AutoCad 2D :: Any Way To Share DWG File In Local Network

Oct 1, 2013

Is there any way to share DWG file in local network and work in it in same time.

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AutoCAD LT :: Direct DWL And DWL2 Files To Local Computer When On Network Share

Mar 16, 2012

We have a bunch of cad files that are loaded onto a sharepoint. Some these users who have read access only are having difficulties opening the files in autocad LT 2012 because .dwl and .dwl2 files trying to be created on the sharepoint site. Is there a way to redirect these files to their locally to their computer? I would like to avoid giving the users write permissions to the site.

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Photoshop :: PSD Files Disappear When Saved To Network File Share

Apr 10, 2013

It has been reported and reproduced by Support, an issue whereby Photoshop .PSD files disappear when they’re saved to a network file share. Upon initial investigations Support have observed the following behaviour when saving a Photoshop file.
The document is initially saved as a new file on the file share.The original  .PSD file is deleted on the file share.The newly created file is renamed to the same name as the original file.  

An issue often arises when steps 1 and 2 complete however step 3 fails. When a file is reported by users as having disappeared, the new file created in step 1 can be renamed from  .00_ to the original *.PSD file name on the server as the *.00_ files are normally hidden by the desktop operating system. This allows people to see and open the file from both PC’s and MAC’s using AFP and SMB protocols.
A related issue often reported by users is that they receive an error message “Could not save as” when trying to save a .PSD file. Troubleshooting the issue confirms that the user is able to save the file if they perform a “Save As” operation in Photoshop.
From the reported problems and observations there is clearly an issue with how Photoshop performs a file save operation further exacerbated by the fact the process doesn’t fail safely.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Share Across A Network

Sep 23, 2011

I've created some tool palettes I want to share across a network. After loading the tool palettes at a work station, I have to manually update the images for the blocks. Is there a way to have this done automatically?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Config XML INI Share On Network Drive?

May 19, 2012

I want to have an application settings file stored centrally on a network drive. In the past I have used INI files, and for a Windows app would now use an app.exe.config XML file. My question is: what is the preferred technique for storing shared settings centrally for an AutoCAD .dll plug-in? It seems even for a full Windows app that the app.exe.config file can't be located on a network drive, but I could be mistaken. In any case that doesn't appear an option for a .dll plug-in. Everyone comments that INI files "are so 90s", but I can't see an alternative.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Network Share Browsing Slowness - 2012

Jun 30, 2012

I am a technology consultant with a client using Civil 3D 2012.

They moved from 2008 to 2012, and we've noticed something a bit odd:  browsing network shares from within Autocad's file explorer is significantly slower than doing the same in Windows Explorer.  By "slower", I mean going from directory to directory shows noticeable lag before the directory contents are displayed, whereas in Windows Explorer there isn't any.  They don't recall having this issue with 2008.

All workstations are Windows 7, and the "server" where the shares live is running XP Pro (very small firm with 2-3 people hitting the "server" at any given time - 3 is rare).  I've updated Civil 3d with the latest service pack (2) as of this writing hoping it might resolve the issue, but it doesn't seem to.

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AutoCad 2D :: Share Tool Palettes With Office Members Across A Network?

Apr 11, 2011

How to share tool palettes with office members across a network. There seems to be a fair amount written about this but none of it seems to be working for me. Any method of doing this that works and if so do the palettes update automatically for everyone else if I export an update?

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Copy Network / Server Profile Into Local Drive

Jan 20, 2012

I am using Autocad 2008. I lost all my icons when opened a drawing after disconnected my workstation off my domain network and trying to use it locally in my local drive.

in order words, How can I copy my network/server profile into my local drive so that I can run Autocad from my local drive ?(My Autocad Software is loaded in my local drive).

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Fatal Error Opening Drawing From Network Share

Dec 12, 2013


Files stored using SAMBA shares NetgearReady NAS

Two sites connected via WAN

Users using Windows 7 -64bit with Architecture 2014

Mapped drives are used for both site to access NAS, but use different drive letters.

