha channel. Unfortunately, ZBrush doesn't allow me to do that, and instead saves the mask out as a separate image. I need to add the alpha mask to the color plate file. Is there any way to do this with batch processing?
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Mar 26, 2013
I work in prepress. I have an Illustrator CS6 file that is made up of 3 Pantone Spot colors. I save the file as an eps from Illustrator and rip the file with our prepress software. When previewing the ripped file with our prepress software it shows me that I have process colors (CMYK) somewhere in the file. I can not see these colors visually in the ripped file so I go back to Illustrator to see if I can edit them out of the file. I use the Preview Separations tool but can't find those process colors anywhere. There are no placed images, everything is vector art. I double check any white color and make sure it doesn't have any tiny percentage of process color in it. I make sure my spot colors are indeed spot colors and not process colors. I add used colors, I delete unused colors. I can't find the CMYK being used anywhere in my Illustrator file. How to clean up these "hidden" colors? This was also a problem in CS3. I'm using an iMac 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X, Version 10.7.5
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Sep 20, 2011
I have been building a 3D DWG library of robots and other automation objects. What do I need to be doing to save the objects so that when one object is inserted into a new drawing with other objects to build a automation cell the objects are actually where I think I am placing them rather than off in space at the edge of reality?
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