 At one point working the projects, users starting getting fatal errors opening from the share. All attempts to get past this failed and I thought the drawing or base files were corrrupt. However, when the files are moved locally to workstation and opened without issue. The users in one office are now working off this files using UNC \serverproject...

The interesting thing, is that users in the other office have no issues dealing with these drawings using on the NAS. The only difference is the WAN and drive mapping letter. This is how they have always worked and never had this issue. The only other thing I will add is they upgraded from 2010 two months ago, but no problems with any other projects.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Hangs Saving Files To Local HD - Multiple Server Share Points Mounted

Jun 12, 2013

Mac OS 10.6
Illustrator CS6
Illustrator CS6 hangs (spinning beach ball) when saving files to the computer's local HD while having multiple server share points mounted.
I am NOT opening or saving the file to or from a server. The server is mounted so that I can move my saved file to it once complete.
Unmounting the servers fixes the problem and Illustrator CS6 returns to being normal (not causing a spinning beach ball).
This is repeatable, not intermittent.

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Lightroom :: Share Program On A Network

Mar 4, 2007

Is it possible to share Lightroom with one other individual on a network? We need to have one database with images we can share and maintain together.

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Lightroom :: 5.3 - Cannot Import From Network Share

Feb 9, 2014

I'm using Lightroom 5.3 on Mac OS X Mavericks.
My photos are located on a Mac Mini via a file share on my home wired network.
I can open and access (read/write) all the images with Finder.
However, if I try to import the photos into LightRoom, it says "The files appear to be unsupported or damaged."
If I copy the files to my local computer, they import fine! But I need to keep my files on the network share; my laptop doesn't have enough space for everything.

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Illustrator :: Opening Files From Network Share?

Sep 6, 2012

We have a new windows 7 PC x64 with Illustrator CS6, when we open a file from our server share, it only utilises 25% of the available network bandwidth to open the file. 
On an older XP 32 bit machine it utilises the full bandwidth ie 100% so the file opens up to 6 times faster. 
When I copy the file from the network to either machine  machine it copies fine and uses 99% of the network speed. 
What can I do to my new machine to speed the transfer of data in illustrator?

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Lightroom :: Merge Multiple Instances Of Same Network Share?

Nov 21, 2013

In my (large) Lightroom 5.2 (Windows) library I have three instances of, essentially, the same network share (a Drobo NAS) which appear separately in the library.
One appears as Share (\nas) L:, one as \nasShare and one as \nasshare. The contents of the share are spread randomly across the three - so one might contain the folders seriesevent1, seriesevent4 and seriesevent5 and another seriesevent2, seriesevent3 and seriesevent6.
Is there an easy way to convince Lightroom that they're all the same physical location and merge them in the library? No amount of dragging, dropping, importing or synchronization seems to have had any effect so far!

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Network Share Thumbnail In Scrapbook?

Jun 16, 2011

in Corel Draw X4, we can use the scrapbook docker to see thumbnail of locals files, but when this files are on a network share or if this network share is mapped to local drive, thumbnails does not show up. But when I use File/Open to this network share or mapped drive, thumbnails are ok.

I also heard that in X5 scrapbook is depreciated, is there an alternative?

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Lightroom :: Cache Large RAW Files Imported From Network Drive On Local Drive?

Jul 5, 2012

I'm copying RAW files from a shoot onto my network RAID drive in a per-album folder, from where I then import into a new LR catalog (I'm using LR 4.1) on my Windows laptop for that album.
I'm finding that editing RAW files on a network drive from a wireless laptop is awfully slow (not to mention not being able to continue the work offline somewhere else), so I'd like to cache those files on my speedy SSD drive just until I'm done editing and exporting/publishing that album.
I back up my per-album catalog onto the network folder alongside the RAW files since that's my IT-managed master repository. When I'm done editing, I'd purge the cached files and just keep the catalog previews on my limited capacity SSD.
So, is there a way to tell LR to, for one/all files imported from a location (in my case a network folder), look in an alternate location for the identical files? Since I create per-album catalogs in per-album folders, there wouldn't be filename clashing. Either LR can provide this caching behavior on its own or I'd manually copy files from the network folder to a local folder and tell LR to look there first.
I don't really want to make copies of files into secondary folders within LR since then it's a hassle to merge edits on the cached copy to its master copy (I haven't done this, but I'd imagine so).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Plot To A File Share

Oct 3, 2012

R2012 win7

Can you plot to file using a "file share" location? i.e. \\bcnymfilp01\Parts_Labels\88881"

(vl-cmdf ".plot" "Y" "" "\\bcnymprtp01\Proto Label Printer" "Legal" "I" "Landscape" "N" "E" "Fit" "C" "Y" "monochrome.ctb" "Y" "A" "Y" "N" "Y" "\\bcnymfilp01\Parts_Labels\88881" "Y" "Y")

Everything seems to run but when it comes to the plotting, AutoCAD crashes.

Findfile works fine:

Command: (findfile "\\bcnymfilp01\Parts_Labels\50981.plt")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project File Changes Related To Switch Local CC Libraries

Mar 24, 2012

For the last few years I had my content center libraries running as part of the vault server. I have not made any customizations.

I want to try to have the content center libraries on my local machine to see if that speeds things up.

Is that possible while still using the vault server for our regular data?

Do I need to make any changes to my project file?

IV210 Professional Suite

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Lightroom :: 4.4 - Local Adjustment Brush Not Local Anymore

May 5, 2013

My (previously wonderful) local adjustment brush has apparently quit working.  Whenever I attempt to make local adjustments - using either the standard presets or custom settings - all the adjustments made are applied to the entire image, not just locally.  Density and flow are set to my typical values and Show Selected Mask Overlay shows the extent of the applied effect, but whatever adjustment I make is applied generally, over the entire photo, rather than to the selected adjustment area. 

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VideoStudio :: Can't Save Video File Under Share

Jun 30, 2013

Video Studio Pro X5: I've saved a project with several clips and then tried to "Share" the video using Create Video File. After I get to the Save screen and click Save with a filename, nothing happens - it does not start rendering and no file is saved. But then I saved a short clip from the same file as a separate Project File, and I was able to create a video file or the short clip.

What would cause Share not to be able to create a Video File from a Project File?

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Revit :: Unable To Share Shared Parameter Txt File?

Feb 4, 2013

I have been making and sharing shared parameter files for years... For some reason today a co-worker's shared parameter file is invalid or could not be read...
We have run a couple of tests - I can create one on my computer and send to her without any issues... Any that she creates and sends to me - is invalid... WHY?

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Revit :: Unable To Create Local File

Mar 24, 2013

I'm trying to create a new local file but the option is greyed out (not available). We're using Revit Server 2013 and we have one Central Server and two Accelerators in different locations. This issue is affecting only one of the two locations.

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Revit :: Central / Local File Synchronizing?

Jun 28, 2011

My Architecture office is using Mac Pro's with OSX and Parallels to run Windows 7 and Revit 2011.  We are having issues with getting everyone to be able to work synchronize to the Central File.  If one workstation (workstation 1) intially creates the Central File, puts it on the server then creates a local from the Central File they have no issue when synchronizing to Central.  However if another workstation (workstation 2) creates their own Local File it does not synchronize to central, it tries and an error of "File Failed to Save" pops up everytime.  
The Central File location is the same on both workstations (ex.  \psfFirmProjectsActive ProjectsProject# and nameConstruction DocumentsDrawingsCentral File Name}.
We have also turned off all antivirus and firewalls to elimnate that as an access issue.
how we may be able to get everyone working with Local Files, and Synchronizing to Central?

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Revit :: 2012 Local File Creation?

Jan 19, 2012

I still have users using the old workflow (pre-2010) of creating local files by copying and pasting the central file from the server to their C drive and renaming the local copy.  Is this workflow still supported in Revit 2012?
I have been suggesting to users to use the worksharing options in the open project browser, but sometimes for some people habits are hard to break, do I need to be concerned? 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Default Pipe Network Layer (Not The Structures Or Pipes The Network)

Dec 7, 2012

I am using Civil 3D 2013. I work in an office where we have a few different flavors of Autocad (LT, MEP, regular vanilla AutoCAD etc...) and versions (2010 LT, 2011, 2012, 2013).

For the most part there isn't much inter-office drawing coordinate that has to happen, but there is the occasional project where multiple disciplines (Structural, Mechanical and Civil Site) have to share drawings.

The specific problem I am having is when I share my 2013 Civil 3D drawing with a user using 2011 MEP. He gets the typical rectangle for the proxy objects (in my case, my pipe networks for sanitary and storm drain). We've tried downloading and installing various object enablers, but there doesn't seem to be one for a 2013 to 2011 scenario. So I setup my parts to be on layers that he can just turn off. HOWEVER... the actual pipe network (not the structures, parts, labels etc... the network itself) ends up on layer 0. For this specific project, I do the old (ssget "x" '((8 . "0")) search to select all objects on layer 0, add those objects to a selection set (pselect), then in my modify objects dialog I filter for pipe networks, then change the layer to something other then 0.

While this is a workaround that works for me, what I really want to know is if there is a way that I can change the default layer that the network (again, not pipes, structures or text, the actual network) so I don't have to use the workaround. Any thoughts?

P.S. It's killing me that I had to create a new Autodesk login and now all my AutoCAD "street cred" is lost

"The source of expertise is not in the memorization of the minute details of a subject but in the thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts on which it is based."

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Photoshop Elements :: Fileserver Usage - Share Same Database File

Nov 30, 2012

Is it possible to have two machines, both running Photoshop Elements 11, share the same database file?The scenario I'm imagining is one where the images will be stored on a $fileserver and thereby accessible by either of my image-editing machines:
1. Dell Desktop PC (Win 7 Pro)
2. Apple MacBook Pro Laptop (OS X 10.7.5)
I want to be able to edit images from either machine, but I don't want to create two databases related to the images. I need both machines to use the same database of tags, etc. (Not simultaneously, obviously.)The file server will be one of the following (I haven't determined which one yet):
1. a second drive on the desktop PC
2. a third machine (FreeBSD, FreeNAS, Mac Mini, or a Linux box)
3. a NAS device (perhaps from Synology)
So, is this possible with Photoshop Elements? Does this bump me into some sort of server license scenario with Adobe? Is there a better way to do this at the home/consumer level, even if it means abandoning Elements for another product (or two products, working in conjunction) from Adobe? (I should mention that although it's a home scenario, we're talking about half a terabyte of images and growing.)

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: File In Network Deployment For 2012

Jun 11, 2013

I'm having trouble installing a  Hotfix for C3D 2012. The error I'm getting is that it can't find the file Autodesk Support says this is because the path to my deployment is broken and I need to reinstall C3D. However it looks to me that the path is OK. I've checked the registry and did a Repair with no problem.

Civil 3D 2012 network deployment find that file there?

Civil 3D 2012 SP 2.1
Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Updating Pipe Network Via CSV File?

Jul 9, 2013

i have "as-built" data in csv format for my pipe network assembly.

i'm using C3d 2011, i dont see a way i can import or batch edit the pipe network data with the current csv data.

i can export the pipe network to an excel table through the panorama, i was hoping there was a way to edit that data and push it back into the dwg file.

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Revit :: Multiple Users - Create Local File Tab Is Grayed Out

Sep 12, 2013

We have just installed a new server at work. We have transfered all of our Revit files to the server and resaved them as central files. We cannot seem to create more than one local file per Revit file even though we have already set up the file as a worksharing file. The one that sets up the Revit file is the only one that can create the local file. For the other user the create local file tab is grayed out.

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Revit :: Opening Local File In Shared Work Environment

Aug 6, 2013

We are working in our office on a central model. the model is stored on a local server within the office premises. We are three people working on it. our problem is this when we open the central file on any of our computer "create New local" check box is inactive. but when one of us login as "Administrator" and then open central file in any of the remaining two computer the " Create New Local" is active.why this is happening and is there any way we can work with the file without loging in as Administrator.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Set Pipe Network Catalog File Location?

Jan 30, 2012

I know I can go into the AeccSetNetworkCatalog command and set the file path but I want to do it pragmatically.  Is there any way to do this?  If so I don't know where it is located? 

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